Hello all! So, this story is a RWBY AU based around the Princess Bride. I've had this idea in my head since Vena Sera requested it, and now here we are!
This will be a RubyxQrow fic, and the age gap between the two will not be as large as it is in the show for those of you concerned, so they will be taking on the roles of our protagonists, Buttercup and Wesley respectively. Jaune will be playing Humperdinck, Cinder will be Count Rugen, and while I have an idea as to who to will be taking on the roles of the other characters, I'm interested in what you guys think! Tell me who you want to play who and why.
Sorry this first chapter is so short, I couldn't thing of anyway to make it longer without making it drag. Next chapter is longer, I promise!
This is my first fanfic, so be nice!
Disclaimer: I own nothing
He was having the worst day of his life.
No, really!
The day had started out pretty good. Sure, he woke up with a slight headache and a stuffy nose, but play it up a little and voilà! A parent approved – no, encouraged! – skip day. No classes, no disgusting cafeteria food - just him, the TV, and whatever he wanted to raid from the pantry. Life was good.
Keyword: was.
First, the aches started getting worse, and simply sitting up became a strenuous task. Then, when his mother came home to check on him and took his temperature, it had climbed to over a hundred, prompting her to send him to his room to rest. Of course, his stomach decided to inform Sun of its displeasure towards the vertical movement, and emptied itself all over the floor. What was once a brief confinement turned into downright imprisonment; his mother gave him a trashcan, some soup, and a bottle of water with orders not to leave his room for anything except the bathroom.
Which brings us to his current predicament.
His room had no TV, he had re-read all of his comics to the point he could quote them word for word, and he could not bring himself to eat the soup or go sleep.
Sun Wukong was bored.
What drastic measures, he wondered, must he take to relieve this deadly problem? For though the sickness may have weakened him, it would no doubt be the boredom that claimed his life.
As he contemplated this life-threatening question (not his best idea, he already had a headache before, but now… ouch), a gentle knock sounded on his door. He turned his head slightly as the door opened revealing his visitor… no, his savior! His protector from the foul beast that was boredom (and wow, didn't he just sound like a damsel in distress?).
His best friend (and not so secret crush) Blake Belladonna.
A cocky grin spread across his face. "Hey, Blake! Couldn't stand missing my handsome face for even on day, could you?" He wiggled his eyebrows, only to stop quickly at the annoyance expressed by his friend and his head.
"Actually I was coming to see if you really were sick or playing hooky again." Amber eyes coolly surveyed his pale, shaking form tucked under layers of sheet, "I guess I have my answer."
While Blake was studying him, he was doing the same to her, his gaze trailing over her trademark black and white clothing before finally resting on the square package tucked under her arm.
"Whatcha' got there?"
She grabbed a chair by the desk and dragged it next to his bed, hiding a smile at the way he perked up, before offering the package to him. "It's just something I thought we could do to pass the time."
He tore the wrapping paper off his mystery gift to reveal… a book.
"This is… nice. Really… I can read it before bed… or something…" Sun really wasn't trying to make Blake feel bad, but he didn't see how reading a book classified as doing something together.
"Well, I just thought… since you were stuck in bed and all and couldn't really do anything… maybe I could, I don't know, read the book to you?" Blake shifted uncomfortably, slightly embarrassed of her thoughts now that she actually said them.
Sun was quick to reassure her, "That sounds like a good idea! I warn you though, I don't know when or if the medicine will kick in and knock me out." At least she wouldn't think he fell asleep out of boredom. "What's this book about, anyway?"
"It's called The Crimson Bride. There's sword fights, torture, revenge, true love, miracles!"
Sun got comfortable in his bed. At least it didn't sound too bad, he might even be able to stay awake.
"Alright, Chapter One…"