Preface: I seem to find it easier to flesh out some background right now. So another interlude.

Interlude: From the Shadows

Sophia didn't quite understand Emma's obsession with Hebert. Hebert was, after all, just a spineless little bitch that didn't know when to curl up in a remote corner and disappear from the world. That's all she was good for.

But, Sophia didn't care who she was obsessed with-just as long as Emma remembered her place in the world, Sophia didn't care if she went and fucked the coward. And yet, Emma instead chose a different way to show her strength. The strength that she displayed when Sophia found her just the year before.

At first, Emma was so sure that Hebert would show she wasn't prey. But time and time again, the bitch just crawled off the lick at her wounds, and each time she would come back weaker than before. By this point, Sophia knew that the little girl could never have any strength.

Emma was finally catching on to that as well.

Today's event was supposed to be one last test for her. The last test to see if she had any hidden strength after all. So the two of them collected as many used tampons and pads from the school and other public places as they could during the winter break. And all of them were to be stuffed in her locker.

Right where she currently was.

Sophia shoved her in with the filth a few hours ago. And now, she was swinging by the hall to see if Hebert was still pounding away at the door-holding out hope for a savior.

She couldn't help the small chuckle that made it out of her lips. It was just like the weak to believe someone else would be able to save them. And in this world where only the strong survived and the weak died, the strong shouldn't stop by to protect the weak. That was just how the world-

Her mind blanked. The world spun. She didn't know where she was anymore.

But then it was over. The world was back to normal, and she stood steadily in the school hallway. The stench filled her nose. She was close to the coward's locker…

Her head filled with denials as soon as she realized what happened. No! She nearly screamed. That bitch couldn't trigger! She ran to the hall no one wanted to be. She was blinded by a flash when she turned the corner.

And she froze from what she saw-her mind trying desperately to comprehend what she was seeing. Because right there, standing directly in front of that locker, was a towering man. He stood taller than the lockers with white hair, red skin, and metal gauntlets up to his shoulders.

He slowly looked around. The sound of metal groaning echoed through the halls as he did. His face spoke of confusion before he honed in on the disgusting locker. He yelled something that didn't reach her mind and then ripped away the door.

If the shriek of shearing metal didn't knock her out of the stupor she was in, the roar he unleashed undoubtedly did. It shook her in the way only a cry of a beast could. Her breathing shallowed and her legs carried her back around the corner while her mind was still confused.

She needed to leave. She couldn't stay. It wasn't safe. She was going to die.

No. She wasn't weak like that! She refused to let herself run so easily. She retook control of her breathing and peaked around the corner.

The monstrous man left with Hebert in his arms.

This bitch just triggered! She couldn't believe it. The weak little prey just triggered. But despite herself and her thoughts, she smiled. Maybe Emma was right after all?