Chapter 40

Six Months Later…


Christian is kissing me so passionately he has to stop to catch his breath. He is so damn sexy that it's almost like he's not real. He's laying on top of me on our bed - he's already torn off my jeans and is working on my shirt. It feels like it is taking him forever to unbutton the shirt and I'm starting to get impatient.

He unhooks my bra, in what is probably record time. He's kissing my breasts and my neck and is caressing me with one of his hands while the other one is holding him up. "Have you been tanning?" He stops to ask me.

I was so lost in the moment with him that my brain hasn't yet caught up. "Um, what?" I ask breathlessly.

He smiles, knowing the effect he has on me. "Have you been tanning? Your nipples look darker than usual."

"Tanning? No. Christian, stop talking. I want you." He laughs again at my answer. But he listens to me and continues kissing down my body past my stomach. I know what he's doing, and the anticipation of it has me already grinding my hips. He peels my underwear off and down my legs, so I am now completely naked. He stops for a split second, looks at me there, then his head dips low, and I can feel his mouth on me.

It feels so good that I almost orgasm immediately. I don't know what has me so worked up but lately, I can't get enough sex with Christian, and I know he doesn't mind it at all. He teases me until I am just on edge and about to fall when he stops. "No, don't stop!" I tell him as I am still squirming.

He gives me his sexy playboy smile and comes back up to my face. "Baby, when did you last get your period?" What?

"I don't know, a couple of weeks ago I think. Why are you asking me this now?"

"I think you should take a pregnancy test."

"What? What on Earth ever made you think that especially now when we were about to… you know?" He knows how to ruin a mood.

"For one, your nipples are darker and second, your pussy has changed color, and you taste different - sweeter." He kisses me on my lips so I can taste myself on him.

"I don't know what you are talking about. And, don't use that word. I don't like it."

"What word?" He smirks.

"You know what word I'm talking about." I'm starting to blush.

"Nipples?" He teases me.

"No, you know…" I plead with him.

"No, I don't. You need to say it."

I sigh knowing I'm going to lose this battle and he won't stop until I do say it. "Ugh… pussy. There, are you happy?"

He grins like a Cheshire cat at me. "I love when you say that word, baby. It's so fucking hot." Then he reaches down between my legs and begins to rub my clitoris which makes me moan. "I, for one, love your pussy."

I know he's doing this to rile me up and it's working. "Stop it!"

As soon as I say that, his hand stops moving and my pleasure immediately ceases. "No. Stop saying that word."

"Well, what should I call it?" His face is so close to mine that if he were just an inch closer, our lips would be touching.

"I don't know…" I pause, trying to think of a suitable word. "Hoo-ha?"

"Hoo-ha?!" He starts laughing, really laughing. He sits up, "Anastasia, I'm not going to call it a hoo-ha. Your pussy is beautiful, intoxicating even; and, it's all mine. But right now, I want you to go to the bathroom and take a pregnancy test."

"Christian, I'm not even due for my period yet. What makes you think that I am pregnant?" I'm sitting up now resolved to the fact that the mood is now ruined.

"You know I've been reading up on this stuff. I've read that when you are pregnant, your areola and your labia change color." He tells me matter-of-factly as if it's perfectly reasonable to talk about my areola and labia.

I instinctively cross my legs and pull the sheet up to cover my breasts. "So, you think because of that; I'm pregnant? I don't have a missed period, haven't had morning sickness, or any of the other symptoms."

"Just humor me, will you?" His demeanor is so caring and loving that I can't resist him. I can't say no when he's this adorable.

"OK. I'll get dressed and go to the pharmacy to get a test. Will that make you happy?" I start to get out of bed.

"No need. I bought some so we could be prepared." I should have known Christian Control Freak Grey would be prepared. He gets up off the bed gloriously naked. I stop and stare at him and his god-like body. "What?" Christian stops and asks me.

I shake my head, "Nothing."

He gives me a sly smile and walks into the bathroom. "Well, come on then. Come here." I quickly pop up off the bed and walk into the bathroom to join him. He hands me a test, "You pee on this part, replace the cap, and then we wait for the results."

"I know how these work, Christian." I go to sit on the toilet, but Christian doesn't move. "Well, are you just planning to watch me pee?"

"I was planning on it."

"You're gross. Get out and let me pee." He laughs but turns around and quickly walks out of the bathroom closing the door behind him. I do my business, replace the cap, and put the test on the counter in the bathroom. I walk out to Christian. "We have to wait two minutes for the results."

"I know, I already started the timer." He closes the space between us. Reaching his hand to my face and caressing my cheek, "Anastasia, regardless of the results of that test in there, I love you, and that will never stop. OK?"

I nod at him. "Yes, but can you get dressed? You're very distracting when you're naked."

"Are you sure that's what you want?" He asks as he gives me a quick peck on the lips and walks over to his dresser pulling out a pair of sweatpants. As he pulls on his pants, I walk over to my robe which is hanging on the bathroom door and put it on.

Nervously, we stare at each other until Christian's alarm goes off indicating our two minutes are up. He turns off the alarm, "Ready?" he asks me.

I swallow, suddenly nervous, not sure what I want the results to be. I know how much Christian has wanted a family, as do I. But this is the first time since I miscarried so I'm also scared to get pregnant again. I nod and pause. "I'm nervous," I confess to Christian in a whisper.

He steps towards me and wraps me in his arms. He kisses my head and whispers to me, "I am too. But whatever happens, we have each other."

Holding hands, we walk into the bathroom together. I grab the test and hesitantly remove the cap. Taking a deep breath, I look at the results window.

"It's positive." I look up at Christian.

He gives me a huge smile. "Really? We're going to have a baby?" Christian asks me with his voice cracking at the end of his question.

Tears begin to fall from my eyes, and I can't speak, so I just nod. He lets out a happy laugh and sounds like the young man he is. Quickly he picks me up in a bear hug and swings me around.

"Anastasia Rose Grey, I love you so much, and you have made me the happiest man alive."

Three Years Later…


We're walking through Ella Bailey Park; Ana is on my right holding my hand. On her other side, Teddy is excitedly talking away. "Mommy! A squooorell!" Teddy yells. He loves all kinds of animals - Ana is convinced he's going to be a veterinarian one day. I'm hoping he'll want to take over Grey Enterprises and follow in my footsteps. But, if there is anything I have learned in my life is to let your children go after their own dreams. So, whatever he wants to do, I will fully support him.

Teddy lets go of Ana's hand once he sees the swings and goes running towards them laughing and yelling. "Swings! Teddy swing!" Anastasia laughs and chases after him. Carefully, so I don't wake our sleeping princess, Phoebe, I take the stroller off the walking path and join them.

Teddy's laughing and yelling wakes up his little sister who starts to fuss. She doesn't like to wake up just like her mommy. "Daddy, push me!" Teddy yells at me. Ana walks over smiling at me and picks up Phoebe holding her close to soothe her.

"I think your assistance is required at the swings, Daddy." I give her a sweet kiss and walk to the swing where Teddy is sitting.

I pull his swing back, "You ready, Teddy?"

"Go, Daddy!" He yells to me. I let go and let his swing flies upward towards the sky. "Higher!" He yells laughing. His excitement and fearlessness is his mother through and through. As I am pushing Teddy, I look over to Anastasia and watch her with our baby girl. This is everything. Right here is my world and if it weren't for some clumsy college student who literally fell into my life, I would never get to know how happy I honestly can be. Every day, I am so thankful to have them in my life. A life without them would not be a life worth living.