Disclaimer: I do not own Tokyo Ghoul or Harry Potter.

Looking down at the witches and wizards that were currently scrambling around, Aria held back a snicker as she leaned against Uta, "Seeing them run around like headless chickens in hilarious."

"Agreed," Uta hugged her lightly, "Which side are they on?"

"Based on the fact they lack the tainted feeling to their magic that all of the snake bastard's followers have, I would say they're Dumbledore's," Aria caught sight of her two former 'best-friends', "If those two are here, the sheeple are members of Dumbledore's order of the flameing pigeon,"

Uta snorted at the nickname she'd given Dumbledore's dogs, "What do you want to do?"

Aria hummed lightly in thought, "I'm actually tempted to see what Dumbledore wants. The old man was very much a pacifist back then, so he might not be ordering them to kill me."

Uta nodded before pressing a kiss to her cheek, "I'll be right back. We'll head to one of my old haunts and get information from them if they take the bait."

Settled on a crate, Aria sat cross legged with her hands planted in front of her. She amused herself and the ghouls Uta had watching over her while he was observing the entrance. She flicked her tail and a horse made of fire appeared. She created a beautiful looking woman that chased after the horse. Following the woman, she created a large mountain lion that chased both the woman and the horse. On and on, they chased one another in an infinite circle until the woman tripped. The mountain lion pounced and tore open the woman. In amazing detail, she showed the woman being eaten by the giant cat. Hearing nearly silent footsteps, Aria looked up and dismissed the fire, "They're coming?"

Uta nodded as he moved to stand behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Settling his head between her ears, Uta spoke, "They'll be here in a few moments. I assume that you can do more with that pretty fire?"

"Tons," Aria vanished the fire much to the disappointment of her audience, "If you want, I could show you,"

"Later," He tightened his grip on her as Aria's tail coiled itself around his waist, "Nervous?"

"A little," Aria admitted as she eyed the entrance, "It's been over six years since I've seen them,"

"You're 21?" Itori asked in shock earning a nod from Aria, "You look both younger and older than that,"

"I've always looked younger due to my relatives being bastards," Aria informed the female ghoul, "As for the older part, I've been stressed out a lot and had to grow up quickly not that I ever had a chance to be a kid,"

The last part was muttered in a bitter tone and caused Uta to grimace. Everyone fell silent as the doors to the old warehouse opened and Dumbledore walked in followed by a large group of people. Dumbledore and his sheeple stumbled as they caught sight of her. Aria looked at them impassively as she looked them over. Every single one of them looked worn and tired which wasn't surprising as the UK had been at war for around five of the years she'd been a kitsune. Dumbledore was the first to overcome his shock, "Aria, I am pleased to see that you're alive."

"Not that people haven't been trying to change that," Aria replied with a snort, "What do you want, Headmaster? Why come after me now rather than earlier?"

"As you've no doubt realized, Tom is still at large. We've been fighting a war for the majority of these last five years and have not been able to come get you," Dumbledore looked apologetic, "I truly am sorry about what happened-"

"Save the apologies," Aria snapped at him, "Tell me what you want? I do not have the time nor patience to deal with those that abandoned me in my time of need,"

Dumbledore winced at her tone while Molly Weasley looked furious, "Don't tal-"

"I did not ask nor do I want your opinion, Mrs. Weasley," Aria glared at the woman before looking back at the old man.

Dumbledore cut Molly off before she could begin another one of her famous tirades, "Aria, we need your help. If something isn't done about Tom, he may very well win this war."

Uta's grip tightened on her as Aria spoke in a soft tone, "You want me to return to a place where I am well and truly hated because you want me to kill someone? Do you realize that the moment I get back they'll be attempting to lynch me for something that I had absolutely no control over?"

"I have been promised that you will be granted amnesty for the duration of the war," Dumbledore promised.

"And after?" Uta finally spoke up, "What will happen once she's killed the man you want dead? What will stop them from turning on her once more and killing her?" Dumbledore didn't seem to have an answer for that, "You know that they will kill her once she's done what you asked," Uta snorted softly, "She will not be returning with you. She has much to be doing here and her home is with us not a backwater country that will kill her the moment she finishes whatever task you've laid before her,"

Ron finally spoke up like she'd been hoping, "Why the fuck do you get to decide that? Who the fuck says you're allowed to tell Aria what to do?"

"Yeah," Hermione nodded her head and looked at Aria, "Are you seriously going to allow him to dictate what you do?"

Aria snorted softly, "Uta can do and say as he wants when it comes to me. If he wants me to stay, I'll stay right where I am. I haven't wanted to return to England since I experienced the other magical societies."

The ones who had once known her as a hotheaded girl that refused to bow to anyone's will gaped at her in shock. Aria's eyes focused on her godfather and she froze as her heart skipped a beat. Aria had missed him so much and seeing him now, she knew that he had missed her too. The goblins had done their best to keep her informed, but to see his current state with her own eyes told Aria just how much he'd suffered without her. Uta whispered in her ear, "What's wrong?"

"Sirius," Aria whispered knowing that the ghouls in the room and Remus would be able to hear her, "I...It hurts seeing him like that,"

"If you want, I can have him kidnapped," Uta suggested as he looked at Aria's godfather, "I can get the wolf as well. They'll both have my protection,"

"Only if they want," Aria wanted her godfather but wouldn't push it.

Uta pressed a kiss to her crown as Ron burst out, "What the fuck did he do to you?"

"Uta has done nothing to me," Aria smiled lightly as she added on, "Nothing I didn't want, at least,"

Seeing the shock of her former friends increase as their minds worked through that rather vague comment, Aria nearly burst out laughing as Uta silently chuckled behind her. Molly burst out, "You've had sex with him?!"

"Not yet since having wizards around is a real mood killer," Aria's tail twitched as her amusement increased at the redness on some of their faces, "Honestly, it wouldn't be so bad, but the drool just kicks the mood right into the gutter,"

Uta snorted softly and murmured, "I do not drool."

"I know, but they don't know that," Aria snickered softly.

Dumbledore coughed lightly earning Aria's attention, "Aria, perhaps you shouldn't do that. What if you meet your chosen?"

"So you do know about Kitsunes," Aria had always wondered about his knowledge, "As for meeting my chosen, you're looking at him. Do you really think I'd listen to just any guy extremely hot or not?" Aria turned to kiss Uta's jaw, "Uta is my chosen,"

"Where is the consort ring then? Or the marking?" Dumbledore pushed for information.

Aria turned lightly and reached into Uta's shirt to pull out the consort ring they'd gotten from Gringotts, "Right here, it would definitely get broken if Uta wore it on his fingers. Ghouls are notoriously hard on jewelry."

"It comes with the enhanced strength," Uta grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss her knuckles before allowing Aria to face forward once more, "If that's all, I would suggest leaving as neither one of us want to deal with you,"

Dumbledore opened his mouth to protest as did many of the sheeple with him. He stopped as the various ghouls in the room stepped forward. The sheeple realized just how much shit they were in and Dumbledore swallowed, "Of course, I hope that you might change your mind as Tom will not give up on you, Aria."

Aria's smile was all teeth and fangs, "Oh Headmaster, you needn't worry about that. He'll be taken care of soon enough. I do hope once he's gone you can actually be bothered to clean up your own mess as I will not be going near England again."

Dumbledore and his group left with Sirius trailing at the back. Aria's eyes met her godfather's and he nodded to her before turning to face forward. It hurt to watch him walk away, but Aria knew that even if Sirius didn't take the protection Uta would offer, he would do his best to be with her.

The confrontation with Voldemort occurred not even a day after Dumbledore's visit. Aria ended up spending a majority of the fight exchanging magical blows with Voldemort while the mixed group of goblins and ghouls set things up. When she received the signal she'd been waiting for, Aria unleashed a wall of fire and watched as Voldemort drenched it. The snake-faced bastard chuckled, "Potter, you should give up. You're weak and your allies are going to die. If you give up, I will spare them."

"We both know that's a lie, Thomas," Aria grinned as Voldemort twitched violently and snarled at the mention of his real name, "You would never spare anyone connected to me as you want to make an example. If anything, you'll kill them in front of me like a cliche villain. To be quite honest, you're turning into one of those. What happened to the brilliant magical prodigy? Did those soul pieces of yours take away more than your sanity and vanity?"

Voldemort flung a curse at her and Aria dodged with a snicker, "Potter, I'm going to kill you and mount you on my wall."

"So you're into necrophilia as well?" Aria asked in an innocent tone only to earn a scream of rage and another curse, "Hey! It's a valid question since you seem like graveyards and dead people. Or is it that you're sexually attracted to me, but don't want to admit it?" Aria dodged the curse that followed that as she gagged, "Okay, I so didn't need to say that. Yuck, I disgusted myself with that and the mental images or horrible," She shuddered, "I need to shower in holy water a thousand times before I'll feel clean again,"

Voldemort cast another spell at her, but it fizzled out not even a moment after it left his wand. He tried it again and again only to find the spells fizzling out, "What is this?!"

"Experiencing performance issues?" Aria asked with a slight snicker, "I'm sure there's something you can take for that,"

"Potter, what have you done?!" Voldemort screeched as she saw one of the goblins flash a light at her.

"That would be telling," Aria grinned at him, "If you'll excuse me, I gotta go. I think I left the kettle on,"

With that, Aria darted away from the older wizard and dove beneath one of the rather brilliantly crafted barriers the goblins had set up. Seconds later, a pentagram appeared beneath Voldemort and a bright light engulfed the area. Aria covered her eyes and only unshielded them once a goblin gave the all clear. She let out a whistle at the charred corpse that had once been Voldemort and his snake familiar-turned-horcrux. She turned to Axejaw as Uta and the ghouls that had been helping walked over carrying the bodies of their opponents. In many cases, the magical was very much dead, but a few were merely unconscious. Axejaw nodded to himself, "Voldemort and his horcruxes have been fully destroyed."

"Good," Aria felt herself relax as relief swept through her, "You check the ones that you've gathered to ensure it?"

"Of course," Axejaw smiled at her, "It was a pleasure working with you though some of your comments were disturbing,"

Aria shuddered lightly, "I need to be obliviated or something."

"Too bad it doesn't work on Kitsunes," Axejaw replied earning a groan from Aria, "If you excuse us, we'll be taking the bodies back to the bank. We'll ensure proper procedures are followed. If we need to contact you, we will,"

"Thank you, Axejaw," Aria smiled warmly at the goblin as Uta dropped the body of Fenrir Greyback onto the floor before making his way over to her, "You have no idea how glad I am that this is over,"

Axejaw inclined his head before turning to bark out orders in his people's language. Uta wrapped his arm around her waist, "Ready to go home?"

"Am I ever," Aria turned to press a kiss to his cheek, "All I want to do is take a bath and go to sleep,"

Uta gave a husky chuckle as they began to leave, "And what if I want to do something between them?"

"It can wait until tomorrow when I'm not completely exhausted," Aria's cheeks were flushed a rather pretty pink.

"Who says you'll have to do anything?" Uta asked as he dropped his hand to her hip and pulled her closer to him, "I could do all the work,"

"Tempting, but that wouldn't be fare," Aria laid her hand on Uta's, "Besides, I should be able to reciprocate and being tired prevents that,"

Six months later saw Aria walking into Uta's shop carrying supplies and finding Touka there. Uta looked up from the puppy-like boy he was measuring, "Aria, I see you've gotten the supplies I asked for."

"And some of your favorite snacks," Aria set everything on his desk, "Hello, Touka,"

"Aria," The teenager looked both uncomfortable and happy to see her, "You haven't been around lately,"

"I had somethings to do that kept me away," Aria looked at the boy, "So this is Yoshimura's new foundling, he's found quite the cute little puppy,"

"P-puppy?" The boy blushed and Aria let out a soft laugh.

She walked over to kiss Uta's cheek and ruffled the boy's hair, "It's nice to meet you, Kaneki. I look forward to see how you change up the game."

Aria picked up the bag of snacks she had picked up and headed into the backroom. She began to put them away as she listened into the conversation going on. Kaneki asked, "Who was that?"

"That was Aria, she's my lover," Uta informed the boy, "Isn't she sexy?"

Aria flushed lightly and giggled softly. Kaneki stuttered out a reply and Touka growled, "Aria is trouble making fox and you'd be better off avoiding her when she's in a playful mood."

"Fox?" Kaneki sounded confused.

"Aria is a kitsune, Kaneki," Uta informed the boy, "She just one of the many magical creatures wandering around..."

Aria tuned out the rest of the conversation as she headed towards the back stairwell. While it was interesting to hear what the group of three had to say, Aria really wanted to take a small nap.

When Uta woke her up after his customers had left, Aria yawned softly, "I like him though he'll need to go through a lot in order to get the steel he needs for what you're planning."

Uta picked up her legs and settled them in his lap, "I'm aware. While I will admit watching him break would be interesting, I'm more interested in what he'll eventually do."

"We'll just have to help him along," Aria shifted until she was straddling him and pressed a kiss to his cheek, "Chaos of a beautiful kind will occur while he's defining his role,"

Uta kissed her deeply and only pulled away once Aria's mind was hazy, "Enough talk of our next star, we've both been too busy."

"Agreed," Aria captured his lips in a searing kiss as his hands settle on her hips.

Well that's the end of this 3-shot series. I am going to be a little bit busy for awhile, so I might not update or post anything. I'll hopefully be back soon.