Author's Note: HI! I feel like this story deserves a more then the 17 word explanation in the summary.

This was started a couple of weeks back, when all my friends on the Snowbert Forum (TercesTardis, Irrevocably, radpineapple, ihateeverythingandbody, TopazStars, and MEEEEE -wow, is there really that little of us? We are small but mighty... :-) decided to do a prompt a month challenge for our favorite ship, Snowbert.

We all gave prompts, and then we all picked prompts, and we went with that. You will be seeing stories from all the people above sometime during this month.

My September prompt iiiiiis...:

(from Irrevocably): 'Caitlin and Julian end up in the same bar at the same time.'


"Two bouncers by the door, and the bartender looks like he could handle himself in a fight, but that's all I'm seeing if this goes South." Caitlin said, speaking surreptitiously into her mic as she flipped her white-blond hair at said bartender and smiled in what she hoped was a flirtatious way. "I'll take the house tequila, please."

"Huh?" Cisco responded in her ear, before figuring out she wasn't talking to him when she asked for a drink. "Oh, right, sorry. Well, Barry's on standby if you need help-"

"I can handle myself, thanks." Caitlin cut him off, rolling her eyes.

The bartender gave her a funny look. "Excuse me?"

"Uh, nothing." Caitlin sent him another winner smile and brushed her hair back. She twisted around in her bar stool, eyeing the rest of the building.

It was crowded, dance music blasting through the large speakers in the corners of the building. It looked like any other bar Caitlin had ever been to.

Except this time, she wasn't here to get drunk, or to hang out with Barry and Cisco or get to know Julian a little more over a beer. She was here on a stakeout, to investigate a highly suspicious funder for illegal drug activity.

It sounded a little more "Team Arrow Style" for their usual methods, but metahuman activity had been low since Barry came back from the Speed Force, and there were no new big bads to spend all of their free time dealing with. They had dropped down to robberies and drug deals of a crime-ridden, considerably more normal, city.

Caitlin was okay with that. Even though she was a meta with perfect control over her very-powerful-powers, taking a break from intense, life threatening battles was kind of nice. It gave her something close to the normal life that she had lost as soon as she had stepped foot in STAR Labs.

Or maybe she had lost it when she met Barry. Or maybe when she discovered she could turn into an evil, killer Ice Queen. Or maybe when she became said killer Ice Queen. Or maybe a combination of all of them...?

Caitlin turned around as the bartender placed her drink down loudly on the table. He gave her a nod, and she returned it with a quick thanks.

Caitlin leaned over the bar, keeping her com hidden by her sheet of blond hair. She took a few sips every once and awhile, keeping up the appearance of a casual bar goer. In truth, she was scanning the room again and again, looking for their target.

"Dude, this is like some Jason Borne movie, ya know?" Cisco prattled in her ear. "I like this going undercover."

"That's because your not the one going undercover." Caitlin muttered, glancing around to see if anyone was watching. "It would help if I actually knew what I was looking for."

"Told you. Tall guy, dark suit, streak of grey either side of his head. You really can't miss him- his point is to stand out. He's obviously not afraid of the feds- or us."

Caitlin hummed quietly in response. Someone had just sat down next to her and was giving her one of the sleaziest smiles she had ever seen.

Someone who was tall, with a dark suit, and had two streaks of grey on either side of his head.

Caitlin resisted the urge to jump out of her seat and run. She leaned back as calmly as she could and cleared her throat. "Hello."

"Hey there, gorgeous." Their target- Coth- said, leaning closer. "What are you doing in a place like this?"

'Flirt with the target to get answers' had been around plan J, but it seemed that Caitlin would just have to ditch plans A through I and go on with it.

"Girl's gotta get her tequila somewhere." Caitlin shrugged, swirling her drink and tossing her hair.

"Who are you talking to?" Cisco asked. "Wait, no, don't answer that, you'd look like you were insane."

Caitlin clenched her jaw. She would be having a serious talk with Cisco about irritating com use for the next time she went on one of these missions.

"Do I... know you from somewhere?" Coth asked, peering closer at her with an open, quizzical (still sleazy) smile.

Caitlin froze up for a moment, before remembering her cover. "Probably not. I have one of those faces, you know?" She gave him a weak smile, trying not to look at his hand, which was slowly creeping across the bar, closer to her's. "My names Cathy."

"Beautiful name." Coth complimented. "I'm Coth. It's a pleasure to meet you, Cathy."

"You too." Caitlin turned back to her glass, taking a small sip.

Coth leaned a little closer. "How about I buy you a drink? Maybe something to get us both to... loosen up a little bit. Then we can enjoy the evening together?"

"Sounds lovely." Caitlin lied, resisting the urge to gag into her glass. "Hit me with your best shot."

He seemed to think that comment was especially endearing, and gave her a hungry, possessive look that made her squirm uncomfortably.

Caitlin was just about to ask him more about himself when a familiar voice and a familiar face came out of nowhere.


She whipped around, eyes going wide, and choked on her tequila.

It was Julian Albert.


Ever since Caitlin had left the team to discover herself and her new abilities, Julian had made less and less contact with his friends. He spent most of his time in a bar or at his job, trying to avoid Barry and forget his heartbreak.

And now, there was Caitlin, talking -flirting- with a guy nearly twice her age like nothing had happened.

"Caitlin?" The other man frowned. "I'm afraid you've got it wrong, kid."

"Pardon me?" Julian glared at him. "I would think I'd know her name."

Caitlin was sending him some sort of message with her eyes, but he couldn't quite figure out what it was. He wiggle his eyebrows and jutted his chin right back at her and her forehead creased with annoyance.

Ha. Annoyance. As if she had the right to be annoyed.

"My name is Cathy. And I've got no idea who you are." Caitlin said, rolling her eyes in the other man's direction and discretely moving her hair to the side. "I think that this man has had a bit to much to drink." She murmured to the man.

Julian frowned, peering at her ear. There was something small and silver inside of it- impossible to notice until she had moved her hair. It took him a second to realize it was a earpiece.

The faked un-recognition... her expression... her fake name... it suddenly all clicked into place and Julian realized that him being here and talking to her was a very, very bad idea.

She was undercover.

"I'd think so." The man said, looking over Julian with a derisive eye. "Stop bothering us, please."

"Uh, uh, uh... right, sorry, right away." Julian nodded vigorously, backing up and nearly knocking into another person. "Sorry mate, right, sorry, I'll just... I'll just go, then."

He ran off, disappearing around the corner and letting out a deep breath as soon as they were out of sight.

Almost immediately, he yanked out his phone and called Cisco.

The techie picked up after just a few rings. "Julian? Is it really you?"

Julian winced. "Uh, yeah, it's really me. Look- sorry I've been so removed lately mate."

"It's, um, fine- look, I'd love to have this conversation but I'm kind of in the middle of something right now-"

"Yeah, I know." Julian gritted his teeth. "I just ran into Caitlin. And I, uh, may have just ruined her stakeout mission. She's talking with this dude- tall, weird grey hair-"

"Yeah, that's Coth." Cisco let out a breath of air. "Fantastic."

"Sorry, mate." Julian repeated, and peeked around the corner to check on Caitlin. His blood boiled when he saw the man's arm around her shoulder, both of them holding glasses. "Looks like she's doing just fine, though. They're getting pretty... snugly."

"Man, Julian, you should probably head out." Cisco said sympathetically. "I know your guys' history, and, I mean, you just gotta understand that she's faking all of this. It's just a cover story for us to get the information we need to crash this guys drug bust."

"How long, exactly, has Caitlin been working for you guys?" Julian asked abruptly.


"How long has Caitlin been working for you guys?" Julian repeated impatiently. "Has it been a week? A month? Did none of you think to tell me?"

"Dude, we tried." Cisco protested. "We called you, but you never picked up. And Barry said he never saw at the lab anymore."

Julian pulled out a random chair and slumped into it. "Why didn't... why didn't she come find me?"

Cisco paused for a long time. "Look, I need to turn her com back on, okay? I don't like not being able to here if something goes wrong-"

"Answer the question, Cisco."

"I don't know, man, okay? I don't know."

Abruptly, the call ended, and Julian was left staring at his phone screen, Cisco's voice gone.

He switched chairs so he could keep his eye on Caitlin. Coth was closer then ever, but he thought he saw a certain tense-ness in Caitlin's shoulders. She wasn't enjoying herself- at least that much was obvious.

After a couple more minutes of talking and drinks, Coth tossed some money at the bartender and both of them stood up. Caitlin blinked heavily, leaning on the him. Either she was actually drunk, or she was doing a very good job at faking it.

Julian shot to his feet as Caitlin stumbled over a chair, giggling madly and apologizing to the object in a slurred, tipsy voice. He frowned. That was a bit too good of a fake.

What if he drugged her? Julian thought. What if I ruined her whole plan and he found her out and drugged her?

Coth was leading Caitlin to the back of the bar, one hand on her waist and the other steering her through the crowd. The tense look in Caitlin's back was gone, replaced with an uncharacteristic slouch.

Julian started to panic, and hurried to follow them, pushing through a few people and trying to keep them in sight. Once they reached the back of the bar, Coth slipped them through a door labeled Employees Only.

Suddenly, the loud sound of a gunshot rang out. The crowd around him broke into frantic screams and Julian's eyes went wide. He started to race toward the door, leaping over people who were steaming in the other direction, toward the exit.

The flash reached the door at the same time he did. Barry gave Julian a surprise look but barely hesitated, breaking down the wood and allowing room for both of them to burst through.

When they arrived inside, it was obvious that it was for nothing. Caitlin had her hand against Coth's throat, one large, dagger-like icicle clenched in her fist. Coth was on the ground, spluttering and protesting his innocence.

"Give it up." Caitlin growled. "I caught you red handed. I knew you'd slip something into my drink."

"I've got not idea what you're talking about." Coth choked. He saw both Julian and the Flash standing in the doorway, staring, and his eyes went wide. "Okay! Okay! I put something in your drink. It doesn't prove anything."

"We'll see about that." Caitlin said in a low voice, raising one hand and punching him in the face.

He went limp, and Caitlin got to her feet, dusting off her hands.

Barry crossed his arms. "How did you know he would put something in your drink?"

"I didn't." Caitlin shrugged, smiling. "But after Julian not-so-helpfully ruined my cover, I just figured that he would get suspicious. And why would a drug lord not carry around drugs to a bar? Now let's just hope my glass is still at the bar. We can run some test on it back at STAR- Yes Cisco, I'm fine, and I'm turning off my com now, okay? Okay." She yanked it out of her ear and flicked it off, rolling her eyes.

Barry grinned. "I'll go look for that glass."

He flashed off, leaving Caitlin and Julian alone. Caitlin raised her eyebrow. "So... what, exactly, are you doing here?"

"Um..." Julian shuffled his feet uncomfortable. He had planned out a full speech nearly every night since Caitlin left about what he would say to her the next time he saw her to make her see that he wasn't ever going to give up on his feelings for her.

But the fact that she had been working with Team Flash for who knew how long without telling him sort of put a wrench in his plans.

"Julian?" Caitlin prompted.

"I- I was just here for a drink." He admitted. "I didn't expect to see you here tonight, honestly." He kept going, unable to stop talking. "I- I heard that you're working with Team Flash again."

"I heard that your not." Caitlin said quietly.

"Well, I mean..." There wasn't an excuse he could give. "Too many memories, I suppose."

"It's been a long time." Caitlin agreed. "I've missed you, Julian."

"I missed you, too." He took a step closer. "I miss... everything."

"You can come back." She said softly. "We all want you to come back. I want you to come back."

It was weird having the rolls reversed. Julian looked at the ground, fighting the tiniest of urges to say no, to make her see what it was like to be left with a broken heart and dreams of a future.

But he couldn't do that to her.

"Yeah." He said, giving her a small smile and watching her eyes light up as she returned it. "I think it's time that we both come home."

Author's Note: Honestly, I had this whole thing planned out where there were both going to be undercover, but then I realized that that wouldn't exactly fit the prompt.

I still want to do one of those, though, so stayed tuned. Maybe it'll happen someday :)

Hey! Check out everyone else's September stories! I know that a few of them are already up, and you'll be able to stay posted for everyone else's by following all of the authors I listed up above.