The lead up to Christmas felt very different in the Scarlatina household compared to what Coco had grown up with.

Most of the first full day Velvet and Coco had in Menagerie was spent helping Umber with baking or helping Satin and Pewter decorate the Christmas tree, even though in reality it was a palm tree but Coco didn't let that bother her.

The fashionista couldn't remember a Christmas before Beacon where any real effort had been put in by her father, normally asking a servant to get something for Coco as he had no time on his schedule. Her mother had tried her best, but as second in the company, that didn't leave a lot of time.

"Coco dear, could you pass me the tinsel?" Pewter asked, standing on the opposite side of the tree.

"Red, green, or silver?" Coco asked as she dug through the box of Christmas tree decorations.

"Red, red, red!" Stain cheered as she helped Velvet put up the stuffed Santas and reindeer.

"As the Queen demands." Coco joked, taking an over the top bow towards Satin, who giggled at the fashionistas actions.

"And you say you're not a dork. " Velvet teased as she walked up behind Coco and kissed her cheek.

"What can I say, your sister is adorable." Coco replied as she fed the tinsel around the tree.

The banter continued on like this until the entire living room was decorated with Christmas lights, decoration and tinsel.

"I'd say we did a pretty good job." Coco sighed falling onto the lounge in exhaustion.

"Yep, and you made a big difference too. Normally this takes way longer." Velvet replied, sitting next to the fashionista.

"So what now?" Coco asked, laying her head on Velvet's shoulder.

"Lunch is ready!" Umber called from the kitchen.

"Lunch?" Velvet asked.


"Sorry my family kept us cooped up all day, I had actually planned to show you around town." Velvet said, snaking one arm around Coco's waist, while the other took Coco's beret and placed it on the bedside table.

"Don't be, it was nice to actually experience a proper Christmas for a change." Coco replied, laying her head on Velvets shoulder and letting her girlfriend pull her closer, a role that had swapped since the Ursa attack.

"You must have had this kind of thing at home right?" Velvet asked. Coco had never really told anyone anything about home other than her father was hardly around.

"Nah, was mostly just me, a couple servants and very occasionally, Mum." Coco sighed, even telling Velvet that much brought bad enough bad memories to make Coco regret mentioning it. "But yeah, I would honestly have no problems helping your family like that every day we're here."

"Well i have a problem with that, you're my girlfriend and I want to be able to spend some time with you during Christmas." Velvet pouted, tightening her grip on Coco.

"You'll always have my undivided attention Honeybun." Coco replied, kissing Velvet's cheek and letting sleep take her and her girlfriend.

When twenty third rolled around, Velvet finally found a moment to take Coco on a tour of her hometown.

Coco had really enjoyed the different scenery and watching the children run around the market, but her favourite part had been a small stall Coco had found that sold small trinkets.

While both Coco and Velvet had bought their Christmas presents for each other, Coco couldn't resist the urge to buy a couple small gifts for Velvet while she was at a different stall.

"What's in the bag?" Velvet asked once she met back up with Coco.

"A surprise." Coco smirked, watching Velvet roll her eyes.

"So do you like the town?" Velvet asked, hoping that her little tour wasn't boring for Coco.

"I love it, it's so much more peaceful than Vale or Mistral." Coco answered.

"It does have it's nice moments, but I think I still prefer Vale." Velvet replied. "Vale is probably one of the only truly civilised kingdoms where Faunus are treated like everyone else."

"Well it wouldn't matter what kingdom you went to, you'd be treated like a queen." Yatsu and I would make sure of it." Coco said, wrapping her free arm around Velvet's waist.

"What about Fox?" Velvet asked, resting her head on Coco's shoulder as the couple walked back to her house.

"Oh he'll be like our angry guard dog. Fox bite the bigot on your left." Coco joked, imitating out the actions of ordering an attack dog.

Velvet just laughed at her girlfriend's actions. She knew Coco thought better of Fox but that didn't mean it wasn't funny. "You are terrible."

"And yet, you're still dating me. Think that says more about you than me." Coco teased, enjoying how comfortable she felt with Velvet.

"True, but I wouldn't have you any other way." Velvet replied, kissing Coco's cheek and watching the rare blush consume her girlfriend's cheeks.

Christmas eve was surprisingly the most chaotic day before Christmas. Coco and Velvet had been kicked out of the house with Satin and a shopping list so Velvet's parents could wrap presents without anyone peaking.

"So you do this every year?" Coco asked, fighting her way through the crowds of shoppers.

"Every year." Velvet sighed as she moved Satin slightly on her shoulders.

"Why?" Velvet could hear the irritation in Coco's voice as another person pushed past her.

"Well, this little one." Velvet bounced Satin as she referred to her sister. "Has a bad habit of trying to sneak a peek at her presents. Plus it gives us some bonding time. Mum say she really misses me when I'm gone. "

Satin seemed to be completely ignorant of the conversation her sister and Coco were having, too engrossed in all the decorations around town.

"Velvet, are we going to look at all the pretty lights tonight?", Satin asked, referring to the tradition the sisters had of walking around town and looking at all of the decorations people would put up.

"As long as you don't mind Coco coming." Velvet replied, She knew Coco wouldn't mind if the sisters went on their own but Velvet felt it was wrong to leave her out.

"Okay." Satin replied, slightly nervous.

"Oh that reminds me." Coco spoke, spinning on the spot to face the sisters. "When we get home I have a surprise for you Satin."

That seemed to change Satin's mood as the young girl perked up in excitement. "Really?"

"Yep, but we've got to get everything on this list first. Now let's get a move on." Coco said before fighting her way through the crowd with renewed vigour.

Once the trio had finished their shopping, they stopped at a small park that wasn't too crowded so Satin could play on the jungle jim while they waited for Velvet's parents to send the all clear.

"I have survived name brand designer clothing sales and yet that was somehow worse." Coco groaned as she watched Satin slide down the slide.

"It wasn't that bad Coco." Velvet replied, having seen Yatsuhashi after one of Coco's shopping trips.

"Velvet, I saw two people fighting over a cucumber. Who fights over a cucumber!" Coco exclaimed while Velvet laughed.

"I guess they really like cucumber." Velvet replied, unable to hide her mirth.

"But it's just a cucumber, they're not even that good!" This just caused Velvet to laugh harder.

Velvet didn't get the chance to reply, as Satin called out for her sister to push her on the swing. "You going to be ok on your own for a little bit?"

"Go on before she gets mad at you." Coco replied, smiling at Velvet as the bunny girl ran over to her sister.

For Coco, this gave her a moment to just enjoy seeing her girlfriend happy. She watched as Velvet and Satin laughed together and all she felt was joy. Velvet was happy and that was all Coco could ever ask for.

The fashionista was so lost in her own world, she hadn't noticed a woman sit down next to her.

"Is she your daughter?" The woman asked, pointing at Satin as her own children ran to the slide.

"Nah, she's my girlfriends sister." Coco replied, turning towards the woman.

The woman looked to be shorter than Coco, probably around five foot tall with a pair of fox ears on her head.

"I'm sorry, I just assumed. " the woman seemed very worried she had somehow insulted Coco.

"No worries."

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but you're human correct?" the woman asked finally drawing Cocos gaze from her sisters.

"yeah…?" Coco replied half ready for a fight with the fox faunus over her own relationship.

"It's nice to see a human and Faunus together. It's rare but for you two, appearance isn't a problem. You're happy together regardless." Coco seemed to relax after that. She was so use to the crap people would say back home, she wasn't prepared for someone to accept it so easily.

"She makes me happy and that's all that matters to me. Though her ears are cute. " Coco smirked at the last part, thinking about how emotive Velvet's ears really were.

The conversation seemed to lull from there until Coco saw Velvet pull her scroll out. "That looks like my que. It was nice talking to you."

"You too dear, you too." The woman replied, smiling as she watched the trio leave.

Almost as soon as they were through the front door Satin turned to face Coco and started jumping up and down.

"What's the surprise, what's the surprise?" Satin asked, excitement pouring off of her.

"Meet me outside your sisters room and I'll show you" Coco replied, barely able to finish her sentence before Satin sped off.

"Do I get to find out what this surprise is?", Velvet asked, eyeing Coco worriedly.

"Only if Satin shows you." Coco smirked, knowing it would bother her girlfriend. "Relax Bun Bun it's child friendly, I promise."

"The last time you said that, you gave one of Yatsu's siblings a bullet. " Velvet deadpanned.

"It was only a casing and he said he wanted to be a huntsman like his big brother." Coco retorted, poorly trying to defend her actions.

"He was four." Velvet replied, ending the back and forth. Coco would never admit it aloud but looking back, it probably wasn't her best Idea.

The pair stood there facing each other for a few moments before Coco's shoulders slumped. "I promise this is child friendly."

"Alright, better hurry before she gets mad at you." Velvet said, taking a page out of Coco's book with a butt pat.

Coco just shook her head and made her way to where Satin was waiting.

When Coco arrived at the door to Velvet room, she found Stain exactly she had told her to wait, still bouncing with excitement.

"You ready? " Coco asked, watching Satin nearly give herself whiplash from how fast she was nodding.

Coco lead the girl into the room before getting on her hands and knees and reached under the bed.

After a small amount of rummaging, Coco stood up with a brown paper bag in her hands, the same one she had gotten when she went into the markets with Velvet.

"Velvet mentioned you miss her a lot when she's away at school, so we bought this for you." Coco said as she handed a small necklace to Satin. The necklace was simple with a small metal chain with a small brown tigers eye gem hanging from it.

Satin gasped in awe as the necklace was placed in her hands, her eyes never leaving the gemstone.

"Do you want me to help put it on? "Coco asked,receiving a slow nod from Satin before she lifted the necklace and clipped it together around Satins neck. "Do you like it?"

Coco didn't have to wait long for an answer as Satin lunged at the fashionista in a hug. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now go and show your sister, she's been waiting to see you wear it." With that, Satin ran off to find her sister.

About an hour later Velvet arrived in her room. "So Satin thanked me for her new necklace."

"That's nice of her to do." Coco replied, trying not to let on about what she had done.

"So was this something you had planned?" Velvet asked, trying to piece it all together.

"Nope, spur of the moment. " Coco replied, finally looking up at Velvet.

So you bought my sister a necklace on a whim?" The more facts Velvet got, the more confused she became.

"Would you believe that I bought that for you?"

Velvet didn't say anything to that, mostly surprised by Coco's statement. "I saw it at a stall when we were in town and it made me think of you. After you mentioned that Satin misses you while you're away I came up with the idea to give it to her and say it was from both of us."

"That's really sweet." Velvet replied, kissing Coco's cheek.

"I try my best." Coco replied pulling Velvet down onto the bed for a proper kiss.

Satin hadn't stopped moving since she got her new necklace, she'd shown her sister and her parents the beautiful jewel within the first ten minutes of getting it. Though that only distracted her for so long before she remembered what that night held. Since then, she had been bugging Velvet asking when they could go and look at all the Christmas lights.

"We can't go until it's dark. Velvet had replied numerous times, but that hadn't curbed the young girls excitement. And how could she not be excited it was her favourite time of year her sister was home and she had warmed up to her sisters girlfriend.

When the sun finally did set, Satin grabbed both older girls hands and did her best to drag them towards the front door.

"How does she have so much energy? " Coco asked, putting up no resistance to Satin's pulling.

Velvet just shrugged as her younger sister kept telling the pair to hurry up until they reached the door, where Velvet grabbed Satin's attention.

"Now before we go, what do you say?" Velvet asked staring into her sisters eyes.

"I promise to always hold your hand while we're walking around. And I promise not to run off no matter how pretty the lights are." Satin replied, reciting her promise like she had said it a thousand times.

"Good girl, now we can go." Velvet smiled as her little sister hopped on the spot before latching onto Velvet's hand.

With that out of the way, the trio made their way out of the house and into the streets in search of Christmas lights.

The experience had been very different to what Coco had expected but Velvet and Satin seemed to make it much more interesting.

The sisters had gone from house to house in a sense of awe at all the different lights and decorations people had put up.

Coco didn't get to see Velvet with a childlike glee very often, but seeing it now definitely made the night worth it.

"So, you having fun?" Velvet asked, linking her free arm with Coco's.

"I am." Coco answered, bumping her hip with Velvet. "It's nice to see you so happy."

"This is my favourite thing to do every year. Satin and I have been doing this since she could walk." Velvet replied, resting her head against Coco's shoulder. "Your heels are still cheating."

"They're not cheating they're accessorising. " Coco laughed, knowing where this conversation was going.

"If my ears don't count, then your heels don't either." Velvet countered,

"Either way, I'm still the tall girlfriend." Coco smirked, enjoying the banter.

"Shut up.",Velvet replied, puffing out her cheeks in annoyance.

"Aww you're so cute when your angry." Coco cooed before planting a kiss on Velvet lips.

It felt like a very romantic moment for the young couple at first, however a certain someone found a way to ruin the moment.

"Ewwww." Satin complained at the sight of the older girls kissing.

Coco and Velvet just looked at each other before bursting into laughter and making their way to the next house.

Christmas morning had not started out how Coco expected it to, especially the part involving a small child jumping on her and her girlfriend.

"Come on, wake up It's Christmas!" Satin cheered while the older girls groaned from their rude awakening.

"ok, ok we're up." Velvet groaned. This seemed to stop Satin's bouncing as she knelt between the two girls.

"Ugh, good thing we wore pajamas last night." Coco muttered, earning a confused look from Satin.

"Why wouldn't you be wearing pajamas?" Satin asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Satin, why don't you go see Mum and Dad while we get up?" Velvet rushed, watching as her sister left the room before glaring at Coco. Coco hadn't caught up enough to realise why she was in trouble, she just knew she was whenever Velvet gave her that look.

"I'm sorry." Coco said, yawning half way through her apology.

"You don't even know why you're apologising do you?" Velvet asked, watching her girlfriend shake her head.

"Need coffee." Coco added, slowly standing up and walking towards the bedroom door.

"Presents first then I'll make you coffee." Velvet replied, shaking her head. 'how you ever functioned when the coffee machine broke I will never know"

"Ok BunBun."Coco yawned, still not fully awake.

Once Velvet had steered her girlfriend into the living room, a process that included stopping the fashionista from walking into a walk, twice, the family all sat in a circle while Satin gave everyone their presents from under the tree.

"Careful Munchkin, you don't want any to fall and break." Umber called when her daughter was carrying a pile that was a bit too large for her. Thankfully Velvet jumped up and helped carry some of the presents.

When everyone had their presents, they went in turns, starting with Satin, tearing off the wrapping paper.

Coco had bought Velvet a small glass rabbit from the stall in town and a new lens for her camera for when she takes photos that aren't of people's weapons.

"Thank you Coco they're wonderful." Velvet smiled, looking at the small glass bunny in her hand.

"I'm glad you like them." Coco smiled back. "and yes I am entirely prepared to pick you up for better photo angles."

Velvet giggled before all eyes turned to Coco for her to open her presents.

Velvet bought Coco a mug that said "no speaking until empty." on the front and partner necklace with their names on their half.

"Awww thanks Velvs." Coco cooed, linking the chain together behind her neck.

"I'm really glad you like it." Velvet smiled before she leaned over and kissed Coco's cheek. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas Bunbun." Coco replied, enjoying her first real Christmas experience with the most important person in her life.

Oh look a new chapter to a finished fic… Yeah I don't plan very well.

So the the guest reviewer Ashley, I know you didn't think there was much chance because it was one review, but sometimes that's all that's needed.

Now I am considering doing a third chapter where Velvet meets Coco's family but at this point it's not a guarantee. We shall see what happens.

As always, if you enjoyed, hated, have constructive criticism or have a question please let me know so I can make this story and any future stories I write better.

Thanks for reading and have an awesome day.

Disclaimer: I own nothing all rights reserved by Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum. (R.I.P)