Author's Note:

This is a series of one shots that take place in the same "universe", I guess?

No "main plot" (Unless I change my mind, but probably not) just a series of connecting drabbles.

On Jaang, one-sided Kataang (And it's NOT on Aang's side! LE GASP!), past Zutara, one-sided Zutara, mentions of Tokka, mentions of past Taang and implied current Taang if you squint and do the hokey-pokey.

This fanfiction was inspired by a fanfiction I read a while back about Katara not following her heart and missing her chance with Aang. I don't rember the title so if you can find it, tell me so I can give proper credit.

But like seriously. I see a bunch of Zutara with one-sided Kataang on Aang's side, but never any Aang ships with one-sided Kataang on Katara's side!

So, this is a Kataanger's take on this trope!

(But seriously do Zutarians hate Aang or...?)

P.S. No Kataang in this fic!

They kissed. Just like she had wanted for months! It felt magical.

But it was only for a second.

And then he pulled away.

He was furious.

"What is wrong with you!"

Katara was surprised. She thought he'd be happy. She thought this was what he wanted! She thought he loved her.

"You always DO this!" he exclaimed, and shot up from the bench he was sitting on. "When we were kids, you broke my heart. You paid me no mind until I started dating Toph, and then you were suddenly wanted all my attention. When we split I thought that you and I could be together, but you had no interest in me when I was single, and you broke my heart. Again. Now that I'm engaged to On Ji, you suddenly kiss me? You're trying to break my heart, for the third. Time!"

"But, Aang I-"

"You just can't make up your mind! You love me, then you love Zuko, then you love me, then Zuko, then me!" The air around them was swirling around them like they were inside a tornado.

Katara supposed that was what happened when airbenders got angry.

"I can't keep doing this!"

And he left.

Katara was alone now. Stuck there, pondering her situation.

It wasn't supposed to happen this way.

Okay! That's it for now! Next Chapter will either be Taang friendship fluff, On Jaang wedding with jealous Katara, or Zutara break-up! Probably Taang friendship fluff, because I LOVE Taang friendship fluff.

Please R&R!