Here it is! The final chapter! The big dance is here, hopefully by now it is known that the dance was postponed.
Today is the big day!
The sun is setting, which means the beginning of the dance is upon Beacon.
Jaune stood in front of a mirror, inspecting himself.
He wore a black suit that was lined with red along the edges of the fabric, a white dress shirt underneath, and donning a red bowtie.
He messaged Ruby and they agreed to meet outside the dorm building, and then going to the dance together.
After checking for any messes on his clothes, he nodded before stepping away from the mirror.
"You guys ready?" He asked his team.
"Ready!" Nora exclaimed, and Ren nodded in agreement. The two were going together, naturally.
"Me too." Pyrrha said.
"Then let's go!"
The group exited their room, and then the building.
Jaune stayed behind, while the others went ahead.
It wasn't long till three out of the four members of team RWBY exited.
Weiss, Blake, and Yang noticed Jaune on their way out, so they stopped.
"Heya Lady-Killer, waiting for Ruby?" Yang asked.
"Yeah, where is she by the way?" Jaune asked, noticing the missing leader.
"She's just trying to get into heels. We managed to convince her to wear them, despite her protests." Weiss answered.
"Ah, I see. So, who are you guys going to the dance with?"
"I'm going with Sun." Blake answered, which took Jaune a moment to remember the blonde from when he had to find the girl.
"What about you Yang?"
"Just me, no one grew a pair to ask me, though I doubt they could handle my awesomeness! I was promised a dance from Blakey here." She said as she nudged Blake.
"Oh, I'm... going alone, too much going on to focus on stuff like boys." She said.
"I see..." He said, not fully convinced of her words.
"Well we better get going. See ya Lady-Killer!" Yang said, before walking off. The others gave their respective goodbyes before Jaune was once again waiting.
It was a few minutes before the door opened and Ruby walked out, though with her arms out slightly, in an attempt to balance herself.
Jaune was mesmerized at Ruby's dress.
Ruby wore a red dress with black that really matched her hair. (Just imagine the one she wore in the real episode)
"Heya Jaune!" She greeted, which snapped Jaune out of his trance.
"Hey Ruby! You look beautiful in that dress." He complimented, which Ruby couldn't help blush at the compliment.
"Oh shush you..."
"Ready to head off?" Jaune asked, raising his arm for Ruby.
"Ready as I'll ever be!" She said as she looped an arm around Jaune's, and they walked towards the dance.
Once they made it to the dance, they were greeted by Ozpin.
"Miss Rose, Mr Arc, so good to see you both here, I hope you have a wonderful evening." Ozpin said as he raised his ever present mug.
"Thanks Professor Ozpin, we will." Jaune replied before they walked into the mass of students.
Music was playing, and luckily not and rave music was played, as Yang tried to fit in said music, but Weiss refused.
The two danced, with Ruby struggling a bit as she isn't used to wearing heels, but Jaune kept her in place.
Their eyes met and they shared a warming smile before the song ended.
They left the dance floor to grab some punch.
The two talked, joked, and drank their punch.
Their eyes wandered around till they stopped on Weiss, who was fixing a white tulip among a bouquet of said flowers.
She seemed a bit sad, and her eyes wandered towards Neptune.
"You think Weiss wanted to go to the dance with Neptune?" Jaune asked.
"Yeah, she did. She asked me on advice on how to ask Neptune to the dance, but it seems like he turned her down."
Jaune looked at Neptune who was looking at Weiss while she wasn't looking, and he wore a small frown before looking away.
Jaune picked up on this, and he decided to do something.
"Hold my punch. There's something I need to do." He said as he hands Ruby his punch before he walked off.
Ruby looked at his drink and, then her empty cup, shrugged and took a sip of Jaune's drink.
Ruby stood by Yang, as they looked over the party.
They talked while Jaune was gone.
They noticed Neptune sit down beside Weiss, and both were glad to be there.
"I thought Neptune... you know?" Yang asked Ruby.
"Yeah, I guess Jaune had something to do with it."
"Looks like Jauney is a good matchmaker, made I should go to him for some advice!" Yang teased as she shot Ruby a wink.
"Yaaaaang!" She whined.
"Relax Ruby, I was just kidding. Speaking of which, where is he?"
"I don't know, he said something about a promise to keep. Wonder what it was."
"Well who knows what..." Yang trailed off as the room erupted in laughter.
The two looked down to see Jaune, but in a dress.
"Is he in a-"
"Yup." Yang interrupted.
They saw him walk over to Pyrrha, where the two talked before they went over to the dance floor, where Nora and Ren met up with them and before they started a synchronized dance.
Ruby and Yang went down where JNPR finished their dance.
"Jaune! Why are you in a dress?" Ruby asked, though it was a bit strained to say as they couldn't help but laugh at the close up of Jaune in a dress.
"Well, I kinda promised Pyrrha that if she didn't have a date to the dance, I would wear a dress. And as I say, 'An Arc always keeps his word.'"
As they talked, Weiss walked up to the group.
"Yes Weiss?"
"I have a request for you."
"What would that be?"
"I would like to have a dance. Would you mind Ruby?"
"Not at all! Go ahead!"
"Well then, since she agreed, shall we?" Jaune asked.
"We shall."
The two made their way to the dance floor, where some more classical music was playing, fitting for Weiss.
"So, Neptune told me you spoke to him to talk to me."
"Yeah, I may have decided to knock some sense into him." He said, which elicted a small laugh from Weiss.
"Thank you for that, even though I haven't been the kindest recently."
"It's alright, water under the bridge. You're my friend now, so I decided to help out."
Weiss only smiled as the somg ended, and the two broke apart.
Blake walked in and requested a dance aswell, which Jaune accepted, and the next song played.
"What brings you here to dance with me?"
"Oh, just wanting to dance with a friend, and to say thanks."
"For what?"
"I don't think I ever properly thanked you for that night at the docks, so I felt this as appropriate."
"Well then, hope you enjoy."
The two danced until the song ended, and that's when Yang swapped in to dance with Jaune.
"So you got Ruby, Blakey, Ice Queen, Pyrrha and me that you danced with, maybe I should call you Lover Boy instead." She teased, which Jaune slightly blushed at, but regained his bearings.
"Nah, I think I'll stick to Ruby only."
"Good answer."
"So, Weiss and Blake danced with me for the same reason, so I can only assume...?"
"Yeah, a dance as a way of saying thanks, but also to keep with the trend of dancing with our fellow blonde." She joked, which elicted a laugh from both of them.
"But really, I have to say thanks, for saving Ruby above everything, but for all the other things you've done."
"Well, it was all worth it in the end."
"Glad to hear that."
They continued until the music stopped, and that was when Ruby finally swapped in.
"So, I guess everything is good now, right?" She asked, which Jaune thought about.
"Almost everything."
"What's missing?"
"This." He leaned down to kiss Ruby.
"Now it's perfect."
"Oh shush..." She said as she rested her head on his chest.
There may have been some bumps early on, but with where he is now.
He is perfectly happy, and he couldn't ask for a better outcome.
And that folks, is the end of "Mending What Once Was"! I am so glad that many of you enjoyed this, and I appreciate all 100 reviews that came with this story! (At the moment this chapter was published). This was a story I wrote before, but issues came up and so now it has become this!But now, is the end, I hope you all enjoyed this story that was originally just an idea in my head.See you next time!