For the Hogwarts Forum
Honeycomb ("You're not making this easy.")
Writing Club, Showtime (Satisfied: Write about a Black sister paired with Ted, Rodolphus, or Lucius- but not their canon husband)
Word Count: 622
Narcissa walks through the garden path, fingers tracing over the delicate blossoms. A sad smile tugs at her lips as she breathes in the sweet floral scent. This has always been her favorite place, but, after today, she doubts it will ever be the same again.
She turns at the familiar voice, a flutter in her chest. Rodolphus appears on the path. The urge to rush into his arms is too strong, but she somehow manages to resist. "Rodolphus," she says, struggling to keep the warmth from her voice. She has to be strong somehow.
He closes the distance between them easily, taking her hand. Narcissa shivers at the touch. She wants to pull away, but she can't bring herself to. "I got your owl," he says. "What's wrong?"
She's practiced the things she would say a hundred times in front of the mirror. The words are on the tip of her tongue, but they refuse to fall. Her strength fails, and she wraps her arms around him as she's done countless times before. "You're not making this easy," she whispers.
Rodolphus pulls away, head tipped to the side, something between hurt and confusion in his dark eyes. "What is it?" he asks.
Narcissa closes her eyes. She isn't strong enough for this. Maybe she'll never have the strength to let him go. It's what's expected of her, after all. He is betrothed to Bellatrix, and Lucius seeks to have Narcissa as his bride.
"What will become of us when you marry my sister?" she manages, her voice shaking.
"Whatever you want, Narcissa. Bellatrix doesn't love me; I doubt she's capable of loving anyone," he tells her, his fingers caressing her cheek in feather light strokes.
"And Lucius?"
His expression drops ever so slightly. Narcissa wishes she could ignore the flicker of pain in his eyes. Rodolphus swallows dryly before composing himself, a charming but forced smile tugging at his lips. "Well, that's between you and your heart, my love," he says quietly.
Narcissa loves Rodolphus. From the moment she saw him in the common room when she was eleven, she knew he was all she could ever want. Of the six years she's spent admiring him, she's had three years of him whispering beautiful promises in her ear. Will she ever have that with Lucius Malfoy? Somehow, she doubts it. Perhaps Rodolphus will always be that one true love, but he will also be the love she could never keep.
"It's not right," she says.
"Maybe not," he agrees, dropping his hand to hers, his thumb brushing over her knuckles. Narcissa bites her lip. She could easily lose herself in his touch. "But affairs aren't exactly uncommon."
"Would you really want to share my heart with another man?"
He's silent at first. Rodolphus turns away, eyes fixed upon a white rose. Narcissa studies him, her heart aching in her chest. After several moments, he plucks a flower and turns, tucking it behind her ear, his lips drawn into a thin line. "No," he says at last.
Narcissa nods. She's guessed as much. After all, the thought of him holding Bellatrix in his arms is enough to make her cry. She stands on her tiptoes, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "I hope you know I love you."
He smiles. "Love, not loved?"
"Now. Forever."
"Be happy, Narcissa," he says, pressing his forehead to hers for the briefest of seconds before letting her go.
As he walks away, Narcissa wants to chase after him, to feel his arms around her again. She doesn't want to let go, but there is no choice. Rodolphus moves along the garden path, and Narcissa can't fight the feeling that her future is slipping away.