AN: So… Someone said that there was no way magic couldn't fix muteness. And that's true, if, and that's a big IF, Classic was mute in the way of, he has a throat problem, or he lacked a tongue. But, he just lacks the parts necessary to make any sounds, he can do everything a normal person could do, except for speak. So, while I agree that magic could fix it, it can't, not with Classic anyway, and even if it could, he's literally been in the wizarding world twice, Diagon Alley, and Hogwarts. He never would have had a chance to have it fixed if he could. I'm sorry I just, it was a good point, but no, Classic will stay mute, it means that if I put, for example…

"Wha?" Sonic asked.

Then you'd instantly know that Modern was talking. Besides, Classic has speed and sign language, he can talk just as fast as a talking Sonic! Ok onto the story now. This may be a little weird, since I've been writing for days on end to get this done… And by that I mean I keep stopping and waiting to think of what else to write.

Classic grinned as he bounced on Modern's bed, waking his more experienced counterpart up.

"Jeez, what?" Modern asked him as he got out of the bed and changed into a blue hoodie and jeans, Classic wearing a cyan shirt and jeans, with his regular pointed shoes on his feet.

Classic signed to him quickly as he sat on his bed.

"Seriously? What time is it?" Modern asked, checking his watch. "5 in the morning?! Why did you wake me up?" He complained, before being dragged downstairs by Classic.

Hours later

Modern groaned as he entered the classroom with his friends and alternate self.

It was charms, taught by Flitwick. There was a bit of trouble with names, until the group just said to call them either of them, they didn't mind. And for the Harry's/Sonic's to call them Modern and Classic.

Classic had some trouble with spells at first for obvious reasons, he was mute. Eventually Modern gave up trying and just focused on his own spells. A few minutes later Classic was floating as he stood in the supersonic position, before freaking out and falling to the floor silently.

Modern snickered at his counterpart's misfortune, who glared at him and quickly signed something. "Really? Huh…" He muttered, scratching his head.

"Mr Potter? Would you care to explain what just happened?" Flitwick asked confused.

"Oh, right! Well… Classic just kinda started waving the wand around like you'd said to, and then well… He kinda signed something…" Modern trailed off as Classic made the same signs without the wand in his hands. "Oh, he signed Float." He said like it was normal.

"Hmm… Could it be…?" Flitwick muttered to himself, as the lesson continued.

Next lesson

Classic bounced into the classroom, landing in front of his desk on the front of his feet and arms spread out to his side.

"Nice goin'!" Modern said as he clapped, sitting next to Classic, the girl from the night before sitting on his other side. He then silently smirked as he noticed Classic gain the smallest blush.

The girl smiled at Classic with a small grin, her hands forming some basic signs that made Classic's eyes widen in excitement, before signing rapidly, so fast that Modern couldn't keep up, but somehow the girl managed to keep up and match in speed.

Modern's jaw dropped along with the rest of the, jokingly named, 'Sonic team' at the speeds the two were signing at. From what he could see, Classic was telling her his entire life story and then some.

A Greasy looking man in black walked into the classroom, glaring at the Sonics and the girl next to them, before beginning the lesson.

He took the register quickly, before stopping on the names that were the strangest.

"Harry Potter… Both of them, well Potter… What kind of spell did you do to cause this? As you should know, magic that creates clones are illegal, you will… Unfortunately, have to go to Azkaban…" He said sourly, but excited by the possibility of this Azkaban place…

"Yeah, buuuuuuuuuut… We aren't clones, it's called parallel worlds you idiot." Modern said rolling his eyes.

"50 points from Gryffindor." He said, before turning to Classic. "Potter! Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" He asked quickly, getting a confused look from Classic, and a glare from Modern. "You don't know? Well, let's try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" Classic scratched his head thinking before shrugging. "And what is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?" Classic gave him a glare before signing something out in sign language, getting chuckles from the only people who could understand him.

I'm sorry, I can't do this well… 1 hour later

Modern grinned at Classic as he and the rest of the team left the classroom and then walked off with Classic, so that the rest of the team could talk to Classics new friend….

5 minutes later

Classic stared as Modern was dragged away inside a familiar container, unable to move. Both of them I mean, Classic was tied up with laser ropes.

"Sonic?!" He heard a voice call from a distance, he turned his head and saw his Modern counterpart's friends, he struggled to break free of the ropes without success.

"Over there!" He heard Knuckles shout, before the ropes were hit with a large hammer from Amy, letting Classic break free.

"Did you see what happened?" Tails asked him, getting a nod.

"Well?! What happened to my Sonic?!" Amy screeched at the poor mute, who responded by tapping his throat.

"Right… This is bad… I never learned sign language, Sonic started talking a while after I met him." Tails muttered.

"So how do we find out?" Shadow asked, oh yeah he's there as well!

"I can help." A voice said from behind everyone, which was the girl.

"How?" Amy asked suspiciously.

"Oh yeah! You know Sign Language!" Tails realised.

"Yeah, I do." She nodded, turning to classic, who started to sign out slowly, so that he could be carefully. "E, G, G, B, O, X, G, O, O…" She said as he signed it out. "I have no idea what that means."

"Eggman?" Tails asked, getting a nod from Classic.

"Box… A capsule?" Knuckles asked, getting a thumbs up.

"But Goo? What does that mean?" Shadow asked confused, causing Classic to sign something else out.

"B, R, A, I, N, G, O, O." The girl said out again.

"Chaos?!" Tails, Amy and Knuckles exclaimed, getting a shrug.

"The big goo thing with the visible brain?" Tails explained to Classic, getting a nod.