Silvain Lumière and I tired of welcoming all the nobles who arrived at the castle on Christmas Eve, so I was only too eager to welcome his suggestion that we sneak outside and go ice skating. Our feelings of affection were false, nothing more than a way to frighten our uncles, but I still harbored no feelings of hatred or ill will toward Silvain, even if he was of the "wrong family."

Chip came out to join us. "Mama says you shouldn't be out here without an escort. Otherwise, you'll think up some harebrained scheme to send your uncles into a coma."

I laughed. "Your mother knows us too well!"

"She's making hot chocolate."

"How do you feel about your sister temporarily being king?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I miss her. She's mostly busy with official duties. She doesn't get the chance to have snowball fights very often."

Catherine had apparently planned a Christmas ball as her last act as king. Everyone in the surrounding villages was invited to come and go as they pleased, and refreshments would be served. At the end of the day, villagers would receive a Christmas present, for all in attendance had been asked to bring a wrapped gift.

As temporary king, Catherine had decorated the entire castle with roses and daffodils, which had been grown in a special greenhouse. Instead of her usual aquamarine dress, Catherine wore purple. Although she helped her mother make tea and apple cider, she also danced with each bachelor nobleman in attendance.

To thank her for relieving him of some of his responsibilities during the Christmas season, King Adam gave her an abalone necklace and a beautiful Andalusian horse. He gave me a simple yet elegant circlet and a lovely doll made of the finest china. Silvain gave me a napkin ring that I could pretend was our engagement ring and remember the tricks we played on our uncles, and the Potts family gave me my own tea set.

In a way, I would miss being here. The royal court was certainly a place of excitement. However, I was certain I wouldn't miss the drama at all.

Joyeux Noël.