A/N: Here it is, Part 4. I like to call it an epilogue. Thanks for reading. And thank you for the support. Y'all are great.


Two months later, the Riders all stood at the doors of the stables on Dragon's Edge. They would be moving back to Berk in the morning. The ship with the bulk of their belongings had already left that afternoon, but the gang had stayed for one last hurrah. Hiccup's wounds were finally all healed. His shoulder, he had decided, would always have a twinge, and his stump would stay tender for a bit yet, but he was back to normal.

He had been busy during the last couple of weeks. Hunter activity was all but non-existent, as far as the Riders could tell. Most of them had been killed in the battle at Viggo's base, and with no leader left, the few who survived were laying low. None of the searches had turned up information on Johann's boss, so while Hiccup never let the threat stray too far from his thoughts, he decided that for now he would focus on other priorities. The first of those being, the official announcement of his and Astrid's betrothal and the party that would follow, which was scheduled to happen on Berk in one week. The second was what he had gathered the Riders for at this moment.

"So why did you make us all come over here, Hiccup? Hookfang and I have final memories to make," Snotlout complained.

Ruffnut laughed. "Uh yeah. It's not like we won't be spending thirty-two hours straight in each other's company after tonight. We should really take a breather from each other while we can."

Hiccup rolled his eyes and stood in front of the closed stable doors. "Guys, I promise this won't take long. Then, you're free for the night."

"Fine," Snotlout agreed. "But this better be good."

Hiccup clapped and rubbed his hands together. "It is, Snotlout. I promise. So, since this is our last night together on the Edge, I wanted to…commemorate the event. Once we get back to Berk, we'll be busy doing other things, new things, apart from each other, so this…this is sort of an end of an era. I'll be with my dad, learning how to be chief. Astrid will be joining the Berk Guard training with Spitelout. Fishlegs will be taking over the day to day running of the Dragon Academy. Snotlout will be training to take over the Dragon Riders, and Ruff and Tuff…you'll be doing…whatever it is you do best. With some luck, no one will die from that.

"But before we do that-″

"You said this would be quick," Snotlout interrupted. He crossed his arms and gave Hiccup a bored look.

"Let the man finish!" Astrid yelled.

Tuffnut leaned towards Ruffnut. "That's what she said," he whispered between snickers. Ruffnut laughed.

Astrid threw her axe. It sunk deep into the floor between the twins. "Shut it. Now."

Hiccup waved his arms in a calming manner. "Okay…Okay. I'm almost done. Just, seriously, guys, listen. We've had some great adventures, done some amazing things, seen some incredible places, learned about more dragons than even Bork knew about, made some true friends, and I really…I really couldn't be prouder of you guys…or more thankful. We've pulled it together and kept each other alive through all of this, as far back as the Red Death, even..." He trailed off as unbidden memories of heat on his back and hazy images of his friends locked in angry battles against their dragons flashed through his mind.

He shook his head, forced the thoughts away, and began again, his voice hoarse. "It's…it's certainly not always been easy or fun." His voice grew steadily stronger as he continued. "We've not always liked each other or gotten along, but you guys…and our dragons…We're an incredible team. What my dad said at the trial about us…about each of you…every bit was true, and I just…I just wanted to show my appreciation and send all of you on to your next 'great beyond' with a few things that I think will help you along your way." Hiccup turned and shoved on the door, rolling it open. He cupped his hand around his mouth and called inside, "Come on out! We're ready for you."

At his signal, all five dragons came out of the stables. Each of them were outfitted with new saddles. The saddles had back rests, stirrups, extra-large storage bags, weapon holsters, and handles. The paint was bright and fresh, and the metal polished and gleaming. Not only did the Riders have new saddles, but they each were also gifted new gronkle iron weapons of their preference that sat waiting for their new owners in their custom holsters.

Toothless padded up to Hiccup, nudging his hip. His new saddle had come first out of shear necessity, along with Hiccup's new foot and armor. The day he had stepped into the Clubhouse wearing the new armor, the twins had nearly fallen over with joy because he had used their ideas. Astrid, in an unusual display of public affection, had ran up to him and kissed him long and hard right in the middle of breakfast, which made Snotlout gag, the twins whistle, and Fishlegs blush.

Hiccup scratched his dragon's jaw and smiled at the flabbergasted looks and exclamations around him. He knew they would love the new gear, and he was glad to give it to them. They deserved it.

Fishlegs twisted around to look at Hiccup. "Is this what's kept you so busy the past two weeks?" He had his short-handled hammer in one hand and his wide dagger in the other, apparently pausing from inspecting the craftsmanship and design.

Hiccup smiled and nodded. "I thought you might enjoy showing back up in Berk with your new gear, so I had to get it done before we left Dragon's Edge."

Tuffnut was cradling his new spear like a proud new father cradling his infant. He held it out, adoration shining in his eyes. "It's beautiful…A magnificent spear on one end…A perfect bludgeon on the other…" He hugged the weapon to himself, closed his eyes, and began to sway.

Ruffnut was already swinging her new double-ended weapon. Like her brother's, one end was a spear, but the other was a miniature double-sided axe. Both Thorston weapons had a locking mechanism in the middle of the handle that allowed them to be used a single, long weapon or broke apart to be used as two short-handled weapons. If there was anything the twins loved more than chaos and destruction, it was variety in their chaos and destruction.

Snotlout was already lounging on his saddle admiring his new square-headed mace. The spikes on the mace were fewer in number but thinner and longer than on the average mace, which made it deadlier. "Not bad, cuz," he drawled, "but you do realize that the wood on this saddle is going to burn to ash the first time Hookfang lights himself on fire, right? Then, you'll have to build me a new one."

Hiccup walked over to Hookfang and Snotlout and stroked the dragon's neck. "Actually, it won't. I made a trade with Mala for a barrel of saliva from the Great Protector. The wood of the saddle has been soaked in it, and I also mixed some in with the paint. It will protect your saddle from catching fire."

Snotlout looked disgusted for a moment, but then he must have decided to let it go. "If something goes wrong, it's still on you, and don't you say I didn't warn you."

Hiccup rolled his eyes. "Sure, Snotlout." He left his cousin and stepped quietly to his betrothed. She was stroking Stormfly's flank absentmindedly as she turned her new axe over and over in her other hand, testing its weight, grip, and length. Hiccup grazed his fingers down her braid and fingered the bottom tip of hair. "So, do you think it will work?" he asked quietly.

She turned to look at him. Her smile was radiant. Her eyes were shining. "I think you're the best blacksmith I've ever met and the best boyfriend a girl could ask for." She tapped her finger on his chest. "But you were supposed to be resting and healing, not in that forge building new saddles and smithing new weapons for all of us."

Hiccup smiled and laughed, rubbing the back of his head and avoiding her gaze. "I…I was careful. I just wanted to say thank you…to all of you…especially after…" He trailed off, his eyes losing focus as his mind went back to that cold, dank cell.

She pulled him into a hug, and he froze for a moment at the sudden change from scolding to loving before relaxing into and returning her embrace. "I know," she whispered. "I just didn't want you to hinder the healing process for something that could have waited a little longer."

He kissed the top of her head and pulled back without entirely releasing her. "Well, I was going to be working anyway because I don't know if you've heard or not, but I'm supposed to have an official public gift to give to my betrothed at the announcement. I just figured I'd do it all at once."

Astrid pulled out of his arms with a groan. "Ugh…the public gift…Don't remind me…"

Hiccup laughed. "I'm not that hard to please, Astrid. It doesn't have to be something special – that's what the one from six months ago was about. This one is just something to symbolize the wife's role in the marriage. Seriously, most women gift their husbands-to-be with a cooking pot. It's more of a ceremonial tradition than anything."

"Yeah, yeah…" She turned away, distracting herself by checking the belt of the saddle.

Hiccup turned her around. "I mean it, Astrid. You agreeing to marry me is the only gift I need. Don't stress yourself out about finding me something 'perfect.'" He kissed her forehead and wandered back towards the doors of the stables to where Toothless was curled up watching the other Riders. Snotlout, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut were all chasing each other with their new weapons. Fishlegs was ducking behind Meatlug trying to not get caught up in the middle of the impromptu spar. The other two dragons were taking a que from Toothless and just watched their Riders impassively. Hiccup crossed his arms and leaned his weight on his good leg, watching his friends be carefree and normal as the sun drifted into the horizon.


A jaunty tune filled the air. People talking, laughing, and dancing spread all over the Great Hall. Colored lanterns stretched across the space. The aromas from the feast and barrels of mead washed over the young couple at the center of the celebration. The pair shared secret smiles, their fingers intertwined below the tabletop as they watched the festivities while taking a rest from dancing and mingling for the past hour.

Astrid let go of Hiccup's hand and pulled her new fur hood and arm wraps closer to her. She fingered the fine leather and stroked the soft fur. "You said these gifts were ceremonial, traditional," she softly accused.

Hiccup smiled gently, his gaze soft and full of love. "They are," he agreed, "and it is," he added, gesturing to the winter wraps. "Most men gift their wives-to-be with clothes to symbolize that he will provide for her. These are clothes."

Astrid rolled her eyes to look at him. "Most men give their wives-to-be a simple woolen shawl that they bought that same afternoon from the vendor in the square. These are custom-made from some of the finest furs available on Berk, and not just one article of clothing, but three."

"Actually, those furs are from Dragon's Edge. Toothless and I did some hunting a few months ago. I did the project from start to finish. I was supposed to be making the statement that I can provide for your needs. It hardly seemed like really providing if I just bought a shawl from the Kerrs," he argued tracing a seam on the hood.

"It's still not just any old gift," she insisted.

Hiccup chuckled and blushed. "I wanted to make sure you were warm, even when I'm not able to hold you and keep you that way."

Astrid laughed and shook her head. "You're so sappy sometimes."

Hiccup pulled out his new dagger that was perfectly sized to slip into the small space on his own new black leather arm bracers. "Says the woman who instead of a cooking pot, gifts me with a knife to – and I quote – 'keep me safe when she can't.'" He had intended to make one but had been so busy with the gifts for the Riders and Astrid, that he hadn't had time. He had mentioned it to Astrid when she questioned why he had a tiny sheath with no weapon.

She snuggled into his side. "It's not my fault if your romantic notions are rubbing off on me," she responded, smiling and closing her eyes. She hummed as he put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

Hiccup nuzzled her hair. "Warm?" he asked so quiet that only she could hear.

She curled her fingers around his elbow. "Better than the furs, babe."

He closed his eyes and held her close, letting the feel of her in his arms and sounds and smells of home and the party – their party – soak into him like a balm to his soul. "My pleasure, milady."


Disclaimer: I own nothing, just borrow from time to time.

A/N: Thank you for reading this monster that was only supposed to be 10,000 words, then 15,000, then 20,000, and now over 23,000. I hope you have enjoyed it. It was a challenge to write, and a lot of creative license was used. I did very little research for this fic, so, please, don't start quoting me on history papers. I just really wanted to do something with the development of "traitor" Johann, and this is what came of it. Thanks, again. :)