In this alternate universe, the Galactic Empire was founded thirty years earlier than in canon. The Clone Wars took place around what would be 52 BBY and ended in 49 BBY with the death of the Jedi Order and the reformation of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire. The Galactic Empire since then has reigned supreme and spread beyond even its wildest imaginations. Now the year is just two years after what would've been Episode 3, ROTS which is 17 BBY (I'm sticking with this calendar system for now) and Padmé Naberrie Amidala is the Moff of the Chommell Sector and Anakin Skywalker (secretly the Sith Lord, Darth Vader) is a Grand Admiral in the Imperial Navy and in command of Death Squadron and the 501st Legion.

This is an Anidala/Vadmé story. There will be much more than just (eventual) romance in the story, it is a drama and there will be plenty of that... galactic and palace politics mixed with the inner workings of the Imperial Navy and Imperial Armed Forces along with power grabs that naturally go along with it.

Padmé also isn't the Padmé we know. She's dark here and isn't afraid of a fight. I hope you're prepared for this dark story. It's rated T for now but when we get to a point of violence of the M rated kind along with... romance of the M rated kind then I'll upgrade the story. Until then, I hope you enjoy. Oh and one last thing, this is alternating first person POV between the Grand Admiral and the Moff.

The Grand Admiral and The Moff: Chapter 1

Padmé Amidala- Moff of the Chommell Sector

There was a time when I would smile and approve of protests. There was a time, not too long ago when people would have the right to speak their mind and to voice their concerns about policies their government officials put in place or to bring their concerns to their governing authority to have them do something about it.

But that time isn't now.

This isn't the Republic and hasn't been since not long before I was born. This is the Empire and what the Empire says, goes. There is no more Imperial Senate, just the Moffs and Grand Moffs and Emperor calling the shots. For me, that is being the Moff of the Chommell Sector which my home planet of Naboo is a part of.

"Moff Amidala?"

I ignore the gruff voice of Major General Talus of the Imperial Army. He's not a bad man, a good man rather but one who believes differently than myself. That isn't a bad thing but it also isn't him who would be rewarded or condemned for the actions he is requesting to be carried out.

Like I was saying, there was a time when I would smile at the sight of the people gathered outside of my Moff's Palace and approve of their actions but that time isn't today. That time died with the naive young queen who thought she could better her world, take care of and protect her people but it was because of them who made her the woman I am today.

They made me, the woman they've come to call the Ice Queen, even if I'm not a queen anymore and it is because of them that they've made me do this. All the while I was trying to protect them, they harbored Rebel terrorists and aided them in their attempt to take my life when I was only sixteen years old. The Moff at the time died along with many other Imperials and some of my very own handmaidens who've I come to think of as family.

The young girl queen died that day and I took her place.

"Ready your men, General." I tell him, quietly. Confidently. "But wait for my command."

He nods, then talks into his comlink and to one of his junior officers. I hear them talk but don't listen to what they say. I already know what's going to happen, I just have to remind myself that they made this necessary.

And truth be told, I don't feel anything.

No sadness.

No remorse.

No pain.

Just emptiness for what I'm about to say and do.

I open my doors and step out onto the balcony facing the protesters. They yell at me, throw things at my Palace. They even try to throw things at me but miss. It doesn't faze me. Very little does anymore.

The microphone is on as I begin to speak. "There was a time when this would be welcomed." The angry protesters fall silent as I speak. "I would welcome this and welcome hearing your voices about policies and programs that affect your everyday lives. I've done that as queen when I was first elected. And I've done that until the day I was almost assassinated in a Rebel attack on the local Imperial garrison I was visiting. I was being shown around for my first tour of the new garrison as queen and being introduced to many Imperials who were a lot like you. Fathers, mothers. Sons, daughters. Nephews, nieces. Brothers, sisters. Husbands, wives. They looked like you and bled like you.

"Then the Rebels came in their starfighters and dropped bombs on our heads and turned our peaceful tour into a bloody and deadly battle. They even attacked on foot but these Rebels weren't just Rebels, they were of the Naboo. None of the Rebels that attacked by foot survived, they were all killed by stormtroopers, Imperial officers and by my... handmaidens. I was young and I was scared. I only ever tried to do my best to voice your concerns to our Parliament and I always had your best intentions at heart before I approved anything."

I shake my head, clasp my hands behind my back. "After that day, I was ashamed of myself. Ashamed of being that young naive girl who had to hide behind others to save me. It may be true that I didn't hide behind them, rather they put themselves before me and took the shots that were meant to kill me. But they still died and I had to live knowing they sacrificed their lives for mine. They left their loved ones and friends behind for... me. Someone most of them didn't even know. That attempt on my life showed me that the world and galaxy I thought I lived in, was just all in my naive, idealistic mind. None of it was actually real.

"I didn't like who I was and she died that day. She became me and I don't regret losing her. This is who I was meant to be and if anything, I should thank you." They look at me, confused. Little do they know... "it was because of people like you that my handmaiden, Cordé was murdered throwing herself before me to take a blaster shot that had my name on it. It was because of people like you, that made me the woman known as the Ice Queen.

"I have no kindness in my heart for people like you. People who wouldn't peacefully protest like the people of Naboo should but who would rather throw fruit and glass bottles at my Palace and almost at me. I've wasted my breath enough on the likes of you... so I will tell you this only once."

My features harden over. My voice dropping colder than ice. "Leave now or face the consequences."

The people below me listened to my every word. That is something I've learned when I took public office, even when I was first running for queen. When I open my mouth, people stop talking and listen. I'm not a loud person, I don't yell or scream. It was my presence alone that made people look my way and listen. I've seen some people like that, the Emperor is one. Darth Maul- the Emperor's Sith Lord, another but he rarely ever speaks. I just never thought of myself as that kind of person but I apparently am.

I don't even flinch as a glass bottle is flung at me and breaks when hitting the stone wall above me and shards fall down to the balcony I'm standing on, every piece managing to miss me. Stormtroopers move closer to the protesters- no rioters, with their blaster rifles raised. The streets surrounding the Palace have been blocked off. No one is allowed in and the only people allowed out are those smart enough to leave... but none of them do.

"Very well." I smile a cold, humorless smile. "Fire!"

The stormtroopers open fire on the hundred or so protesters standing outside my Palace- what used to be the Theed Royal Palace before I had the queen executed and took it as mine. The street becomes sprayed with red, bodies litter the ground. Screams of pain and agony break out... before they are permanently silenced.

No sadness.

No remorse.

No pain.

Just emptiness... they created it.

They created me.

Now they can live with the consequences.

There used to be a time when I would be appalled seeing the actions of the Empire. The brutality. The iron fist. But what did I know? I was just the naive little idealistic girl queen. I didn't know how the real world worked and my near death experience was just what I needed to open my eyes up to the truth.

It sickens me that I could be so cowardly. That wasn't a very good time in my life but people learn and they endeavor to not make the same mistake twice. I've become hardened since that assassination attempt. I've become ingrained like permacrete, like ice on the planet Hoth. Naboo and the galaxy alike have no place for the weak in positions of leadership.

Leaders have to make tough decisions and they can't allow emotion to interfere in their decision-making process. That is why people have many nicknames for me. Nicknames that I don't care for but admire all the same.

Ice Queen being among my favorite.

My name is becoming known and the reports of the massacre as some would undoubtedly call it, is spreading. I'm all for peaceful protests but I don't stand for people making demands of me, people telling me what to do. I'm a grown woman and I know what's best. I'm not trying to be a tyrant, I'm not trying to rule with an iron fist, yet sometimes it's necessary.

During the Clone Wars, the faith in the Galactic Republic was at an all time low, same with the Jedi Order. People were tired of the war. Lives unnecessarily lost. Families displaced. It hurt the economy and the everyday lives of people who struggled to put food on the table for their families, a roof over their heads and clothes on their back. When the Republic was reformed into the Empire, literally overnight, people rejoiced in the change.

Democracy died.

The Jedi Order was branded as traitors and a terrorist organization for their attempt at taking over the Republic and for trying to assassinate the then- Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, who then became the Emperor.

The people rejoiced because the war was over and law and order has come to the galaxy. No more senators abusing their power and lining their pockets with credits. No more talking and debating. No more indecision.

It was these senators who have started this pathetic rebellion. It was these powermongers who don't want to rid the galaxy of the evil Empire, it is just these senators who want their power back.

They had their chance and failed.

The Empire's been here for thirty-two years and it isn't going anywhere.

There's a knock on my office door and my handmaiden, Dormé steps in. "General Talus is here milady," she says, stepping aside to the let the General in when I nod.

"Moff Amidala," he says, bowing. He's dressed in his olive green-gray Imperial officer's uniform. Not much different than mine at all, except for our rank insignia's and our sizes. He's big and tall, I'm short and small. He's also a man, I'm a woman wearing a woman's Imperial officer uniform but it isn't much different from the men's. "I have the report."

He hands me the datapad, I take it and glance over the numbers and information. One hundred and thirty three casualties, all citizens of Naboo. I should probably feel something, maybe remorse or pain or sadness for what I've done but I don't. What they did is an arrestable offense and that's probably what they were expecting but they had their chance to walk away and I needed to make a statement.

This is my planet.

My sector and I won't tolerate riots- because that is what it was, and I'm sure my message was received loud and clear. It's already on the HoloNet and they're in my favor, of course. The Empire controls the HoloNet, the media and they would never speak out against us. If they did, COMPNOR would take care of it swiftly and brutally, just like I did.

"Launch an investigation into these people," I demand. "I want to know if they were part of a larger conspiracy or if they just came here by themselves because they knew I'd be returning to Naboo today. Leave no stone unturned, General. Go to their homes, search them. Find out who they've been talking too. Find out where they've been. Search their speeders and starships if they have any. If you need the support of ISB or Intelligence, just ask and you shall receive."

He nods in understanding. He doesn't look surprised, he shouldn't be. I've been the Moff here now for five years and he's been my Second-in-Command for four of them. In my absence here, he's been in charge of handling the day to day activities that happen on Naboo. Normally a Moff doesn't control a planet, that's for planetary governors or the local government if the Empire has no problems with them but since I executed the queen for treason- personally, I've kept the role for myself. I was queen, I know what I'm doing. I've done it all before.

"I'll get right on it," General Talus says. He bows again and then leaves me alone.

Dormé pops back in. "Anything you need, milady?"

I think about that for a moment before shaking my head. She leaves and shuts the door, leaving me on my own.

Coruscant, namely an Advisor with the Imperial Ruling Council already contacted me. He wanted my full report for the Emperor. The Emperor watches his home world closely, always had. Outside of the Core Worlds, this is probably the most secure planet in the Empire. The Emperor has his own villa here, he visits occasionally and when he is here, even more security arrives. There are three Star Destroyers in orbit now, there always are and that in and of itself is overkill. Not to mention the other ships that are also in orbit along with patrolling the system. The Rebels may have attacked before and gotten away with it but they won't succeed again.

I will make damn well sure of that.

After a while of catching up on what's been happening while I was gone and looking over various reports from around the sector, I stand up and leave my office.

"I'll be in the residence if I'm needed," I tell Dormé as I walk past her desk and towards the residential wing of the Palace.

I can't even remember the last time I was here. It's been a while, being a Moff is a lot of hard work. Mostly, it's all about politics. Alliances, power plays. Being anyone in power in the Empire is all about retaining your power, your influence and increasing it. The Emperor has no children, he has no wife and that means that he'll have to choose someone to eventually succeed him.

Everyone wants a shot at the Throne and we're not above using assassination, blackmail and other tactics to do just that. The Emperor would only choose someone he believes could carry on his legacy and carry on the Empire. If you're weak, spineless, then he won't choose you and I believe I proved myself to be the opposite of that.

I also have to prove myself more than the men. It's well known how the Emperor feels about women, however, I know that he likes me. If he didn't, he could've chosen to have me replaced with one of his cronies. He probably thought about doing just that after the failed assassination attempt but I proved myself quickly after that, that I am worthy of being the queen of Naboo.

He complimented and congratulated me on a job well done. After that, I know he watched me closely. I had to play the game but first I had to learn how to play it and I learned it quickly and then mastered it. I wouldn't gotten to where I am today without it.

Moff is amongst the most prestigious positions in the Empire, it is one of the most powerful and most sought after positions too. Moffs control sectors, they're in charge of everything that happens within their sectors. We're pretty much the Emperor or Empress of our domain. Chommel Sector is my domain and I'll do what I have to do to keep it that way and to use it to step up the ladder to the next level.

What level is that?

The Empress of course, just not Palpatine's Empress.

I smile at the sound of that. Empress Padmé Amidala, it has a nice ring to it. One that I could definitely get used to, the only problem is the Emperor and the cronies under him that think that throne belongs to them. Well, they've got another thing coming to them if they think that, because that throne was made just for me.

And one day soon, very soon, I am going to claim what's mine.

This was just a sneak peak into the new story I'm working on. I have school that just started back up, my senior year! Finally! Yet, I am working on this story. I won't make promises for when Anakin's chapter will be released but it will be next and in his pov, the pov of Grand Admiral Anakin Skywalker. I like to consider him a mix of Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker of the Clone Wars series and ROTS. He obviously isn't in a suit, he's more like the Darth Vader before he lost to Obi-Wan and his high ground.

I hope you guys like him and I hope you guys like Moff Amidala. I also want to say that these chapters will be longer, I just wanted to see what you guys thought of this story before I really got into it. I'm a big fan of The Sith and The Senator which is how I got this idea. I'm a bigger fan of the Empire and thought it'd be interesting to have a story like this, a Dark Padmé story and a Dark Anakin story. Anakin is a Sith Lord, yes. He is Darth Vader, yes but he's not known as being a Sith Lord.

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