LW: I really need to learn to stick to one story. But it won't be today. OUAT, DC/CW, HP/BLEACH, why not add another anime to the pile? Damn you Tekking101! Anyway, enjoy everyone.
Luffy: Hi everybody, One Piece is written by Eiichiro Oda, currently only Serpens D Kaos and his (currently unmentioned but at least implied to possess) Devil Fruit belong to Lonly. Please support the awesomeness of the Real One Piece as well as Tekking's manga reviews and info vids.
Rubber King and Mirror Master – 1st step toward the One Piece
A grinning Monkey D. Luffy bounced along happily as he made his way to the docks of Foosha Village, glad Marino was there as well as the mayor and a few others
'Good luck Luffy, try not cause too much trouble' she says, pinching his cheek and smiling as hissing laughter is heard from the boat
'Sesesese, given where we're going and what we're going to be doing, I doubt he'll be able to keep it for long' the older teen smirked, eyes hidden under his hat, moving over just before Luffy hopped onto the boat
'Still, at least try keeping your brother from doing anything too stupid too often okay Kaos?' Makino asks with a sigh
He laughs 'That's a full time job, but I'm fine with that' he looked over at the straw-hat wearing idiot he'd claimed as a younger brother years ago, if Luffy was heading into danger, then Serpens D Kaos wouldn't be far behind. Pushing his own hat down and wrapping his coat tighter around himself he called 'Time to go Luffy, before the weather has time to really screw us over'
'Kay' Luffy kicks them off then bounced to the front of their little boat to yell 'Look out world, here comes the future King of the Pirates!' smiling the entire time
'Never abandon that dream Monkey. Sea King' Kaos calls just as the creature's head pops up out of the water
'Hi Lord of the Coast' Luffy greets 'We're off on an adventure. So. Let. Us. Pass.' He orders, punching the sea king, causing it to screech and groan before sinking below the waves once more 'Away!' he calls cheerfully, Kaos just smiles behind him.
'You couldn't have chosen a worse day if you tried Monkey' Kaos complains as their boat is pulled into a whirlpool
'Calm down and get in the barrel' Luffy orders, the older boy sighs but does as he was told
'Fine just remember to seal it correctly; water doesn't agree with either of us these days' he replies with a sigh
A little later the barrel is found and brought on board a cruise ship, something common in the East Blue due to its overall lack of real pirate activity. A 'fact' that was either unknown to or more likely ignored by the owner of the bright pink ship that showed up alongside it. The cannons fired then the crew boarded, the pirate captain: a large woman in a cowboy hat grinned widely (as expected) before turning to the small pink haired boy beside her.
'Coby! Who is the most beautiful woman on the sea?'
The boy gulped and stuttered 'Y-y-you are Alvida' which made her smile grow
'Exactly, now prove it and get me their treasure!' she orders, Coby freezes in fear, minus his knees knocking 'Coby, do you need encouragement?' she asks, pudgy fingers wrapping around the handle of a large spiked mace, bigger than the boy's entire body.
'N-n-no Alvida' Coby yelps fearfully swinging to the other ship to away from the mace and its wielder.
How he managed to make it to the store room without being spotted Coby didn't know, but when he saw the barrel the sailors hadn't had time to properly store before being attacked he had an idea. Pushing it onto its side the fearful cabin boy began to roll it out of the room, until he was stopped by his 'crewmates'
'What you got there Cabin Boy?' One sneered while his friend righted the barrel
'A barrel, probably filled with booze. Alvida would want it brought straight to her, unopened'
'Well she won't know if you keep your big mouth shut' the 2nd grunted, preparing to open it with his sword, until it explodes and the pirate was knocked out by a solid punch to the face
'Yawn. That was good nap. Hm, wonder where the food is in this place' Luffy thinking aloud, turning and dropping into the storage, ignoring the 3 guys staring at him 'Yay meat!' he cheers before proceeding to stuff his face
'Who, who are you?' One asks, getting annoyed when Luffy continues to ignore them, until he drops it with a yelp, getting a deep gash on his hand for his troubles
'That's not a nice way to greet someone or to introduce oneself' was heard behind Coby, causing him to turn and Luffy to finally look up
The guy who spoke was a couple of years older than Luffy and a lot taller and thinner, pale with green eyes, dressed in comfortable shoes, black pants, and a ruby red shirt. On his shoulders was a deep purple cape/cloak with a shiny/reflective inner surface, his short purple hair hidden under a black fedora with a silver ribbon. The weapon was a khopesh with a serrated edge similar to a circular saw, attached to his arm by what looked to be a thick cord going from the hilt of the blade to somewhere under his sleeve
'Where'd you come from?' Coby asked, Kaos just points to the … well its shrapnel now after Luffy made his escape 'But, how'd you both fit in it?'
'It was roomier than it looked, not as much as it is now but still … ah dang it Luffy, look at the mess you've made of my coat' he grumbled, Coby seeing the cloak was creased in a 'spider on crack' kind of pattern
'Would you have preferred to drown?' Luffy retorts, jumping out of the cellar and tossing him an apple
'Hey quit ignoring us, can't you see we're pirates' the third finally spoke, his still conscious companion having retrieved his sword before they charged
'Luffy' Kaos hissed
'I got it' Luffy replies, Coby gulps and hides his head in his hands, hearing the clang of metal then silence. Looking up he is shocked to see Luffy unharmed, Kaos spinning his weapon on it's cord, and the 2 Alvida pirates holding half swords, one now sporting a cut directly across his chest. Looking down Coby sees the men's swords had been cut practically in 2 and those halves lay at Luffy's feet.
'I said I had it' Luffy complains while Kaos rolls his eyes
'Didn't look like it from here. Now do you guys have anything else?' he asks with a toothy grin, causing them to run out of the room as fast as they could, dragging their friend with them 'Hm, that was boring' he almost appeared to pout before like Luffy descended to the store room looking for food.
'What are you people?' Coby whispers, not expecting an answer
'I'm Monkey D Luffy, that's my big brother Serpens D Kaos. Hey, where exactly are we? Is this a pirate ship?' Luffy answers then asks his own question
'This ship isn't but it's currently being boarded and attacked by Alvida's pirates' Coby explained
'So are you a pirate?' Kaos asks from below
'Um not exactly'
'What ya mean?' Luffy looks confused
'I got on a fishing boat, didn't know until they reappeared it was a pirate vessel. I've been their chore boy for the last 2 years, doing everything they ask so they don't kill me' Coby says sadly, until something bounces off his head
'Sounds like you're either an idiot, coward or you've gotten complacent. I don't like you' Kaos says, a small smile still in place
'Luffy sighs; usually he's the stupidly blunt one, though Kaos has a point and actually got there before he could say something similar.
'It's true, I'm a coward. If only I could leave this place, even just in a barrel… wait, why were you guys in that barrel?'
'Ship got broken, idiot drove us into a whirlpool' Kaos answered
'But you should be dead!'
'Sesesese, probably but Luffy's not going to let something like a whirlpool stop him from achieving his dream'
Coby turns to the straw hat boy 'Really, what dream?' the question causing him to light up
'I'm going to be king of the pirates!' Coby just stares, jaw hitting the floor
'Pirate King'
'The Pirate King?'
'No, no way that's impossible! You're what 2 guys?'
'Actually yes' Kaos butts in, knowing if Luffy simply answered yep once more the kid would scream
'The Pirate King is the man who has everything, every pirate in the world wants that Title and the treasure of One Piece that goes with it'
'Ah ha, us too'
'well Luffy does, at this point I'm just along for the ride'
'No, there is no way you can do this, no, no, no, no' Coby would've continued but he was a little busy being punched in the face 'Ow, why'd you do that'
Kaos shrugged 'Felt like it. Plus it shut you up didn't it?'
Coby frowns 'I suppose' the 2 pirates continue eating, seeming oblivious to the awkward silence 'Do you think I could make my dream come true?' he finally asks, Kaos and Luffy exchange side glances, then give very different answers
'Maybe, what is it?' 'How the fuck should I know?'
'My, my dream is to become a Marine. I've wanted to catch bad guys my entire life but I've been too much of a coward to go through with it. But no more, I'm getting off this ship, joining the marines and the first pirate I'm taking in will be Alvida's fa…' Coby was interrupted as the ceiling caved in, almost crushing the pink haired boy who Kaos pulled out of the way, Alvida falling through the hole she just made
'Coby! Should have known you'd be here' she grumbled hefting her mace onto her shoulder like it was an aluminium bat rather than a solid spiky bludgeoning instrument. She then looks up to Kaos and Luffy, both who have similar looks of confusion and slight curiosity on their faces, unlike Coby's blind terror 'I assume nether of you are Pirate Hunter Zoro?' she asks
'Nope' Kaos answers, causing an awkward silence which just had to end badly
'Hey Coby, who's the fat lady?' Luffy asks loudly, the woman in question turning bright red in anger, her crew's jaws on the ground and Coby's face turned white as a sheet. Kaos groans and face palmed
'Luffy, remember when I told you about filters?' he asked
'Only that you don't have one' Luffy replied
'Well neither do you, you don't just say things like that to someone's face. Now you've pissed her off and it's not even true, if she can use that damn club of hers with any skill she's got to have a good bit of muscle on her frame too' Kaos scolds just before Luffy grabs both him and Coby and bounce them through the hole, well outside the range of Alvida's mace
As the guy who pissed their (temperamental at the best of times) captain Luffy got all the attention from the pirates, allowing Kaos to quietly stand behind Coby (not that the runt could be used to hide behind or anything) and watch the younger pirate kick their collective asses, including using them as improvised bowling pins and ball. Unfortunately all that did was get them in one group, which charged as a single mob causing him to make a break from it. Luffy grabbed the mast as he turned, but instead of letting go or stopping like a normal person, his arm stretched as he ran, leaving a group of slack jawed pirates (and Coby) before he sprung back and slammed through them, the only remaining people standing being Coby, Kaos and Alvida (who had managed to climb back onto the main deck through the hole she'd made previously)
'What are…' Alvida began to ask before her eyes widen and she asks 'Akuma no mi?'
Kaos grins and Luffy nods 'Yep. I ate the Gomu Gomu no mi, I'm the rubber man!' he announces proudly
Alvida hummed 'I'd never thought I'd see one of them, before now they were just rumours, one of the many legends of the Grand Line and its mysterious terrors. You 2 bounty hunters?'
'I'm a pirate, so is he, he's my first mate but he gets bored easily and I like to hit things' Luffy answers pointing to Kaos who simply tilts his hat forward over his eyes
'So Straw Hat, if we're both pirate captains and we don't share a flag or a commander, I guess that makes us enemies'
'Really, can't we just be allies or rivals?' Kaos asks causing Alvida to laugh
'Oh you're funny at the least. If you had a real ship or crew I'd consider it but you've got less crew than I have deck swabbers so I might as well get rid of you now rather than later'
'Luffy! We need to go, now' Coby whispers to him, getting a little annoyed when he doesn't react 'You've seen how much damage she can do with her club and of all the villains of the East Blue…' he then stops, staring into space which confused the 3 pirates who were still listening to him.
'Go on Coby, tell them, who is the most beautiful in the sea?' Alvida encouraged with a wave of her free hand
'Boa Hancock' Kaos replies almost automatically, most of the still conscious group staring at him with sweat drops 'Wait were you not asking the audience? Hey Luffy Shanks said it was Hancock right?'
The rubber boy shrugged 'I thought he said it was Makino'
'No that was prettiest in the village… also it was in order to get discounted booze'
Luffy face palmed 'Oh yeah, right shishishi' he laughed
'Ahem' Alvida coughs, a tic mark forming on her forehead 'COBY! Answer the question!'
'She's… the ugliest thing in the sea!' Coby yells, Kaos once more face palming as Luffy grins like a loon
'I wonder if there will be enough left of him to bury' the purple haired man thought morbidly as Alvida began to steam
'You little shit, you're dead!' she screams, swinging the mace a lot faster than the Straw hats expected in Coby's direction, most likely spattering the kids head all over the deck if Luffy hadn't stepped between them. The mace hit him head on but Luffy just smiled under his hat
'That's not going to work' he singsonged, shoving aside her weapon to show he was completely unharmed 'My turn'
Gum Gum Pistol!
His punch sent Alvida's bulk flying, throwing her off the ship and soar out of sight with a twinkle, and then hitting the water with a barely audible splash. Kaos would feel bad for her but she was definitely not a DF user and she clearly would have no problem floating (Do all the important characters get to make fun of Alvida's size in this chapter? I guess they do)
'Anyone have a problem with us taking Coby and one of your boats?' he asks, smiling when everyone shakes their heads 'Good, go get it!' he yells
The trio hop into the boat, Coby with a lot more screaming and flailing than the other 2, practically scaring the ever loving berri out of the orange haired girl in the boat beside them when they landed. Luffy waves cheerfully at her before heading off, all 3 wanting to be long gone before the Marines notice them.
'So where's the nearest marine base kid?' Kaos asks with a sigh, his hat shading his eyes from the sun.
'Um, I think that island over there is Shell Island, there should be one there' Coby answers, Luffy turning the sails to send them towards the direction he pointed, hoping they could find some more crew while they were there
LW: Well time to embark on an adventure of insanity, buckle up maties!