"I got fuucckked up last night." Beca groaned as she attempted to sit up. She was still on the couch, as it was now noon and she just woke up.

"Next time you get fucked up, bet other people in pool besides me." Jesse said, making a cup of coffee for his roommate.

"I bet you because I can beat you whether I'm drunk or not." Hungover Beca was still as sassy as normal Beca.

"Okay, screw you." Jesse mumbled. "When do you want to get your car?"

"I can go now." Beca shrugged. She had a major headache, but the coffee would soon do the job.

"Beca, I saw you drink last night. How are you able to drive?"

"I've driven in worse conditions. It's so obvious that you never saw me in college." She chuckled as she grabbed her coat, ushering Jesse out the door.

"Chloe's car is still here, must have also been a rough night for her." Jesse said, pulling into the bar's parking lot. Chloe had a reputation of getting her car as early as possible, no matter how hungover she was. She had an irrational fear of it being broken into.

"Oh fuck, Chloe." Beca mumbled, memories of last night coming back.

"What do you mean, oh fuck?" Jesse questioned, parking his car.

"Chloe and I sorta…"

"Sorta what? Fucked?" He was smirking from the driver's side.

"We didn't fuck, but it came really close." She put her fingers to her temples, in hopes it would help her pounding headache, even just a little bit.

"Was this while you guys were in the bathroom? Kinda gross but I saw it coming." He pulled Beca's car keys out of his pocket and handed them to her.

"It wasn't supposed to happen. I just...We were drunk and just in that mood. I mean, I've been in that mood for weeks but-"

"I knew you liked her!" Jesse interrupted, yelling a little louder than Beca liked.

Covering her ears to stop the ringing, Beca sighed. "We're technically not co-workers at the moment, so there's no rules. I don't know, whenever I'm around her I just feel weird inside, y'know?"

"Beca, that's called a crush. Strange, huh?" He placed a reassuring hand on his roommate's shoulder.

"I don't fucking like it." Beca opened her car door. "Wanna race home?"

"We're first responders. We have to set an example for people."


"I'll beat you this time, Mitchell."

She excitedly hopped out of his car and unlocked her own. As she was climbing into the driver seat, her phone started to ring. Who was calling? The one and only Chloe Beale.

"Hey Chlo what's up?"

Luckily her phone automatically connected to her car's Bluetooth so she was talking hands-free.

"Have you gotten your car yet?" Chloe sounded like she had just woken up.

"I'm at the bar now. Why?" Beca had to hold up her pointer finger at Jesse, telling him to wait and to stop revving his engine like it was going to antagonize her.

"Can you pick me up so I can get my car. Maybe we can get some coffee on the way. I don't know about you, but I definitely need some." She laughed into the phone.

Beca smiled, "Of course. I'll be there in like 10 minutes."

Chloe replied, "Thanks Beca", then hung up the phone.

Beca rolled down her window, which prompted Jesse to do the same.

"We can't race. I have to pick up Chloe."

Jesse scoffed. "Fine, but you owe me a race."

Beca replied, "Good thing I know where you live", before rolling up her window and driving off.

"Who took us home last night?" Chloe asked Beca as they sat at a table, a hot mocha in the hands of each girl.

"Jesse called an Uber. He was the least drunk of the three of us but he still didn't want to drive, thank god."

Beca took a sip of her drink, but instantly regretted it as it burned her tongue. It earned a laugh from Chloe, who blew on her steaming drink before taking a small sip.

"So, I don't remember much of last night, but I do remember one specific thing."

Beca's eyes met with Chloe's. "I can blame the alcohol, except it wasn't really the alcohol."

Chloe curled her lips into a small smile. "Does Jesse know what happened?"

"I didn't even have to tell him, the boy just knew. He needs a life." The brunette replied with a laugh.

"So, uh, what now?" Chloe's icy blues were focused on Beca, and for the first time she felt her heart skip a beat when looking at the woman.

"Well Miss Beale, we can either continue to make out in bathrooms, drunk or not, or you can let me take you on a date. Not the usual "date" where we put on a movie and eat Taco Bell in our sweats, but a real date at a fancy restaurant with fancy clothes, then maybe watch a movie in our sweats. What do you say?"

Before answering, Chloe paused because she wanted to be dramatic, but it also nearly gave the brunette a heart attack.

"Beca, I'd love that." The redhead was beaming. Beca, on the other hand, had her hand over her heart and breathing deep.

"Fuck sake, I thought you were going to say no." Beca took a small sip of her drink. "Want to go get your car?"

Chloe nodded her head. "If you want to date me, you'll have to get used to me being a dramatic bitch. Got that, Rebeca?"

Pausing her movements, Beca looked at Chloe with furrowed brows. "My name isn't Rebeca. My birth name is literally 'Beca', nothing more and nothing less. Why do people keep thinking it's Rebeca?"

"I'm gonna need to see some proof." Chloe smirked before walking away, leaving Beca dumbfounded.

"You start your new job on a Friday? Seriously?"

Chloe was laying in Beca's bed, watching the brunette find things to wear to work. Usually she would wear the work-issued cargo pants and an Atlanta Fire Department t-shirt, but for arson you had to wear business casual apparel before you were given the uniform - a nice polo shirt with black or khaki pants.

"Yeah, fucking stupid right? I'm going to forget everything by Monday." Beca pulled a red polo shirt from the closet. "What does this match with?"

"Literally everything." Chloe chuckled.

The two still havent been on the date they planned a week ago. They have been to each other's houses on days Chloe didn't work, but there hasn't been an official date...yet. That's what tonight was for.

"What time do you get off?" Chloe asked.

"4. It's going to be so weird working normal hours, 5 days a week." Beca flung tomorrow's outfit over a chair. "Soooo, I'll pick you up at 6?"

"I would love that." Chloe smiled. "Where are we going?"

Beca jumped onto the bed, sitting beside the redhead. "That's for me to know and you to find out," she winked, "don't dress fancy though. Casual."

"Got it." Chloe chuckled. "I'm going to go home. See you tomorrow."

"See ya hot stuff." Beca winked as Chloe walked out of the room, chuckling as she did so.

"I'm looking for Patricia Hobart." Beca said to the Public Safety Building receptionist. The Public Safety Building, or PSB, was the house to arson and all of the police department's investigation units.

"Who, me?" A blonde haired lady walked into the lobby. She slid her hand over the receptionist desk before sticking it out in front of Beca. "That would be me. But call me Fat Amy." With her other hand, she pointed to her name badge which said just 'Amy'.

"Uh, okay," Beca nervously laughed, "I'm Beca Mitchell." She took Amy's outstretched hand and shook it.

"I know. You're my new partner." Amy started walking towards the door, leaving Beca standing there. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah, I guess." Beca reluctantly followed.

They walked outside to the parking lot. Amy leading the way to a SUV with 'Atlanta Fire Department' stickers on the doors.

"This is our ride to all arson scenes. There's about 10 people in arson, but we're the ones who are responsible for going to the scenes and gathering information. The others just file the cases, write our reports, and do follow-up interviews."

"So we don't write any reports at all?" Beca asked as they piled into the vehicle.

"We take notes at the scene and write a summary, but no. We have the fun part of the job." Fat Amy nudged the brunette with her elbow, smiling as she did so.

"Are we going to a scene now, or…"

"Of course. Where else would we go?"

Beca chuckled, "I haven't even seen my desk yet."

"I knew I was supposed to do something...you'll see it later." The blonde shrugged as she drove them out of the parking lot.

It was a slow day for Station 3 so far. There had only been one call, and it was for the ambulance...2 hours ago. It wasn't usually slow, so some firefighters and paramedics used this time to workout, catch up on sleep, or train.

"Hey Jesse, you ever thought about being a medic?" Maisyn asked as she strode towards the man.

"Uh, no. I'm CPR certified, but heart attacks and stabbings are not really my thing." Jesse was reading a firefighter equipment magazine, wondering if he should get a new helmet since the reflective tape on his current one was starting to melt off.

"Well Buzzkill McGee doesn't want to train so you're taking his place." She motioned to her partner for the day. Maisyn's partner is usually Chloe, but the girl needed overtime so she was stuck with a boring, strict, rule following 40 year old.

She grabbed his arm and pulled him into the ambulance bay.

"Maisyn, I don't know anything. I'm a firefighter, not a medic." Jesse was reluctantly trying to pull away from her surprisingly strong grip.

"For fucks sake, you don't need to. You're going to be the patient." She let go of his arm and pointed to the floor where there was a blanket, a neck brace, and some medical tools.

"Wait, seriously? Hell yeah I'll be the patient." He gladly laid down on the blanket.

"Can I play some music?" Maisyn asked, which earned a nod from Jesse. In seconds, Surprise Party by Hoodie Allen and Blackbear was replacing the quietness of the bay.

"The biggest thing to remember is to not fall through the floor. You don't want your other arm to look like a robot." Fat Amy said as she parked the car in front of a burnt up house.

"Thanks." Beca mumbled. "So we just go through and look for fire starters?"

"Yup. You have experience in it?" They crossed the 'Do Not Cross - Fire Line' tape to get closer to the house.

"I've seen the basics but I'm not a pro. I usually have a mask on."

They carefully stepped foot into the house. The entire kitchen was coated in a dark black, which means it is where the fire burned the hottest. They turned on their flashlights and put on gloves so they could overturn light items without messing up their hands or touching something they shouldn't be.

"Hey look at that bottle. Is that a pipe sticking out of the top?" Amy pointed to the item.

Beca carefully picked up the charred bottle. "Yeah...is this what caused the fire?"

"Probably not." Amy shook her head. "None of the neighbors heard a loud boom, which is associated with meth bottles blowing up. My guess is they got high and left something on the stove."

They walked over to the stove, which had a giant pot filled with an unknown burnt food item. The pot almost didn't look like a pot anymore, as the fire morphed it. The exhaust fan above it had a giant burn hole through it. All the wood cabinets were basically ash.

Amy took pictures of the stove and its surroundings. "Let's check the rest of the house to see if there are any possible starters."

At that, they parted ways to look for anything and everything that could start a fire.

"Maisyn, this song is about fucking people literally anywhere." Jesse said as he was laying on the stretcher.

"And? It's a good song. This song isn't even half as bad as some of the other ones out there." Maisyn was "treating" a wound on Jesse's arm. None of the other firefighters were really paying attention to them as they did their own thing.

"Body Like a Back Road" by Sam Hunt started to play. Maisyn was humming along as she wrapped Jesse's arm in gauze.

"From rap to country? Really?" The man asked with a chuckle.

"Stay tuned and you might hear some Breaking Benjamin." She smiled then crawled over to her medical kit, trying to find more supplies for his invisible wounds.

"You know Beca is really into music, too. She's not big into country, but she will listen to about anything." Jesse said, thinking about all the mixtapes she used to make for him before she made Spotify playlists, and eventually her own mashups.

"Chloe has mentioned it." She said as she crawled back to him.

Maisyn placed a banana with a split peel on top of his arm. She placed some suture and stitching instruments next to her.

"I'm not supposed to stitch someone up on the ambo, but I like practicing. Obviously I can't actually give you stitches, thus the banana on your arm."

"Okay weirdo." He watched her carefully as she grabbed the suture and tweezers.

"Those girls are hella close," she said without losing focus, "I don't talk to Beca much, but Chloe tells me so much about her that I feel like I know her. I know they aren't dating, but they're definitely too close for friends."

Jesse had a massive smirk on his face. He wasn't going to tell Maisyn about the girls, that was their news to tell, but he sure as hell wanted to.

[Several hours later]

"I am so fucking sorry I'm late. I had to stay late at work for all this orientation bullshit, and then I had to go home and get ready really quickly." Beca was wearing black skinny jeans and a blue and black plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up, all watched with some black Vans.

"Beca, you're just 10 minutes late, it's fine. I've seen you late to work by 3 hours." Chloe warmly smiled at the brunette. She was wearing an Atlanta Falcons t-shirt and skinny blue jeans with the classic Converse shoes.

Within minutes of Beca picking up her date, they pulled into the parking lot of an entertainment plaza that consisted of mini golf, bowling, an arcade, and a small restaurant.

"Sooo this is the date?" Chloe said with a giggle.

"Yeah. I thought about a romantic dinner, but this seemed way more fun. It's like the last decent day of the year so I thought we could do mini golf today."

"You should probably know that I'll beat you." The redhead teased with a devilish grin as she got out of the car.

"You're messing with the wrong competitive person."

"Oh my god, that totally should have gone in."

"Beca, it bounced off three rocks before rolling into the water."

The mini golf course was an easy 18 holes. Most of them had some kind of trick, like hitting the ball over a bridge or into a pipe that led straight to the hole. Beca and Chloe weren't the only ones that thought it would be a nice night to play the game, there were tons of families and groups of people playing on every hole.

Chloe lined up her ball and with an easy flick of her wrist, she hit the ball with her putter. Even though the ball hit the brick lining of the course, it went in the hole for a hole-in-one. Her first of the night (they were only on hole 5), Chloe started jumping around and laughed at her date.

"Can you not." The brunette was trying to hide her grin. She hit her ball again, and this time it didn't land in the water.

"Having it stay on the turf is a great start, Becs." Chloe winked at her.

The girls continued to joke around with each other, but it was cut short when there was a loud thud and a shrill scream. On the hole before them, a group of teenagers surrounded their friend who was laying on the bridge. Well, that was until his body started to shake.

Beca and Chloe ran to the kids as fast as they could. When they realized that none of them knew what to do, they rolled the boy onto his side without question.

"We're first responders," Chloe started to explain, "I need one of you to call an ambulance and another one to call his parents." The boy was still moving uncontrollably under their hands.

By now, many people had started to watch, a few of them alerting staff members. Some of them tried to continue with their game, and some parents forced their kids to continue so they wouldn't look.

One of the teenagers helped keep the boy on his side. "His name is Connor. He's 17. Our friend is calling his parents right now but we don't know if he's ever had a seizure before."

Under their hands, the movements started to slow down, but his eyes were still rolled back and body still tucked into a ball. The group of teenagers were still shaken up, but they quieted down to a whisper.

"I'm Chloe, that's Beca. Everything is going to be fine, okay?"

The teenager nodded her head in response.

The three of them rolled him on his back, someone's jacket used as a support for his head. He was finally laying flat but his eyes weren't open.

"Hey Connor. You there pal? My name is Beca and I'm trying to help you." They could see his eyelids attempt to open, but they kept their hands on his arms and made sure not to jerk him.

"His parents are on his way. They said he has epilepsy but hasn't had an episode in a while." A girl stepped forward and quietly told them, so quiet that she was scared a normal voice level would startle him.

Chloe smiled and nodded in response before turning her attention back to the boy. "Connor, your parents are on the way. Wanna wake up?"

After a few attempts, his eyes finally opened, but he was completely out of it. The blonde boy stared up at the sky, his eyes darting between the setting sun and the few stars shining through.

"Hey bud, you there?" At the sound of Chloe's voice, Connor nodded. "Wanna tell me your age?"

He swallowed hard before answering. "17. My birthday is October 17, 2001."

The adults smiled at each other. "Do you know where you are?"

"Mini golf place." He was finally looking at the faces that seemed completely unfamiliar to him. "Where's my mom?"

"She's on her way. Just relax for a bit."


Beca and Chloe, who were both faced away from the parking lot, turned around to see Maisyn, her partner, a stretcher and a med kit.

"Hey Mais." Chloe chuckled, realizing she was basically working away from work. "This is Connor, he just had a grand mal seizure. He's responsive."

The paramedics moved closer as the three mini golfers stepped to the side. Two adults also came closer, presumably his parents as they instantly dropped to his side. After checking his pupils and the voluntary movements of muscles, Connor sat up.

Making sure his son was stable, the dad left his boy and walked over to the girls. He enveloped the teenager into a big hug. "Thank you, Alyssa, for being here." After the hug, she nodded and walked towards her friends.

"Thank you so much for being here. We honestly don't know what would have happened without you girls."

"We're happy to help. It's literally our job. I'm Chloe and this is Beca." Chloe said for them. Beca looked at her with a smile, proud that this is the girl she was on a date with.

"Todd, we need your help." The mom called. He whipped around and jogged to his family. All 4 of them helped the teenager to his feet. After standing, he had a death grip on his parent's shirts as he was scared of falling again.

Maisyn instructed her partner to put him on the stretcher and put him in the ambulance.

"What the fuck are you guys doing here?"

"We're on a date." Chloe replied before it registered in her brain that she was telling a coworker about a date with a former coworker.

"Finally." Maisyn smiled. "It's good you guys were here, it could have turned ugly. I'll talk to y'all later." She winked before jogging back to the ambulance.

They turned around and started walking back to their course. Beca pulled her hands out of her pockets to reveal that they were shaking pretty bad.

"Oh my gosh Beca, what's wrong?" The redhead said in fear.

She took a deep breath, "I've never seen anyone have a seizure, much less help them through it. That was terrifying."

Chloe enveloped her in a hug. "You did amazing. You were a complete natural helping him. I'm so so proud of you."

"Thanks." Beca said shakily. "Can we go back to your place? I'm not feeling this whole golf thing anymore."

"Not a problem, I'll kick your ass any day."

With that being said, they gave back their golf clubs and balls and went back to Chloe's apartment. They didn't say much more about the medical emergency, but also didn't have a problem with falling asleep next to each other that night.

Wow! I havent posted for like 3 months...sorry! I've been incredibly busy with school, work, and some personal things, but I hope to get more out there within the next couple weeks.

This chapter is long and has a lot but i hope you guys enjoy it! I don't know much about arson so just bare with me on that part. As for the kid with a seizure...that's based off of real life. I was at a bowling tournament the other day and this happened. The kid is doing okay, btw!

Anyway, enjoy this chapter and look for new stuff being posted!