Hello everyone, got another one for you. This one should be calmer and focus less on battle and more about inner thoughts.

Something to address, a Guest review told me that while I imply that this is outside the battle, half of it still is. Two things.

1. I mean to say that it is off of the beaten path of what one would call Dark souls. The battles in the game, simply fighting from one area to another is in mindless determination, is something I try to avoid. Each fight I write up, I make it to mean something, or have it as a milestone.

2. Dark Souls is fighting, as is Fromsoftware's style. Aside from the characters, I have little to work with other than the battles. But chapters like last and this one, focus little on fighting and more towards an experience.

I hope this has cleared a few things up. Remember to leave a review or PM if you have any ides you want to see, or just have a few things to say. Enjoy!

P.S. - I absentmindedly wrote this in first person, but I believe the chapter was better of for it.

My Alvaryn cleaved through another walking skeleton and the separated bones fell through the murky ground that I was currently standing on. The blade itself did not shatter the bones though, rather it sheared through them cleanly. Truly Alvaryn was a masterpiece. A low moan turned my attention back to my larger problem.

Adorned in a crown with strings of merged gemstones falling down, High Lord Wolnir raised himself up onto his arms, before unhinging his jaw and looking down. A murky black and purple miasma of fog moved towards me with startling speeds, but I did not run. Instead, I focused on the strength of embers within me, my pyromancy allowing me to feel it inside my body.

I pushed the strength of embers into my blade, activating runes that neither me nor Andre the Blacksmith knew were there. The blade's black and blue surface was coated in a red-orange glow as I swung it with both hands horizontally, and cut through the miasma. The sheer force of embers shunted the fog away from me in a shock-wave.

The monstrous skeleton's right hand raised (Wolnir's Right) and I rolled, feeling the breeze and shake of the blow. Sprinting full speed now, I raced for the unmoved hand that held two of the three fatal bracelets. He could not react in time, his movements and thoughts sluggish compared to my own living flesh. His spirit struggled to move his massive body.

I slashed once the closest bracelet to me, my blade sinking in an entire half into it. I pirouetted and slashed again, breaking the bracelet. Unfortunately the brilliant flash blinded me. As a result, I did not see the hand grasping at me until it was almost too late. Reflexively I slashed, happy for the Alvaryn's ultimate edge. One of Wolnir's digits fell to the ground and the hand retreated.

Quickly I replicated my previous movements, finishing off the second bracelet, before the arm moved. A resounding crash and a few flickering lights drew my sight to the center of the battlefield, as a massive glowing blade raised from the ground. With speed eclipsing his previous efforts, High Lord Wolnir swung the blade at me and I rolled.

The blade, born from earth, was however sharp, and sheared through my armor and took a large section of skin away, which hurt unimaginably as I finished my roll. I could already feel the blood-loss as I rushed forward once more. The arm holding the knife and bracelet stopped, and I saw my chance. Leaping with my last vestiges of strength, and sacrificing even more to give embers to Alvaryn, I cleaved downwards, shattering the bracelet, and by result, this false world.

Wolnir's form retreated over the edge, the artifacts serving as his anchor to this mortal coil having been broken. Not a moment later I heard wind rushing. The entire world was fading, following the old lord. I anchored myself even as the ground thinned below me. Then silence.

After a few moments, I found my eyes were closed. When I opened them, the cursed chalice held the final remnants of the world in a fog. My Alvaryn was sheathed, and in its place was the fiery yellow soul of the Lord I had just defeated. Then I fell.

Hands grasping the stone sarcophagus with everything I could, the effects of extreme blood-loss coursed through me. Fervently I grasped my Estus Flask and drank deeply, almost finishing the entire bottle of orange liquid. My back started to itch where it was cut, but thankfully was not exposed to the air. My armor was back and sealed my fading injury.

I sighed, an untimely death averted as I walked towards the bonfire that had appeared in my absence. Lighting it as I walked past, the previously closed double doors were now open. I strode up the stars and past them, leading to more stairs. However I noticed something. Fresh, crisp air.

As I exited this ancient burial ground, my eyes could hardly believe the scene before me, completely ignoring the second bonfire next to me. Cold air flooded my lungs as I gazed upon Irithyll of the Boreal Valley. The sky was black and blue, matching my own Alvaryn, and the glorious white moon was partially eclipsed by something.

Snow was falling from the thick and wispy clouds above me, and my armored feet crunched on it. This place was truly breathtaking, though the word could not give it justice by any means. Absentmindedly I lit the fire next to me and sat down, still taking in the view. i knew there was enemies here, but I was not going to spoil this.

Instead of continuing down the architectural marvel of a stone bridge, I instead walked away and deeper into the pines. I continuously walked for hours, my embers warming my body as I took in the landscape around me. Snow coated the pine trees even as they remained a deep and dark green.

I couldn't tell you how far I walked or for how long, but I found myself settled down in the snow, sat in a small clearing. In front of me was a small bundle of sticks and logs, with a homeward bone in the center. Had I made that? It didn't matte, I lit the small fire with my pyromancy and gazed into It for a while. I added logs as the hours ticked by and the snow coated me.

Feeling tired and at peace, I leaned from my sitting position into the ever so soft snow, and closed my eyes. I did not dream, for an Undead is unable to. I was alright with that however, as I was already in a dream.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter about my personal favorite place in the game. This was something that I wish I was able to do inside of the game, and decided to write it. Remember to leave a review or PM if you have an idea or just something to say. As always, Until next time!