This story is hilarious to me and I love it. It won't be long but it will be a easy read. If there are mistakes...ignore them please. Reviews keep me going! Enjoy:)


How do you want me?

I could smell the corrupt scent of the vampire. I could sense their presence like a stain on a white t-shirt. That rotting smell of flesh and death. Combined with the scent of sex and insanity. I sat still on the couch beside my sister and Allison, trying not to rush outside and destroy them.

"They're here and they stink," I said, casually. I put my hair up in a bun as they stared at me like I shit myself. I shrugged and stood up to go outside. They blinked away the shock quickly. I don't think they'll be getting used to my powers anytime soon.

"Scott said they're on their way. It should only take them a few minutes," Allison said, picking up her bow. I narrowed my eyes at her. Why was she talking to him? Jealousy coursed through my veins like electricity, eyes itching.

"Ivy! Ahem, how do you want to do this? Tag team or let the puppies take care of it," Koty said, throwing an arm over my shoulder. I went to shake her off, but her hand clutched my shoulder tightly. Suddenly, I wanted to laugh out loud.

"Well, I changed my mind. I was thinking about letting the wolves do it actually. I don't need them knowing about us. Scott would kill me if he knew," I said, rolling my eyes. Koty grinned at me maniacally and I raised a brow at her. Allison watched in amusement.

"We can have fun before they get here. If you're not scared..."


We walked down the path attempting to be quiet and failing miserably. At least, they were. I could tell that my sister hadn't fed in a while because her senses were dulled, and Allison? Well, she's human. I almost chuckle at the thought. Just the other day I would have been able to say the same thing about myself.

As we got closer, I could hear them breathing heavily. No doubt smelling us coming close. My body was tense, ready to protect my sister and Allison even though I wasn't sure how to use all my powers just yet. I could feel the demon so close to the surface that I ached to set it free.

Alex and her friends, whom I finally have names for, Adelaide and Sarah, stood in the middle of the trees with glazed eyes. I squinted at them as we inched closer. They looked like zombies. Like they were seeing right through us.

I walked up to them in annoyance, dodging the hands of my sister and Allison. I stood in front of them waving my hands in their faces. The vampiresses continued to stand like Greek statues in front of me.

I waved my sister over, getting an idea. She sighed and strode up to me with purpose.

"What is it," she said, examining the vampires. I smiled evilly.

"You haven't fed. You should get your fill before the dogs come," I said, gesturing toward the girls. Koty pretended to think for a moment before shrugging.

"Don't mind if I do."

Koty placed her hand on Alex's face softly. Almost immediately, a soft yellow glow emitted from her hand. I watched in awe as Alex's knees bulked and she moaned. My beast pounded against the wall in my brain and I decided to step away.

I walked back to Allison with shaky hands. She watched my sister feed with the most fascinated expression. My lips twitched at her enthusiasm. "You like what you see," I said, quietly. A different moan emitted from Adelaide as my sister kissed her, draining her chi.

Allison's free hand caressed my arm gently and I trembled under her touch. It felt like sparks rolling over me. "Yes...when we finish here I want to enjoy those new powers of yours."

I slipped my hand down her back and grabbed her ass. Allison hummed and slapped mine hard. I smirked and hoped the wolves would hurry the fuck up. My lady needs me and I'm loathe to neglect her.

Koty flitted over to me faster than I've ever seen. My face scrunched up in confusion until I heard the cracking of branches and leaves. The smell of wet dog and body odor hit me like a ton of bricks as the wolves appeared in the clearing.

They growled as they noticed the vampires standing stock still. My brows rose when the vampires actually snapped out of their trance. Koty nudged me discreetly when they crouched and snarled at the wolves. I gave her an appreciative look.

"How the fuck did we get here," Alex said, clutching her head. Adelaide looked around frantically and Sarah just stood there, bored.

The wolves began walking toward them threateningly and I brandished my knife. I was getting impatient. I looked over at Allison and nodded toward them. She understood immediately and notched her bow. I s

"Hey, Alex. I remember you saying that I was a bitch," Allison called, pulling back the string of her bow. Alex glared and began to charge at her like a wild animal. I sneered at her angrily and went to charge, sadly Allison's reflexes are much better than my own.

I could literally see the arrow pierce through the bitches neck without any effort. My eyes widened as things started going crazy. The wolves were ripping the other two apart as Allison walked up to Alex with that sexy grin on her face. My sister and I looked at each in amusement. These people are not fucking around right now.

Allison kneeled beside Alex as she choked on her own blood, gurgling. "You should have let her go, Alex. You should have released that she's minebitch.

Allison brandished her knife swiftly and brought it down into Alex's heart hard. She screamed loudly, her fanged teeth glinting in the moonlight shining through the trees. My body tenses as I felt her despair and anguish. It was like a load of bricks being dropped onto my back. When her life oozed from her in waves and her eyes shut forever, Allison wiped her knife on the vampires shirt nonchalantly.

I didn't dare look over at the other girls. Their scream had ceased early on and I didn't want to see their remains anymore than I wanted to feel Alex's pain. Allison strolled over to me with the brightest smile. I gave her the most convincing one I could manage and wrapped an arm around her waist. I felt sick.

"Thank you guys for helping us. I'll dispose of these body parts, you all just go on home," Koty said, sneaking concerned glances at me. The boys looked at her in confusion and I glared at them fiercely. I could feel them submitting and I rolled my eyes, waving them away.

As the boys ran through the woods, my sister brandished her lighter and a random receipt. I would've laughed any other time but right now I feel guilty. If I hadn't become this thing then they could still be alive. Vampires or not, they were living beings that deserved the right to thrive.

As the flames rose, I stared into them intently, feeling the demon inside me rejoice and the Ivy inside me weep. What have I become in this short time. A killer, a demon, a predator. Allison nuzzles her head into my neck as she watches the bodies turn to ashes. I close my eyes and feel her warmth against my side.

It doesn't matter what I am as long as she's safe. I would descend into the deepest depths of madness for her without a second thought. Something in the back of my mind stops banging against the walls of its confines as Allison runs a wandering hand up my arm. Goosebumps follow her path.

Yes, she is ours.