Well, here is the second and last chapter. I was not quite sure how to finish this, so it came out the way it did without my consent. Have a good time reading!

I don't own any characters in this fiction and gain nothing but good time from it. All rights belong to J. K. Rowling.


In the Gryffindor main room a hearty fire was burning and throwing shadows on the walls and faces of two figures in opposite armchairs.

"I will break up with Ron, Harry. It has to be done." Hermione stated firmly, despite the sadness in her voice. She was looking at the fire instead of her friend nearby.

"Maybe you should think about it? I mean what exactly happened there?" Harry questioned, desperately trying to understand how the situation changed so quickly. When did their relationship become so rocky?

"He walked in to find us dancing and lost it again. I thought it was just another rant, like always…so I came closer to try and calm him down." She lapsed into silence for a moment and that told Harry just how bad this was "He was about to hit me, Harry…" The bright girl said barely audibly. "If not for Draco…Malfoy, he would have struck me. I know he is in a bad place right now, but this is unwarranted, and I will not tolerate it."

"I can't believe it…I mean really, 'Mione? He actually…shit." Harry sat in the large chair looking down onto his own palms in his lap. Ron was getting lost in his grief for a while now and Harry knew it was only a matter of time before it got out of hand…but he still expected to save his best mate somehow, to drag him back to life. "If you leave him he's going to break down completely."

"And so I'm supposed to sacrifice my own life to try and help a man, who doesn't even try to get better? Is that it?" Hermione couldn't allow one man's grief to drown two lives. Her temper flared giving the young woman strength she so desperately needed.

"But we can't just leave him to fall apart!" Harry argued, desperate to find a way out of this ugly mess.

"Can't we?" Harry was shocked into silence by the simple question and the cold determination shining in his friends eyes. "Harry, just so you know, the best way to heal alcoholics is to stop giving them any kind of support. When they break down completely is the only time they have a chance to actually stand back up on their own two feet. It's a scientific fact…and we need to face the truth – that is what Ron has become – an alcoholic."

"Merlin…And I thought it will get better after the war…" He trailed off half to himself and fell back into the armchair.

"The war is not over yet…"

They spent the rest of the night in silence.


In a few days the exam season began and every graduate student became endorsed in preparations and exams themselves. The mess made it easier for Hermione to avoid Ron, who now made it his life's mission to follow her around like a lost puppy. She had broken off their relationship the very moment he was sober and awake enough to understand it. It ended in another noisy brawl and more (not too subtle) insinuations towards her and Malfoy. She didn't even try to deny it. If she was honest, there was something between her and the blonde Slytherin, has been for a long time, they just ignored it. Standing on different sides of a war didn't pose the best conditions for a relationship of any kind. So now, when it was not strictly forbidden…who knows? However in the bustle of exams she couldn't get a chance to talk to Draco ether, he would appear and disappear like clouds in summer, never staying long enough for her to catch him. Will he be willing to talk to her as openly and cordially as he did that night? Will he try to keep his mask on and push her away? With no time to spare to additional thoughts Hermione pushed the image of their gentle kiss out of her mind as far as she could.

The short weeks of exams flew by unnoticeably, leaving exhausted but happy graduates littering the halls and sometimes the school grounds, if the sun was warm enough. Everyone was bustling again, this time because of the ball. Girls ran around gossiping about the newest fashions for dresses and boys, if you could call them that, mostly complained to their friends about the uncomfortable official attire. Even if they were almost adults, pairs for the ball were still a big thing. Harry obviously took Ginny with him and Ron apparently changed tactics and decided to try and make her jealous by bringing a pretty blonde Hufflepuff with him, if Hermione remembered well, her name was Annabelle. The brightest witch of her age, as they came to call her, decided to go alone. She didn't feel the need to settle for anyone she didn't actually want to be with…and the one person she wanted seemed to have disappeared into thin air. She honestly regretted not asking Draco where exactly his chambers were, but back then it didn't seem relevant.

Trying to distract herself from the strange longing in her chest, impending party preparations and three necessary dances, Hermione decided to pick out a dress. She had more than enough money of her own, and equally plenty of free time, so making it a whole day event she wondered from store to store eyeing various ball and cocktail dresses. One in particular caught her eye – a pink dress, long and divided into several layers of ruffles. It reminded her of the dress she wore during the ball of the tournament. She was a girl then – a happy and considerably carefree girl, who will receive her first kiss that night. Turning her face towards the mirror Hermione knew instantly – she is not that girl anymore and pink ruffles don't suit her. Brushing her hand through the light material she kept walking till another familiar color made her stop in her tracks.

Gryffindor maroon.

Deep and velvety colour, so familiar and yet still striking. A long straight cut maroon dress with a lovely neckline, deep enough to show off her skin without being indecent…and a split that would go rather high up her leg… Then again, why should she hide? It's her body after all and she is old and confident enough to show it now.

She tried it on and instantly fell in love with the way the heavy silk hugs her body accenting every curve. 'If I'm actually going to this bloody ball…let them all fall of their brooms' she decided and bought the luxury item. Now the only problem was sleeves. The dress had tiny, barely off shoulder sleeves and Hermione needed to hide a certain scar on her arm, so a pair of black elbow length gloves will do. After a few more minor details she was finally home and snuggled comfortably into the window seat in the Gryffindor common room. She may have bought all the fancy clothing and shoes and so on…but one thing didn't change. Looking through the window longingly she knew one thing for sure – she still doesn't want to go.


Separated by long miles another pair of eyes full of longing and desperation stared through a window.

"I honestly don't want to go, Mother." Draco spoke up after a rather long pause. Turning back towards the room he found the last ambers of a fire slowly fading out and his tall, elegant mother sitting in one of the large armchairs, just like he left her. A small book was propped open on her leg, but she was clearly not reading.

"I know darling, but you must. Your absence might be noted and we cannot afford that, not now. Our family standing is still very fragile. If we want to keep this manor, along with at least the shreds of the dignity Malfoy name once held…unfortunately we have to bow to all social graces." She spoke in a quiet and apologetic voice. Narcissa knew this family had already demanded more, than her son could give, and he still chose to give it. Even if it brought him to the brink of madness. The ones, who were not there, in the Malfoy manor, never had the chance to see how close to breaking her poor son had come. But now they were relatively free, even if she was on house arrest and a large cloud was still hanging over them…it was still better, much better.

"I know, Mother." Draco answered after another long minute of silence "I will go, just don't expect me to enjoy it. The whole bunch of graduates runs around trying to find dates and clothes…as if any of it really matters. It's like they have all forgotten we are lucky to be alive and I'm the only fool left to remember it." The bitterness was dripping off of every word.

"I know it may be an unreasonable request, Draco, but perhaps you could try to forget it as well, just for that one night." Before her clearly affronted son could start berating her, she continued, and thankfully he had good enough manners not to interrupt "I know what you'll say, darling, but you have worked hard for this last year and your exam scores are excellent. You deserve at least one night of freedom from these ghosts that haunt us all…"

"I'll…I'll try. That's the best I can promise." He told her and turned back towards the window. Unfortunately, wherever he turned for the last two weeks the only thing young Malfoy could see were smart, sparkling brown eyes. Soft pink lips. Bright smile directed straight at him. He shouldn't have agreed to teach her, especially not Tango. The long years of attraction kept at bay were bound to make him slip and fall in love with her. And that one kiss was the biggest mistake of all – now he couldn't think of anything but her. Hermione Granger. A young woman with a bright future and an equally bright mind to match it. It was pathetic, really, he knew he could never have her even now, after the war. Last name Malfoy was enough of a hindrance to attend further studies, let alone court one of the saviours of the Wizarding world. Sighing he covered his weary face with one hand just to try and rub the exhaustion off of it. One thing Draco hoped for the most was to avoid Hermione during the ball. There will be quite a lot of people, so he should be able not to see her…because if he does, Draco knew he'll be lost for all time.


The long awaited day finally came, adorned with fancy bouquets of flowers, silk ribbons and bright smiles on the faces of graduates. They all seemed to almost shine with joy. Their results were out, pairs arranged and music playing, pleasantly filling the large hall. Food and drink were plentiful, especially the drink…or that may just be the ability of the male population to seek that particular luxury out.

Hermione stood in the far corner, hiding from the crowd of slightly drunk men. She may have liked the dress, but it sure made every idiot in the room want a piece of her. It looked rather beautiful, she had to admit herself, with the black gloves and equally black strappy heels, she practically didn't even need jewellery. Harry had nearly fallen over when he saw her, and Ron's reaction was one of indignation and slack jawed awe. She had never dressed like that for his benefit, and never will.

Remembering her Waltz fondly she thanked Harry one more time for coming to save her. If not for him, she may have had a trouble picking among the outstretched hands. Also, there is the fact, that Harry really is good at Waltz, so it was an easy and pleasurable dance. Quietly she observed her friend standing by the snack table - he and Ginny were looking so happy bathed in the flickering light of candles, that she suddenly felt envy pierce her chest, just for a moment. These two found something worth keeping.

Neville was also somewhere in the crowd with Luna as his guest, and thankfully saved her from the second dance – Foxtrot. Now that was fun, she allowed a short moment of reminiscence, before turning back to the problem at hand. There was no one left to save her from Tango. No friends to give her a reason to say no to all those starry eyed fans, she apparently gained after the war. The loud and authoritative voice of the headmistress announced her doom.

"Ladies and gentlemen it's time for the final dance. I would kindly ask you to pick your partners for this dance in the coming minutes and gather on the dance floor."

Closing her eyes Hermione prepared for the last ambush, and sure enough, when she dared a peak at least five potential suitors were walking her way…except the crowd was getting thinner. Her heart leapt into her throat when a familiar head of platinum blond hair appeared among the suitors. It couldn't be anyone else. Hermione had to swallow hard just to keep composure as a tall lean figure of Draco Malfoy stepped in front of her…and apparently scared the rest of the young men away. He looked ridiculously handsome standing there in black dress pants, snow white shirt and dark, rich grey dress vest, stormy eyes gleaming - just like she remembered. When he finally looked up at her, time seemed to stop for a second and the young man just stared, unable to say anything.

Draco thought he could do this. From the first moment Hermione Granger walked into the ball he couldn't stop looking at her. Even if he pretended not to, even if he scolded himself in the worst words possible...he still followed the rich, dark red of her dress almost against his will. During those weeks at home he had fought this feeling, tried to suppress it, eradicate it, and eventually gave up. The simple fact was Draco Malfoy, the heir of Malfoy family, a former Death Eater...was foolishly in love with the brightest witch of her age. He promised himself to cut it off completely after this night, but it was too tempting to have just this one dance. He simply couldn't resist the temptation to hold her one last time. However now, standing this close, seeing her skin gleam in the candlelight and her eyes follow his every move he realized he made a grave mistake. How can he ever walk away from her? How can one dance be enough? And yet it must be enough. Gritting his teeth he tried to force his stubborn mouth to work, but then she just smiled at him, like he was the best thing that happened today…

"Draco…" Hermione spoke quietly, afraid to shatter the moment, but unable to keep quiet a second longer. If he won't move for ten more seconds…she might just glomp him in a very undignified way. Seemingly his name was enough for the Malfoy heir to find his voice:

"Miss Granger, would you do me the honour of dancing this last dance with me?" Draco himself was surprised at how calm and level his voice came out. With a slight bow he stretched out his hand and waited for her verdict.

However, as they say, nothing good comes easy…so in a second another hand reached out for Hermione.

"Hermione, would you rather dance with me? As bad as I have been, I cannot be worse, than a murderer, right?" Ron beamed at her stretching his hand further, almost in front of her nose.

Feeling her blood boil Hermione stood straighter and took a step to move around the offending appendix, shoved nearly in her face. He had the audacity to treat her poorly, call her both a prude and a slut on separate occasions, and still expected he's better than someone… anyone… else?!

"I don't think so." She answered curtly and tried to step aside, where Draco was still locked in a half bow. She could see his hand tremor lightly.

"Have you completely lost it, 'Mione? This guy is a death eater! One for the bastards we fought against, or have you forgotten the war already?" Ron billowed much louder than necessary and attracted the attention of surrounding crowd. Hermione glanced at him before noticing her other suitor stiffened instantly. Draco still did not move, but she could see him curl his fingers back in, clearly expecting defeat. Gritting her teeth she turned to a bright red Ron staring at her.

"No, Ronald, I have not forgotten the war." She answered equally loudly and with as much pride as she could muster - this was more than a dance invitation now "And the war is not over yet. We have one more battle left, a battle we must fight not against each other, but alongside one another. It will be the hardest mission we are yet to face – and that is to find our place in this new world, to learn to live again and coexist peacefully. We all have scars left…and they all hurt. No one's pain is greater or smaller than the other's." She spoke the last sentence looking directly at Draco, who was standing straight again and looking at her with an expression of both disbelief…and what seemed like pride. Without a moment of doubt she pulled off her silk gloves and revealed the angry red scar. It read "Mudblood".

That was the hand she stretched out to Draco and panicked slightly when he didn't take it right away. Only then she realized what he's doing…The Malfoy heir was taking his own gloves off and unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt. Soon pale wrists were on full view and he proceeded to roll his sleeves up, revealing the ugly black mark marring his pale skin. That was the hand he stretched out to take hers. "Let the last battle begin, Hermione." Draco spoke quietly but with his head held high as he tucked her arm around his elbow and led them both to the dance floor. Nobody dared to say a word.

Drawn in by the scene Harry came around to find a fuming, scarlet faced Ron, nearly ready to go out onto the dance floor and drag Hermione away from…Malfoy, it seemed. A slight shock was the fact they both had their arms naked to the elbow, her scar and his mark side by side. Only then Harry realized how serious this unusual relationship between his friend and former enemy had become. When did they get so close? Split second decisions were always Harry's forte, so he decided to trust his intuition and stop Ron, instead of helping him.

Surprisingly it was McGonagall's hand, which stopped Ron. "I'm afraid, Mister Weasley you have lost this round. Please take it like a man and kindly join the other pairs on the dance floor. Your lady is waiting over there, if I'm not mistaken." She pointed to the left where a rather displeased looking blonde stared daggers at Ron. He sighed and reluctantly went to her. When the slow and sensual rhythm of "La Paloma Blanca" filled the hall, Harry was about ready to go get Ginny on the dance floor, but Headmistresses' voice stopped him.

"Mister Potter, do you by chance happen to know who taught Miss Granger to dance Tango? Because it was certainly not me. I happen to remember her absent from my classes."

Harry hesitated for a moment, but then figured there's no point keeping it a secret.
"Draco Malfoy. We asked him to teach her after she skipped a few of your classes for studies. Why do you ask, Headmistress?" the dark haired young man couldn't figure out how the woman remembered every single student…

"This is not the Tango I taught you. There are several types, Mister Potter. The one we learned is American or Ballroom Tango, which is a standardized version of the dance… and this..." They both turned back at the pair locked in an intimate embrace, completely immersed in one another…cheeks pressed together and feet entwined, moving in harmony almost teasingly…seducing and beckoning the other closer…Harry started to feel a blush rising up from underneath his collar.

"R-right." He stammered looking away and facing the elderly woman "I always thought it was not the same…What is it, then, Professor?"

"This is the original form of Tango – the Argentine or lover's Tango. It is mostly reserved for private dancing and is rarely, if ever, taught. Most people in the Wizarding world think it is unsuited for ballroom dancing, simply because the practitioners of this type of Tango believe it cannot be danced properly without true emotion. Lover's Tango is not possible without…love." McGonagall answered almost to herself, watching the young pair slide apart and come crashing back together, like two magnets drawn by invisible force. It was an odd pair, she thought, but by sheer example they could do a whole lot of good in the world.

Hermione had forgotten the crowd, all permeating noise, glorious occasion on the very moment his hand touched hers. Now she drifted in a fog, even if the movements of their bodies were quick and sometimes even provocative, she could barely feel it. All she knew was his smell and warmth washing over her, soothing the ache she felt for the long weeks. How can someone come to crave something as simple as another person's touch so quickly? Along with her body, her mind raced and swirled unstoppably.

"Where have you disappeared to?" she asked breathless in his ear as they slowed for a couple of steps.

"I've gone home to visit my mother…she is terribly lonely." He answered, a little breathless himself. After her questioning look he spinned her body out just to pull her back with force. The stubborn girl still looked straight at him with question in her eyes. "She is under house arrest, no guests allowed." He explained eventually. Trying to physically distract her was pointless, clever witch. In all honesty, she was succeeding in distracting him…running her strapped heel up his calf suggestively and slipping away the next moment…it drove Draco mad. 'I've created a monster' he thought to himself, feeling his heart trash wildly in his chest, like an animal trying to claw its way out. Maybe that's why they call the chest ribcage

"Did you miss me, by chance?" he threw the snide question her way, trying to regain some control over the situation. It only resulted in her small palm fisting the hair on his nape rather viciously.

"What do you think?" Hermione was glaring up at him, eyes flaming. She pushed him back, taking the lead for a moment and pressing her not entirely covered bust against his chest. The last smithereens of his resolve to leave her after this dance were crumbling quickly. Merlin, he wanted her. Badly.

"I can guess…" Draco trailed off, trying for nonchalance and failing miserably.

"After this dance is over…will you disappear again?" Hermione dared to ask the one question that truly bothered her. She let her lips brush his cheek as she spoke, pressed so tightly onto his chest it almost let her feel his pulse. Through the dance she felt it, his desire and maybe something a bit more…he felt something for her. Now the question was: will he choose to act on it, or turn away? The Gryffindor felt his breath on her neck for a moment and then a quiet voice in her ear:

"Hermione…I can't…We can't…" Music came to an end at that precise moment cutting his sentence short. They were left in the strange silence – faces flushed and only inches apart, eyes burning. Draco was first to notice the crowd around them. Every single person was staring at them with various degrees of shock, curiosity and disbelief. He started to feel the familiar coil of anxiety winding in his chest before her hand turned his face back towards those brilliant chocolate brown eyes. There was a strange glint to them. Without a moment's hesitation he knew – Hermione Granger is about to kiss him and throw her life away.

"Don't." Draco whispered coarsely "It's a statement you don't want to make."

"I believe that's my choice. Push me away if you don't want to…" She whispered and pulled his face down melting their lips together. It was not passionate or long – just a firm press of her full lips to his. Standing fair on her promise, she let go of his face. Draco knew if he wanted to, he could pull away, but there was no point now. Against all odds this stupid, stubborn and unreasonably brave which chose to stand by him, of all people. She saw his mark, knew his history first hand, and never flinched. Even if the entire world was against him...Draco knew he'd be happy to have just her on his side. And maybe...they could claw their way back into the light together. Her warm lips were hesitantly moving away and the sudden panic he felt made the choice for him. Draco reached up to hold her face closer and kissed back.

Hermione felt relief washing over her when they parted slowly. He didn't run away. Looking up at the stormy gray eyes she found a sort of fond resignation in them.

"Bloody Gryffindors…You are reckless." He whispered quietly, smiling.

"I'll make sure to check all the rules for loopholes next time before kissing you." She shot back, grinning.

"Next time?"

"Next time." Hermione knew this relationship will not be easy, but still desperately wanted to try. There was little to lose and so much to gain. Only then she started to notice all the people around them still stood on the dance floor, staring and whispering to each other. She quickly spotted a flaming red head of Ronald Weasley – he was boiling beside Harry, who seemed to be holding his friend back. A sudden rush of fear took over her. She had been brave one too many times today and had no bravado left in her reserves. Thankfully Draco's hand wrapped around hers and pulled the frozen witch through the crowd and out of the room.

Even when the large doors swung shut behind them, the Slytherin didn't stop. He kept dragging her for another couple of corridors before they both let out a breath of relief and slumped against the wall, side by side.

"You've really done it…I can't believe this." Draco started a little breathless from the quick paced stroll through the corridors.

"I really did…and I don't regret it."

"You might come to, eventually." He pondered before her hand connected with his shoulder.

"Shut it. Merlin, I need a drink…" Hermione said, feeling a nervous sort of laughter bubble in her chest.

"That can be arranged." Draco smirked, looking sideways at the giggling witch. They were both high on adrenaline and rush of adventure. When she raised a questioning eyebrow he just reminded playfully "I still have the privilege of eating in the kitchens, so… who is to stop us from sneaking a bottle out. Wine?"

"That sounds heavenly…" she sighed, already imagining red wine sliding down her throat "but aren't we supposed to be back at the ball?"

"The official part is over, we received out greetings, danced our necessary dances, so technically – no. We are free for the rest of the evening…even if it may seem, well, promiscuous."

"Let them think whatever they want. I want that wine." She grinned at the blond man sitting only inches away and got up.

"Since when are you so akin to break the rules, Granger?" Draco teased, getting back on his feet.

"Since my first year at Hogwarts." She smirked back and got a bark of loud laughter in reward.

They made their way to the kitchens bickering good naturedly. Hermione had to admit when Malfoy was not trying to prove himself to his maniac father or playing the part of a radical Pure-blood, the young man was intelligent, downright hilarious and surprisingly enjoyable to be around. Sneaking a bottle of wine was much easier, than she expected and Draco even had the audacity to stand there and choose, reading the old labels despite Hermione's insistent tugging on his sleeve. Giving up she walked around the tables picking out various snacks and when the stubborn prat was finally ready to go, she had a fair assortment of food tucked into a small woven basket.

Eventually they ended up in one of the northern towers, in front of a wall, guarded by a chimera statue. It opened bright green eyes and looked at them impassively. With an often practiced movement Draco scratched the beast behind its ears and slid his hand over the long nose two times. The whole wall sunk in immediately, letting them into a small round room.

It had a desk, four-poster bed with green satin curtains and a very soft looking brown comforter thrown over it. A thick old fashioned carpet decked the cold stone floor. The small space was surprisingly clean and tidy, with barely any personal belongings. Only on second glance she noticed the suitcase almost fully packed in the corner.

"Welcome to my current abode." Draco smiled at her, noticing the curious gaze running over everything at once. He decided to let her explore and set about lighting the candles with a wordless spell. When the small room was glowing with candlelight he set the wine and glasses down on the chair beside his bed. Hermione was still wandering about, poking her nose in everywhere. Discreetly. Draco couldn't help but snort. The sound made Gryffindor girl jump and turn around with a slightly guilty expression.

"You have already packed?" Hermione asked quickly, trying to distract her host. It was not the most brilliant question, but it worked.

"Actually, I haven't unpacked after my last visit home. The only things I took out were the clothes." He answered the question while popping a couple of top buttons on his shirt loose. After a long and mostly unpleasant evening, paired with abating adrenaline rush, the bed seemed to be calling to him. Kicking his shoes off Draco sat down, patting the bed beside him in invitation, and started to open the bottle. Slowly and carefully the mattress dipped a good half meter away.

"Where is your renowned bravery, Hermione?" the blonde smirked, throwing a quick glance at the lovely witch, sitting on the very edge of his bed. He gave her a glass of burgundy red wine and watched her take a good, hearty gulp.

"I drained the day's supply dry. If you want bravery, come tomorrow." She bit back more than happy to bicker. It earned her a crooked smile just before Draco took a sip from his own glass and sighed. It really was a good wine. Watching the reflection in the glass he noticed something interesting.

"Well, to be precise, it's already tomorrow – past midnight. Look." Outside the sky was sparkling with fireworks, the fiery flowers spreading out in the inky darkness just to fade away in a short moment and be replaced by another wave of brilliant colours. Both graduates got up and stood by the window quietly staring into the vivid sparks of colour fading in and out of existence.

"This is it. We are no longer students at Hogwarts." Hermione spoke not really expecting an answer "So what do we do now? Where do we go?" When she turned towards Draco he still stood straight as an arrow facing the colourful spectacle but not really seeing it. She observed the various shades of light playing on his pale skin and light hair. The silky strands looked almost white in the dim room. If not for his chest moving Hermione might have thought he was a ghost.

The distant look in his eyes didn't bid anything good, so she decided to try and drag him out of the reverie. "I've seen your scores." She stated out of the blue. It was enough to make the blond forget whatever train of thought he had just a second ago and stare incredulously. "Don't ask how…but they were really good. You could do anything you want, even the Auror academy is not off limits with scores like that."

The pale face looked at her with disbelief clearly written on the angular features "Auror academy? With a last name like Malfoy? Have you hit your head on the balustrade on our way here, Granger?"

"Well…it might be a bit of a challenge…" she trailed off smiling at the affronted expression. Even if the words might have sounded biting there was no real anger in his voice.

"That's to put it lightly. And who on earth made you think I would want to spend the rest of my life running around after criminals? I've had my fair share of battle magic and, just so you know, I'd be more than happy to never encounter a chance to use it again."

That came as a surprise to the Gryffindor, she always saw Malfoy as someone, who enjoyed duelling…apparently it was just another part of the show. "So then enlighten me, what are you thinking about?"

Draco wasn't sure if he should tell the truth. It will not sound too impressive...but he did trust her with ridiculous amount of his personal life before. Leaving the window he padded back to the bed. After that very public kiss they were bound together, for better or worse...Still, not trusting himself to tell her the honest truth, he decided to use distraction instead."What about you? What will be the lucky area you decide to grace with your presence?"

"I hope to get a scholarship into the Ministry of Magic and work there. This new world needs adjustments to both laws and rights of its various inhabitants. It will take time to change the system, but it can be done." Hermione answered seriously and followed Draco back to the bed, falling down on her back alongside him. Even if her glass stood abandoned on the floor, the alcohol was already working its way into her veins. She barely ate anything throughout the entire day, so an empty stomach reacted quickly. In the lingering silence Hermione turned on her side to watch the blonde beside her, and was surprised when he stretched out his hand to invite her to come closer. A bit shyly she scooted over and laid her head on his shoulder. After a moment of hesitation Hermione even dared to rest her hand on his chest. The Slytherin simply sighed and pulled her closer, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"I was thinking about St. Mungo, Healer's program." He spoke up in a minute, deciding to be honest about it after all "An apprenticeship there would give me a chance to work with various medical potions and perhaps later branch into apothecary and private potion making. It may be a good business. I don't particularly want to live off of my father's money any more. They belong to my mother for all those years she had to spend with the bloody bastard."

"You'd be great at it." Hermione agreed, mulling the thought over in her head "Now that you mentioned it, Potions was always one of your best subjects. It requires precision and patience, and you have both...when you want to." She couldn't help but tease the blond lightly while running her palm up and down his chest.

The tower was chilly, even if she had a warm body pressed to her side, so it was inevitable that her skin erupted in goose bumps after a couple of minutes of laying still. Draco's fingers noticed the change instantly.

"Are you cold?" he asked, turning towards her for the first time during their little chat on the bed.

"A bit." The girl smiled sheepishly "But this dress is not exactly meant to lounge in chilly towers."

"Perhaps you should go back and…"

"No. I don't want to."

"Hermione, you're being unreasonable." The Slytherin reprimanded looking at her stubborn expression. Lovely pink lips pouted adorably and he simply had to kiss them. Pulling the lithe girl closer he kissed her slowly, enjoying the first shock melting into warm submission. She was surprisingly easy to handle if one uses gentleness instead of force. After allowing himself a long minute to indulge in her sweet mouth, he pulled back.

"Well at least get out of that dress, as lovely as it is, and…" He started just to be stopped halfway by Hermione's terrified expression and fiery blush. It extended all the way down her neck and even into the shadows of her clavicles. The violent reaction caused a wide grin to spread on the young Malfoy's face. "What dirty thoughts you have, Miss Granger…" he whispered close to her lips, before placing a small peck there. Hermione seemed frozen in place. "However I meant to say you should take it off and I will give you a sweater and some sleeping pants for the evening."

She bolted upright on the bed and refused to look at him. "Sorry…I just…"

"It's fine...nearly all people have the habit of thinking the worst of me, so I no longer take offence." Draco smirked, ruffling her hair and standing up "Now come on before you freeze to death."

Soon a large grey sweater and dark green fleece pants were laid out before her. Draco pointed to the stairs going down and explained it's the bathroom. Not trusting herself to walk straight Hermione took off her heels and only then descended down the stairs to change. Finally alone she sighed in relief. It was a close call – she nearly gave away the small detail she had never…well, been with a man before. The Gryffindor knew that it's perfectly normal - she is very young after all. However there was the fact she is alone in a tower with a stupidly handsome, snarky and very tempting Draco Malfoy, who is most certainly not a virgin...well, let's just say she didn't want him to know she was that inexperienced.

Trying to push the unsightly scene out of her head Hermione started to divest herself of the fancy gown. After a couple of tries to pull the zipper down she sighed and used a wandless spell on the forsaken contraption. It still didn't budge. Feeling panic rising up in her throat she tried to pull the darn zipper down again and failed miserably. After about a minute of standing barefoot on the cold floor she resigned to be thoroughly teased and climbed back up the stairs. Draco turned towards her and raised a questioning brow, wordlessly asking why she is still wearing the dress.

"I'm stuck." Hermione mumbled under her nose, looking anywhere but directly at his face.

"Sorry?" Draco clearly didn't catch her words.

"I can't take it off…the zipper is stuck." She explained louder, still giving the carpet her full attention.

"Oh…Would you mind if I tried?" He asked surprisingly carefully. The Slytherin stood up but made no move to come closer.

"O-okay…" Hermione squeezed out, her nerves on high alert. This will be closest to naked she had ever come to be in the same room with a man. There was nothing under that dress except fancy, half see-through underwear, which she honestly regretted buying at the moment. With her heart in her throat Hermione watched Draco come closer slowly. He was very cautious in every move, but still had to turn her around because her feet seemed to be frozen. Feeling his fingers slipping under the top of her dress for better hold made her tremble.

"Shhh…it's okay, bear up with me for a moment." He spoke gently just beside her ear, almost like the times they were dancing. Somehow it made her relax a fraction. His fingers tugged the material once, twice, and the sound of a zipper sliding open made her gulp. There she was – the brightest witch of her age – terrified to stand in front of a man in her underwear. 'How stupid can you get, Granger?' she berated herself, but it didn't seem to work. She was still trembling like a leaf in the wind.

Warm palms landed on her shoulders carefully, keeping the sleeves from sliding off completely, and she felt him turn her around again. This time she couldn't stop herself from looking at his face. Draco was smiling barely visibly, only a small, gentle curve of lips. Looking down at her his silvery grey eyes seemed to swirl with unveiled affection.

"Am I really that scary?" He asked barely audibly.

"What? No! I mean…it's not you …I just never…that is…" Hermione tried to find words to explain her unreasonable fear. A month ago, she intended to give her virginity to Ron on the night of the ball, but that was out of the question now...and it left her terrified of the prospect of no one wanting her ever again. Not that she was any less afraid of actually doing it. Obviously she couldn't say that. Forcing her brain into overdrive she tried desperately to find the right way to put this without making a total fool of herself.

"Hermione, stop overthinking." Draco's voice pulled her attention back into the real world. He saw her fear and it was beyond adorable, but now was not the time to tease her about it. For some reason the beautiful and usually ferociously brave woman in front of him was scared out of her wits, and it was his job to calm her down. Somehow. Comforting people was never Draco's strong side, but he had to try. Willing all the warmth in his chest to somehow show the blond spoke quietly, looking straight at her "I know you are untouched and it's not something to hide or be ashamed of. Your virtue is a wonderful gift you can choose to give someone you deem worthy. It's your choice. There is no need to explain yourself to me or anyone else."

No one had ever put it like that to her. In the Muggle world every magazine told you, you should want to sleep with someone, preferably more than one man, quite early just to be a proper woman…and even in the Wizarding world being a virgin for too long was sort of a sign of being…well, undesirable. Hermione knew better than to let some silly fashions affect her decisions, but she still couldn't help but doubt.

"You don't think I'm a bit too old for that?" she asked without thinking and almost groaned when her head caught up with her mouth. The blonde young man was staring at her as if she has gone mad. "Sweet Salazar, have you lost it completely? Or is one glass of wine enough to make you blind drunk? You're nineteen, Hermione! And I'm not giving you any more wine…" he added the last sentence as an afterthought, making her laugh against all odds. If there was one thing Draco Malfoy was good at, it was making her laugh. All tension slipped out of her body in a tirade of very undignified giggles. Completely forgetting her state of undress she hugged him tightly and he hugged back chuckling quietly into her hair.

"Now go. Get dressed." The Slytherin told her as strictly as he could at the moment, which was not really impressive, considering he was barely holding back laughter. With a small kiss on her nose Malfoy heir spun the girl around and pushed her lightly towards the stairs.

Stumbling down Hermione couldn't help but smile. Draco had given her full choice and no jugement, which somehow made her more confident. The short time she spent with him proved one thing clearly - despite his bad reputation Draco will treat her well. Always. In worst situations he managed to make it easier, to make her laugh. Smiling, Hermione left the fancy dress on the floor and with a deep breath decided to be brave and take what she wants.

After a couple of minutes the Gryffindor climbed back up drowning in Draco's large sweater, it was nearly falling off her shoulders. Surprisingly she found her host had ditched the shirt and vest, replacing them with an equally large dark blue sweater, just on him it was at least not falling off. Feeling emotionally drained and, strangely, quite relaxed, Hermione crawled onto the bed and reached for her glass of wine before a pale hand snatched it away.

"No more wine for you, miss Granger." Draco smirked at her holding the tempting glass away "You can't hold you liquor."

"Yes I can. Now give it here." She demanded reaching out for the glass, just centimetres away from her reach. "I'm afraid not..." was his only answer. So being the Gryffindor she is, Hermione decided to get her property back by force. Climbing on all fours she grabbed his sweater with one hand and reached the other towards her goal. Obviously it left her out of balance so they both tumbled down in a messy heap. Draco barely managed to put the glass down before they fell over, but his fingers were still stained with a little bit of burgundy red wine.

"Now look what you've done! Its blood, I'm telling you!" he barely squeezed out, unable to stop laughing. Draco had to wonder, when was the last time he laughed so much in one night? It must have been years…but now he really couldn't be bothered to care. Especially when a certain Gryffindor had just grabbed his hand and was looking at it speculatively.

"Let me verify that…" Hermione trailed off with a big smile just before her small pink tongue slipped out and ran over his fingers. Lapping at one digit then another she revelled in the sense of power. The gorgeous Slytherin was frozen, staring at her every move with increasingly darkening eyes. By the time she dared to take one fingertip into her mouth and suckle it gently nearly all silver was gone replaced by pitch black. The moment she released his finger with a quiet 'pop' Hermione found herself pressed into the soft sheets with the weight of Draco Malfoy holding her down. He reached up and framed her face with his hands. "Do you have any idea what you are doing to me?" Draco asked millimetres away from her lips before plunging down and kissing her deeply. Their kisses have always been gentle, careful and slow, so the sizzling desire in this one made her nearly melt into the sheets. The warm lips of her beloved Slytherin devoured her whole, his tongue plunging in and out of her mouth in an imitation of what he clearly wanted to do to her elsewhere. Hermione was drowning. His lips, currently lavishing her neck, turned her insides to jelly, and his palms found their way under the ridiculously large sweater, travelling over her skin in blazing trails. She couldn't breathe, or think straight, but it didn't matter. One large palm lingered questioningly just under her breast, playing with the silky material and waiting for permission. Unable to form coherent sentences she arched her back, pressing her body into his palm and whispered a breathless 'Yes'. Swift fingers divested her of the unnecessary piece of clothing and she felt his entire palm squeeze her flesh gently, playing with the hardening nub. Draco growled into her neck and promptly proceeded to suck the sensitive skin making a moan slip through her lips unbidden. Soon they were both lost in newfound desire. He settled himself between her thighs and pressed his body there, letting her know just how badly he wants her. Hermione felt a wave of heat travel down her spine and coil between her thighs when his hard shaft pressed into her body through the layers of cloth. She had to acknowledge the simple fact - Hermione Granger had never wanted to have sex this much in her life. It was always something that needed to be done, a part of natural flow of a relationship and not much else…but now she couldn't care less if it was needed…she wanted him inside her body.

"Draco…I want more…" she panted out clutching his shoulders tighter and trying to drag the oversized sweater over his head. He let her throw it to the side before looking straight at the sheer beauty of Hermione Granger. Still drowning in his huge sweater, with the wild hair thrown around on the pillow and lips swollen from their kisses she was a vision. Draco looked down at her knowing he will probably go mad if she will change her mind, but he still had to ask. It's not a gift any man has the right to take lightly.

"Hermione…Are you sure?" the blonde asked breathless. He knew his face was as scarlet as hers and his hands were shaking, but he needed to know.

"Positive." She smiled up at him and tried to pull him down for another kiss, but the Slytherin stubbornly stayed out of reach, looking down on her. If he'll have her once, Draco knew no one else will ever be enough…so he had to take precautions.

"If…if you give me something so precious…there will be consequences." His hands never really stopped moving, swirling small circles on her shoulders, travelling up her neck to finally settle on her face. When he spoke again the young man's voice was filled with deadly resolve. "If you become mine tonight I will court you properly, Hermione Granger. I will try my best to woo you and I won't stop until I make you my wife. Do you understand?"

She lay there, bathed in his warmth, his smell, and unable to process the words for a second. When the meaning finally sunk in she wanted to cry. Hermione was ready to take this even as a onetime tryst, to enjoy it and not ask for more, if he chose so. But to see the resolve written plainly on the angular, aristocratic features, to hear he wants her, not just for one flimsy night…She wanted to laugh and cry and kiss him all at the same time, finally settling on:

"I do. And you won't need to do much to woo me…it's already done." She smiled up at the familiar stormy grey eyes, watching them glow brighter with every word.

"I'll hold you accountable on that…" he smiled down feeling something expand in his chest. Unable to hold out much longer Draco bent down and claimed the beloved lips once more.


Long years have flown by quickly and Harry was setting his firstborn son up for his first year at Hogwarts. Ginny had stayed home with their daughter and the two men of the family were strutting down Diagon alley with their hands full of books, robes and various other tools. Now one of the few things left to acquire was a cauldron, flasks and several herbs for the first level of Potions. Harry had an ulterior motive to buy all this at a certain shop, run by non other that Draco Malfoy himself. Stepping up in front of a small, but clearly well off, establishment he looked up at the sign. It was a living pine branch, growing straight out of the building and holding a vivid green circular sign that read "Evergreen potions" in elegant golden cursive. The shop had become famous for its excellent potions, both medicinal and not, but Harry always avoided it, simply out of shame of not contacting his friend for many years. Hermione had married Draco Malfoy a year after graduation. They kept in touch for a while and then just somehow stopped. He knew they had a son about the same age, so hoped he could find her away from the ministry work for once, getting her own son ready for school.

When the tiny bell announced their arrival, Harry expected to see a head of blonde hair, and he did…just it was distinctly lower than it should be. A young boy appeared from the room and hopped onto what seemed to be a bench, going all the way around the counter and the shelves.

"Welcome to Evergreen potions, how can I help you?" he asked exuberantly and without tiniest amount of fear. The blonde hair fell onto his pale face in unruly curls and smart dark brown eyes watched the customers carefully. Harry could not mistake those eyes for anything in the world – they were Hermione's.

"Well, maybe we should wait for your father...or mother?" Harry asked carefully, unsure how to proceed.

"If you only need the ingredients or tools I can help you with that and if you are looking for a potion, then yes, you'll have to wait for my dad, he'll be here soon." Only after his little speech the boy noticed Albus Severus, hiding half behind his father and clutching a list tightly. The blonde walked around the counter and poked his head to the side to see the other child better. "Hello there. You look like a first year, just like me. I'm Scorpius, by the way." Crouching down on one knee he reached his hand out for the smaller boy and Harry was surprised to see his own son reach back timidly.

"Albus Severus." The dark haired boy said taking the outstretched hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. Are you here to get all the stuff for Hogwarts?" Scorpius asked in a friendly manner. Harry stood frozen, it was so unlike the way he first met Malfoy. Nodding repeatedly Albus stretched his list out to the other boy, but the blonde just shook his head.

"Don't bother, I already remember it. There will be a lot of first years this year." He commented nonchalantly and went about picking various things off of shelves before a small crash from upstairs made all the shop inhabitants look up. Harry was alarmed when the sound repeated itself and then a strange tirade of shuffling followed. Scorpius just rolled his eyes in exasperation. Noticing the worried expression on the customer's face he sighed.

"Don't worry, Sir…it's just that my parents are weirdoes, they have a bad habit of dancing tango in the kitchen." Scorpius explained smirking broadly.


That's it folks! Thank you for reading and see you in other stories!