
That's what Hermione Granger was, pure perfection. Screw it if her blood wasn't pure, screw it if her bloody parents weren't magical. It's not as if she had any control over who she was born too. But no, she was so intelligent, so pure in her morals, her magic, her soul. That's not even taking into account how beautiful she is. How her hair turns golden in the sunlight, how she worries her bottom lip when she's learning. How her eyes glimmer when she's laughing, how that laugh sounds like the purest of melodies dancing across his ears.

If there is anything to fight his father about, it's Her. Why should I marry my second cousin and dumb down our family lines, when I could have a chance of happiness. Because, if I have learnt anything in my short life, I want to wake up with that prism of colors dancing across my life, every bloody day.


I never knew when exactly it happened, it could have been when she snubbed out every little thing my father forced down my throat about bloody purity. It could have been when she broke my nose when I was a selfish git. It's just her.

I just hope I haven't buggered it up by being a right douche. It's not as if I made go gallivanting in her knickers across the school. I only tightened her uniform here and there. I didn't make her show her knickers at all!

"Are you even listening to me!?"

"Huh, yeah, sorry. What was it again?"

"Unbelievable! I knew I shouldn't have wasted my time! You can't even answer a simple question, now can you? I know you're a little snobbish, inbred troglodyte that can sometimes manage to only be an insufferable twit, but really?"


"Hermione, look, I'm sorry, I know. I've mucked everything up, how about we start over?"

"With what? Knowing you, or this date?"

"Whichever put's me back in your good books?"


"Look, I want to say I'm sorry. I only ever tightened your uniform, I never made it show your knickers off!"

"Oh, so who did it then? Because, I have no evidence that doesn't point to you!"

"UGHHH!" Groaned Draco, slamming his butterbeer down on the table. "Look, don't believe me, whatever, but I'm not some dickhead that runs around trying to look at every girl's knockers without their EXPLICIT permission. I did not seek to humiliate you, to belittle you, or even to infuriate you. Okay?"

"I know. But, thank you." She said, smirking under her lashes.

"Why do I even both- Wait, what? Really?"

"Obviously, aha. Oh, this is brilliant, you really did believe I thought you did it, didn't you?"

"Well, who did it?"

"Ginny. I overheard her and Harry plotting about how this is finally going to pull our head's out of our arses and snog already."

"Red and Pothead, huh. Who would have thought?"

Laughing, he reached over and pulled a single curl down, until it straightened in his fingertips. He let it go, snapping back into place with little protest.

"Is this where we kiss, then?"

She let out one of her melodies, with him savoring it, replaying it over and over in his head, hoping to never tire of that sound. She started to learn forward, propping her forearms on the table to gain stability, until I could taste her breathe across my skin, I could get lost counting the freckles smattered across hers.

She pecked my nose, just a brush of her plump rose lips across the sharp button of my bridge.

"I don't kiss on the first date."

I head another tinkle of her song, and when I opened my eyes, she was gone.

AN: It was different writing about Draco, especially in this writing type, but I quite like it. Once again, I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER, and this is for the Golden Snitch forum, under the Madam Malkins Dress Up Challenge. The "Prompt" for this was yellow silk tie, write about a canonical blond.