This chapter begins the second story. Merry Christmas everyone! Also an new OC one from Reaper13 from his original story. Hope you guys like it.

Chapter 9: A new Adventure Begins

Ten months has pass since the defeat of Morgana, the wall destroyed and Genji leaving to see the world, much has change in Denmark, Barry now the Ambassador of the Poor lives in the castle, dating Melody, and he couldn't ask for anything more.

But a month after Morgana's defeat, Ariel was pregnant then after nine months, Ariel gave birth to a beautiful boy who they name James. Right now, they were on a boat sailing to meet James' other family.

As the sun rises, Ariel picks up her new baby boy, James, James has black hair like his father but he has his mother blue eyes.

Melody and Eric walk over to them as Ariel said, "James say hi to your daddy and your big sister."

Ariel brought James closer to Melody and Eric as Eric said, "Hey there, little guy."

As Melody said, "Hey James."

James let out a small smiles and giggles seeing his family, Eric turn to Barry as he said, "Barry, come over here."

Barry shook his head as he said, "No, I don't mind."

Ariel walks over to Barry as he said, "Oh no, mister, you're going to be a part of his life just like the rest of his."

As Eric said, "Especially if when you and Melody get married."

Both Barry and Melody blush as Melody said, "Dad!"

Ariel and Eric chuckle as Eric said, "I'm just kidding, sweetie."

Barry holds James as he asks, "Hey James aren't you excited you're finally going to meet your grandfather?"

James smiles while he giggled.

The door opens to reveal Grimsby as Grimsby said, "Sir everything is ready we will be arriving in a few minutes."

As Eric said, "Thank you Grimsby. Melody, Barry can you two go outside I bet Margaret, Tip and Dash are excited."

Barry and Melody nodded as Melody said, "See you outside."

As the boat was sailing to introduce James to the other part of his family, Melody was standing on the side of the boat with her arms on the rail.

Barry went up to her as he asks, "Hey, why so glum?"

Melody shakes her head and puts on a smile for him as she said, "No it's not that, I mean I'm a big sister this is amazing…it's just…"

As Barry ask, "Just what?"

As Melody ask, "Barry what if I'm not a good sister?"

Barry smiles and hugs her as he said, "You'll be perfect and besides no one said you have to do this alone, you got me, Margaret, and Sebastian."

Melody smiles returning the hug as she said, "You're the best."

The two looks at each other then began to lean in about to kiss when they are interrupted by a rumbling sound.

A wave shoots out of the water and at the top Genji appears holding his suitcase and dressed in vacation wear. He jumps off the wave and floats in front of the ship. As he said, "Hey there kids! Guess who's back!"

Melody and Barry smile widely as they both said at the same time, "Genji!" They both run over and hug him.

Genji yells in a pain as he turns red as he said, "Ow! Easy sunburn!"

Melody and Barry let go of him as Melody said, "You came back."

As Genji said, "Of course I did. Did you miss me?"

As Barry said, "Of course we missed you." As he asks, "Did you see the whole world already?"

Genji transformed into 4 small figures of himself of different countries as they all said, "It's a small world after all." He transforms back to normal as he said, "But the truth is I ran into my cousin and he told me that where I should be is with those I'm happy with meaning you guys."

He transforms into a firework igniting the rocket goes off making a design of the castle in Denmark as Barry and Melody parachuted down as Genji was a parachute as Genji sang "I parachuted down into the Taj Mahal."

Genji disappeared dropping Barry and Melody falling down only to be catch by Genji wearing a straw hat carrying them in a Rickshaw carriage as Genji sang "I roller-bladed all along the great Great Wall!"

They soon reappeared in Italy on top of Genji riding a bike as Genji sang "I even made the famous Leaning Tower fall,"

But they bump into the tower of Piza causing it to fall while Barry and Melody fall off of Genji. Genji grew big stop the tower from falling as he sang "But who was with me through it all? Nobody!"

They soon appeared in a circus with Genji as a circus bear juggling on a wheel on a rope as he sang "The Moscow Circus hired me to fly trapeze."

They soon were in Greece with Hercules running as Genji sang "On Mount Olympus won a race with Hercules."

Genji appeared in Greek Robe as he sang running past Hercules next to Barry and Melody "It's easy when you're chased by KILLER BEES!"

Killer bees flew towards them from behind. The three of them jump underwater to avoid the bees as he sang "Who said "Gesundheit" when I sneezed? Ahchoo!"

Genji was in a cab before he came out in a sailor suit as he sang "So now I'm home."

Barry and Melody were soaking wet before they were dried up by Genji who was the sun as he sang "Home again with you. You chase the clouds away." He appeared behind them as he sang "Whenever I am blue."

As Barry said, "You're always blue."

Genji was a sarcophagus as he sang before opening revealing him as a mummy "And the pyramids I highly recommend." He appeared outside in Egypt where Barry and Melody were statues with their face on them. As Genji sang "There is nothing in the world quite like a friend."

Genji was on a needle bed with snakes as he sang with their heads moving sideways "Slept like a babe in Bombay on a bed of nails." He then shrunk down appearing in Barry's hands as a Belly dancer as he sang "Moroccans loved my daring dance of seven veils."

Genji appeared in a yellow rain coat with boots and grey beard holding a bowl with a goldfish as he sang "Why, single-handedly I even saved the whales." He tosses the fish into the air transforming it into a blow whale who shot water from his hole with Genji ontop of the water as he sang "No one was there to hear my tales!"

He burst into tears crying before he brought out a Piñata and hit it with a bat before he, Barry and Melody appeared as a Mariachi band as Genji sang "In Acapulco joined a Mariachi band."

Genji wore western suit on a canoe with an oar before going into Barry's trumpet as he sang "I rode the ragin' rapids down the Rio Grande."

Soon a hot air balloon flew into the air with Genji, Barry and Melody on it as Genji sang "Flew in an air balloon, but when I tried to land. Nobody laughed, or lent a hand."

The bottom of the balloon broke and the three of them dropped down into a jungle but before Barry and Melody hit the ground Genji caught them in a net as Genji sang "Without you, the Amazon is just a trickle."

The scene changes to the Sahara as Genji wore a coat holding a fish as he sang "Without you, the Sahara's not so hot."

Genji became a sink dripping water as he sang "Without you, Niagara Falls is just a leaky faucet."

Genji wore a navy uniform as he sang "And the QEII is just some yacht." He hit a bottle on the ship setting sail.

Genji transforms into a flying Yacht that brings Barry and Melody back to the ship while Genji sang "Now that I'm home, Home again, it's clear,"

Genji appear giving them a hug as he sang "All I ever wanted. Seems to be right here." As he sang "I've traveled East and West. And now, I'm back again." He uses a rope to grab Barry and Melody bringing them to him as he sang "And there's nothing in the world quite like a friend."

As Barry sang "There's nothing in the world,"

As Melody sang "Nothing in the whole wide world."

As Barry, Melody and Genji sang "There is nothing in the world quite like a friend."

Genji appeared holding up the earth on his fingers as he sang "Nothin' in the whole wide world." He spins it around his fingers like a basketball.

Melody, Barry, and Genji hug as the door opens Eric and Ariel came out with James in Ariel's arms. As Eric ask, "What's going on out here?"

As Ariel ask, "Is everything ready?"

Genji flies over and hugs the two, as he said, "Hey there your majesty it's so good to see you both. He then spots James as he asks, "Oh, my goodness who is this little bundle?"

As Ariel said, "This is James."

As Genji said, "Oh, he is so adorable. Tell me does he like puppies, kitties, hamsters?" His face turned into the animals causing James to giggle.

As Ariel said, "Genji it's so good to see you."

Genji bows as he said, "Happy to back Ariel and I also offer my Babysitting hours I'm good any day but holidays." He hands her a business card with a picture of him nursing a baby version of himself.

As Melody said, "And Mom Genji says he wants to stay with us."

As Eric said, "Well our little home is certainly growing."

Genji turns into a puppy and pouts with puppy eyes causing Eric to laugh as he said, "Relax Genji no need to beg of course you can stay."

As Genji said, "Oh yeah you hear that guys." Genji shoots up and makes fireworks with his face and James claps at the pretty lights.

As Barry said, "Something tells me Genji and James are gonna be good friends."

As Melody said, "Just wait til he starts swimming then he can play with us, Tip and Dash."

As Eric said, "Easy kids we don't want James going on any big adventures until he's older."

As Genji said, "Oh well in the mean time I'll just read him bed time stories. He transforms into an old lady in a rocking chair with James in his lap as he said, "Once upon a time there was A little Mermaid."

Ariel blushes as she said, "Genji." Everyone else laughs when Tip and Dash pop out of the water and Margaret flies down from the sky. As Tip said, "Well if it isn't Blue Boy."

As Dash said, "Genji we saw your fireworks and we came rushing over."

As Genji ask, "Tip, Dash, Margaret! Look at all of you. Dash have you lost weight?"

Dash chuckles.

As Margaret said, "Looks like the whole team is back together."

As Barry said, "And this time Genji is here to stay."

As Genji said, "Yeah, I am come here you guys I have stories to tell!"

Genji lifts tip and Dash out of the water and onto the ship. As Genji said, "Oh before I forget, I have souvenirs for everybody!"

Genji gives Barry a Sombrero, Melody a wooden totem pole, Tip a baseball cap, flag and a hotdog, Dash got a Text shirt with the Eiffel Tower on it and Margaret gets a dancing Hula girl, Genji tap it causing it to dance as he said, "Ooh she dances."

Tip takes off the hat and eats the Hot Dog as he asks, "So got any stories for us to share?"

As Genji said, "And then some."

Genji, Tip, and Dash walk over to the other side of the ship.

As Margaret said, "I better get back to patrol we should be arriving soon." Margaret takes off and flies into the air.

As Melody said, "I better go tell mom and dad." She hugs Barry before walking inside.

Barry looks to see Genji talking to Tip and Dash and walks over as he asks, "Hey guys what's going on?"

As Dash said, "Well Genji was telling us about this motto he discovered on his trip around the world."

As Tip said, "It's called Hakuna Matata."

As Barry ask, "Hakunna Ma what a?"

As Dash said, "Hakuna Matata it means no worries."

As Genji said, "Here let us explain it to you." As he sang "Hakuna Matata what a wonderful phrase."

As Dash sang "Hakuna Matata ain't no passing craze."

As Tip sang "It means no worries for the rest of you days."

As Genji, Tip, and Dash sang "It's our problem free philosophy. Hakuna Matata."

As Barry ask, "Where did you find this motto?"

As Genji said, "Trust me kid you'll love it, take Tip and Dash for example." As he sang "Why when they were young heroes."

As Tip and Dash sang "When we were young heroes!"

As Genji said clapping his hands together "Very nice."

As Tip said, "Thanks."

As Genji sang "They found their deeds lacked a certain appeal they cleared the glaciers after every deal."

As Dash sang "We were sensitive souls though we were thick skinned."

As Tip sang "And it hurt that nobody stood by us. And oh, the shame!"

As Genji sang "It was a shame!"

As Dash sang "Though of changing our names!"

As Genji sang "Oh, what's in a name?!"

As Tip sang holding his head "And we got downhearted."

As Genji sang going down to his knees "How did you feel?"

As Dash sang "Every time that I..."

As Tip said placing his flippers onto Dash's mouth "Wait Dash not in front of kids."

As Dash said, "Oh sorry."

Barry just pauses in confusion.

As Genji, Tip, and Dash sang at the same time "Hakuna Matata. What a wonderful phrase. Hakuna Matata ain't no passing craze."

As Barry sang "It means no worries for the rest of your days."

Tip appeared as he said, "Yeah sing it kid."

As Barry and Tip sang at the same time "It's our problem free."

As Genji and Dash sang appearing "Philosophy."

As Barry, Genji, Tip and Dash sang "Hakuna Matata."

Melody, Ariel, and Eric walk out with Ariel carrying James.

As Melody said, "Come on you guys it's time."

The four of them smile as they stop singing to look over, as Tip said, "About time."

Dash looks down to the water to see merpeople rising up forth as he said, "Here they come."

Barry stands next to them as the royal guards come out of the water making a path for King Triton to come out approaching them.

Barry smiles as he holds Melody close as Triton gets closer to James before looking at them with a smile.

Genji creates fireworks in the air as everyone celebrates.

Melody looks from the fireworks to her parents holding James and then to Barry as she said, "Looks like we're about to start a whole new adventure."

Barry smiles as he said, "Well then you better bring me along for it."

Melody giggles as she said, "It wouldn't be one without you in it."

As the next few years went by Melody and Barry grew up alongside James but no matter what happened they never changed anything about themselves as they continued to explore the see and everywhere alongside Tip, Dash, Genji and Margaret.

Genji, Tip and Dash appeared outside the castle as they sang "Hakuna Matata, Hakuna Matata, Hakuna Matata, Hakuna Matata."

When the new grown up teenage Barry appeared next to them as he sang "It means no worries. For the rest of your days."

As Barry, Genji, Tip and Dash sang "It's our problem free philosophy! Hakuna Matata!"

As Tip sang jumping into the sea "Hakuna Matata."

As Dash sang jumping into the sea "Hakuna Matata."

As Genji sang diving into the sea "Hakuna Matata."

Barry sang jumping into the sea "Hakuna Matata." As he sang "Hakuuuuna Matata."

All four of them got out of the sea smiling as Barry sang "Hakuuuuna Matata. Hakuna Matata!"

They began to leave in the direction of the castle.

Tad–da! Chapter is done! Also for fifteen year old Barry will be voice by Roger Bart who voice the singing voice of Scamp.