
She tried to focus on brushing Shireen's hair. She worked to make that her entire world, that there was nothing else in all of existence save the little girl and her room and the stroke-stroke-stroke of the brush through her tresses. To make just the two of them and Shireen's tales the only thing that existed. But try as she might the rumbling calls of the gathering on the beach, though muted and distorted by distance, still rose up to the window and into the child's room and Jane couldn't block out the knowledge of what was to come. What both she and the sweet, kind, loving little girl were about to witness.

At least it was only idols that burn this time.

At least Shireen wasn't happy about it either. She lived in fear of the day that the only child of King Stannis would fall into the same madness as her mother and cheer the burning ritual instead of staring at it in horror as Jane did. Each time Jane wondered if the day was at hand where the pressure from her mother and father would cause her to embrace the insanity, if only to make them happy. But she never did. She didn't cry, even when it was someone she knew, for Shireen understood she was a princess now and princesses didn't cry in public. But she didn't like it either. That was the only reason Jane remained at Dragonstone, why she'd shoved her dreams aside. Because she might have been the only sane presence left in Shireen's life. The moment though that she detected a change in her precious charge that turned her into something other than the kind child Jane adored she would be gone.

"Will Ser Davos be there?" Shireen asked as she watched her and Jane's reflections in the mirror.

"He has to be. He is very important to your father and is under his command."

"Do you find it odd that your father works for my father?" Shireen asked.

"Not really. If it wasn't for his grace my family wouldn't have a name, let alone a home and a position." Unsaid was the fact that if Davos the smuggler had never become Ser Davos Seaworth then Jane Seaworth, nursemaid of Princess Shireen, would have never been born. "After all, I work for your family too."

"Yes but we are friends," Shireen said innocently and Jane smiled at that, silently nodding in agreement. "Are Ser Davos and father friends?"

"I don't think so," Jane admitted, "but I think they do care for each other greatly."

"So they are like friends."

"If that is what you want to call it," Jane teased before turning back to her work on Shireen's hair. "Did you enjoy the book I got you?"

Shireen nodded so hard she nearly ripped the brush from Jane's hand, a smile blossoming on her face. She began to happily talk of all she'd read, forgetting of course that Jane herself had read the book and knew everything in it but that was the way with children she supposed. Jane just watched her, a small sadness creeping into her smile. Shireen was such a lovely child, so happy and bright… and it pained her that she would marry far below her station all because of the scars on her face. The damn grayscale, brought on by an infected toy. Not for the first time Jane felt something buzz within her as she thought of what she'd do to that merchant if she ever encountered him. She knew little of the man, only that his name was Ozborn and he was from across the Narrow Sea… and per Maester Cressen had a smile like a nightgoblin. Some might have found it humorous to see her thoughts but Jane knew that if she ever found that man she'd flay him with such skill the Boltons would bow to her as their new goddess.

Shireen paused, dragging Jane out of her vision of using one of her father's best fillet knives to slowly remove thin layers of skin from that bastard merchant's cock. "You're smiling," Shireen said. "Why?"

"Sorry, princess," Jane said, shaking her head slightly. "The book reminded me of something amusing Patchface did the other day."

Thankfully the girl accepted this. "Do you think we can stand next to Ser Davos?" She looked down a bit and shuffled. "I like to hold his hand when… I know mother doesn't like it when I do that but it makes me feel better."

"I'll see to it. Your mother won't argue with me." And she wouldn't. Queen Selyse had fought a bit with Jane when Shireen was very young, but nowadays she was too focused with the Lord of Light to care what happened with her daughter. And even if she did she wouldn't dare go against Jane as there was no one else left to care for the girl; the red priestess, Melisandre, had demanded all the septas be banished from Dragonstone and thus there was only Jane, the daughter of the family's most loyal knight, to care for the little girl. That gave her power… and the Baratheons knew it. "King Stannis might need him but he can find someone else to help him… he won't deny you my father if you really want him at our side."

"You think so?" Ser Davos said as he entered the room, earning a happy grin from Shireen as she hurried over and gave him a hug. "Perhaps if you can manage the whims of kings so well we should put you in charge of communicating with King Joffrey."

Jane shook her head. "A poor idea. Remember what happened the last time I encountered him?"

It had been about three years prior, when Jane had just begun as Shireen's caretaker. Lord Stannis had come to visit Dragonstone and the King had decided that he wanted to see the place where the last of the Targayens had fled. He'd brought the entire court with him and Dragonstone had been in a state of chaos trying to prepare for the visit though Jane had privately thought all they needed to do was lay out some wine for the queen and a whore for the king and no one would have complained. Things had gone well, with King Robert talking for a few minutes with his niece before presenting her with a doll he'd had made special for her. It resembled the little girl and even wore one of her favorite dresses and Shireen had been ecstatic. Only Jane had seen the way Prince Joffrey had stared at Shireen, like a fox catching sight of a lone sheep.

Jane had managed to slip away from the other tasks Lady Selyse had given her and thus been able to go up to Shireen's room early so she might help her prepare for the welcoming feast. When she'd softly entered the room, however, she'd found Prince Joffrey holding Shireen's new doll, a knife in his hand. It was a sad, pathetic little thing that couldn't even cut a person's finger but it was able to scratch up the doll's little face.

"Now it will truly look like you," he'd sneered as Shireen watched on, fighting back tears. "I never wanted to come to this stupid castle. You took me away from my home! This is your fault so if anyone asks you why the doll is like this you'll say you did it, you ugly little-"

That's when Jane had screamed in utter terror.

When the guards had come rushing in with Lord Stannis and King Robert on their heels she'd pointed dramatically at the prince and wailed about how he'd been coming at Shireen with his knife, threatening to cut out her eyes. Joffrey had denied it but with the damaged doll in his hands and Shireen's tear-filled eyes all had sided against him. Jane had continued to cry fake tears as she gathered a confused Shireen to her, whispering for only her to hear to 'be quiet and not say a word' while the King had demanded the newly arrived Kingslayer hand him his belt. Jaime Lannister had paled but finally done so and Jane had buried her face in Shireen's hair as the king smacked the leather across the prince's backside, making him howl until the queen had come and begun to scream. In the end the welcoming dinner had been canceled, Joffrey had been confined to his bedchambers, and the queen had refused to speak to the king for the rest of the trip. Lord Stannis, in contrast, had kept Shireen with him the entire time, the girl practically floating on air as her father, in his own solemn way, doted on her, listening to her tales and just watching her play. A month after they'd all returned to the Capital Stannis had sent two new dolls, one to replace the Shireen doll and another that looked like Jane.

'To protect her' the note had said.

Jane suspected that Lord Stannis had known that she'd lied to them about just what Joffrey had done in the room. She also suspected that he secretly approved. The man was harsh and hated cloak and dagger work but he also knew that sometimes it had to be done. He was practical and that was why Jane and her father enjoyed serving him. Stannis saw the world rather bluntly and for the Seaworth family that was refreshing, what with so much of Westeros built on lies and conspiracies and the Language of the Eyebrows. If he only showed a bit more caring for his daughter Jane would have thought him a perfect man. He'd also seen Joffrey for the little monster that he was and while he would never admit to such thoughts he also wouldn't deny such ideas if one brought them up.

Knowing now what King Stannis had learned concerning Joffrey and his siblings... Jane understood all the better why the man had allowed her to keep the little bastard away from his child.

"Yes, I suppose you're right," Jane's father huffed.

"You'll stand with us tonight, won't you Ser Davos?" Shireen asked, looking up at him with wide bright eyes.

The Onion Knight smiled as he looked down at the girl he loved as much as he loved his own precious Jane. "Going to be there in case I get scared, princess?"

Shireen shook her head. "No. You will be there when I get scared." Jane watched her father's face twitch and knew he was wondering too what was sadder: that this little girl was already taking after her father in being so frank... or that she knew they were about to see something scary and accepted there was nothing she could do about it.

Ser Davos turned his head and Jane's brow furrowed until Maester Cressen came by, looking rather forlorn. He knew too that something bad was about to happen in the name of the 'Lord of Light' and also knew there was nothing he could do about it. "Maester Cressen, could you please take the princess down with you? I wish to speak to my daughter for a moment."

"Of course, Ser Davos. Come along, my dear." Shireen looked to the two Seaworths, silently asking them to please hurry and rejoin her, before taking the old maester's hand and following him away.

"That poor child," Jane said with a sigh once her father shut the door. "Sometimes I want to ring Lady Selyse's neck until she remembers she is a mother and should act like that."

"Don't let his grace hear you talk like that."

"He can hear all he wants," Jane snapped. "If he can't handle someone pointing out he is wrong then he's no better than that bastard Joffrey."

Her father ran a calloused hand over his face and Jane knew he was struggling to find the right words to speak. "I fear one of these days you'll actually speak your mind instead of claiming you will. And I fear what will happen when you do."

"I'll be fine, father. Be they a king of a damn bastard I can handle my own."

"You know, most daughters of knights don't curse as much as you do… or at all."

"Most knights don't teach their daughter how to fight with a knife when they are 8, and yet I remember you doing just that."

Ser Davos huffed. "You wouldn't keep complaining that Matthos got to learn and you didn't." Jane pulled a face at that and her father scowled. "None of that. I don't want to hear any more about him from you."

"He's a fool, father! He has turned his back on the Seven and now worships this insane religion taught by a mad woman!"

"Shhh!" her father hissed, looking about uneasily. "You say that too loud and you'll be the one they burn, rather than what is hopefully just statues tonight." They'd already had to witness the Red Priestess burn two men who had shown 'cowardice' and Jane agreed she didn't want to see that again… or be the one tied to the stake. "Besides, what does it matter to you? You don't even believe in the Seven."

"That is different."


Jane scoffed. "Because I have never believed in the Gods, old or new. They were created by our ancestors to explain natural events that they did not understand. No different than a parent telling their child that they loss their teeth because we must all give an offering to Queen Tooth who will give a copper for every one placed on the family doorstep."

"Didn't stop you from placing a tooth on the doorstep," Davos pointed out.

"Because I wanted a copper to buy a treat, not because I believed it," Jane said, exasperated. "But Matthos has traded one belieffor another… something somewhat harmless for one filled with danger." She shut her eyes, willing herself to stay calm. "I fear for him, father."

"I… I fear for him too. But we must accept that he has made his choice. And hope that it does not lead to pain." He walked over and wrapped her up in his strong arms, Jane taking comfort in his embrace. "I do think you are wrong, though… the Gods must be real, for how else could I end up with such a wonderful daughter?"

Jane laughed. "By being a good father who taught his children how to be good people."

"Let an old man win an argument once and a while." He released her but took her hand in his, Jane running her fingers along the shortened fingers of his hand. "Come now… we don't want to have the King noticing our absence… or the little princess worrying about us."

Jane nodded, allowing her father to guide her out of the room. Truth be told she wished that she could just stay in her and Shireen's room for the rest of the night, telling the sweet child tales from ages past and seeing if she could find the truth in the lies. Jane could tell that Shireen was like her, a child hungry to learn and willing to look at the world with open eyes but not willing to simply accept all that was told to her. Shireen questioned, she examined, she puzzled out that which adults did not tell her. Too many people in Westeros just accepted what was told to them, basing their entire lives on what a select few in power claimed to be right. The Faith of the Seven claimed that one could get diseases from not being pious enough when it was clear from the writings of Maester Evons that the people got sick from poor hygiene, which was why lords tended to live longer as they had servants to ensure their hands were clean and no filth got in their food. The North believed that the Wall had been built by giants and with magic when it was clear to Jane that manpower combined with basic building practices they still used to this day would build such a structure just fine. It was claimed that Others lived beyond the wall when most likely the 'Others' were just wildings who had been successful in raiding the North. But people didn't want to investigate. They didn't want to learn the truth. They were far too happy to let others think for them. If Lord Tyrell declared tomorrow that rats were the best food in the world half his bannermen would gobble them up. And should he change his mind the next day they would all state they'd known the truth and had never eaten a rat like the rest.

As Jane and her father came down the stairs and met with Cressen and Shireen, the sound of the crowd out on the darkened beach reaching them even up in the castle Jane reflected that she was about to witness yet another example of people being unable to think for themselves. Taking Shireen's hand in her own, her father doing the same so that the little girl was protected on both sides by Seaworths, the two of them moved down towards the beach where already Melisandre had set the Mother and the Crone on fire and was now working on the Maid. The priestess was in top form, deriding the 'false gods' and claiming that only by surrendering one's self to the Lord of Light could they achieve victory against the darkness. Jane watched as men and women who had always worshiped the Seven cheered the destruction of their gods, praising the Lord of their newly crowned king. Queen Selyse had fallen completely under the sway of the woman with deep red hair but Jane wasn't sure if King Stannis had been convinced yet. She knew he worshiped the Seven but when he'd learned that she herself did not worship them and why that was he had merely nodded and never brought it up again. She sensed he approved of her casting away such fantasies, much as he approved of her actions against Joffrey.

And yet there he stood, allowing Melisandre to make sacrifice to her god before lighting another sword on fire.

"I see we have another Lightbringer," Jane whispered. "That's what? The sixth?"

"Quiet," her father warned.

"You'd think the Lord of Light would like better than cheap steel that was cast off from the blacksmith."

"Jane…" Davos growled.

"This is wrong," Cressen murmured. "Wrong! They insult the gods." He moved to step forward but Jane's father caught his arm. "I must speak up!"

"Do so and she'll burn you next."

"I don't care!" Cressen snapped. "Someone must speak up! What she is doing to the Gods-"

"Are the gods made of wood?" Shireen asked.

Cressen blinked, confused by the girl's question. "No. Of course not. The Northerners believe the weirwood trees are connected to the gods but we-"

"So she isn't burning the gods, is she?" Shireen pointed out. "Just carvings."

The maester sighed. "That's not the point, princess. Those statues represent-"

Shireen was undeterred. "But the gods are strong, aren't they? If they could be hurt by fire then wouldn't they have died years ago? And why would they care if we pray to statues… don't they care that we pray, no matter what?"

Cressen blinked at that. "I… suppose…"

"And wouldn't they want you to be safe and continue praying than to risk yourself? The Mother and the Father… they are called that because they are like parents, right? Parents want what's best for you."

"That they do," Ser Davos said, nodding in agreement.

The maester's anger had died at the young girl's logic. "Yes… yes they would." He stepped back, moving so that he stood behind Shireen, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"That's my girl," Jane whispered.

Shireen crinkled her nose, watching as Melisandre talked about how the New Gods were false and weak and only she and the Lord of Light could guide the way. "She's like Joffrey, isn't she? Mad that she doesn't get everything she wants so she tries to hurt things we like so we'll feel bad or just do what she says so in hopes she doesn't break other things we like."

Jane grinned at that. "Yes. She's exactly like Joffrey. Just remember when she scares you what I did to Joffrey, okay?" She squeezed Shireen's hand. "Are you okay?" she asked Master Cressen.

"I… I believe so. I suppose sometimes it takes children to point out our errors." He watched as Melisandre burned the Stranger next; she always seemed to burn the female gods first, then the stranger, and then the Father before deciding on the Warrior or the Smith. She liked to stare at those two for a long time, as if she were deciding which one would hurt less to burn. Which was odd. But then again Jane found the Red Priestess an odd woman. She liked to stare at Jane, intently with those deep eyes, and while Jane should have felt nervous about such looks she more often than not just felt annoyed. She'd not spoken to Melisandre yet but she had a feeling the moment she did-

The Red Priestess raised her voice, as if she could sense Jane's dark thoughts. "The Lord of Light is the one true god… and his path is the only path! Those that claim otherwise seek to deceive us and guide us into darkness. For the night is dark and full of terrors! But the signs prove them wrong. Even now, He shows us his way!" She pointed to the sky with her torch, where the red burning star still streaked through the sky. "Red… red like his flame! Red like the blood in our veins, the blood of the living! Red of life! Of passion! Of his strength!"

"What a fucking load of horse shit," Jane muttered, her father snapping his head in her direction.

"Does the red star look bigger to you?" Shireen asked, stopping Ser Davos from scolding his daughter. Jane squinted… the streak did look bigger. For the last few nights it had been small, easy for her to hide by simply holding up her thumb. But now it was much larger and seemed all the brighter-

Jane's eyes widened when the burning star flashed gold… before taking a sudden downward dive. She remained rooted to her spot on the beach, mouth open in shock as the now golden star hurtled down, growing bigger and bigger, new colors joining it. She stared even as people began to cry out and as Shireen tugged on her hand, screaming something but Jane couldn't hear a word she said. Her sole focus was on the golden star that was now plummeting right at them like a stone tossed from up high. The light almost hurt her eyes but as she looked on it she thought she could see… no, she did see!

"Runes…" she said. "The light forms runes-"

"JANE!" her father shouted, grabbing her around the waist, lifting her with strength he should not have had at his age, and throwing Shireen over his shoulder, rushing across the beach with Maester Cressen fast on his heels. Jane's head whipped around and she got a brief look at the chaos around her. Queen Selyse looking about for guidance but finding none. Hardened warriors and generals stumbling back like children. King Stannis looking skyward, his mask of cold aloofness shattered as he gaped at the golden star. And Melisandre standing unnoticed… a look of rage briefly appearing on her face before she cast it aside. Jane wanted to look more but her father threw her behind a large rock, Shireen and Cressen joining them. Ser Davos just managed to duck down before the falling star hit the beach with such a cacophony that Jane thought the end of the world was upon them. She grabbed Shireen and hugged her tight, kissing her brow and rocking her back and forth even as her father and yes even Cressen wrapped their arms around her, the four of them joined together in terror.

But then the noise was gone and silence was all that was left.

The first thing Jane noticed, when her nerves returned to her, was the utter silence. There was still a large crowd on the beach and yet each and every one of them was utterly quiet. The King did not try and take command. None of the gathered Lords tried to offer words of comfort or declaration. Even Melisandre was quiet and Jane would have thought she, of all people, would have tried to take control of what had happened and twist it to fit her own fire-tinged views. But there was no proclamation that this was the work of the Lord of Light and all the non-believers should bow before the showing of his might. Instead the red priestess just stood there, a look of befuddlement on her face as the statues of the Seven stood cold before her; the fires had been snuffed out when the falling star had struck, leaving only the pale glow of the moon to illuminate the beach.

Jane slowly rose up from behind the rock and took a step towards the impact site. Her father tried to grab her and pull her back but Jane merely batted his hand away and continued onward. She felt compelled to look at the fallen star, to see it with her own eyes. Her mind dimly realized that she was about to look upon Sky Metal, something so rare it made Valyrian steel look as plentiful as copper. There was so little of it... the only bits she could recall even hearing of had long ago been used in the forging of Dawn, the sword of the Daynes. To see something like this, to have witnessed its falling to earth... it would be something spoken of by her family for generations. Jane suddenly felt a wave of excitement overflow within her and her footsteps became stronger and more sure. In a thousand years the Seaworths would speak of her the same way the Starks spoke of Bran the Builder. Perhaps her father would be gifted with a sky metal sword or dagger by the king; he was, after all, one of King Stannis' most loyal and trusted men. She could imagine the stern man instructing that the second weapon made, after his own, would be one for Jane's father. And from father to son each would pass on the sword and say, "This is our family sword, made from the fallen star that Jane Seaworth herself looked upon first, the bravest of all those on the beach that fateful night."

She grinned and plunged forward, ignoring the rest of the world as she hurried to the crash site.

The sands had been turned to redish-brown glass. She moved carefully, mindful of potential shards, but the surface was utterly smooth and her well-placed steps severed more to keep herself from sliding about than they did preventing her cutting up her shoes. The impact site was big, roughly the size of three large wagons lined end to end and Jane made the careful journey towards the center while the crowd behind her finally gathered their own nerves and began to approach. Her father was calling for her again, desperately, but Jane didn't even bother looking back at him as she came to the lip of the crater and knelt down.

The sky metal was so odd. Not as all what she expected. The top of it looked almost like red cloth, splayed out at the bottom of the crater. Peeking out from the sides of the fallen star was more traditional metal, scaled and long like two great tubes that had folded up upon themselves. Closest to Jaine was the only bit of smooth metal. It was dome-like in shape with two odd protrusions that, to her, looked almost like the wings of a bird. It reminded her of the ancient helms she'd seen worn by the Vale Knight in some of her history books. The entire fallen star was not quite big and not quite small... she imaged it weighed a bit but it wasn't the massive hunk of otherworldly metal she'd thought she'd see when she'd begun towards-

Jane's eyes went wide and her thoughts ground to a half as the sky metal moved.

The scaled pieces unfolded. The red top shifted like skin on the back of one's hand when they flexed their fingers. The dome with its wing-like protrusions pulled up as the fallen star uncurled and rose up... revealing human flesh.

"That's... that's..." she couldn't even finish. The red outer shell was revealed to be in fact cloth; namely a red cape that fell down broad powerful shoulders. The dome was a helm that sat on a regal face. The scaled metal covered thick arms, ending at bare hands, one of which gripped a war hammer with an unusually short handle.

"Jane?" someone, perhaps Maester Cressen, perhaps her father, perhaps even the King, called out. "What do you see?"

"It's... it's a man," she got out, only to yelp when the armored figure twisted his head to look at her, inquisitive eyes sliding up and down her body.

"Ah, hello there!" the man said cheerfully, striding towards her. He easily pulled himself out of the crater and Jane backed up as she craned her neck up; the man was over a head and a half taller than her and likely to be at least twice as wide, if not three times! His mouth, framed with a short-trimmed yellow beard, twitched into a smile as he looked at her. "Sorry about all that."

"Look!" someone in the crowd called out. "The hammer... he holds the Smith's hammer!"

"He wears the armor of the Warrior!" someone else said.

"He is one of the Seven!"

"Come to punish us!"

The armored man frowned at that, clipping his hammer to his belt before holding out his hands in a plea for calm. "Please, good people, please, come thy selves! You are confused."

"Then you aren't a God?" Shireen asked innocently, having popped her head up from behind the boulder, Ser Davos trying to shush her.

"Oh, I am a God, or at least as you understand them," the man said cheerfully. He looked past them at the statues of the Seven. "Though I see you people are still confusing all of us. Why you gave Balder my hammer I'll never know and putting that Heimdell's beard on him is odd. O, and my mother would never wear her hair like that but otherwise decent enough carvings. Better than most" He looked back down at Jane, the woman just staring at him with her mouth hanging open. "Oh, please forgive me. We haven't been introduced. I am Thor."


The man nodded quickly. "Yes. Thor, Son of Odin. Rare I get to use my true name among the citizens of Midgard." He held out a hand. "And you are?"

"J-Jane?" She said, hating how dumb she sounded to her own ears but honestly having no idea what else to do. Suddenly the story that would be passed down to the Seaworths had been drastically altered. "Daughter of Davos?"

"Well met, Jane Davosdaughter." Thor's brow twitched when he took her small hand in his and kissed the back of it. "You feel familiar."

"I do?" Jane asked, wishing she could say anything other than questions at the moment. She quickly released his hand but Thor took a step towards her. She dimly realized that the crowd was beginning to grow bolder and come closer to them.

"Yes... I... Loki?" Thor's eyes went wide and he began to run his hands along Jane's sides, then her arms. "Is that you, brother? Trying to play a trick on me again? Jane is an odd name to take, isn't it?" Jane let out a yelp as Thor's huge hands went and squeezed her breasts. "No... not Loki. Loki doesn't have tits as fine as these." He gave her bosom a jiggle.

"Let go of those!" Jane snapped, her fright and confusion blasted away by anger as the man claiming to be one of the Gods pawed at her chest.

"Why? They are quite impressive. Not small but not overly big, good size nipples... you could feed many strong children with them." Thor grinned and Jane suddenly had the urge to smack him. "My apologizes, I thought you to be my brother Loki."

"Your brother often go around wearing a dress?" Jane huffed, glad he had finally stopped feeling her up but still annoyed.

Thor shrugged, not noticing her frustrations. "You'd be surprised what he wears when he's drunk. Here, let me." Thor grabbed Jane, lifting her as one would carry a bride, and carried her easily across the glass towards the crowd, setting her on her feet before she had a chance to realize now would be a good time to scream. Instead she was left standing next to him, the armored man placing an arm around her shoulder and squeezing her against his body as he addressed the crowd. "Greetings, fair people of Midgard! I am Thor and I come on an important task in the name of my father, Odin, King of Asgard and protector of the Nine Realms. I seek out my beloved brother, Loki, who came to dwell among you, the mortals of Midgard, many years ago! I am prepared to offer much for aide in my quest to find him! I have already spoken to your Queen Jane, and I feel that you, her loyal subjects, will be able to help lead me to success."

"She isn't the Queen, nor does she lead us," Ser Davos said.

"She doesn't?" Thor said, brow furrowed.

"No," Jane said, pointing at King Stannis. "He is our King."

Thor looked the man over. "...no, I think not. Jane is your Queen. She shows great bravery. That is quite clear." He wagged a finger at Jane's father. "You, good man, tried to trick me, to see if I could see well who the true leader among you was. A good thought. Your name?"

Jane's father looked at Stannis, who was grinding his teeth but finally nodded. Jane wondered if the King realized that, if Thor truly was one of the Seven, it would be wise not to argue with him... as much as King Stannis clearly wanted to. "I am Ser Davos Seaworth, Jane's father. This is Maester Cressen and Princess Shireen."

"Ah!" Thor said with a laugh. "Queen Jane's daughter! Well met, little one." Shireen, despite the surrealness of what was occurring, laughed at being called Jane's daughter. Her smile faded though when Thor looked at her greyscale scars. Jane mentally cursed as the little girl prepared for the pity to appear in Thor's eyes. "Little princess... you have already fought in battle!" He grinned and clapped his hands. "If one so small could face a dragon of Nilfgard and come away with only a few marks such as these then I truly have found wonderful allies!" Shireen blinked at that but then smiled; Jane could see that she liked it better that her scars were from battle than from a disease. Thor raised his hammer high and called out to the crowd. "Come! First we will feast for 7 days and share much ale! Then we shall begin our most important of tasks! To Queen Jane's castle!" Thor strode forward, the crowd parting for him, only to stop when Queen Selyse cleared her throat. "Yes, good handmaiden?"

"You..." Selyse paused, as she realized what Thor had said, before pressing on, "you say you are a God. Surely you don't claim to be the Lord of Light?"

Thor blinked at that. "Lord of Light? I have never heard of such a being." With that he continued on, leaving the others behind. Jane just stood there, her father, Shireen, Maester Cressen and King Stannis approaching her. She fell into a curtsey but Stannis waved her off.

"I am sorry, your grace. I never-"

"The fault is not yours," Stannis said, watching Thor's retreating form. "We will teach him of his error soon but for now..." he grimaced in frustration before spitting out, "...we will allow him to believe you Queen."

Jane's father nodded. "The man fell from the sky without a scratch. Would be wise to let him do as he wishes for now... as I would hate to see what that hammer could do." He took once more Jane's hand in his and Shireen's in the other and tugged them forward to follow Thor. "Come now... we can't keep him waiting." Under his breath he added, "Who knows how much damage he'll do?"

Jane nodded, chancing a glance back at the crowd. King Stannis was stewing at the slight he was forced to endure, Queen Selyse was looking about with confusion...

...and Melisandre looked at Jane with utter hatred in her eyes.