We have reached the end! Thank you to everyone who stuck through with me. I have really, really enjoyed writing this one, it brought back with a smack round the face just why I love this series so much and reignited my passion for writing as a whole. If I can find some time inbetween my university and placement hours (I'm a student midwife), I will be doing my best to bring you some more work - I have many more ideas floating around my head, mostly thiefshipping but some deathshipping in there too and the aforementioned further exploration of blindshipping BDSM.

Also, I must confess, though I write a lot of Yami Bakura smut and he's totally gay in my headcanons, I have actually had a mad crush on him for close to a decade.

I am terrible. xD

But anyway, again, thank you so much for sticking with me! Please feel free to drop me a message if you want to chat, or you can request my social media or email address. I love speaking to those who have enjoyed my work.

It was past midnight when Marik, Ryou and Bakura tumbled out of a taxi and through their front door, with much giggling, pushing and groping. The wedding celebrations at Seto's mansion were continuing well into the night, but if Marik hadn't dragged them all home, Ryou, Bakura and Reina would have carried on their shot contest until one of them was flat on the floor.

Marik felt reasonably fine, but Bakura was hopelessly drunk, and Ryou wasn't far behind. The two white-haired males clung to each other, laughing, stealing kisses whenever they came close enough. They tried to pull Marik in, but he slapped their hands away with a smirk, shoving them towards the sofa. "You two are terrible," he chided. "Sit down, you need something to soak up all that alcohol!"

"No, we don't," Bakura grinned as he sat down. He was in much better shape than when he had been drunk at Yugi's house, but he was still distinctly ruffled, his tie loose and the buttons on his suit jacket done up askew. Ryou was in a similar state, collapsing on Bakura with a helpless giggle. His reading glasses were on and they sat lopsided on his nose, becoming even more crooked when Bakura yanked him fully into his lap to kiss him.

Marik resisted the temptation to roll his eyes, but he would have been lying if he said he didn't enjoy the show. He left them to it, retreating to the kitchen while firing off a quick text to Reina to say they had got home safely, before grabbing a bread knife from a drawer and slicing up a large sourdough loaf sat on the counter. Ryou's giggles and Bakura's nonchalant speech drifted in from the living room as Marik toasted the many slices, and he couldn't hold back his affectionate smile at their banter. I never would have thought those two could be anything other than enemies, but that was so long ago now. They've lit up each other's' lives, and mine too.

He buttered the stack of slices for Ryou and Bakura, and drizzled olive oil on his own, setting them on a plate. With a slice already held in his mouth, he brought the plate through to the living room, where he found Ryou still in Bakura's lap, nuzzling his neck lovingly. Bakura's hands were wound securely into Ryou's shaggy hair, stroking and tugging, both men uttering contented noises of bliss. "Hey, you horny devils," Marik chuckled, setting the plate down on the coffee table. "Eat some of this. You barely touched anything at the reception."

Ryou broke away from Bakura and looked down at the plate, mouth opening in an "O" of surprise before he reached down to grab several slices. "Ooh! Thank you, Marik. I'm starving."

"Do you mind?!" Bakura growled, shoving Ryou off. "I could do without toast crumbs down my shirt."

"Take it off then," Marik suggested.

"…Okay, you got me there." Bakura's fingers fumbled over the buttons of his jacket, struggling to remove the heavy black fabric. Marik set aside his toast to help him while Ryou undid his tie. "Hey, I can do this myself!" Bakura protested, swatting at the pair.

"You're drunk, you need my help," Ryou sang.

"You're drunk too, habibi," Marik pointed out.



"Nope!" Bakura joined in.

Marik sighed. "Oh, lord. You two drive me up the wall. You're lucky I love you!"

The wedding reception had been very enjoyable, and Marik had relished being able to be close to both his lovers without judgement from his peers. For the most part, he stuck with Reina, touching up her makeup and letting her do the same to him, then Atem played a few card games with him. The whole time, Yugi had watched with a strangely impassive look on his face and barely spoke, but by that point, Marik had had a few drinks and didn't think anything of it. Of course, Atem won each time, and drew a considerable crowd of wedding guests to watch the now world-famous former Pharaoh grind Marik's Life Points into the dust.

Later, when the festivities well and truly kicked in, he dragged Ryou up for a dance, then he joined in with Mai and Merel when Ryou got embarrassed and ran off to hide behind a laughing Bakura. That was when the shot contest started. Nobody had ever seen Bakura act so amiable towards someone who was close to Seto before, but he and Reina got on like a house on fire once they'd thrown a few vodkas down their necks. He ended up teaching her some of his choice Middle Egyptian insults before their speech melded into an incoherent mess of Japanese and English as they got more and more drunk. Marik had a sneaking suspicion that Reina would be calling Seto "consort of a camel" for a long time to come.

Ryou was starting to look tired now, rubbing his eyes and yawning, so Bakura stood and pulled him off towards the bedroom, leaving Marik to clear up and retreat to the bathroom to wash his face and clean his teeth. The minute the bedroom door closed, he heard laughter, followed by soft moaning. "I thought you were tired!" Marik yelled, toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. "You bastards, don't get started without me!"

"Get your ass in here!" Bakura shouted.

"Fuck you! I need to clean my face! Tell Ryou to stop whatever the hell he's doing to you!"

"Ha, like hell!"

Insufferable pair of idiots, Marik thought affectionately, scrubbing at his face with hazelnut oil, following up with foaming cleanser. He dried off with a towel, shook his hair back and sauntered from the bathroom, barging the bedroom door open with his hip.

Their room had become an elaborate mishmash of everything the three lovers liked, and it so obviously did not work well together, but they didn't care. Tie-dye scarves and wooden beaded jewellery hung over the several lamps dotted about the room, giving a multi-coloured glow to the walls; that, of course, was Bakura. Both he and Ryou had evidence of their obsession for Monster World everywhere, little figurines and half-completed character sheets stacked on every available surface. The antique vanity table in the corner was the only surface bare of their craft, and that was where Marik kept his makeup and jewellery. He wasn't as materialistic as the other two, but he had taken the decorating into his own hands, painting the bedroom walls royal purple and accenting with gold borders.

Their four-poster bed was the centrepiece of the room, and Marik's favourite piece of furniture. It was massive, wide enough to accommodate all three of them and then some, dressed in lavender silk sheets and the canopy draped with soft white cotton curtains. Ryou had chosen the bed when they went shopping, and Marik was glad he did, because the drapes reminded him of Ryou's hair whipping around his face during a stiff breeze.

But what could be better than the bed?

Bakura and Ryou, of course. And at that moment, Bakura was leaning back on one arm at the foot of the bed, running his free hand through Ryou's shaggy locks as the paler man knelt before him, licking and sucking on his cock eagerly. Ryou only wore his shirt, the buttons undone and sleeves rolled up, Bakura shirtless with his trousers yanked down just enough for Ryou to gain access. Grunts and growls of pleasure rumbled in Bakura's tanned chest as he jerked his hips, willing Ryou to go deeper.

Marik just watched from the doorway, smirking. There was something just so utterly sexy about watching his lovers pleasure each other. They all gave each other lashings of attention both in the bedroom and out of it, and nobody was ever truly bothered if one person was left out partially or completely during their intimacy. Sometimes one would want to just sit back and observe, maybe film if they were feeling extra naughty. It was all part of the fun of their three-way relationship, and it worked for them.

But Marik wanted in, and judging by the doe eyes Ryou was casting his way, they wanted him in too. Marik approached the bed, carelessly tugging off his clothes and throwing them aside. He joined Bakura on the bed and pulled him in for a deep, slow kiss, savouring the feel of the fellow Egyptian's tongue sliding against his own. Bakura murmured in breathless Middle Egyptian against his lips, and Marik responded in turn, running his own hands through Ryou's hair so he didn't feel too left out in their affection. Ryou just giggled against Bakura's shaft, pressing fluttering kisses up the length and dabbing his tongue out across the sensitive head. "Ahh, fuck, Ryou…" Bakura gasped, closing his eyes. "Dammit, that's good…"

Ryou flicked his deep brown eyes up to glance at Marik, now kissing Bakura's neck and stroking his chest. "Marik," he said softly, "you can blame this on the booze later, but, um…do you want to try switching?"

"Huh?" Marik frowned at Ryou. "What do you mean?"

"He means he wants to fuck you," Bakura laughed, pushing Ryou back and scooting up the bed, tugging his remaining clothing off as he went. "Let's face it, we've been together nearly a year and you're the only one who hasn't bottomed yet."

Marik felt his face flushing at the thought. It wasn't that he hadn't considered it at least once, but he liked being in control, and relinquishing that made him a little nervous. Nevertheless, he wanted to please his lovers, and goodness knows they must have been holding out a long time for him. So, mind racing, he gave a shy nod. "Okay. I'll try."

Ryou's face lit up in a wide smile. "We'll be gentle with you, promise." He reached out, taking Marik's hand and stumbling to his feet, still unsteady from alcohol. He tumbled onto the bed beside Bakura, bringing Marik with him and squealing when the Egyptian landed on top of him. "You're heavy!" he laughed, batting at Marik's chest.

"You love it," Marik whispered, kissing down Ryou's neck. Ryou's laughter faded into gentle groans and his hips rocked upwards into Marik's. Bakura lay beside them, dragging his fingers over Ryou's pale skin, following the path of his scars. Marik frowned and pulled back to watch Bakura's movements before slapping his hand away. "Stop that," he said quietly.

"No…it's okay," Ryou smiled. "I don't mind them now."

"Still…" Marik pursed his lips.

"Something we all have in common," Bakura whispered. "Don't you find that strange?" He touched the jagged scar under his eye thoughtfully. "Your back, Marik…Ryou's arm and his self-harm scars. They're ugly and beautiful at the same time, and sometimes I wish we never had any of them, but then I'd be asking for you to be different, and fuck no, I don't want anything about either of you to change. So we might as well learn to find peace with them."

"I have," Ryou said. His own hand traced Bakura's scar, the pads of his fingers no more than a whisper against his dark skin. "When I cut, I was in such a dark place, Kura. I didn't know what to do with myself. If Marik hadn't come along and saved me from that life, I think I would have been dead before the year was out. He held me together until you came along, and then you held us both. Life is strange indeed…but I'm so glad…so, so glad…to have you both in my life."

Marik felt his eyes well up with tears at Ryou's sweet words. He's such a darling. A precious angel. Neither of us deserve him. But all three of us, we're rough and damaged, and we need each other. Fate had some really fucked up ideas when it decided that we should be together, but I love Ryou, I love Kura. Nothing else matters…just them.

Ryou wiped his tears away and kissed his lips, once, twice, three times, over and over till he was moaning in bliss. "I love you," Ryou whispered, "I love you so much."

"I love you too, habibi," Marik smiled, feeling like his heart might burst with adoration for the beautiful young man beneath him.

Bakura watched the touching scene with his usual smirk, shaking his head. "You soppy idiots," he muttered. "Stop gazing into each other's eyes, you were supposed to be fucking Marik, hikari."

"Ah, yes." With a deft twist, Ryou flipped Marik over, pinning him to the cool silk sheets.

"You two are stupidly lovey-dovey and horny when you're drunk," Marik grinned.

"Damn right," Bakura growled. He claimed Marik's mouth hungrily while Ryou worked his way down his sculpted body with eager lips and tongue. Marik moaned into Bakura's mouth, every trace of Ryou's tongue making him shiver. The attention they lavished on him was electrifying and he craved more.

Ryou pulled a bottle of lube out from under the mattress and slicked a single finger with it. "Ready?" he asked Marik. His lavender orbs snapped open and fixed firmly on Ryou's questioning gaze. He gave a small nod, trying his hardest not to tense up, knowing he'd just make it uncomfortable for himself, but when Ryou began to gently massage his finger round him, he gasped and pressed his head back into the mattress. It's…it's good. I didn't think something so simple could be – oh, fuck!

Ryou had slowly slipped his finger in, and then waited, letting Marik adjust. Oh, I'm…not sure about this. They like having this done to them? Marik gritted his teeth, clutching at Bakura's arm. "Relax," Bakura murmured, petting his hair. "It gets better."

"It's weird!"

"I know. Give it a minute."

Ryou just smiled up at him, waiting patiently. After a few more moments, the peculiar fullness began to dissipate, and Marik gave another nod, signalling that Ryou could continue. He did, carefully and with great deliberation, taking his time. It still felt a little alien to Marik, but he began to relax into the motions and leaned his head back, exhaling a heavy breath. Ryou looked pleased that his love was starting to enjoy his touch, and soon added another finger. Marik clenched and gasped, forcing himself to breathe deeply. "Careful, hikari," Bakura said quietly, "don't hurt him."

"It doesn't hurt," Marik muttered. "It's just still weird."

Bakura chuckled. "You'll get used to it. Why do you think Ryou screams when you take him? Believe me, it's good." He slid his fingers down Marik's stomach and teased them over his erection. "Hikari, you know what to do."

"Yep," Ryou nodded, his eyes lighting up.

Marik didn't quite know what he did, but he felt the fingers inside him hook and twist, and sudden pleasure exploded up his spine in spasmodic waves that had him crying out. "W-What the hell was that?" he whispered hoarsely, before another wave of pleasure assaulted him. His throat began to feel raw from the noises that poured out in a constant stream, but it was good, really good.

Ryou slid his fingers out halfway to add another splash of lubrication, and this time, when he pushed back in, it was slicker, smoother, much more comfortable. Bakura lay on his side next to Marik and helped him unwind further, sucking slowly at the head of his cock and running a hand up and down his toned stomach. Marik grabbed Bakura's thigh and moaned, almost overcome with sheer pleasure. His two white-haired lovers were worshipping his body and it was driving him mad with lust. But he knew that Ryou wouldn't take him yet, so he settled for pulling Bakura's lower half closer and returning the favour on the thief's stiffened length. The resulting groan around his own cock, and Ryou's rapturous gaze as he watched them work, instantly made the slight neck cramp worth it.

Finally, Ryou deemed Marik sufficiently stretched out, though he couldn't resist briefly joining in with Bakura's efforts, licking along Marik's sac and perineum with a playful smirk. "How should we do this?" he asked Bakura.

Bakura pulled his mouth off Marik, lips twisted in a thoughtful expression. "Put him on all fours," he said after a moment. "Then I can take you too."

"Sounds good." Ryou giggled, giving Bakura a brief kiss. "You have the sexiest imagination, Kura."

Gods, I'm nervous, Marik thought as they helped manoeuvre him into position. Ryou and Bakura did this all the time like it was nothing new to them – which, technically, it wasn't – but with this part of him being virgin, he couldn't help the flutter of nerves in his stomach. Yet Ryou was so gentle with him, so patient, that it was hard to believe he was almost out of his mind from alcohol. His hands felt soft and comforting as they roved over Marik's bronzed skin, relaxing him. "You definitely want to do this?" Ryou asked.

Marik let out an impatient huff and dropped his head to the mattress, resting it on his bent arms. "No backing out now," he grinned. "Come on, honey. Make me scream the way I do to you."

"Hmmm…a challenge. I accept." Marik heard the lid of the lube being opened again, and a soft gasp from Ryou that told him Bakura was the one applying it on him. Then he felt the hot press of Ryou's cock against his entrance and he let out his own gasp, arching his back before he'd even begun to press in. "Easy there, I haven't done anything yet," Ryou laughed.

"He's eager," Bakura whispered. "Ryou, hurry. I can't take much more of this."

With a swift push, Ryou slid inside, and Marik balled his fists in the sheets and choked on his gasp. It tingled and burned and sent delicious shivers up his spine all at the same time, and it was good, and he wanted more. "Ryou," he moaned, unable to stop his hips from rocking upwards and back. "Oh gods, Ryou, more, please…"

"Holy fuck, Marik!" Ryou gasped. "You're so tight! So – ahhh!"

Ryou's hips gave a violent jerk forwards and Marik heard Bakura chuckle darkly. He craned his head back over his shoulder to see Bakura kissing along Ryou's pale shoulders as he prepared his hikari a little rougher than he normally would. Their dark-skinned thief looked desperately aroused and ready to burst at any moment. When Ryou was ready and Bakura pushed inside, the blissful shout that Ryou uttered was one of the most beautiful things Marik had ever heard.

Marik quickly realised why Bakura was more partial these days to be the one on the receiving end. This is…oh gods, it's amazing!

He dug his hands into the sheets and moaned loudly, throwing his head back in pleasure. Ryou's thrusts were paced and careful, but Bakura's were impatient, slamming Ryou deeper into Marik every time he drove home. "D-Damn, Kura," Ryou whispered, "we were supposed to be gentle with him."

"Fuck gentle," Bakura growled back. "Don't you dare slow down."

Ryou didn't slow down. His passion got the better of him and he began to time his movements with Bakura's. True to his word, he made Marik scream like never before, made his body react in ways he never thought it would. He spasmed so powerfully that the tightness around Ryou's cock, combined with the sharp thrusts from Bakura against his prostate, soon catapulted him into orgasm, the pale young man collapsing over Marik's mutilated back with a deep sigh. "I'm so done," he groaned, clinging to Marik's hips. "Kura, you take over."

"Gladly." Bakura slid back and pulled a panting Ryou with him, then grabbed Marik and flipped him onto his back. Marik grinned up at him and lifted his hips in a welcoming gesture; Bakura took the hint and slammed inside him roughly. Ryou pulled himself up and watched them with wide eyes, mesmerised.

"Harder," Marik gasped, digging his knees into Bakura's sides and tangling his fingers in his hair. "Gods, habibi! Harder!"

It felt so wonderful, Bakura pressed up close and pouring out all his energy into every single thrust, the deep growls rumbling in his chest and oh, sweet gods - ! – the slick hand gripping his cock and jerking fast. Marik couldn't last, too overwhelmed in his ecstasy, and he spilled over Bakura's fingers with another scream. Bakura followed soon after, coming to rest with his head nestled in the crook of Marik's neck, breathing heavily in hot puffs against his skin.

"I'm, uh, going to be sore in the morning, aren't I?" Marik laughed shakily. Bakura laughed softly into his neck in response, and Ryou fluttered gentle kisses along Marik's brow. He gave Bakura's shoulder a little push to get him to pull back, and then he cleaned them all up before yanking the covers back and disappearing under them, yawning. "What, no post-sex cuddles?" Marik grinned. "You're cold, Ryou."

"I'm drunk and I'm going to have a massive hangover," he muttered, "let me sleep now."

"You sound like Kura."

Shut up and one of you cuddle me already."

Even Bakura smiled at that. Marik tumbled in beside Ryou and their thief wedged himself between them, pulling them both close with an arm each. Marik sighed happily, snuggling into Bakura's warm chest. "That was amazing, guys," he murmured. "I think I still prefer how we usually do it, but I don't mind switching every now and then."

"Sure thing," Ryou yawned, a little smile flickering over his pretty face.

"Works for me," Bakura said. He turned his head to the side, kissing Marik. "Love you, Marik." Then to the other side, kissing Ryou. "Love you, Ryou."

Ryou's eyes snapped open and Marik raised his head, gaping in shock. "Did you…just…?" Ryou whispered, eyes wide as saucers.

"Yes, and I swear to Osiris that if you tell anyone, I will disembowel the both of you and feed your entrails to the crows for breakfast."

"Ah, there he is," Marik laughed. "I thought we lost him for a second."

"Shut the fuck up."

"Hayati, he said he loves us! Quick, we have to smother him in kisses while we have the excuse that he asked for it!"

And that's how they ended up, pinning Bakura down into the bed and peppering his skin with enthusiastic kisses, and while Bakura squirmed, growled and batted at them feebly, he didn't complain. The quick kisses gave way to longer, deeper ones, and while Marik mulled over Bakura's long-awaited declaration, he realised he could have gone forever without hearing it. Their thief always was better with his actions than his words, while Ryou had enough affection and love in his little toe for a thousand people. Every mortal fibre of sense should have screamed that their relationship was a ridiculous mistake, that they'd never mesh together, never understand each other…but they did.

It's perfect. Everything is perfect.

Finally…finally, I can say my life has the meaning that I want.

Afterwards, when Ryou passed out into a drunken stupor, Bakura and Marik remained awake, holding each other and tracing their hands gently over bare skin. A soft, satisfied glow resonated in Bakura's eyes, something they rarely saw in him. "Still think what we have is fucked up to hell, habibi?" Marik whispered.

Bakura kissed him, slow, decadent, full of love. "No," he whispered back. "I'd have naught else."

"You meant it? You love us?"

"More than anything in this godforsaken world."

"Still wouldn't marry us though?"

"Fuck off with your marriage bullcrap!"

"I'm joking."

"I know."

Marik petted Bakura's chest, feeling the steady pounding of his heart beneath his ribs. "Are you happy? Are you grateful that you came back? You suffered so much at the start, but now that it's been almost a year, how do you feel?"

"I…" Bakura closed his violet eyes, letting out a soft sigh. "I'm…content. The way things are…it's good. It's so fucking good I don't understand why me of all people deserves to experience it. But I won't complain, not now. I lost too much in the past to risk throwing it all away again. If this isn't what happiness is, then I don't know what is."

"I love it when you talk like this, Kura."

"…Shut up, Ishtar."

"Mm…whatever." Marik removed his hand and kissed where it had lain. "I still love you."

An amused chuckle was his reply. "Yeah…I love you too."

What we have…can't be put into words. If I even tried to explain it, I'd be rambling on forever. All we need to know is it's here, and it's not pure, it's not chaste, it's not even conventional by any stretch. But I don't care. As long I have these two, there's nothing in this world that could ever hurt me again.



Thank you.