Beacon's wolf

Hello, this is Agna Dominica, I'm an avid fanfiction reader since years, and I'm now taking the jump and trying to write on my own. I apologize for any errors as English is not my native language. I hope you will enjoy this as much as I did enjoy writing it. I let you with the fic in question.

In the distant village of Adola, located in the Forever Fall forest in Vale, I was not a cheerful as you would expect from a girl of my age. I was walking through the woods without purpose, basking in the calmness it brings me.

As a 14-year-old, people would think I would be in the village, playing with other children, but here I was, wandering alone, a sad expression on my visage still warmed by the lasts sun rays of summer. I was wearing simple clothes, a black jean and an oversized red hoodie. Lately, I caught some men gazing me intently, and their leer made me uneasy, hence my attire.

I was always a lonely, preferring the company of books than other kids. It did not help that my parents were only talking about how they would one day take their revenge against humans. They did not care about what I was doing most of the time now, so I stayed secluded, reading in the forest. My wolf's ears flattened against my head as I sighed while walking back to the village. I thought back to my life a few years ago.

It was simple, Joan my father was a logger, and Laura, my mother, weaver. I'm not sure my parents were ever truly content with me. Not that they abused me or anything, but I have never felt truly loved. Sure, there was an embrace from time to time, but it always seemed distant, as if they felt compelled to do it. Nothing like I read in the books, where the embrace of a mother would wash all the sorrow or just a hug from a father would make you feel safe from all the harm in the world. I think they had a child, not because they wanted but to answer the expectation of the others. Every day which passed seemed like the same to me; I would go with the other kids in the big house that served as a school during the day. After that, my parents would ask me how was my day and then, I would either go to the forest or my room for the rest of the day. It was not the best, but I had a roof and food every day, so I guess it was not the worst.

But as time flew, my parents distanced themselves from me, well, it went from having some interactions to none at all. They were only talking about their vengeance. Now that I was thinking about it, it first began when some other faunus that I never saw came back with the villagers who were in Vale, the only thing I remembered about them was their white mask attached to their pants and the hateful gleam in their eyes. I rememorate their speech, it was full of malicious intents and it scared me. It only went worse through the years, their meetings became more frequents, their number grow, and she saw more and more of the villagers with a white mask to their waist. The village had changed so much, some people who didn't agree with them were disappearing. I kept a low-profile so that I wouldn't get noticed, but as I was getting older, I knew I couldn't escape indefinitely. My mother was submitted to my father, and he was mad, there was no better way to describe it. He was not only participating in all meeting, but he often gave the speech himself. He proclaimed himself as the voice of the village and with the support of the white fang banished all who opposed them. As much as I wanted to flee, I was trapped in there, only those trusted by the white fang could leave the place.


My steps grew slower as I was approaching the village, I was eager to meet Tukson again, but I still wanted to be alone a little. Thinking about him made me smile as I recalled our first encounter…

It was a calm day at the village when he came with a cart full of books and her, hiding and tracking him shyly. Hiding behind a crate, she kept looking until their gaze meet, he remarked the little girl and approached slowly and crouch to not frighten her.

"Hey, what is your name young one?" he asked me still with the same smile

"I'm Ruby Rose"

My reply short, eyes on the ground, too self-conscious to look him in the eyes.

"And what is a young girl like you doing here alone?" He then gestured with his hand a group of children playing. "And why are you not playing with the others?"

"And why do you care?"

My gaze was still fleeing his, and while I was trying to keep my voice firm, I felt some tremor to it.

"You seemed sad and I wanted to help you I guess." His voice dropped to a whisper and he continued.

"Do you know about tales, stories of great men and women who saved the world, memoirs of princes and princesses who fell in love. Do you want me to tell you their stories?"


The answer flew before I could even think about it and I grew embarrassed about my outburst.

"I had a feeling you would be interested, come with me, I'll introduce you to your new friends," He said with a laugh.

After that, I followed him in his cart, and he settled down next to me. He looked me in the eyes and started

"Let me tell you a story; it starts with a simple sentence: Once upon a time…"


Following the meeting with Tukson, I sank into my little world, escaping a reality which was harder each day that passed. What used to be a peaceful settling was now looking like a military storage area. Where children played, now they trained, and the place where villagers discussed was now empty outside of the meetings. Fortunately, she was still young, and people didn't pay attention to her. Into her thoughts, she automatically steered towards Tukson. He was sitting at the edge of the village, still with his cart. He waved at me as I approached.

"Hello there little pixie. How are you feeling?"

He was trying to sound relaxed, but I immediately remarked something was wrong. He tensed, and his smile looked forced.

"Hello Tukson, I'm fine, but you know how I feel about this nickname," I replied, embarrassed. After a moment of hesitation, I added. "And... Are you doing alright?"

The anxiety must have been evident on my face causing him to sigh just before he answered.

"That much is obvious, right?" His visage closed, and I knew I would not like what he had to say. I tried to steel my emotions and let him continue.

"I… will not be able to come anymore in the village. I..."

"Why" I interrupted him in a surge of emotion.

"Listen, Ruby, I do not want this any more than you, but there are things you are too young to understand. You see what is happening here and yet the full implication escapes your grasp. I promise you that if I could, I would continue to come in the village but I had to make a choice. If I stayed here, I would be condemned to a life I do not want. I hope you will one day see my reasons."

His voice strained, and he put a hand on my shoulder as he looked directly into my eyes.

"I have a parting gift for you, but before that, I have a request. I want you to keep your spirit intact, I know the situation in the village will only worsen with each day, but do not let that affect you. Do not let them bend you to their will but retain your freedom secret. They can't know, or they will force you to see the world their ways."

As he was saying that, he removed his hand from my shoulder and took something from his cart, a leather notebook with a rose on its cover.

"You have lived long enough through other's story; it is now time to write your own."

He handed me the book, and I took him with some apprehension, knowing that our time grew short.

"I hope we will meet again, and until this happens, I wish you the best little one. I would love to talk more, but I have to go." He put me on the ground from his cart and gave me a last glance before adding. "Goodbye."

The cart moved away slowly and I soon only saw an uncertain silhouette in the distance before it disappeared completely.


To be honest, I did not know Tukson that much. Our only interactions had been around books and reading, but I could not say I knew him on a personal level. I only saw what he wanted me to see and while I could say his kindness toward was genuine I was unable to refute that he was interacting with the white fang and this was the primary reason for his visit to the village. Still, he was the first and only person who had tried to help me ease my solitude. "Well let's not delve into that thought and go home." Home… This made me laugh, a roof that I shared with strangers at best. Shaking my head, I resumed my walk.

My house was simple enough, like all in the village it was a small wooden cottage. I was at the door when I heard the voices of my parents inside. I faltered before bracing myself and pushing the door open. They were there, sitting on a chair around the table in the living room. No sooner had I walked out the entrance, I sensed their gaze on me. Something was different; there was a… gleam in their eyes.

Joan, my father, said to me, "Come sit, Ruby, we need to talk."

Hesitant, I took a chair and sat down. "Yes, father. What do you want?"

"There have been rumors about you recently, some people said you were reluctant to support our cause, but I refused to believe them. For now. The only reason I have yet to take action is that you are my daughter. So now, I need your confirmation, are you one of us?," He asked with a stern voice, his expression menacing.

Fear began to grow in me, but I tried not to let it show on my visage. I doubt I was successful, and I felt my voice shaking a little,

"Yes, I am, Father."

"I'm glad to hear it. If you are one of us, it's time for you to act the part. You are my daughter, but before that, you are a faunus. As one, you have a duty to our race. You never went in a city, so you do not know what is happening there. You do not see the discrimination we, as faunus, are victims each day. You stay here in your books, ignoring all the misery your brothers and sisters are inflicted upon, and that," he said emphasizing on the word, "is something that needs to stop. If you are truly one of us, you will have to prove it and participate actively in our fight. No more will you stay on the side while our people bleed every day to win this war. Do you understand?"

Each word grew in intensity until it seemed to fill the room. And with each word, my façade crumble more and more, the fear showing on my visage. I remembered Tukson words, pleading me to hide my true sentiments but I was never one for lies and deception. I was never good at it. I knew, even before answering that it would be a bad idea but I couldn't bring myself to hide anymore. My voice started low and uncertain,

"No, Father. I do not understand, and I never did. I get it, even though I don't have to go through it, that we are victims of the Humans discrimination and violence." Despite my fear, I elevated my voice. "We live here in the depth of the forest, and humans never come here so why do you care so much about this vengeance! Why would I participate in this although I have nothing against them, I never met one!" The outburst ragged my breathing, and the determination replaced the fear. I do not even know how I could be so bold in front of my father, but it was exhilarating to finally be able to express my feelings. But my sense of victory was short-lived when I saw the expression of pure fury my father directed to me. I unconsciously took a step backward, and my father abruptly stood up, knocking down the chair at the same time.

"How DARE you?! You have no idea what our race is going through, what we went through in the past. You are just a child, and even if you can't see reason now, you WILL DO IT in the future." He exclaimed with fervor, "What do you think happens to isolated faunus village usually? They get either destroyed or enslaved, but I'm sure your books didn't tell you about that, right? It was only a matter of time before it happens to us. The white fang saved us, gave us a cause, and we, as a whole has to repay them. I have little time for your childishness, so now you will come with me where you belong, or I will have to punish you."

His visage twisted by the anger left little doubt about his intentions. His jaw was closed, and I could hear his teeth grinding. I was terrified beyond reason, but my mind could not accept what my father was telling me, so I straightened up,

"What is your plan then, to go to war against humans? The world would be at war for decades, and the only Grimm will come out victorious! You know THAT! I know I'm just a child and I don't truly understand the situation, but even I know that conflict is not the answer. We should try to resolve it without further bloodshed. Maybe if that is your answer, humans are right and you are monsters !"

I yelled at my father, unaware of the consequences. If I thought my father was furious before, it was now pure hatred, and I realized too late what I did. I rushed to the door and put my hand on the handle to open it when my father gripped my arm.

"You will stay here. I know what you would do if you escaped,"

His grip on my arm tightened, and he pulled me inside as he continued. I sent a desperate glance to my mother only to see her indifferent to my plea. Tears were running abundantly over my cheeks and I tried to resist my father, but he threw me on the ground.

"I see it now, you have chosen your side, the rumors were true. It must be all the books you read, full of nice and kind humans against the evil faunus. I guess you were expecting to go in a city and throw yourself to some human like the good whore you are; anything is better than a monster, right? It seems like the precedent punishments were not enough and who better than my own daughter to set an example. If your mind is so unwilling to help our cause maybe your body will do. At least you will be able to serve us, and when you have children, they will be more subdued."

I couldn't believe what I heard, my own father wanted to give me away like some object. I was nauseous and I wanted to throw up, but I couldn't move from the ground. I felt him rip my clothes apart with his claws, drawing marks on my body, and drag me half-naked through the village. It was like I no longer had control over my body, until my father yank me abruptly and I fell on the ground again, in the central square. I tried to preserve what was left of my modesty with the shreds of my underwear and hands as I heard his call to gather. His hand found his way to my shoulder to make sure I would not run and when they were all here I heard him talk,

"Hear me, fellow brothers and sisters. On this day, my daughter decided that she wouldn't fight for us. She decided to favor the humans over us. We can't accept this. There is no place for traitors in our rank, but still, she remains a faunus. She seemed eager, earlier on, to throw herself to humans, and while we can't answer her wishes, maybe her body will serve the cause better than she ever could. Bring her to the warehouse. "

I should have listened to Tukson and kept my opinion to myself. I brought this fate on me, a tool used to satisfy the lust of these men and breed for their cause... The contact of a hand on my arm brought me out of my stupor, and I tried to struggle against the grip. Frustrated by my resistance, the man slapped me in the face. A bruise was starting to appear on my face as it hit the ground violently. Just as he bent over to grab me again, I ducked and ran. The moment, his hand touched my shoulder, I sensed something awakened on me, and when his hand closed, it only grasped a few rose petals.


Rushing through the woods, I ignored everything, the plants carving into me as I ran. I wanted to get away from all this madness, but I knew I couldn't go far as I was already exhausted. Out of force, I slumped down against a tree and cried. My father wouldn't let this slide, and he would find me sooner or later, but I refused to accept this. Why does this have to happen to me? Why couldn't I live a simple life? Why… In the end, it was only one word, why. I looked around me and only saw the lux greenery of the forest, my blood mixing with the red leaves on the ground. The sun was setting, and the light was slipping through the branches, bathing the scene in a crimson glow. Since I didn't want to subject myself to this life, I had only one solution left, end my misery. Could I do it? Is this how I want my life to end? I can try to flee through the woods and live there, unknown and forgotten of all. I tried to stand, but the moment I took a step, a sharp pain in my thigh forced me to sump against the bark. I have only one option left then. There you go, Ruby, muster your courage, it will be over soon. I extended my claws and stared at them like they held my answers. Shaking, I brought my hand to my neck and began to push the claws through the skin, blood starting to drip down my chest. I took a deep breath, and whereas I was ready to end my life, I felt a grasp on my hand forcing me to stop.

Sorry to leave on a cliffhanger but I thought it would be a good introduction to the story and I have things planned quite ahead. I would be honored to read and answer any review/question you have. Any advice will be welcomed with open arms, and if you have suggestions to improve my writing, it would be a pleasure. I hope to see you soon for the second chapter, take care!

Edit : Fix Grimms mistake and added a little formatting.