There's Just One "Minor" Issue


A/N: Hey, y'all and welcome to my first Lab Rats centric fanfcition! I did a crossover with Doctor Who, and I am aware that this archive doesn't have many people writing for it anymore because of Lab Rats and Elite Force ending, but might as well contribute anyway. Well, I've held onto you too long! Sorry, and enjoy chapter one!

Chase Davenport's video journal, entry one

Hey, I'm Chase Davenport, the genetically engineered son of Douglas Davenport, but cared for by Donald Davenport, his brother.

Um, the rest of the story is long and kind of pointless to tell the whole thing, I only have a few packs of triple A batteries. So, basically, today we had to abandon the house. Even Tasha, Donald's wife and Naomi, his new daughter.

Bree and I only got back from Centium City a few days ago, after completeing our task of defeating Roman and Riker's family. It took several months, but we managed to do it.

People never found out about bionics, after we managed to prove the recording of us using our abilities was created using special effects, we continued operations in secret.

Until today.

'Cause Davenport found out about Douglas's relationship with the government.

He was a spy.

Battery Low.

I guess I have to change the batteries. I'll end this journal here and put more events in here tomorrow.


Chase Davenport

Bionic (not dangerous) superhuman