The Stolen Heir
Chapter Twenty Seven
I Own Nothing
Hiccup's P.O.V
Tears were streaming down my face as my breathing was getting heavy, my fingernails sinking into the bed sheets as Astrid stormed into my hut."Astrid." I cried out, already panicking at what was happening to me, feeling the pain already."It's coming, oh Thor the baby is coming." Her eyes were wide as she quickly rushed over to me, trying to get all the blankets and stuff off of my bed, feeling a few hits of pain hitting me, I was already losing it. Once all the blankets were removed it was just down to the sheets and pillows, Toothless was pacing around my room, groaning and whining the entire time, wondering what was happening to me. I still couldn't believe this was happening right now, my baby was finally coming today...and I was not prepared for this, the pain was starting to hit me.
I tried taking in a deep breath, gripping the sheets again king I was going to rip them."Everything going to be okay Hiccup." Astrid said to me softly, rubbing my knee."Snotlout wen to go get Viggo and the healer, they'll be here soon."She tried pushing my bangs away from my face, then she tried getting vest off of me, trying to get me more comfortable. Then again I wouldn't be anywhere near comfortable in the next couple of hours. Hours would soon pass by me, hours of nothing but pain and crying out for Viggo over and over.
Viggo needs to hurry the hell up and get here, I need him here with me, for our baby. One of my hands went back to my stomach, feeling the tight waves of pressure, feeling the hits of pain washing over me as the minutes started to go by me, Astrid went off to go get some water and blankets, Snotlout was probably going to be gone for Thor knows how long, only making me more impatient and afraid. Viggo was going to be pissed, I knew he wanted us to have the baby back on the hunters island, having it at our home, or at least somewhere safe.
But this wasn't out home, this was the edge. God damnit, the only person I had to blame was myself, I shouldn't have even left the island in the first place, so once again Hiccup screws himself over once again. I let out a moan as another contraction hit me, they were coming every few minutes, making me feel to the point sickness. Cold beads of sweat were coming down my face, my left hand sinking into the bed sheets, letting my nails rip into them.
Soon enough Astrid returned with some water and plenty of blankets, Fishlegs was right behind her, making me feel a little bit better. But that wasn't close enough for me, I wanted Viggo here, he needs to be here for us. How long would it be before Viggo would be here with his Skrill? It should be fast enough for him, not unless we have a storm coming, gods that would even be worse. Please don't let there be a storm, it was finally spring and nice weather for once, just let my husband come to me, let him come to witness the birth of our firstborn.
"HICCUP!" Fishlegs cried out."Are you okay!? Astrid told me your water just broke!" He quickly ran over to me.
"I..I'm okay...just AGH!" I gripped the edge of my bed again, letting out a few shallow breaths."Fucking gods this hurts." I cursed under my breath as Fishlegs sat next to me, placing a cold rag on my forehead as Astrid got the blankets out. Now I was wondering if the gods were punishing me again, what have I done to deserve this pain? Oh yeah because of Viggo. Gods why did this have to happen right now? Why was my body made for producing and giving birth to babes? Some think of this as a curse, some think of this as a gift. Right now I was cursing every man,god or creature for all of this pain right now. Another cry escaped my lips as Fishlegs tried to help me.
Fuck, fuck why did this have to hurt so much? Fishlegs ended up giving me his hand for support, gripping his thick hand. Letting out more shallow breaths, fucking hell how the do women even get through this?I grit my teeth and tried to breath through another wave of pain."Just keep breathing Hiccup." Fishlegs said softly. Right now I was sinking my nails into his meaty hand, wondering if I was crushing it right now?,probably. I moaned out in pain again, wanting all of this pain to stop.
"Please gods make it stop." I moaned out, feeling the rag slowly slipping off of my sweaty forehead."Please gods just get it out of me." I cried again, this time a few more tears slipping from my face. Fishlegs was trying to comfort me again."Just keep breathing Hiccup, try not not to focus on the pain." He said gently but right now that was all I could focus on.
I shot him a quick glare."THEN WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO FOCUS ON THEN!?" Screaming on the top of my lungs, catching both my riders off, never hearing me yell before. But they soon took a step forward, knowing the pain I was going through. At least I was safe on the edge and not stuck in the middle of nowhere, or stuck on Outcast island. Another cry escaped my lips as I felt the baby shift, another contraction hitting me again, Fishlegs let me grip his hand a little tighter, at this point I was worried I was crushing it.
Just keep breathing, just keep it together Hiccup. It was all I could think about, let alone focus on at the moment. Astrid was trying to get me comfortable again, moving some blankets and bringing more pillows so I could sit up better, I already had my legs spread out.
"I need to get your pants off."She said softly, I shot her a quick glance and quickly nodded with another pain shooting through my back.
"Just do it Astrid." I breathed out, Fishlegs face was starting to go red once I said that, before I could say anything else Astrid removed my pants without protest. I whined at the sudden exposure but took in another deep breath."I swear to gods Viggo is never touching me again." A few beads of sweat escaped my face, soon enough my lower half was exposed, feeling my face go blush. But there was no time to be embarrassed right now, a few more minutes were starting to pass by, feeling like hours the longer it took.
I couldn't focus on my breathing, only crying out in pain, pretty sure the twins could hear me outside right about now. Feeling the pressure and pain double in time, the more time that went by the more I started to wail out in pain, crying out for Viggo, crying out for the pain to stop. After a little while Fishlegs moved over behind me and started to rub my shoulders, telling me to take in deep breaths while trying to sooth me the entire time. Toothless was forced to get out so we could make room for Viggo and the midwife, that is if they ever show the Hell up.
My pants soon got heavier, my grip started to get tighter with each shot of pain going through my body. Astrid would be my words of support as Fishlegs was my physical one, she would tell me her soft words and telling me how strong I was, moving my cold rag on my forehead.
I wanted it out, I want this child out of me before I lose my mind. Another mixture of cries and moans escaped my lips, my nails were sinking into Fishlegs hand, the other tearing up the sheets at the same time. Contractions were coming a lot faster, coming every minute or so before it was a couple of minutes apart, but the hours were soon passing by me, my heart was starting to quicken, Viggo wasn't here yet, how many hours has it been? Four, five? I was screaming even louder. My entire body was aching, bleeding out, my entire body was covered in sweat.
I shouldn't have even come out here, why was I even being so stupid? Just because I wanted to go out for a change and now I was going into labor. I could feel the warm blood in between my legs, it was warm and sticky and coating my inner thighs. Was I going to be strong enough to bring this little one into the world?Was my body going to give out half way through? My mother brearly survived having me, let alone a trail of miscarriages in the past before having me.
"Just keep taking deep breaths Hiccup, just a few more hours." I cried when I head that, I wasn't even paying attention to who was telling me this. The pain was already unbearable to this point, what the hell was I going to do? Alright I just need to focus...just not on the pain...just breath Hiccup, try to be strong right now for my unborn babe. I tried evening out my breathing again,this time laying on my side as Fishlegs switched hands with me, Astrid went back outside to get me some fresh water, Toothless was crying out for me, knowing I was in deep pain.
I then sat back up, laying up against my bed post with my bed spread apart with the blanket still on my legs."Aggh!" I clutched my stomach again. Fishlegs eyes widen and tried to give me more support as my friend."Shh everything is alright, I promise everything is going to be alright." He gave my hand a soft pat, I tried to smile but another pain shot up into my stomach, clutching it again and unable to feel my legs now, tears were still rolling down my eyes, Fishlegs tried wiping them away for me.
"How much longer?" I wailed out.
"Just a few more hours Hiccup." Fishlegs said calmly.
"Oh fucking gods just kill me already then!" I screamed out, making sure anyone on this island could hear me at this point."Aghhh! Just kill me god damn it!" I cursed out, cursing out every god for doing this to me, none of this was a gift, this was all nothing but a rial of pain and misery.
Astrid was quick with the water, getting me to sit up a little more."Here Hiccup, try to get some water." I took the flask from her and down the cold water, calming me down, cooling me off a little bit as I took a long gulp, but I wanted something stronger, much stronger.
Then without thinking I looked up at the blonde."Do you have any whisky Astrid?" I asked sadly while looking at her with weak eyes, wanting almost anything for the pain at this point.
Her eyes widen."No." She said sternly."Your not having anything like that for the pain Hiccup."
I moaned out and slamming my head against the pillow, almost wailing out."Just anything...please?"
She sighed."Hiccup I don't think we have anything here, maybe some burning sage but that's about it." She said softly before turning to Fishlegs."Go get him some Fishlegs...maybe it'll help Hiccup out." Fishlegs without another word and took off as fast as he could, just leaving me and Astrid alone again.
"How are you?"She said softly, trying to comfort me as she patted my knee for comfort.
"Like my entire body is trying to rip itself in half." I said bitterly as another wave came, I reached out for her hand and she grabbed it."When the hell is Viggo going to be here?" I looked up at her again, she bit her lip and din't know what to tell me, only telling me the same thing, telling me they would be here soon. Why the hell couldn't they hurry the hell up?
But before she could let out another word the door busted open and we both looked up, my eyes quickly opened and I almost screamed."Viggo." I wailed I reached my hand out for him, Astrid quickly shot him a glare and moved aside for him, not wanting to let me go, but she let go of my hand as Viggo bolted towards me, looking up at him with pleading eyes."I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Viggo I-" He cut me off with soft hushes and kissed my sweaty forehead.
"Shhh my little dove, it's alright" He pushed some of the hair away from my face."It's alright I'm here now." His voice was soft and calming, letting me grip his hand this time, kissing my tender skin with his smooth lips."The midwife is here now, I'm not leaving you side." Just hearing that coming from his mouth made me feel better, as if all the weight had been lifted off my shoulders, but that was quickly short lived when the contractions was starting to get worse.
I let out a louder screaming almost catching Viggo off guard as he sat down next to me, trying to make me more comfortable, pushing the hair away from my face and kissing my sweaty forehead again, the cries would soon get louder.
Gothi and a midwife soon appeared in the background, kicking Astrid out so there would be room for all four of us, they spread my legs as far as they could. Viggo had to stand back up and help position me. I hated feeling exposed on my lower half but it was for my own good, but Viggo was soon back on my side to hold my hand again, I was slowly dilating, not ready to push yet, I let out another wail, I wanted to start pushing but the head wasn't close enough for that just yet. But my body was having the strong urge to, but Viggo kept telling me to focus on something else, but I couldn't. I kept begging for something for the pain, but there was nothing for it, I could only grit my teeth and scream bloody murder.
Another two hours past, almost making it six hours of pain."Oh fuck it's coming!" I yelled out, Viggo wrapping his arm around me so I could sit up with both of my legs spread apart as the midwife checked me again."Please...please just get it out!" I jumped at the sudden contraction, Viggo could only watch me cry out in pain, soothing me in his loving embrace.
"Keep breathing Hiccup, you'll be able to start pushing soon." The midwife said gently."Your almost ready." She looked again, I glared right at her.
"That's what you said an hour ago!" I roared out but Viggo gently pushed me back down, hushing me again and kissing my brow. I gripped his hand tightly in response, gritting my teeth until I let out a shallow breath, I hated this I hated this pain more than anything, I think I rather lose my leg again then go through this again, I don't any more children after this, I didn't know if the pain was worth it, that is of I don't die first."Viggo you son of a bitch you did this to me!" I glared right him as he could only look at me with love in his eyes, that only pissed me off even more.
"I know Hiccup I know." He kissed my hand softly and rubbed my shoulder in a tender motion."I promise all of this will be over soon, but I need you to be strong now." I looked at his half burnt face, with a weak look, knowing I was in deep pain.
Viggo didn't leave me as the pain kept coming, hitting my entire body over and over. Fishlegs, Astrid, Snotlout and the rest of the gang was waiting outside for any news on my labor. None of them were leaving any time soon, Toothless would continue to cry out for me, hearing my cries even more, the louder they got, the more cries kept coming. Viggo was helping me switch positions, trying to get me comfortable again, but no matter it all felt the same. The same waves of pain kept coming, getting faster and stronger as the minutes went by.
Viggo was the only person here to calm me down,trying to move me around in different places on the bed, trying to get me more comfortable. But none of it seemed to be working for me, for first time births, the first one was always the longest, no matter what.
Then I started to feel the head, the little one was starting to come out, I could already feel it. That only made me grip Viggo's hand tighter, he kissed my forehead again, showing me his affection as the time went by. A few more hours went by, feeling the little one slowly making its way out, I just wanted to start pushing, I wanted to get it out as soon as possible, Viggo was by my side almost all day, slowly turning into night from what I could tell. Waves of pain and urges to push, only making me cry out even louder.
Another hour soon passed us and it was finally time."Alright it's time Hiccup, when the next wave of pain comes, push." she told me while patting my knee. I threw my head back and released another cry, I gave Viggo another look of pain, just begging for all of the pain to stop. I spread my legs a little farther, the farthest I could get them apart as Viggo sat closer to my side, gripping my hand and telling me to push, I gritted my teeth and prepared myself."Prepare yourself little one, this is going to be the worst pain anyone can have, but I know your strong enough." She gave my knee a soft pat, I gave Viggo another scared look, but he kissed my brow.
"You can do this love." Viggo said to me, brushing the hair away from my face."You have to start pushing now, soon it'll all be over." That was easy for him to say, but I bit my lip and started to bare down, gripping his hand and listening to the midwife."Push Hiccup, push."
I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, gritting my teeth as I gripped Viggo's hand with all my might. Viggo was coaching me, telling me how good I was doing, but the pain was getting worse over the course of time, feeling the blood gush out, feeling my lower body getting weaker and weaker. Viggo could see my struggling in labor, telling me it was okay, to take in more deep breaths, the midwife let me take breaks every few minutes.
Then I felt the dull ache, the head was coming out now, feeling the little tiny life coming out of me."Aghh, gods dammit!" I screamed, Vigoo caught my hand and kissed it tightly.
"Breath Hiccup, keep breathing." He rubbed his fingers along my palm, but I hissed out a few more curses. I gritted my teeth again and let out another wail this time, Viggo this time placed one of his hands behind my head for support, so I didn't miss anything, but I didn't care at this point. Part of me felt like I was dying, all of this pushing,screaming,losing blood after how many hours? How many hours have gone by now? Ten? Twelve? I lost count again, my entire body was covered in sweat, soaking through my tunic and bare legs.
"For the love of gods please get it out of me!" I screamed but Viggo hushed me, only telling me to push when my body told too.
"Push!" Viggo called out.
"AGGGHHH!" I cried out again, screaming on the top of my lungs, gripping Viggo's hand until I was sure I was getting ready to break it at any moment. Why were the gods doing this to me? Why did this pain have to come now? I wasn't even due for what almost another month? Was it going to affect my baby? Gods please let this be a healthy baby, even if it means I have to give up my own life in return, even if it means Viggo has to raise the little one on his own."I'm gonna kill you for this! After all of this is over I'm fucking you rip you limb from limb!" He gave me a half smirk and kissed my brow again.
"I'm sure you will HIccup, once this is over I promise I won't touch you again." I doubt that."Now take another deep breath and push with everything you got."
I didn't want to push again, I was already feel the effects, too much blood was lost, my eyes were starting to drop, my hand was starting to lose it's grip from my loves."I...I can't Viggo...I can't-" He cut me off sharply as he grabbed my face with one hand.
"Hiccup." Viggo grabbed my hand, giving it a tight squeeze."You have to push again or your going to die, you and the baby both will die." His voice was harsh, like the one in my nightmare many months ago, back when I first found out I was pregnant. This was really happening to me, my nightmare was finally coming to life, I was dying, I was going to die if I didn't start pushing again. I moved my head, adjusting my body again."Aghh, FUCK!"
Viggo looked down between legs, still holding my hand."There you go Hiccup, your almost there, the head is almost out."He said with pride."Just a few more big pushes and it'll be out." Once he said that I had his hand in a death grip, sinking my nails into his flesh until it was bleeding.
The last few pushes felt like an eternity.
"Alright this is it, one more Hiccup and it'll be all over." The midwife said, Viggo turned to me."You hear that love?, one more and it'll be all over."
Tears were streaming down my face and I gave Viggo one more grip, looking at him with pain and relief in my eyes as I gave him one last scream. Giving it my all as my cried echoed out through the room, once it was over, the ache between my legs was no longer, a few seconds of silence and the most amazing sound was heard.
I looked down in between my legs to see the screaming babe in the arms of the midwife, I choked out a sob to be hearing the little one for the first time. Viggo was up on his feet and scooped the little one in his arms, whispering sweet nothings to it already. He looked up at me with with a face written with happiness and relief."It's a boy." He said softly, now I was crying, crying with joy and no longer from pain, he sat down right next to me with our son wrapped up in the blanket Fishlegs had given me that morning.
"My son, my son." I reached out as he handed him over to me. Viggo giving me his upper body for support. I cradled the little one in my arms, he already had a thick patch of amburn hair, my hair. He had my little nose too, he stopped crying after I held him in my arms, Gothi and the midwife cleaned me up, telling me to get some sleep and will leave for Berk in the morning. Viggo was holding me in a tight embrace, looking down at the now sleeping newborn in my arms. It felt like hours of us just holding him, looking at him...but he was finally here in my arms.
"Hiccup...thank you."
I looked at him with a confused look."For what?" I said softly, trying not to wake up our baby.
"For you being here, for you giving us a beautiful child." He traced a finger along his chubby cheek."For everything my love." he said softly, running his fingers through my hair, looking at our child again, he was perfect, absolutely perfect.
"We have to name him soon." I whispered."After a month we have to give him a name." It was a tradition in viking culture, an infant must survive a month before being given a name, yes I was Berks chief now but I didn't want my first child being curse.
"Valen." Viggo said gently.
"Valen?" I said."Hmm it could work, I like it..." I trailed off, starting to feel the tiredness tugging at my eyes."I think it's perfect for him, our little Valen...I think I'm starting to pass out." Viggo was quick to take our son out of my arms, before I passed out I pressed soft kissed onto his little face as Viggo laid him in a basket, once he did that Vigo came crawling into my small bed, I had a fresh change of clothes before I went to sleep, feeling the fresh fabric Viggo had put on me. My husband wrapped me up in his arms, trying to make room for my small excuse for a bed, but we made it work for the son slept through the night without a sound, but knowing me I was out like a light the entire time.
The trip home was going to be fun, I could barely move let alone sit up for an entire hour on my own. Viggo was going to have to carry me, Toothless was going to have to fly on his own too, not unless we were planning on staying a little longer, but Viggo wanted us home, he wanted us safe where we could be attended too twenty four seven. After this Viggo was never going to let me out of his sight, even if it meant he was going to be taking me everywhere with him.
Months later...
The time was passing by me without a problem, after almost four months we had a happy bouncing baby. Valen was showing his true colors over time, he had my eyes and looks but he had most of his father's face, just my eyes, hair, and nose. But he was a perfect mixture of us both, he would always try to play with Toothless or crawl after him, even if it meant him trying to climb down the stairs and giving me a heart attack everytime I turned around. Now I was understanding what my father went through with me.
Speaking of my father...he was sent to outcast island...Alvin was pretty understanding once I explained the situation...and him seeing the newborn in my arms he saw the picture pretty clearly. But soon enough my father was thrown in a cell with more chains weighing him down, he didn't say a word to me the entire time, only an empty glare and mumbling things under his breath, he wasn't my father anymore, Gobber said that himself, it broke my heart, but over time I started to put it behind me as I was raising my son, promising to never do anything like that to him. Viggo wanted my father executed, but I forbid it to his dismay, I wasn't a killer, I refused to kill my father...even when he tried too...
My thoughts were pulled away from me when a soft cry was heard. I looked back down at the cot to notice Valen had woken up. I smiled warmly and picked him up gently."Hello my little love, did you have a nice nap?" My fingers trailed up to my dark red tunic, unlacing the front."Shhh it's alright, It's alright my sweet." he soon latched onto my nipple, sucking down hungerly on my nipple, I cradled him in my arm and ran my fingers through his hair."Did you enjoy your nap? You must have since your so hungry."
He let out little gulps and mumbles as he sucked down harder, getting his fresh milk.
The village was more welcoming over the months, once I brought Valen home after I gave birth, it was a breath of fresh air. Everyone was welcoming of the new babe, everyone wanted to see him, wanting to help me since I have no idea on what I'm doing, but to my shock Viggo knew more about newborns then I thought, I didn't have the heart to ask him because...well... I learned over time he did have heirs...just not for long. But Viggo was an amazing father, once he gets home he always wants to take over and help me, always making sure were both alright, making sure I'm not overwhelmed or stressed out and so forth.
I never thought Viggo would be so...nurturing...the last thing I expected him to be, I mean I always saw him as a dragon killer, seller, heartless.
My friends were almost constantly volunteering to babysit, always coming over, always surrounding me to help me with Valen, and sometimes it was overwhelming but at the same time amazing, but still it got a little overbearing. But it made me feel better, making my life a little easier. Astrid and Fishlegs were the best babysitter so far while Snotlout wouldn't go fifty feet near a dirty dipare and the twins...let's just say there the LAST people I trust to watch over my son at the moment.
Toothless was constantly watching over Valen, with each movement the little one was always in his grasp, always licking his face, trying to take care of bathing duty and being there to but him to sleep next to my bed.
"How is he?" Viggo walked into the nursery placing a gently hand on my shoulder, looking at our son suckling away at me.
"He just woke up from his nap" I whispered as Viggo ran a finger along his chee."Gothi looked at him this morning, he's perfectly healthy."Viggo was constantly worrying over Valen's healthy, he was always taking him to the healer, making sure everything was fine. I thought was going to be the worrying parent, but I guess Viggo's got me beat."Viggo you need to stop worrying, he hasn't fallen ill or anything." After I said that Valen had pulled away, full from his meal, once he finished Viggo took him from my arms as I laced my tunic back up.
"Infants are the most vulnerable for their first year Hiccup." He rocked him gently in his strong arms, watching the little one cooing at him with his dark emerald eyes."I'm not letting our son getting sick." He then put him back in my arms.
"Your worrying too much." I kissed him on the lips gently, pressing my head against his."Come on, let's out for a little while, Valen could use some fresh air right now." Viggo looked at me for a few seconds before nodding, Toothless perked his ears up to hearing us come down the steps."Come on bud, let's take Valen out for a little ride."
Making a baby harness wasn't too hard with the proper straps and everything of course, I grabbed everything thing and strapped him onto my chest before heading out with Viggo. This time we all piled onto Toothless once were outside, it was nice sunny afternoon, everyone was out and about with there dragons, people would stop and wave, asking how me and the baby were. But today all I wanted to do was fly and feel free again, Valen let out a soft yawn before falling asleep in his little harness.
"Oh my sweet child, falling asleep on me already?" I whispered. Me and Viggo got onto Toothless, spreading his wings out and taking off into the air. Valen didn't make a sound once we took off, already falling asleep after getting his meal earlier, Viggo wrapped his arms around my waster, kissing my cheek and temple along the way, Toothless was just taking us on a slow flight, still afraid to scare Valen on a faster flight, so for right now we were taking things slow.
I held one hand against Valen's little head, cradling him in a protective hold."One day he'll being doing this you know?" I said softly."What kid of dragon do you think he'll have?"
"I don't know little dove, it's hard to say, maybe he'll conquer something rare, like you." I gave him a smirk and turned my face around, giving him a deep kiss. Felling his tender lips pressed up against mine, making me feel whole.
"I love you." He said in between kisses."I love you more than anything Hiccup Haddock."
"And I love you Viggo Grimborn."
The End 3