Documents: I do not own Twilight

Chapter 1: Memory is a Funny Thing

Nessie's POV

Memory is a funny thing sometimes. There are the memories we would give anything to retain in our minds for the rest of our lives. Then there are the memories, that no matter how hard we try, we simply cannot forget.

It's impossible to remember anything from when you were just a baby. Memories from your childhood often fade when you enter adulthood. Such is a normal part of aging.

I'm not normal. I don't know what I am but I know it's not with the realms of normal. I've aged faster than any normal person ever would. Was I five? Six? Or seven? To be honest I couldn't even answer that question. I just knew that I hadn't even reached double digits yet. But what I could tell you is that physically I'm well into my teenage years. Like seventeen or eighteen.

With my rapid aging comes the rapid loss of memories from my younger years. Just like a regular 17 year old might have a hard time recalling events from when they were seven years old I have a hard time recalling events from when I was physically seven years old and that was only a year and a half ago.

I heard a woman scream as I walked down the street. I looked up and saw the woman running away from me. I sighed. Why the hell couldn't I be normal? I guess a rapidly aging homeless teenage girl that robbed people at gun point could never be normal.

The smell of something delicious made my throat burn with an even stronger intensity than it already was. That's another thing on the list of odd things about me. My throats always felt like it was on fire. No amount of water could quench the thirst.

I was nothing but a freak. A criminal and a freak. I just wished that I could remember what made me this way. Well I knew how I turned into a criminal. When I first mysteriously up here I had some trouble with the local gang until the leader, Curtis, said he "saw potential in me despite being a kid and a female,"

He decided to leave me alone as I helped him and his guys out. Helping him usually meant selling drugs or stealing. He gave me a gun and taught me how to use it. I've never once killed anyway though. Maybe I'm to much of a coward but I don't think I have it in me to kill.

My entrance into my criminal lifestyle is one of the memories in my life I have never lost but would do anything to forget.

I felt a strong kick in my lower stomach area. Did I mention that I was pregnant? Let's just say mine and Curtis's relationship is not just strictly business. I'm several months pregnant.

I became aware of the darkening sky as the baby kicked one more time. I made my way to an abandoned alley behind a large mansion like house. Once I made myself as comfortable as possible I fell asleep.

I was startled into awareness when ice cold hands gently shook me awake. I found myself staring into strange yet oddly familiar golden eyes.

My right hand instantly flew behind my back where my gun was.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," the man said.

I didn't listen. Instead I pulled out the gun in defense.

"Seriously Nessie put the weapon down,"

I was scared. How did this man know me?!

"Wh-who are you?" I stuttered in fear.

The man's eyes looked sad all of a sudden. "You really don't remember do you?"

"All I know is that some random stranger woke me up in the middle of the night somehow knowing my name,"

"It's been years since we last saw you when you and Jacob had to leave for your safety but I know it's you. Renesmee I am your grandfather,"

With that I dropped the gun in shock.

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