Chapter 1: The Broker

DISCLAIMER: Hp belongs to Jkr. The storyline, new character development, new events, and new characters are my intellectual property.

It is definitely for more mature readers. An ultra shy Lucius who has a love secret, a witch looking for a life partner, and family secrets everywhere. A ride into unexpected waters. I'll continue judging by the response.

The New Dawn

They called it the "New Dawn," though not everyone was happy. Some saw it as a bad thing, fearing the well-deserved retribution for their transgressions. Yet many others thought the natural order of things had been restored. Many were even nostalgic for the years following the last great war, and wished that well enough would have been left alone, particularly those who had lined their pockets with war reparation funds; however, many others were happy to see the end of corruption. They saw a new era of wealth and riches for all those who tried to conform to the winds of change, a period of mostly tolerance, and positive change.

Strange how people's attitudes change, morphing former monsters into ruling princes by the power of love. Most agreed that it was bound to happen, just not like it had. The truth is that it had come as a surprise to just about everyone. Even stranger, how hidden heritages were being discovered.

Seven Years after the last Battle

The Single Witch

The war had ended, leaving vast destruction on its wake. Many had been left alone; there were widowers and hundreds of orphans all over the place.

A year later, a band of renegade Death Eaters went on a murderous rampage and targeted those that they deemed traitors, and one of their first victims was Narcissa Malfoy.

Draco was injured severely during the same attack, and, as a result, was left impotent. The later hardly mattered to him, since he had already decided to join a mystics' sect. They lived in a secret location, rumored to be inside a pocket in the in-between space. Unfortunately, he left Lucius alone and in great sorrow, granted they could visit once in a while.

Enterprising marriage brokers were collecting high fees to find partners for all those left without spouses. One of them, Lydia, was close friends with Hermione. Lydia, a Ravenclaw, from the class one year behind, had met her at the uni where they had been roommates.

After being hurt by giving her heart and her body to her careless first love, Hermione bounced back and had an excellent start with Ron; passion and tender love healed her aching heart. Alas, something changed suddenly, and what burned so bright turned into a lukewarm relationship, and she knew that he wasn't for her. She wanted more than looks, she wanted more passion, and also sought someone who 'had some brains.'

Hermione introduced Lydia to Ron, hoping that he would like her. Lydia, a rich heiress, was a hit with Ron. They married six months later, and now, Lydia was pregnant for the second time in three years.

At 25, Hermione had dated and had a few boyfriends, but the elusive someone was nowhere to be found. Perhaps, better said, maybe she had already found the right candidate, but it hadn't worked out since her first lover and later Charlie Weasley, could have been the one. Charlie had also hurt her, so Hermione had promptly given him up.

After Charlie, she'd realized that she preferred older men/wizards; too bad that many came with a lot of baggage, i.e., ex-wives, children nearly her age, or they wanted a traditional wife. She wanted more and was set financially, enabling her to be choosy.

The grandparents, she had never met, left her a substantial inheritance plus she had a flourishing business. She was a consultant, expert in finding old spells, charms, and historical data. It was a gift, one of many. She had many clients and, after two years, partnered with Bill Weasley. It was a perfect match, he was a curse breaker, and between both of them had a 99% success rate. He and Hermione together would find the roots and solutions, and he'd get rid of the curse.

They also went to many wealthy homes, to check found items to determine if they were safe. Soon they had clients all over the globe, their services were required by many. Later on, Charlie Weasley and his business associate came to work with them as partners. Their latest associates specialized in known and unknown magical beasts and other equally obscure beings. Such creatures were sometimes sighted or their young found, and their wealthy clients wanted either more information for whatever reasons, or to learn how to care for the foundlings. You could say that her company specialized in mysteries.

Bill was more than happy, he was now rich beyond his expectations and proud that between the Weasley children, they were able to care for their parents.

The Burrow was now a large home for war orphans, Molly's idea. After losing Fred, she'd sought for a way to forget and had helped with the effort; the MoM gave her a stipend, but it wasn't much, and sometimes it was either delayed or just never came.

Whereas donations started coming, her sons were basically funding the effort; and everyone pitched in to include Hermione.

Her life was full but longed for more, she thought she was ready to commit, but, "Lydia forget it, I'm not that desperate, the two times you tried were a disaster." They laughed together, a disaster indeed.

One was a thirty-something wizard from the continent. He came from an old family and was perfect in almost every sense, except that he told her in no uncertain terms, "The witches in my family have never worked and never will. Furthermore, I expect you would go with me everywhere since I travel a lot, and I would want you in my bed every day. At home, we will need to entertain my clients and friends regularly. I don't want children for five or six years, and so on."

Hermione heard him, he wanted a lover-social hostess with no mind of her own. Well, it could have been doable with some work, but the last statement did it, "I don't believe in separate vaults, in my country the husband controls all the family assets, we wizards are better… " Hermione stopped listening, declined his marriage offer, and ran.

The second was more of the same, the only difference was that he was a local. They wanted her name, her fame, and to control her, and that wasn't for her. Besides that neither had excellent skills in the bedroom department, albeit they both thought otherwise, hence their unwillingness to change, was perhaps the real issue.

Ah, Charlie was too perfect in the last department and taught her much about it; but he was so good that he wanted to spread his expertise around. Stop it, enjoy your visit, don't think about him, not now, not ever, she admonished herself. Stop ruminating and enjoy today.

The Broker

Yes, enjoy the day; she was drinking tea with Lydia and holding her namesake, a chubby ginger hair beauty, Hermione Harriet Weasley. The name was a great source of fun for Hermione and Harry, the also slippery single; Ron had wanted to please them both. "Poor baby saddled with such names," Lydia would laugh.

Lydia's secretary came in, "Mrs. Weasley, your 16:00 appointment is one hour early, he is wondering if you could accommodate him, he has an urgent appointment, something to do with his son and having to send him a package, a last-minute thing."

"Ah, well, hmm," she looked at Hermione with a familiar 'evil' gleam, and Hermione bristled, "Erase that look pronto, no, no, and no way; match away somewhere else."

"I don't know, it would be interesting at the very least. The wizard is, are you ready? Lucius Malfoy."

Hermione laughed, "Sure and pigs will fly. Why should the prettiest and the darkest, may I add, need to avail himself to your services?" She noticed that Lydia hadn't cracked a smile and decided to go on.

"I have been to balls where he was the belle of the ball. It is always the same, I've witnessed every blond beauty breathing hard and heavy when they looked at him. The witches, young, younger and older, rich and richer threw themselves at his feet, and he didn't give anyone a second look. Andromeda says that he is a cold fish." Hermione noticed that Lydia just looked at her as if she were rambling.

"And I am going to tell you something that she told me in semi-confidence; it was about her sister's confession; Narcissa had never seen a naked wizard. No, not when they were young, Andromeda said it was a few months before she died, so she showed her some of Tonks leftover Muggle magazines." She giggled naughtily.

Lydia still hadn't cracked a smile, "Miss Brightest Witch and master sleuth, hadn't it occurred to you that he is just shy? Okay, he is dark, dangerous, but extremely yummy as well. Maybe he is 'the' big-challenge; just imagine making him see the error of his ways. You like challenges, don't you?" Her smile was plain scary.

The idea, however, had its appeal. Hermione worked with many former Death Eaters, and she knew that Lucius had regretted his involvement with the Dark Lord. She thought for a minute or so, and the idea grew on her, "I will come in…just to talk and meet him, hmm, just don't push me." She looked stern.

The idea of a shy, repressed Lucius was novel. Hence she went with Lydia into the elegant room where she met with her clients. Lucius sat on a single chair, straight as an arrow, with a tall glass of what? A dark bubbly drink, a cola? The hater of all Muggle-Born drinking cola with cubs of ice and a lime slice.

Lucius barely looked at her, they sat, and she sat across him. She wore a short suede skirt, a cashmere fitted top, boots over dark tights, and an open witch's robe. It was cold outside, and her clothing reflected her style, seasonal clothing making a few Wizarding world's concessions; namely: a mix of modern Muggle and Traditional Wizarding garments.

"Mr. Malfoy, I hope the cola I bought is to your liking?" Lydia asked solicitously. She made sure to study all her clients' dossiers to make them comfortable.

"Thanks, it is perfect. It is sugarless, right?"

Hermione couldn't believe her ears. She must have made a strange face because he commented, dryly, "Does it surprise you that I like Muggle food? Why not? I never said I didn't, besides my views have vastly changed, Muggle products can be surprisingly pleasant," all the while he looked at her quizzically...and grinned, transforming his face. He looked a little mischievous.

Hermione had never seen him smiling, darn, phew, he was truly the prettiest, well Draco as well, though he seemed a little sweaty, maybe too many clothes. After all, he did wear heavy robes.

The rest was history, Lucius was indeed painfully shy around witches, and he turned into a challenge. He had changed some, but how much? It was hard to tell. His business acumen was amazing, but he was tongue-tied when it came to talking other than business. He'd actually asked Lydia, not her, "Is Miss Granger here as your friend, or, ahem, to introduce us as well?"

He had blushed, a faint pink tinge, how odd. Is Mr. Evil blushing? Or is it an allergic reaction to the sweetener, hard to tell; he, he, perhaps he is truly warm. Yup that must be it, Hermione wondered.

Hermione cut in, "Yes, she asked me if I would meet you, so here I am."

Lydia smiled like a feline who had just eaten a bowl of fresh tuna. Minutes later, the newly 'matched' couple signed a standard agreement, and the gig was on.

He took her out to a few e restaurants over the next couple of weeks. At the end of the second week, he invited her to an exclusive Friday night ball. When they arrived, many were surprised who was his company, but others were still afraid of him, so nobody made any comments. She was looking forward to the dancing since he had never touched one of her fingers, not once during the five times when they had been out.

She dressed carefully, elegant, classy, and ultra sexy. The back dipped below her waist. The dark green dress was made out stretchy silk, only thin straps made out a silver chain over her shoulders. Still, he didn't look at her twice, not even when she took off the wrap around her shoulders, while she declared sultrily, "It is too hot in here," When in truth, she was somewhat chilled.

He stood up, "Let me help you," took her wrap and hung it carefully over a spare chair. He didn't touch her during the process. Albeit many eyes were fixed on them, neither was aware of anyone else.

"Miss Granger, do you care to dance?" He stood in front of her, very old fashioned, but damn he was H.O.T. Hermione liked him more and more and even more amazing, he had read more than her. He was fond of learning just like her, of mountain hikes, sports, exploring way out places, swimming, dueling, researching obscure subjects, good food, dueling as a sport, and the list went on. As to his convictions, he wouldn't talk about them, true; but it was also true that he looked great and smelled even better.

"Please call me Hermione, we have been out several times," she touched his hand, and he stared at her hand as if trying to figure out why she had touched him.

"Ah, yes, ah," he had blushed, Hermione couldn't believe it. She decided to leave her hand in place, and wrapped it around his larger hand, "Yes, please call me Lucius, you are right, I am not good with witches." He turned pinker, something that Hermione found endearing.

She expected a romantic dance, but he held her with enough distance for another body to fit in between them. Yet, the mere touch of his hand on her back and holding her hand, made her want him. By the time that the dance was over, she literally ached for him, but she didn't detect any emotions. He glided gracefully and expertly but totally detached.

At the end of the night, he barely kissed her when he dropped at her flat. She growled in frustration, decided this was a dead end, and went to sleep.

The Proposal

"Hermione, where are you, get up, now," Hermione wondered who was at her home on Saturday morning before nine, agh, the weekends were for late mornings. She closed her eyes, "Emi, Emi, waky, c' me," little hands were trying to open her eyes, and a hot small body was climbing all over her.

Hermione giggled, "Naughty little witch." And tried to hide her head under the pillow to no avail. The little one held on to her.

She opened one eye, "Let's see who is here waking me up, must be an early morning wake up troll, aha." She grabbed the intruder and tickled her belly.

It was Ermi, Ron's daughter, Lydia, sat by the edge of her bed, "Where are my worthless watchdogs to alert me?" She referred to her two Cairn, Ebenezer and Pip, her grandmother's dogs and part of her inheritance.

The six-year-old siblings were poorly behaved but also were loving dogs, besides they were lots of fun. Everyone at the office loved them and their antics; they brought her wand when they wanted treats on demand, clever they were, but they also were masters of getting in trouble. The watchdogs in question were trying to sit on Lydia's lap.

"You have landed my biggest commission ever, thanks. We are going on a vacation, we can finally afford it, the orphanage is a little draining, but worth it. We have plenty, but the cash flow could be better. As you are aware my vaults won't be released until next year, just as many others," Lydia sighing looked at the dogs and petted them. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Nothing I can do. You already know that my father was a Death Eater. Anyway, Lucius came at 7:30, a bit early, and offered me, are you ready, 120,000 Galleons if I can arrange a marriage contract with you. He will send his solicitor to discuss your settlement. A tiny caveat, he wants to marry this coming Friday. Like in five days Friday."

Hermione's mouth opened as if it were out its hinges. She heard someone else breathing, it was Ron looking expectantly. "In Muggle money, it comes to what hmm, holy cow, not sure depending on the gold value. So today…hmm over 600,000 Sterling. Wow."

"Err, not sure, let me have Ermi," Ron came in the room with a cup of coffee, just like she liked it. She blew him a little thank you kiss, and he grinned. Lydia sighed, there were things better left alone.

"It is a, well, a surprise. Did you know, Mr. M. hasn't even kissed me, the furthest he's gone is to call me Hermione and letting me call him Lucius. It is like reading Jane Austen," she noticed her friends' blank look.

"Cut it out, down, no fighting on my bed," her dogs were growling because both wanted the toy on her bed, the same one that Ermi was also aiming for it, a disaster in the making.

"Okay, it is a Muggle writer. Her books are about British Muggles at the turn of the 19th Century. They were very formal, just like Lucius. Maybe I was too forward by touching his hand?"

They all laughed, but Ron said, "Wow, his majesty is on a first name basis with you? You hussy," they looked at each other and laughed some more. "But for real, his kind is extremely formal, maybe it is a big step. By the way, I told Liddy that you would say no, granted the gold is an incentive, but don't do it, he was a D…, he is, err…" He meant it, even if he looked wistful. Undoubtedly, the commission was extraordinary.

"Ron stop it, the war was long ago, and we have all changed. I am rather alone, my parents are never around, traveling the world for the last 18 months. As you know, I've never met their families, some fall out never discussed." A flash of something clouded her eyes.

"Ah, yes, they decided to use their inheritance money to travel and enjoy life, good for them, they are in their mid-forties. As for me, I have never done anything impulsive as far as my life is concerned; otherwise, I got in plenty of trouble as you well know. You know what? I will do it, I can always divorce him." She smiled triumphantly.

Both looked concerned, "Hermione, you forgot, there is no divorce for us, only if a spouse is not loyal, or the marriage was forced; if you do it, you will lose your wand," Ron told her. While he waited, he wrestled with his thoughts.

He was already resigned to the idea, but a part of him, the hidden one that would always love her and miss her, was totally opposed. Notwithstanding, Lucius had already told Lydia that it was Hermione or nobody else and if she couldn't brokerage the contract, he would find someone that could.

Ron had no doubt that he would. He knew that Lucius was still dark, powerful, and dangerous. Hermione was already his, and that was a fact. He had gone to plenty of parties with Liddy's crowd and attended many outings with his former enemies, and now understood that Malfoy was their uncrowned ruler. They spoke of him reverently. His tragedies and sorrows were felt by all; hell, Lydia wasn't any different.

He had been mad at Lydia for her ill-thought scheme; they had been fighting for days, and the last hour had been a nightmare; he had nearly walked out, for good, hell with the wand.

He remembered, "You like it, of course; let's face it, you grew up in a Death Eater's home. A place where Lucius' name was revered; let's not forget that I've heard your acquaintances plenty of times. He is your uncrowned prince; why he even has Muggle titles, I am not deaf. You have a picture of his family over our mantle, you and every one of your friends. I imagine, no, I know that you are proud to have found his bloody majesty a bride. But to sacrifice our true heroine, our princess to him? How could you, maybe it is true that you used our friendship to get to her?" He had truly regretted marrying Liddy since she had told him about her' coup.'

"So you still see me as a Death Eater? I did it because that is my job, and I truly think that he cares for her. All right, I think he is special, and yes, he is. His family were and are the most powerful and richest of all of us since ever, read our history. I never denied it … never mind, you knew who I was. Or is it that you never got over her and I was second best?"

He was so angry that he hadn't answered for a while. Sadly, although he loved Lydia, there was more than a grain of truth, Hermione was…hmm, whatever, but not for him; besides, he was happy with his wife and child. Hermione was…well…best put away forever; otherwise, the pain would damage him and destroy the chances for a good and happy life. He'd been an imbecile when he had listened to Harry, his own doing. He should have never let Hermione go.

Ermi woke up crying. The cries of his child made him back up. He had acquiesced and made peace with his wife, his life, and his future, as much as he could do. It'd always hurt once in a while, it was a fact of life.

Didn't everyone have something to hide? Even his dad, when he was eight or nine, he had caught his dad crying, not crying, more like sobbing while looking at old pictures that he put away, behind a box. He saw them later, photos at Hogwarts of a young couple in love; a young Arthur kissing a young witch's cheek.

He went around trying to figure out who was the witch and looking at school books he matched the faces; the witch was Bellatrix Black. After the Battle, after his father's had taken care of Fred, he had picked up Bella's body. Ron had spied, his father was sobbing when he closed her eyes; he'd even kissed her cold lips. Ron had cried with his dad from his hiding place. So there, life wasn't perfect.

Maybe he was wrong, perhaps they could have fought Lucius, but why not let it go? Lucius was going to get his wishes, so might as well that Lydia was the broker.

His friends, his parents, and all his siblings were already mad at both, so much that they hadn't been invited to a dinner party at Harry's, two nights ago. The gossip rags, worldwide, agreed that Ron had not only married a Death Eater but turned into one. His shop was deserted these days because of the gossip about Hermione and about Ron's wife. Many were outraged that she got Lucius and Hermione together as a favor to their uncrowned prince.

Harry had yelled at him, "What is wrong with you? He is the most dangerous of all wizards alive. He is rumored to have secret powers beyond Voldie's. We are lucky that he hasn't tried to lead another movement, he is rich and powerful, and he could do it. He is revered by all those jerks. Did you know that many have his portrait in their homes? Wait you have one, better said, your wife has one. He only has to say the word, and they'll follow him like sheep. Is it the money? I'll give you half of mine, today, so just stop this, tell your bloody Death Eater wife to drop him. How could you allow it? Or is this revenge because she wouldn't have you?"

Harry was an ass; hadn't Harry told him to cool it with Hermione? Harry'd confronted him when he found out that he was with Hermione, the fucking traitor. "No, she is mine, so let her go gently," Harry had demanded. He had cooled it, and it had been heart-wrenching, and true enough, he had lost her; and to date, Harry hadn't made a move. 'Harry the damaged' always twisted the truth to suit him; still deciding that he owned Hermione. Gods, what a bloody mess.

"Ah, I see." She was quiet