Here we go. Sorry in advance for the eventual mistakes in my writing, English isn't my first language and I'm trying to improve myself. Also, when dialogues are in black, this is because they are spoken in dragonese which humans can't understand. Read and enjoy.

Berk, an northern island like no other and luckily. Because if there were to be more, the world would be a lot crazier. Years ago, we were fighting for our food against dragons. Yep, you heard me, dragons. THAT was crazy, but you know what is even crazier? When a young Viking befriended and trained a dragon. From there, the situation completely changed and now, every Vikings on Berk live and work with is dragon. Cool hein? It has his up and down, but in the end, it's the best thing that ever happened to us.

Hiccup's POV

I'm sleeping peacefully in my bed when something starts pocking me, making me grunt.

-Just five minutes please, I say turning to face the other side of the bed.

I'm suddenly grabbed out of the bed by my foot, the one that was replaced by a prosthetic leg after the fight with the Red Death, making me screams in surprise. With my head toward the ground, I look up to see the face of my dragon and best friend for now five years, Toothless, with the prosthetic leg in is mouth, looking at me with his dilated pupils.

-Don't tell me it's already sunrise, I more deplore than ask.

Toothless snort before dropping me.

-AOUCH! You could at least put me down gently.

Toothless responds with his typical laughing noise and I roll my eyes. He turns around and jump out of my room by the open spot next to the stairs. I stand up and get out of my night's clothes before putting the daily's one that were washed recently and descend the stairs to find my mother, Valka, preparing the breakfast while Toothless eats some fish alongside the fire burning in the center of the piece.

-Morning Hiccup, she says (probably hearing the sound of my metal-leg) before turning to greet me with a hug.

-Morning mom.

I was incredibly glad that she accepted to stay on Berk. All those years thinking she was killed by a dragon when she was in fact protecting them. I let you imagine how it surprised me. Her presence also helped me going through the grief of my father death and adapt to being the chief.

-So, she asks while filling a plate before giving it to me, what is your plan for today.

I take a spoon and start eating. Her cooking isn't as bad as dad and Gobber said it was, sure it's simple meals but they don't necessarily have a bad taste.

-Well, you know, watching the village, arbitrate the conflicts, the usual chief's duties plus helping at the forge. But before all that, me and Toothless are going to do our little hour of flight.

Toothless rapidly got up and came beside me as I said that.

-That would be what I usually do if I weren't waking so hardly. It really takes out the mood you know, I add hiding a smirk.

Toothless immediately start growling which make me laugh.

-Ah. Who's in power now, I taunt him since he can't fly alone because of his missing left tail-fin.

-Alright you two, don't you have things to do, my mother interrupts. It's not really a proper attitude for a chief and an alpha. Now go, I'll take care of the dishes.

-Got it, see you later mom and tanks, I respond finish my meal and get up to leave by the front door followed by Toothless.

Third's POV

Valka can't help but smile at the sight of her son and his Night Fury. 'They really have a special bond. Never in all my years living in the nest I have seen something like this' she thinks taking Hiccup's plate and putting it in the barrel filled with water. 'Hiccup really have a gift to communicate with dragons and he's working hard to do what's right for Berk. You can be proud of him Stoick'. She looks up toward the ceiling, hoping her deceased husband heard her from the Valhalla, before going back to her cleaning.

Toothless's POV

I take a good breath of fresh air as we stand outside, looking at the sun rising slowly in the horizon. The sky is masked by grey clouds, but that's common weather in the area. The important thing being that they're not storm's clouds. Flying into those is always tricky and even if I'm not against it when necessary, I prefer flying in a calm sky. It's better for high acrobatics and speed records. I can't wait for me and Hiccup to finally rise in the sky. Next to me, Hiccup takes the time to look at Berk and the villagers starting the day as well.

-Well bud, the sky is promising, Hiccup says turning to see me.

-Yes, and the air flows seems stable, I respond.

We hear a dragon landing close to us, making us turn to see Cloudjumper, Valka's dragon, rejoining us.

-Hi Cloudjumper.

-Hiccup, he responds while Hiccup pats him. He then bows to me. Alpha.

-For the last time, my name is Toothless so use it, I answer, showing my irritation. Since I defeated drago's Bewilderbeast last month and became the new alpha of all dragons, Cloudjumper always insists on my new status and the respect that come with it. Although I admit he's a great help, it's getting on my nerve big time. And you know I don't ask my dragons to bow each time they see me.

-I know but it's part of who you are now so it's normal. I groan in exasperation at his response. Is Valka awoken?

-Yes, and I think she's waiting for you, I answer, anything I need to know about this night?

-Not that I heard of.

I purr a little, a gesture used to thanks or approve of something, before heading towards the village with Hiccup. As we're walking, responding to the Vikings and dragons greeting us, we hear a female and human voice call Hiccup. We both see Astrid, Hiccup's soon-to-be mate, and her dragon, Stormfly, a Deadly Nadder.

-Well hello my lady, Hiccup says approaching her.

I see he's going for a kiss, something I learnt humans does with their mouth to express affection, when someone step between them. It's Ruffnut, another female human.

-STOOOOOOP. You know you two can't touch each other until the day of wedding next month right?

-Seriously Ruffnut, responds Astrid exasperated, is that necessary?

-Of course it is my dear friend, Tuffnut (Ruffnut twin's brother) interrupts appearing behind her with their two-headed Hideous Zippleback Barf and Belch. Tradition established by the chiefs doesn't exist for nothing you know.

-You two do realize that I am the chief now right, Hiccup asks visibly annoyed.

I can only lower my head and sight as our human's friends argue.

-Another normal day on Berk, Stormfly jokes looking at the humans.

-It looks like. I will never understand all those human's rituals and traditions around mating. I mean, you want her, court her and if she agreed, do it already. It's quicker and simple, I say.

-I agree but there are things that we better just stop trying to understand. At least with them, Stormfly responds pointing to our riders.

-We found it ratter funny, Barf says.

-Yeah, it gives the life more unpredictability, Belch continues before licking his mouth, and occasions to steal some food.

This last remark succeeds to make me and Stormfly smile.

-Alright, I don't want to fight for that so do as you wish. I'm going to fly, Hiccup says to the twins walking toward me while sending a kiss to Astrid who smile in return.

As he starts to climb on me, Tuffnut stops him.

-Sorry to cut your fun, well not really but anyway. The Goergson's family just had their first child and need you to name it and declare him a member of the village.

-It can wait one hour or two.

-Nope, not if you want to have the time to do everything else today, Ruffnut points out. Gobber asked us to tell you that.

-Come on, you know Toothless can't fly by himself.

-Thank you for making me appear like a hatchling.

-I'll fly with him, Astrid proposes. After all, you trained me for that and you have responsibilities that you must learn to live with.

Hiccup taught Astrid how to operate my tail-fin on a higher level for when he's not with me in dangerous situation, which were common, but I still prefer to fly with Hiccup. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Astrid, she's the second-best rider in my opinion. Hiccup being the first. With him, I can reach my full speed and maneuver like if I hadn't loosed my left tail-fin. We are totally synchro thanks to our days of training, we can understand each other.

Hiccup sighs before giving up.

-Fine, thank you, he says to her knowing she's right even if he clearly would rather fly with me.

-Your welcome and don't worry, will meet later, alone.

She adds the last word in his ear but thanks to my great earing, I heard it. I see Hiccup blush before following the twins to the Goergson's house. In a way, I'm sad for him and in the other, he deserves it for presenting me like depending even if I know it wasn't intentional.

I take my position as Astrid climbs on me and adjusts the mechanism for her.

-Ready big boy, she asks me.

-You bet, let's see how you've improved since last time.

At my snort, she gives me a little kick on the side, announcing me that she's ready. I flap my wings and we take off toward the ocean.

So, what do you think?

This is an introduction chapter. Things start to move in the next one.