"Is this really necessary, Ryuzaki?" Light was looking down at the long silver chain that extended from his left wrist to Ryuzaki's right. Watari had just locked the cuffs around them and exited the room to place the key in a secure location. Though the cuffs weren't terribly tight, and the chain, while sturdy, wasn't heavy, Light felt like the weight of them was dragging him down to the floor.
Hadn't he proven that he wasn't Kira?
He knew he wasn't. He couldn't be. He had no memory of ever being Kira. He'd been locked up for almost 2 months under constant surveillance, something he'd requested to prove his innocence. And, even though criminals kept dying, Ryuzaki didn't trust him.
Ryuzaki and his damned pride.
Light looked up and his eyes met Ryuzaki's. Large, black, and underlined with the dark shadows of years of sleepless nights, Ryuzaki's eyes has been staring at him, hoping to gauge some reaction, some clue, something to prove that Light was Kira and that he'd been right all along.
"Yes." Ryuzaki said shortly. "As I've told you before, Light, all you've proven to me is that you are probably not Kira currently. But I still believe that you were Kira, and that you could be again. These can be removed when you finally convince me of your innocence." Ryuzaki had turned his chair back to stare blankly at his computer. He was sitting in his typical crouch, his face mere inches from the screen, and his long fingers idly fidgeted with a sugar cube he had taken from a nearby bowl.
Light sighed, resigned, and sat down in the chair to Ryuzaki's right. Prove his innocence? He'd already gone to extreme measures to do just that. He didn't know what else he could do.
"Don't worry so much Light." Ryuzaki said dully from beside him. "As I've said before, if you really aren't Kira, and never were, that truth will be revealed in time. Would you like some cake?" He asked as Watari re-entered the room, arms laden with a silver tray bearing multiple slices of strawberry cake.
Light scowled, and replied through clenched teeth. "No, thank you."
"Suit yourself." Ryuzaki said as he grabbed a particularly large piece of cake and started popping strawberries into his mouth, eyes reabsorbed in the computer.
Light turned to his own computer, the metal chain between them clanking as he brought his hands to the keyboard. His scowl deepened.
The first week of Light's new form of imprisonment went by more slowly than any time he could remember. Slower, even, than his time in solitary confinement. At least during confinement he couldn't see Ryuzaki staring at him.
Life attached to Ryuzaki was something Light didn't think he would ever get accustomed to. Ryuzaki never slept (which Light knew, as they shared not only a bedroom but also a bed), only ate sweets, and spent 90% of his time either staring at his computer or staring at Light. Of course, Light knew, or at least suspected, this much about Ryuzaki's life before they were chained together. But seeing it all firsthand was...disconcerting. He wondered how Ryuzaki was actually able to function as a living, breathing human. He also wondered if Ryuzaki had fully considered the implications of being attached to the person he suspected of being Kira 24/7. If he were Kira, knowing this much intimate information about his enemy could be useful.
But, of course, he wasn't Kira, so that did't matter anyway.
Time moved forward with an ever increasing reluctance. Of all their time spent together, which was all their time, Light most enjoyed the time they worked with the task force. It was the only time he felt like his life might have some semblance of normalcy, the only time time seemed to move at a normal pace. He enjoyed talking with the other detectives, he relished in the new information about the Kira case as it arose, and he longed for the day that Ryuzaki would accept his innocence and remove the cuffs.
And, of all their time, Light least enjoyed just about everything else. His monitored "dates" with Misa, that Ryuzaki insisted he continue for his own bizarre reasons, were horrible in every imaginable way. Misa would prattle on about useless information related to photo shoots and whatever "funny" thing Matsuda had done that day. She would lean on Light, try to told his hand, occasionally sit on his lap, and all the while Ryuzaki would be staring at them like a child on Christmas morning. The only eventful thing that ever happened during a date was the fight he and Ryuzaki had gotten into. The memory caused his chin to throb.
Then, there was all the time Light and Ryuzaki spent alone together, which was all the time between the task force leaving at night and returning the next morning. Usually, he and Ryuzaki would remain working until at least 2 in the morning, at which time Light would insist on needing sleep and they would walk together to their room. They would awkwardly take turns using the bathroom or showering, and Light would try to fall asleep while Ryuzaki sat on the bed next to him, staring.
He almost wanted to admit to being Kira just to make it stop. He was going crazy.
It was something he'd been thinking about a lot in the past week. Ryuzaki was so convinced that he was Kira, he reminded him of that fact daily. It was annoying, but it also started wearing him down. Ryuzaki was so sure, and, really, when had he ever been wrong before? Light thought about Kira's pattern of killing, his victims, his proclaimed ideals. As much as Light knew that he would never be capable of such actions, it mirrored his way of thinking so closely. By the end of the week, he was starting to doubt his innocence. But the fact still remained that he didn't remember being Kira. And how could someone kill so many people and not remember it?
But he wouldn't admit to anyone that he had doubts about himself. He couldn't let his father think he was a monster. And he wouldn't give Ryuzaki the satisfaction of discussing his fears. He didn't exactly hate Ryuzaki, but he didn't know how much he liked him. And he certainly didn't want him to think he'd won this battle.
Anyways, the obvious fact was that there was still a real Kira out there and he wanted to know who it was. Then, he would be free, and it would be an unpleasant memory. He would go back to To Oh, and have a normal life.
It was on the eighth morning that he woke up and felt that something was different. But, in the brain fog that accompanies the early morning he couldn't place it. He lay in bed, silently, unwilling to open his eyes. If he did, Ryuzaki would drag him downstairs at once so they could immediately get to work. It was strange how determined he was to solve the Kira case, given how sure he was of Light's guilt. As much as Light wanted the case solved, he was positive Ryizaki wanted it solved even more.
Finally, it clicked in his brain. The difference. It was too quiet. Every other day he'd woken to the tapping of Ryuzaki's fingers on his keyboard, already hard at work before the sun had even risen. Light was convinced every other morning that Ryuzaki had never even gone to sleep. He hesitantly cracked his eyes, unable to believe that his chain-mate could possibly be asleep, and he immediately wished he had continued to feign sleep.
Ryuzaki was laying down on the bed turned towards Light, his face mere inches away, and his eyes wide and staring. His thumb was running along his bottom lip, slowly pulling it from side to side. He looked almost amazed
"You look so innocent in your sleep." Ryuzaki commented in a bored voice, like their was nothing abnormal about their positioning. "Almost like you might not be Kira."
"I'm not Kira." Light responded angrily, getting up from the bed and pulling Ryuzaki across the room behind him. He could feel a headache forming.
"Of course not." He heard from behind him, and his frown deepened. He entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him as much as the door would allow. Right now, he'd take as much privacy as he could get.
Damn Ryuzaki. Light ran his hands through his hair and glanced up at the mirror. He needed a haircut, he needed to see some sun, and he needed sleep. He could see the shadows of line's rivaling Ryuzaki's beginning to form under his eyes. But after what he woke up to this morning, peaceful sleep seemed unlikely. He quickly prepared himself for the day and composed himself before leaving the bathroom. Ryuzaki didn't look at him (for once) as they descended the stairs to start their new day.
It was a few days later that they started to suspect the Yotsuba group of having some connection to Kira. The advantageous killings, favoring Yotsuba, were too much to overlook. Light felt elated, high on a surge of hope. The entire task force worked with a renewed energy, having a concrete place to direct their time and energy. The chain around Light's wrist felt a little less heavy as he allowed himself to consider that this could be his ticket to freedom. Ryuzaki's gaze seemed less penetrating and more curious, as if he was finally allowing himself to consider the possibility that Light may not be Kira. And, for once, Light welcomed his stares, hoping that Ryuzaki might finally be able to see the truth.
Kira was still out there. And he wasn't the same person as the boy chained to his right wrist.
That night was the first time Ryuzaki announced that he was tired before Light. Ryuzaki was the one who led them up the stairs, and Ryuzaki fell in bed without changing, before Light had even finished crossing the room. By the time Light had also prepared himself for bed and joined Ryuzaki, the other man was already fast aleep.
Light lay down next to him and shut his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips.
He woke the next morning and vaguely noticed three things. One: It was quiet again. Two: He was unusually warm, but not entirely uncomfortable. Three: Something smelled almost...sweet. Overall, it was a pleasant way to wake up, and he was content to stay there, his brain not working quite fast enough to question the three differences from his morning routine. He breathed in deeply, taking in the sweet smell again. It wasn't overpowering or sickening, and it was almost spiced like tea.
As he lay there, more sensations started registering in his brain. The warmth he felt also started feeling solid. That was strange. He realized his arm was thrown across the bed, unusual for his mornings. He noticed that his face was pressed against something that didn't quite feel like a pillow. The gears in his brain quit turning as they finally put all the pieces together. His muscles stiffed just as Ryuzaki started to move, causing his leg to rub straight against Light's side.
His eyes flew open as he pushed himself away to the other side of the bed. He could feel his face flush and his heart pound quickly as he prepared himself for whatever Ryuzaki might say in reaction. However, he was greeted with continued silence. His eyes fell on Ryuzaki's restful face, either still in slumber or feigning slumber to spare Light an uncomfortable situation. Light assumed the former. The Ryuzaki he knew wouldn't bat an eye at the thought of Light's discomfort. Light looked at the clock. 7:15. He was amazed that Ryuzaki was still asleep. Usually he had them down and working no later than 6:45. Light wondered whether he should wake him or let him sleep. The task force would be arriving by 8, but Light had also never seen the man sleep before the previous night. He would give him a little more time.
Light settled back on his side of the bed, albeit a little farther away than usual, and let his eyes wander over Ryuzaki's sleeping form. He was on his back, head turned towards Light, arms and legs relaxed. It was very different from his usual crouched stature, and Light thought it made him look both open and vulnerable. In sleep, his features were devoid of their usual calculative nature. He looked peaceful in a way Light had never seen before. The shadows under his eyes were still glaringly obvious, and probably always would be, but he almost looked like he could be a different person.
Ryuzaki shifted, and his lips started moving silently. Light froze again, worried that he had been awake the whole time, but Ryuzaki simply rolled on his side, now fully facing Light, and continued in slumber. And Light continued to watch him, engrossed in his features, suddenly captivated by the man sleeping next to him, and lost track of time. He let his eyes track over Ryuzaki with a freedom they never had before. They trailed down Ryuzaki's face, his dark eyelids, his nose, his lips framing his slightly open mouth. He took in the paleness of Ryuzaki's skin, the skin of someone who spent all their time indoors. His eyes wandered over Ryuzaki's slender fingers, digits usually occupied with typing on his keyboard or playing with some sort of food. They looked strangely empty curled up on the bed. Light felt the urge to reach out and touch them, but resisted, and let his eyes trail back up to his face.
And, of course, Ryuzaki was staring wide-eyed back at him, unblinking, eyebrows slightly raised.
Light almost flinched, but thought back to a few days prior when their positions had been reversed. He cleared his throat softly. "You look very peaceful in your sleep, Ryuzaki. Almost like you aren't trying to convict me."
Ryuzaki stared back at him, expressionless, but his response rang with sincerity. "I'm not trying to convict you, Light."
Light's eyes widened slightly in surprise at Ryuzaki, and a few moment later he allowed himself to be pulled out of bed by the chain connecting their wrists.
"Of course not." He murmured to himself, but he saw Ryuzaki glance back with the ghost of a smile, and despite himself he offered a small smile back.
AN: So, I decided to start a new story! I watched that atrocious Death Note movie on Netflix (and now I'm trying to pretend it was a bad dream). It made me feel the need to rewatch the anime, which I did in like 3 days. And while I was watching it, this story started playing out in my head. I have no idea how long it will be, but I'm so excited to write it! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter!