TITLE: My Heart is With You Always
CHAPTER: Who Ever Said the Truth Didn't Hurt? (Chapter 03)
AUTHOR: Teigra
E-MAIL: [email protected]
PAIRING: Harry/Severus
SERIES: Directly after 'Here With Me' in the Golden Dragon Series
ARCHIVE: My page (), and any place else, please just ask first.
SUMMARY: In the heat of the moment, secrets don't always stay that way.
WARNING: Mpreg, mentions of severe abuse
DISCLAIMER: I don't own them... She does *points to JKR* and I am making no money from this, I'm just enjoying sharing some of my own crazy ideas.
AUTHORS NOTE: Markus, the wonderful person that he is, helped me beta this one. Anything he didn't catch, are my own mistakes.


Laying his head on the porcelain of the toilet seat, Harry groaned, feeling completely worn out, his stomach finally giving up on trying to eject any and all food he had put into it. Hearing the bathroom door open, he groaned again, not wanting to have to deal with any questions from anyone just yet, he still needed to pull himself together to see the Headmaster.


Groaning louder, Harry peeled himself from the floor and opened the stall door. "Sirius," he splashed some water on his face.

"Harry, Dumbledore wants to see you up in office, but if you're sick I can tell him that you can't." He was looking at his godson with concern. "You really don't look good, maybe you should go see Madam Pomfrey instead." He draped an arm around the younger mans shoulders.

"I'm fine Sirius," Harry tried to sound convincing, "my stomach is just a bit off." He smiled up at his godfather, hoping it didn't look as forced as it felt. "I better get up to the Headmaster's office if he sent you to find me in the loo."

"Yeah, well, he sent Moony to get the rest of your gang and he's told me to come up with you. Wouldn't tell me what it's about though, just said it was important that we're all there."

"See, I'd have to go any way, now wouldn't I?" He poked his godfather in the side. "Now lets get going before they send a search party." He wrapped an arm around Sirius' waist in an unconscious request for support.

Sirius gripped his shoulder, frowned down at him when he wasn't looking and sighed. "Yeah, lets go."

They left the washroom and made their way through the school.


It was all Harry could do not to start shaking like a leaf as he and Sirius stepped onto the spiral staircase that went up to the Headmasters office. The closer he got to the office, the more certain he was that there was something desperately wrong with his husband. His husband that only one other person knew he was married to.

As the reached the landing, they saw that Professor Hellfire and Madam Nurr were talking quietly, both looking anxious. Sirius cleared his throat, gaining their attention. "Is everyone here yet?"

Nodding, Madam Nurr came over to the other side of Sirius and wrapped her arm around him too. "We're the last, Professor Hellfire and I thought that we would wait out here for you two. I wanted to see how Harry was first." She smiled across Sirius' broad chest, looking up at Harry. "How are you feeling dear?"

Trying to smile, but failing miserably, "I'm feeling a bit better Madam Nurr."

"Well, come to see me if that stomach problem of yours continues. I have tea that will help." She winked at him then laughed. "Come on gentlemen, we've procrastinated enough, it's time to go in."

With that the four of them entered the room.


Separating himself from Sirius, Harry moved over to his husband's chair and took a seat in it, needing a tangible thing of his husbands to hold onto. This chair was normally pushed to the side of the room and only taken out when Severus was up here. Harry supposed that the Headmaster knew he needed it today, for it was situated right in front of the desk.

Taking a deep breath, taking in the scent of old leather, he grounded himself. He then took a look around the room. Hermione, Ron, Neville, Ginny and Draco were all there for the students; those who were missing had been killed in the attack at Hogsmeade and not replaced yet. Remus, Sirius, Madam Nurr and Professors McGonagall, Sprout, Flitwick, and Hellfire were there as well. It was just about everyone who was a part of the Order of Phoenix, save for a few Ministry members.

Fear clenched in Harry's chest, the Order was never called together like this outside of regular meetings unless something was wrong. And he was certain he already knew what exactly was wrong.

Finally, after seeing whom else from the Order was there, he turned his gaze to the desk in front of him, to meet the gaze of Albus Dumbledore. The normally twinkling gaze was devoid of its normal spark; instead was dull and full of worry. Harry could not remember ever seeing the Headmaster ever look like this, it made 'The Old Man' that he and Severus teased him of being, truly look like an old man.

Not wanting to be the one to start, he gave a nod to the Professor, though if Dumbledore had not been watching for it, it would have been missed.

Clearing his throat, Dumbledore commanded the attention of everyone in the room. "I know that most of you are wondering why I have called you all here." There were murmurs of accent from around the room. "I fear we have a problem that must be addressed immediately for it effects the Order directly. One of our highest-ranking members has been taken captive, however I have reason to believe he is still alive. The owl that arrived at lunch today, although was in his hand writing, it was not in the code agreed upon."

Breaking in, "Who's the operative Albus?" Remus asked, while putting an arm around Hermione who had started to shake.

"Ahh, I was just getting to that my dear boy. It was Severus who was taken. It seems our last link to the inner circle has been broken, but we must get him back, alive." By this point he had made his way around the desk and hand placed a restraining hand on Harry's shoulder, who was growing pale again.

Hermione had by this point buried her head into Remus' shoulder and was crying softly.

"I know some of you have adverse feelings towards Severus..." the Headmaster shot a poignant look at Sirius. "However, I ask that you put aside petty differences for the sake of good. Severus has known for years that this was always a probability, especially after Miss Grangers return and has taken steps to prevent the loss of information. However, even he can not hold out forever against Voldemort and his minions."

"Albus," Sirius started, ignoring both the dark looks he was receiving from the others in the room and Madam Nurr's clenched hand on his thigh, "if he knew this would happen why did he go? Sound to me like he was asking to be captured. And if he was asking for it, we should just leaving him to his fate."

Ron was nodding his agreement with Sirius, until Neville kicked him in the leg.

"Black..." The Headmaster's voice suddenly grew deadly cold.

"No!" Harry pushed Dumbledore's hand off his shoulder and stood, ignoring everyone else in the room, except the two who had been speaking. "Let me handle this."

Turning on his godfather, Harry looked at him with disgust. "Who was the one to save me from the Dursleys when I was barely alive? Who was the one to sit by my bed and ease me out of the coma I had sunk into? Who was the one who took the time and the care to heal the whip marks, belt marks, cuts, bruises, broken bones and burns that I had suffered? Who was the one who eased the pain of the violent rape I had suffered? Who was the one who convinced me that I didn't deserve to be treated like that? Who was the one who held me while I cried... for hours? While I cursed the world? Who taught me to trust again? To LOVE?" He was breathing heavily, one finger pressed against Sirius' chest. "I'll tell you who Sirius Black. It sure as hell wasn't you," he ground out. "The ONLY person to do ALL of that was Severus Snape. And you..." his voice broke, "you will NOT leave my husband and the father of my child to die at the hands of those monsters!" The last came out as an order, his face hard, yet tears flowed down his cheeks.

The room went still.