When he started to come he had his head hurt, his body hurt and he is pretty sure that his hair hurts. He let out a sigh when he realizes he was in his own bed, his face pressed against his pillow he couldn't help but smile. But that smile quickly disappears and he becomes still as stone as he felt a hand rub his thigh and then move to his stomach. It slides under his shirt and he couldn't help but gasp at the instant heat coming from the owner's hand. He had to wonder why these people want to rub his stomach…must be a werewolf thing…he thinks.

The man moved lower again and dipped under his jeans "Urrh not that I don't mind being the little spoon, but I would like to know who my bed partners are?" He asked, there was a chuckle behind and the person who was spooning him pushed himself up and looked down at the whiskey eyed teen.
"Didn't Liam say you often had people sneaking into your room to spoon you?" Brett asked Stiles frowned at him as he looked up at the teen.
"Normally it's may pack yes that spoons me and I know them, but I don't know you… that well." He added as he looked up at him. Brett lowered his face to Stiles' shoulders and nuzzled his throat.

They just laid there while Brett listening to the pack down stairs as they came into the house, he smiled with a far off look missing the members of his pack. "So why are you spooning me?"He asked, the wolf, Brett moved away from his throat and looked down at him then let his eyes drift to where his hand was placed on his stomach and kept stroking the skin softly.
"You saved me so I thought it was only fair if I…you passed out, you went then cold like you had been dunk in ice. The only way we could get you to warm up was to take turns sharing…body heat." He said with a quick smile, Stiles raised an eye brow at him.
"Why did you have to think of the words?" He asked him,
"Because sharing body warmth sound too much of a good idea." Brett purred as he leaned down and smiled at him, as he ran his fingers Stiles' hair.
"I see your still werewolf nip I see." Stiles frowned at the owner of the voice and turned his head to see who it was.

Pushing himself up on his elbows he frowned as he turned his head as he saw Jackson leaning against his door. Stiles groaned as he watched the wolf looked at him and the other teen in his bed, this is no not how he wanted to wake up. "Oh god, he called you in didn't he?"
"If you mean Scott then yes…and is that any way to greet the guy who popped your cherry?" He asked, with a large grin on his face, the whiskey eyed teen just gave him a dull look.
"You've been in England too long," Stiles mumbled as he rested his head back on the pillow. "And you still owe me for that hoodie and those jeans; I had to throw them out!"

A little while later Stiles arrived down the stairs to see the pack in his living room, he couldn't help but smile. Lydia and Malia stood up when they saw him hobble down the stairs and rush towards him, he opens his arms and let them in and hugged the both of them. "I've been gone for 4 years and I get a slap while him." He points to Stiles "He's been gone just under 6 months and gets a hug!"
"He's dated both of them," Liam mumbled as he leaned against the wall.
"That would do it," Ethan said, grinning as he looked up at Jackson with a raised eye brow, Scott walked out from the living room and looked at Stiles. He smiled at him as Lydia and Malia moved away from him to let Scott hug him; the alpha warped his arms around him and nuzzled his throat, smelling Brett and Jackson on his skin, it made him growl slightly as he looked at Jackson as Brett walked down the stairs putting his shirt.
"I was worried when you went cold." He told him, as he cupped his face. "Your skin becomes pale and your lips…turned blue." Stiles frowned at him for a moment and rubbed his eyes.
"You can't get rid of me that easily." He smiled weakly "You know that?"

Scott chuckled and then looked down at Stiles' hand and picked it up looking at the strange tattoo that had grown on Stiles' hand. It seems to spread like wild fire from the last time he saw it. "I got Deaton to look at it." He rubbed his thumb on the back of Stiles' hand.
"I thought you might have." He sighed and looked back up at him. "So where is the great crypt vet?" He asked…might as well get it over with… he thought.
"Ah good, I need coffee." He mumbled, He then stopped and looked back at Scott "Well maybe some tea." He said to him, he smiled and turned to walk towards the kitchen where his father and Deaton were stood with Mellissa, Chris and Parrish all talking about something. He had raised an eye brow at the older lost of the pack hiding from the younger lot and the alpha. He smiled when he saw his dad rush over to him and pull him into a bone crushing hug "Dad I'm okay see."He smiled at him and watched as his father pulled back and looked at him with a scared look on his face.
"I wish you hadn't come back, it's not safe for you." He whispered as he cupped his face.
"I couldn't stand back and do nothing pack and family are at the top of my list, so what if the FBI decides to kick me out I will just join Beacon Hill's sheriff department." He smiled at him; Noah pulled him back into a hug and kissed the side of his face.

Deaton came into Stiles line of sight and then teen pulled away from his father and looked at the vet, and waited for him to speak. "Scott explains." He told him, Stiles raised an eye brow as the rest of the pack piled into the room.
"Ah did he?" Stiles said, as he looked down at his hand and rubbed the markings on this palm.
"But I think we should all hear it?" Noah said, Stiles, looked up at him and then at the others and sighed. He nodded and moved around the kitchen and started to make himself a tea, a drink everyone knows that Stiles dislikes.
"Alright, I'm as Scott has told you by now that this started at the train station with the Ghost Riders. For some reason that placed changed wolves there Peter… he bit me." He smiled weakly as he poured the hot water into the cup. "He told me he needs some kind of connection and bond so when he made it back to the real world he could heal." He smiled weakly as he added honey to the tea.
"And you agreed?" Mellissa asked
"I had to. I wanted to be back home I…I didn't want to be forgotten." He whispered, Noah, walked u to his hand and placed a hand his shoulder. Stiles patted it and turned around "Don't say sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for." He told them. "Well at first nothing the bite hurt like hell but it didn't start until after I got back. I always had nightmares since mum died and I didn't think anything of it until the night we went looking for a body." Stiles smiled at Scott as he sliced a lemon wedge and dropped it into the tea.

He sighed as he sipped the drink and looked down at his stomach before looking back up and smiling at them. "But it seems to be worst after the bite." He sighed "Then while I was at the academy it changed after…" He stopped and frowned down at his drink.
"We know about the baby." His father said Stiles looked up at him with wide eyes as he looked at everyone.
"H-How?" He asked he looked worried as he seemed to stand away from the others his free arm to protect his body.
"Supernatural hearing," Theo said, with a smirk
"Supernatural smelling." Malia smiled at him.
"Deaton told us." Parrish muttered, feeling a little awkward as he had to look away from Stiles his Hell Hound purring at him to become one of the teen's mates. Stiles made an O shape with his mouth.
"So who is the father?" Noah asked, Stiles, looked at him with wide eyes and bit his bottom lip.
"It's not for me to say."
"Whose is it then?" The sheriff asked, with a raised eye brow.
"It's mine."