Disclaimer: I do not own anything Twilight or Vampire Diaries. I just blend their worlds with my imagination.

3 Years Later:

She stood in the shadows of the trees and watched the black haired male and the young girl stand before a grave. She was their shadow, always watching, always listening. She heard everything, from all of them. The girl's extended family never seemed to leave, but there was something touching, something heart warming, in the familial closeness. The young one couldn't possibly need more love than she was given. So why was she standing here, watching from the shadows? Always in the shadows.

The grief in his ice-blue eyes called to her, yet she couldn't make herself step forward. She'd pondered it. Considered it. It was always at the back of her mind and often at the front. Would he be able to love her if she came forward? Could she soothe away the grief in those eyes? For that matter, could she ever feel anything close to joy again? Could she be what he or the girl needed? She didn't know and knew she shouldn't risk ruining their lives.

She watched as the girl placed a bouquet of flowers at the grave. Honeysuckle and daisies. Such a simple bouquet; it was sweet in the childish innocence it portrayed. Just a young girl who'd picked flowers from the yard for her dead loved one. Yet, the magnitude of that simple gift left her heart aching. She clung to the tree beside her as her heart urged her to step forward. She couldn't step forward. It wasn't time yet. It might never be time.

Their voices carried, meeting her ears like a summer storm: the deeper tones of faintly rumbling thunder blending with the sweet melodies of wind singing through the trees. "Daddy?" The young girl looked up at the man beside her, tugging at his hand. The fondness on his face, the utter devotion there made her chest ache as she eavesdropped.

"I'm ready to meet him, daddy. My biological father. Will you take me?" Innocence rang through the girl's voice, and the snarl that left her chest was masked only by the girl's daddy. She fell to the forest floor in pain as he sighed and answered simply, "Whenever you wish, little princess." They walked away as she sat there in shock. He'd take her? No, he couldn't take her. What was the point of all of this if he took her?

For three years, she'd waited in the shadows, watching, protecting, wishing to be closer. The ache in her chest grew and another shadow stepped from the trees. Green eyes met hers as she gasped in surprise. Then the figure asked the one question she had been putting off answering.

"Are you ever going to tell them you're alive, Bella?"


A/N: Well, that's the end of LoveRedemption! I hope you enjoyed it, and thank you all for reading! I am working on the sequel if you're interested.