Author's Note:

This whole work is an AU, it uses the same settings and characters from the game, but modifies certain relationships, such as Kate not being friends with Stella yet. Also there is no time travel or anything of the sort, I tagged it with these on AO3, but forgot to include them here, sorry!

Brooke's POV

Classes sucked.

I mean this wasn't some ground-breaking revelation.

Anyone with half a brain could deduce that, but today in particular really sucked.

Ms. Grant had asked me to stay after class to discuss something important. What that was I had no earthly idea. It could be about my apathetic endeavors in class, I mean I had a 96 average, but still.

Sighing I looked around the tired classroom. Most of the other students seemed as equally disinterested in the chemistry lecture, but what else was new. Sighing I flipped on my phone to check the time. Great, just five more minutes and I'll know my fate. Biting on my pen, I casually flipped through my notes. They were an indecipherable mess to any casual onlookers, but hey penmanship was never my strong suit anyway.

At this moment Ms. Grant finally decided to wrap up her lecture. As the other students got up she shot me a knowing look, like I had already forgotten that she wanted to talk.

Does she think I'm some forgetful ditz?

I quickly packed up my things and walked up to Ms. Grant's desk, nervously adjusting my glasses, as much as I wanted this to be some simple conversation, I doubted that would be the case.

"Hi Ms. Grant, I'm here to talk about the whatever." I wanted this over with as quickly as possible. Ms. Grant looked up and gave a standard teacher look, I don't really know how else to explain it.

"Yes, I did, it's actually two things, first being your recent absences."

Oh, it was this. Despite my grades being good, my attendance was… lacking. Sometimes I just didn't feel like coming to class, or I'd show up late, really it didn't seem like a big deal.

"I understand that you kids won't come to class every now and then, but you are starting to accumulate enough absences where academic action needs to be taken." A chill ran down my spine.

Academic action? Like getting reprimanded? Losing my scholarship? Contacting my parents? All possibilities were equally horrid.

"According to school policy you would have to contact your parents, and retake this class, or worse, lose your scholarship entirely."

Oh, so it was all of these terrible possibilities combined.


"But this brings me to my second point…" Ms. Grant paused, "considering your high grades in this class, I am going to offer you an alternative."

An alternative? This could mean a lot of different things, and knowing Ms. Grant it really could be anything.

"One of the students in my other periods is struggling, and as midterms are approaching they have requested tutoring, but I'm afraid I simply don't have the time to do one on one tutoring as of now, so I offered that another student could possibly help."

"That other student being me?" I asked incredulously.

"Correct. You have one of the highest averages in the class and fit the bill perfectly as a tutor." There was logic to this. I am an excellent student in Chemistry, but interacting with others was not something I excelled at. I let out a harrowed sigh, I really didn't want to waste my time tutoring some hapless idiot, but the other option was even worse.

"Fine, I can do that." Ms. Grant gave a pleased smile.

"That's great, I'll give you the meeting time and place next class, so I do hope you'll show up." I just rolled my eyes.


"And Brooke, I can see your lack of enthusiasm, but I'll remind you that this is a favor that goes against school protocol, so be thankful and try to take it in stride, for you and the other student."

Take it in stride Brooke, be thankful Brooke. She hated being indebted to others, or when someone was doing her a favor, it always meant she'd owe them something later. I did my best to show a false face of gratitude.

"I got it Ms. Grant, thanks." I quickly shuffled out of the classroom before she could say anything else.

Well Brooke you've only got yourself to blame. If I had just bothered showing up to class more often I wouldn't be in this situation. Sighing I adjusted my backpack and marched down the hall. Trying in vain not to think about my new teaching duty.