Chapter 33 FINAL
6 months later
It was the evening June 4 th, 2013 and Aileen was in the labour ward at Miami Dade Memorial Hospital, and at 10:30pm, after a longish labour gave birth to a beautiful seven and a half pound baby daughter. Horatio had been by her side throughout, wiping her forehead, holding her hand which she gripped frequently, talking soothingly to her, and wishing he could have taken her pain for her. But she had coped with the pain magnificently, she wasn't a screamer and he was so proud of her.
He had been feeling guilty as he watched her in pain. He was thinking it wasn't really fair that women went through nine months of pregnancy ending with the pain of birth, and all the men did towards this was to have a few minutes of pleasure. Then he gave a rum smile.
He had watched his daughter, their little miracle, finally making her entrance into the world and was feeling very emotional. While their daughter was being checked out, he pulled his chair up as close to the top of the bed as he could and leaned over and hugged Aileen saying, "I love you Sweetheart. Thank you for giving me a beautiful baby daughter." A weary Aileen smiled at him "I'm happy as well Horatio." And though exhausted, she was. She had silently been hoping they were going to have a daughter, because between them they had two boys, and she just knew Horatio would love a daughter, though he hadn't said so, but seeing his face when he uttered those words told her he was one happy man right now.
After they were cleaned up and the baby was declared healthy, Aileen and their daughter were then moved to a private room which Horatio had insisted on them having. His intention was to stay with them for an hour to make sure they were both settled and comfortable before he left, but now tired himself he nodded off in an armchair placed in the room and ended up staying longer than he intended.
Aileen who had nodded off herself woke up a bit later and seeing Horatio was still there but asleep, she smiled and looking at him the whole time she reflected on the last six months. He had been so gentle with her throughout the whole of the pregnancy, so much so that at times she had to remind him she wasn't actually sick.
They had turned the spare room into a nursery, decorating in neutral colours as they hadn't wanted to know the sex of their baby at the time.
Because she had been 40 now 41, she had undergone some diagnostic tests to see if there were any chromosomal abnormalities, and while the tests are not 100% accurate, her tests had come out high enough not to suspect any problems. Not that it would have made any difference, their baby would be loved whatever. She underwent the tests just so they could be prepared ahead of time if any special requirements were going to be needed. They had been doubtful about having one of the tests though as there was a one in hundred chance she could lose the baby so she didn't have it with Horatio's agreement.
Horatio had gently caressed her baby bump every night speaking to the baby in her womb. He had read that babies heard your voices and he encouraged Tommy to talk to the baby as well. Even Kyle when he popped in was told to speak to the baby. He so wanted everyone to be part of their baby's life, their lives.
Tommy had asked so many questions, and Horatio had answered them as they the only way he knew how, truthfully, but he did this in the nicest possible way. Tommy knew how babies were created because of Horatio's talk with him about condoms when they first arrived in Miami, but now he knew just about everything. Thus, Tommy certainly knew how babies arrived in this world, and he was so looking forward to having a brother or sister.
They had decided on names. If they had a daughter she was to be called Hannah Maria. Horatio's mother's name was Hannah, and Maria her mother's name. In the event they had a son his name would have been Stephen Raymond. Stephen was Horatio's middle name, and Raymond his brother's first name.
She was so happy that she had been able to give Horatio their newly born daughter, and looking at him lovingly across the room she whispered, "Horatio, wake up darling you should get home now."
He came to with a start, and checking his wife and daughter were well, he kissed them both goodnight and left the hospital at 1:30am. It had been a long day and he needed to get home for a shower and to catch some proper sleep as well. On the way home even though it was late he was so elated he phoned Kyle to let him know he had a baby sister. Kyle was happy and said he would pop into the hospital to see Aileen and Hannah in the afternoon.
Alexx had been called upon to help them out by staying with Tommy, and when he arrived home she had nodded off on the sofa. He went to get a cover for her, and when he returned she had woken up. As she looked around with bleary eyes she saw Horatio's beaming face looking down at her, and shot up, "Is it all over Horatio?"
"It is Alexx, it is. Aileen had a longish labour, but she gave birth safely to the cutest most beautiful little girl at 10:30pm. We have a daughter Alexx, and she is adorable. She has light brown hair, and blue eyes, and I am so darned happy and I think I'm going to cry."
Alexx immediately stood up and hugging him whispered, "I am so happy for you Horatio. You are such a good father; that little girl doesn't know how lucky she is going to be." Then she and Horatio had a happy weeping long hug together.
A few minutes later Alexx made them a nightcap and then they went to bed, Alexx sleeping on fold up bed erected in the dining room for her.
Horatio couldn't sleep for a while and laying on his back with his hands behind his neck his thoughts turned to Kyle, his first born.
Not long after they had returned to Miami after Christmas, Kyle had discussed with him, whether he thought it would be inappropriate to go and see the parents of his two comrades who died in Afghanistan. He felt he wanted to do something, but didn't want to upset anyone. They had discussed this at length and as it was a delicate matter, Horatio on behalf of his son found out the addresses of the parents and gave them a quiet discreet call. Both sets of parents were pleased that Kyle wanted to see them and as they lived close together, they had arranged a meeting at the apartment of one set of parents and he went with Kyle to give him moral support. The parents had recognised him as being the Lieutenant, who had persuaded the demonstrators to move away from the coach the morning their sons had returned to Afghanistan, and had welcomed their commiserations for their lost sons and thanked them for going to see them.
Kyle seemed happier after their visit. It was clear that he had also gained some benefit from the meeting and was now comfortable in moving on. It seemed that it had given Kyle some closure having been able to pay his respects to the parents. He was proud of his boy.
Then Kyle went to see his mother for a week.
He didn't take them up on going for a holiday as he felt Miami could give him all he needed, and he spent three weeks going to the beach, swimming, surfing, kayaking...all the things he enjoyed doing.
Then John Kelly had phoned him out of the blue wondering if Kyle would like to try his hand at working with him for a few weeks as he had a lot on and could do with some help. Kyle jumped at the chance and spent two months with John. Then when he came home he had discussed job options with him. Kyle had made up his mind he wanted to be a detective like him or to do private work like John. But both he and John had told him that he should do a stint as a police officer first if this is what he really wanted to do. Kyle was therefore now enrolled at the Miami Police Training Academy. At the moment this was suiting Kyle as he was close to home, and family. His army career had instilled discipline in him so the Academy seemed to be suiting him well.
He hadn't been totally sure about this move, but he said he would support his son in what he wanted to do, and that is what he was doing. He was only young yet, plenty of time to move into something else if it didn't work out.
Then he fell asleep exhausted but feeling happy.
The next morning Horatio told Tommy he had a little sister and that they would be going to see her and his mom a little later in the day. Luckily Tommy was on half term school break this week.
The night nurse at the hospital had told him that as Aileen was in a private room he could go in any time of the day but preferably after 11:00 am.
They had breakfast with Alexx and then she said she would go home for a while and come back later. But Horatio taking her by the shoulders "Don't go yet. Come with me and Tommy to see Aileen and our daughter."
"I would love to Horatio. But are you sure you don't want to see them on your own today?"
"I'm sure. You were here for us all day yesterday, and we're going to need you again tonight. I'm certain she would love to see you."
When they arrived at the hospital they had to wait for a few moments as the doctor was in with Aileen, but he was just doing his rounds. Aileen and daughter were fine.
When they walked in the room she was lying on the bed with Hannah in her arms. She smiled when she saw them and spoke to Tommy first, "Tommy come and say hello to your little sister."
So Tommy wandered across to the bed and a bit awestruck touched one of her tiny hands and she gripped it, and this made him smile, "Hello Hannah...I'm your brother Tommy, and I love you." Then he gave her a little kiss on the cheek.
Horatio ruffled his head, "That was nice Tommy."
Then Alexx gave Aileen a kiss and said, "Well done honey. Now can I have a hold of the little one please?"
Smiling Aileen nodded her head, and Alexx ever so gently removed her from Aileen's arms and sat down with her in the armchair.
Horatio then went over to his wife saying, "You look radiant," and kissed her tenderly on the mouth and sat on the bed taking one of her hands in his. With contented smiles they both watched Alexx talking baby talk to their daughter, with Tommy kneeling down in front of Alexx looking at his sister still awestruck.
A little later Alexx passed Hannah to Horatio with the comment, "Daddies turn now Hannah."
While Horatio sat there with his daughter in his arms, talking away to her she fell asleep, so he stood up and carefully laid her down in her cot; kissed her and caressing her cheek whispered, "Sleep tight, precious."
Kyle arrived half an hour later; congratulated his dad and Aileen, and gave them all a hug including Alexx, and walked over to the cot and smiled sweetly at his little sister."Can I pick her up?" he asked. And at the sound of his voice Hannah opened her eyes so Aileen said yes. He lifted her up very carefully, and Alexx made way for him to sit down in the armchair. Like Tommy before him he was mesmerized by his little sister. "She is so tiny, but so perfect," he said as he played with first her tiny hands and then her tiny feet. I cannot believe we were all as small as this once. He kissed her on the forehead and whispered, "You will not only have Dad to protect you little one, but two brothers as well."
Horatio smiled benevolently at his son; He liked what he had just heard.
Then they all left fifteen minutes later with Horatio telling Aileen he would be back in the evening.
Horatio drove Kyle home first, as his son was finished at the Academy for the day.
When he arrived home Horatio made several phone calls passing on the good news to their friends back in New York. Alexx helped him by letting his colleagues at work know via a phone call to Eric. She no longer worked with them but she was in touch with then all on a fairly regular basis.
Early evening Horatio returned to the hospital and on opening the door to Aileen's room he was met by the sight of her sitting up in bed leaning back against a pillow for support and with their daughter feeding at her breast, and it choked him for a second...what a beautiful sight it was he thought. What better sight in the world was there than to see a baby at its mothers breast.
"Hello Sweetheart" said Horatio quietly, as he walked across the room, and sat down in a chair close to the bed. He watched his daughter sucking away for a while and thought his daughter was a bit of a guzzler, and smiling gently held her little feet, and he swore she looked at him saying "What do you think you are doing?" Then he laughed at himself. "You have one hell of an imagination Horatio Caine." He knew she couldn't see him properly yet, but she could hear and was looking at him for all the world as if she knew him.
He was feeling very emotional watching his daughter, and he gently cupped Aileen's swollen left breast in his right hand and tenderly rubbed her nipple with his thumb, he wanted to be part of this scene so much, and then he stretched up and kissed her lingeringly on the mouth.
When Hannah had finished feeding and had been put back in her cot, he got on the bed and stretching his legs out rested next to Aileen for a few minutes, and then removing a small box from his left trouser pocket and opening it he took out a white gold eternity ring inset with sapphires and slipped it on her wedding ring finger saying, "This is a present for giving me a beautiful daughter Sweetheart."
"Aileen gasped, "Thank you darling. It's exquisite. But you had something to do with this as you know" said Aileen laughing.
"Yes I know, but you had all the work to do, and I love you so very much." Then with a wicked grin on his face he said," Next time I'll get earrings and then you will have the full matching set."
Aileen raised her eyebrows.
"Just joking," Horatio said chuckling deep in his throat."I think our family is complete now."
He was still on the bed next to her with an arm around her when suddenly the door opened and a doctor came in to tell them that as there had been no complications and mother and daughter were doing really well, they could go home the following day.
Horatio went home in an exuberant mood.
When he arrived home he and Alexx made sure everything was ready for their home coming, not that much needed to be done, as Aileen had made sure all was in order before she went into hospital, and Alexx had kept the place tidy anyway. But he wanted everything to be perfect for them.
The next morning he arranged for a dozen red roses to be delivered urgently. Alexx would take them in for him. A whole stack of cards, clearly locally posted had arrived as well that morning and he placed them in a pile for Aileen to open when she came home. A few telegraphs from friends in New York had also arrived.. He was thinking everyone must have sent one immediately they knew to have got here so quick.
Then he drove to the hospital with Tommy who had wanted to go with him.
As they walked into the reception area a voice behind them called out "Lieutenant Caine." Turning round Horatio recognised Mrs Marshall, and her son Kevin.
"Mrs Marshall."
"I wasn't sure you would remember me Lieutenant Caine. I'm just on my way to see a friend and spotted you."
"I remember every victim I meet Mrs Marshall, unfortunately not for the right reasons though. I am pleased to see that you and Kevin are looking so well now."
"I hope life is being kind to you. I know your husband was sent to prison for three months, but I guess he was released some time ago."
"Yes he was, but we are divorced now, and the judge gave me sole custody of Kevin, with there to be no contact with his father."
"Kevin often speaks about how nice you were to him at the police station, and also the lady who looked after him when you came to see me in this very hospital."
"That would be Aileen, now my wife, who just last night, presented me with a beautiful daughter."
"I'm just on my way to see them now with my son Tommy here," he added placing his hands on Tommy's shoulders. "She will be pleased to hear you are both doing well."
"Congratulations Lieutenant Caine. Please pass on my thank you to your wife for having been so kind to Kevin."
Then she went on her way.
Horatio stood looking after her for a moment, thinking how nice it was for a change to see victims come through from an ordeal seemingly well.
Then he and Tommy made their way to Aileen's room, and he immediately told her about meeting Mrs Marshall, and Kevin. Aileen was delighted to hear they were doing well that little boy had tugged at her heartstrings that dreadful day.
Horatio then passed her the bag of clothes she had put to one side to bring in for when she came home together with some bits for Hannah. While she was getting ready he went to see the staff on duty and thanked them for looking after his wife and daughter so well.
Returning to the room he found Aileen was ready, so he picked his daughter up, now wearing a soft pale lemon babygro and with Tommy grabbing his mom's hand they made their way to his car. On the way out the staff in the reception area waved good bye to them. They knew Lieutenant Caine well. He had had cause to visit the hospital many times in the course of his work.
On reaching the car Horatio opened the doors, and let Aileen get in the back of the car and gently passed Hannah to her, and Tommy jumped in next to them. Horatio smiled, for once Tommy wasn't so eager to sit in the front with him.
Alexx saw them arriving home and immediately opened the door ready for them.
When Aileen entered the apartment the first thing she saw was the red roses and immediately knew they were from Horatio and turning to look at him as he followed in with Hannah in his arms she wanted to cry. He always made her feel so special...she moved across to him and gave him a loving kiss on the cheek and thanked him for the roses.
Later that evening after they had eaten a meal Alexx had prepared for them Horatio and Aileen opened the cards and read the telegraphs from friends and colleagues that had arrived that morning.
Then Tommy went to bed kissing them all goodnight and gave his sister a gentle cuddle as she lay in her crib.
After her 10:00 pm feed Hannah wouldn't settle down so Horatio picked her up and placed her against his chest and gently rubbed her back until she brought up some wind, and as she did so he murmured tenderly, "That's better isn't Sweetheart? You will have to learn not to guzzle so fast."
Then he moved her into the crook of his left arm and Aileen and Alexx thought she looked so comfortable there with her daddy smiling at her. They couldn't but help know that Horatio was enchanted with his daughter.
A few minutes later Horatio moved across to the patio doors, opened them and stepped outside. He beckoned Aileen to join him so she followed him out and he placed his free arm around her shoulders and then looking up to the sky he said, "Hannah, and Maria, wherever you are, we hope you can see your beautiful granddaughter Hannah Maria, who we named after you both. And Mom, if you're listening please be happy for me as I now have a wonderful and happy family which is what I always wanted, and if you have any say in the matter, please allow me to live long enough to see my daughter grow up."
Then they went back inside, and Horatio gently laid his daughter down who was now fast asleep.
The End.
A/N...Thank you to all for reading and for the reviews; I have enjoyed your company, and if you have enjoyed my story I hope to have the pleasure of still having your company as we go forward.
I always wanted Horatio to have a family, thus my first two stories (Enough is Enough) and (Moving On) were all about making this happen. He has that now, and from here on he will of course mix work with family life. The next three stories include crimes in the storylines, so we will see how these might affect the Caine's.
The first of the three stories to come is entitled - Shadows of the Past (Part 1).
Horatio takes two weeks maternity leave to be with Aileen and Hannah. Calleigh visits on the Sunday afternoon, while Tommy is at his friends. When Horatio picks him up later he is worried about his sons silence on the way home. When he finally gets Tommy to talk, what he tells Horatio will affect all of his family in one way or another over a period of time. Sharon and John visit to see Hannah, during Horatio's leave and they stay with Kyle and something Sharon says disturbs Kyle and he questions his father, and Kyle is shocked and upset at what he hears, and Aileen comforts him. Kyle gets slightly hurt and as a result Julia re appears on the scene and causes Horatio to get snarky with Aileen, because she asks an innocent question. It's not all doom and gloom however as one day Horatio gets a nice surprise when a child victim of 10 years ago turns up at the MDPD to say hello. He also gets a surprise visitor at home. Hannah is christened and in the evening there is a party to celebrate both the christening and Horatio and Aileen's first wedding anniversary. Kyle brings an unexpected guest, and Michael Hayes has news for them.
I will start publishing this on November 23rd ...but first, if interested I will be publishing a Fantasy Christmas one shot on November 21st - Entitled – Twas the night before Christmas - A Visit from Saint Nicholas.