On a chilly September day, Bella Swan rushes to her father's house. Moments earlier he called, frantically begging her to come. He had news. Bella had never heard Charlie sound so genuinely emotional. She almost felt the tears in his face through the phone.
"Dad? Where are you?" She shouts, almost tearing his front door off the hinges.
"In the kitchen, Bells," he whispers. He knows she can hear. Bella bolts to the kitchen, startling Charlie with her speed. He raises an eyebrow at her and mumbles, "right, need to know?" She nods back.
"What's wrong? You sounded scared on the phone." Charlie sighs and looks down to the surface of his kitchen table. A torn envelope and a coffee-stained letter sit in front of him. He hands her the letter, "I tried to clean off the coffee."
If you're reading this, I can no longer care for our daughter. Mia needs you now. I pray you never have to hear this, but she is going to need somewhere to go when I am gone. I've left her enough money for tickets to Forks, and I included a check as well for some of her initial expenses. I know you're already well-off but it makes me feel better to send her to you with a little something to lean on.
I've left you several photos of her over the years. I hope you can find it in your heart to make room for her. I understand it's my fault you don't know her and I never gave you the opportunity, but now she needs you to step up regardless of your feelings for me. Don't do it for me, think of your daughter.
When you're ready, you can contact her: (505)555-0103."
Bella flips through about 20 photos of her younger half-sister, and pushes aside a check for $1800.
"She looks just like you, Bells," Charlie murmurs.
"She's missing my signature paleness," Bella says, trying to lighten the mood. Charlie smiles briefly, and then returns to his serious look.
"Bella..." he starts, "I want to know what you want me to do."
"Are you asking for my permission?" Charlie only nods. If she says "no," she is taking away Charlie's chance to meet his child and denying a young girl a chance to have a loving home after losing her mother. However, if she says "yes," Bella fears Charlie will replace her with his new daughter. Bella also considers the supernatural dangers Mia will be exposed to, living in Forks. Finally, her judgment gets the better of her and she responds to Charlie.
"Call her, Dad," she touches his hand and his face lights up. "I'll have Alice come over and we can repaint my old room. She's been looking for something to do before school starts anyway."
"Thank you, Bella. You don't know how much this means to me," Charlie tears up. Bella hugs her father and hands him the phone.