Authors note:

I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Supernatural. Which is probably a good thing, or we would still be waiting for the next installment of season 1...

A new chapter! What a miracle, right? As it is, I have to apologise because this is not the super long chapter I promised. That one is still in progress, so I figured while I was stumped as to how to complete it I might as well finish editing this snippet so I can give it to you guys. This one is a little different, told rom a perspective that isn't Xander's, so if you find anything a bit confusing hit me up in the comments and I'll be happy to explain. This one is set a little ways after the first two chapters (but before Angelus' first appearance), and is Xander's first interaction with Angel after his transformation.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

Xander has been staring at him non-stop for about 5 minutes now. It's not unexpected – generally Xander does nothing but glare at him whenever they have to be within sight of each other – but this time it's different. For one thing he's not glaring. No, if Angel had to describe it he would say Xander seems more… thoughtful than anything. Speculative, even. The child chews absentmindedly on a chocolate bar he pulled from who knows where and just watches him, like he's staring right into Angel's soul and the demon it hides. Its downright unnerving. Even his demon agrees, snarling deep within his mind.

"Xander." Angel bristles.

Amusement floods the boy's eyes. He leans back, casually arrogant, and takes a deliberate bite of his chocolate with a smirk.

"mmmeeeehhhh… Deadboy."

Angel's irritation flares to life and he glares at Xander, who merely flashes his eyebrows up and down tauntingly – still wearing that infuriating smirk.

Then Xander tilts his head and suddenly becomes serious, the speculative expression back in his eyes. It's a startlingly dangerous expression; probably because it holds a cold gleam of maliciousness there that should be better suited for a demon plotting murder and mayhem, yet looks disturbingly natural on Xander's face.

"It's an impressive little trick, that curse." Xander said abruptly, taking Angel aback. "Bind the demon with a soul, force it to watch it strive for redemption all the while feeling the soul's remorse and guilt…"

Angel stiffens as his demon snarls, whipped into a frenzy by Xander's words. But he doesn't move. Doesn't say a word. He's pinned by those golden brown (and since when do Xander's eyes have flecks of gold?) eyes, once again feeling as though they are looking through his soul to the monster caged within.

"You gotta admit those are pretty good Just Deserts. I probably would have just killed you."

"You would have tried." Angel growls back – it's strange just how unsettled he is by Xander's comment. (It's not strange at all).

Xander may be the biggest advocate for his death in the group, save perhaps Giles, but he's also the most easily spooked. Hardly a threat. (Xander has always been the one willing to carry through with his threats, the one who survives time and time again and returns stronger, more determined, each time. He was never not a threat). Angel has never been bothered by his blusters, his dislike and anger. This little human boy isn't the first to hate him. He won't be the last. (Except this isn't hate. This is calculation. Amusement. Even though he is human, still just a child, Angel knew he couldn't stand against Xander and walk away unscathed. Not truly. Is it really so strange now, that Angel is unnerved?).

(Of course not. Xander is prey, but a predator sleeps within his heart. It wouldn't take much to wake it).

(What Angel denies is that it woke long ago).

Xander flashes one of those irreverent, wickedly amused smirks that started showing up after Halloween.

"Guess we'll never know." He quips, clapping a hand on Angel's shoulder as he turns to leave. "Catch you later, Deadboy."

Angel flinches slightly – instinctively recoiling from the contact in alarm. Not surprising really, Angel dislikes contact on the best of times, let alone from someone who despises and is despised by him as much as Xander. Not to mention the unexpectedly loud snarling from his demon that he had to wrestle back under his control. What was surprising was how easily his demon acquiesced, the feeling of sadistic interest that had flared – directed at Xander – at the contact, distracting Angelus from his typical struggle.

Watch him, study him… he's interesting. Watch him fight, watch him bleed, watch him break.

Angel shoved his demon back down as best he could, but the murmurings still curled maliciously in the depths of his mind. The last time Angelus had felt this particular brand of intrigue the world gained an insane vampiric Drusilla. Angel shuddered and stalked out of the room.

He didn't know why Angelus had fixated on Xander.

He didn't want to know why, either.

(But he did).

(He knew).