[Chapter 4]

Unexpected Company

The boy has his black comb over with some bangs falling in his face and look stun from the expression of his silver eyes. His attire consists of a black hoodie with sleeved rolled up to his elbow and black jeans. I could see a pair of red sneakers and a backpack on his back.

"Hello.." He mutters, confused.

Suddenly, Emma hears the other male voice coming from behind her and turns to see the boy looking at us. Emma quickly regains her composure and blush at her embarrass action she just pulls.

"Oh, hello," Emma spoke, shaken.


Lillie happily greets the stranger and she became curious about our new guest since she seems the type of person who enjoys meeting new people. I, on the other hand, wasn't too thrilled about his disturbance but it did make Emma calm down so I am on the fence about it. The boy smile at Lillie's cheerfulness which made him comfortable enough to speak with us while he put his journal and pencil in his pocket before speaking.

"Soooo, the name is Raven by the way, nice to make an acquaintance with you guys." Raven smile.

Raven smile proudly at his introduction and I could guess he seems the very cheerful type of guy from the quick glance. Lillie happily nods as she took this opportunity to introduce herself while Emma recovers from her embarrassment seeing by this Raven.

"Hello, Raven, my name Lillie." Lillie smile.

Emma took a deep breath before turning to the guy and smile as well like she always does which mean she somehow recover from that.

"My name is Emma, nice to meet you too." Emma smile.

Raven chuckles as he can faintly remember her being a spoil child and finally turning to my side as I sigh.

"Vergil," I answer.

Strangely, Raven immediately took out his journal and pen as he jolts down something on each page. I narrow my eyes as he is taking information and writing it in his journal which made me very cautious around this guy since I have no information on him. The boy stops writing as he gasps and nervously laughs at his action.

"Sorry, I have a bad habit of writing stuff in my journal.." Raven smile.

"What do you write on it?" Lillie excitedly asks.

"Well..you know.." Raven struggle as he smiles.

Raven approach Lillie as he took a seat next to her and give her the journal which she happily grabs. Emma was curious by his journal as she took a peek at that little book while I put the fire out.

More nuisances...

I put the pot down as I get up to try to catch some fresh air alone somewhere and causing some tension with Lillie.

"Vergil, where are you going?" Lillie asks.

"Getting some fresh air, I will come back in a bit so in the meantime, enjoy the food while I am away," I answer as I raise my right arm.

Luckily, Lillie didn't stop my hazy decision since she was preoccupied with Raven and his journal which was the perfect opportunity to sneak away. I sigh with relief as couldn't hear the noise which annoyed me and I prefer solitude but my lack of knowledge of this place made my free time short. Charmander pop off from a bush which I turn to see him and began following me.

"Hm? Are they bothering you too?" I ask, unsure.


Charmander shake his head to my question and was only following my lead like always.

"Okay, then let's-"

Suddenly I notice footstep approaching down the forest and I notice a girl walking until she pauses as she notices my presence. I analyze her to spot a black zipper sweater with a red scarf wrap around her neck and a red skirt. I glance to see black pants coming down from her red skirt and brown high heels. I see her black curly hair reach her hips and she looks at me with her blue eyes. I narrow my eyes at the girl's looks as she seems different from what her expression is clearly contradicting.

"Oh, you are that boy who saves that annoying girl from the beach." She comments, smiling.

"What?" I ask.

The girl pushes her hair away as she put her right hand on her hips and smiles at my question.

"I am referring to your little stun you pull at the beach with those dorks. I can't believe nobody tries to save the poor damsel in distress." She smirks coldly.

I became silent at her cold remark on Emma as I glare at her since I didn't expect this kind of behavior from the pretty girl. Regardless, her encounter and opinion aren't my problems to deal with it.

"Just get to the point already; I have more important tasks on hand to deal with it." I angrily point.

"Sheesh, you aren't the talkative type, huh?" She sighs as she shrugs.

I glare at this girl's stubbornness and I notice her gazing at my Charmander who suddenly step forward.

"Is that your I presume?" She asks.

"It's a Charmander and yes." I coldly corrected.

"Whatever, Charmander, trash, they are all the same to me." She smiles.

I chuckle at this girl's courage or pure stupidity to talk to me like that and she doesn't look very threating with her babbling.

"Talk is cheap if you come to battle, then you undoubtedly got it now," I said, "Advance Charmander," I command.

Charmander confidently obey the command to enter the battlefield as he roars and smile reliant on his power. The girl only giggles at our stand and pulled a Poké ball from her the sweater's pocket.

"If you want to lose that badly then," She kisses the Poké ball and releases her Pokémon, "Then I will gladly see you cry when you lose." She smirks.

I cross my arm at this Eevee standing in my way and not very impressed by this weak Pokémon. In any case, I slowly extend my arm while I give my command to attack but the bushes to our right began to rustle wildly. From the bushes, a wild Dratini drops into the floor shaking from something and causing to stop her battle. I didn't pay any attention to the nuisance and I turn to resume the match.

"You poor thing.."

I became astonished to see that girl hurriedly approaching the wounded Pokémon and grab it into her arms.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"What do you think I am doing? I am helping the Pokémon, duh!" She replies.

I grit my teeth, "I can see that you fool, I am referring to your reason to stop this battle just for a weakling getting in the way," I angrily mention.

The girl ignores my statement as her focus was on that Pokémon and making me lose my patience. She began to calm down the scare Pokémon as I could see some wound inflicted on the Pokémon and she notices those wounds. I glance at her lips moving and becoming angry at something she finds out.

Abuse? No, she is thinking her trainer is abusing this Pokémon which explain the weird wounds.

I turn toward the direction where this Dratini came from and I sigh at my next plan of action. I walk toward that path while I pass her by and while Charmander follow behind since he finds out my reason to go there.

"Where are you going?"

I turn behind to see her asking something and finally getting her attention away from that thing.

"None of your business, why don't you waste your time with that thing." I coldly answer.

"What's your problem? You are a useless handsome jerk, you know that?" She angrily speaks, "Also, I am sooo sorry for caring for a nobody like you." She sarcastic comment.

I remain silent since I figure out her type and I didn't want to give her more attention. I sigh as I left her there and walk to deal with this abusive trainer of Dratini. I walk with my Pokémon in this forest as I forgotten about my rule about distances from the camp until my eyes spot a trainer with a Drowzee. Both of them look for something as their gaze turns from left to right as they scan the area.

Is that him?

I step out from the Shadow as they quickly turn to me with a glare but quickly retrace their action once they look at me.

"Oh, it is just a trainer..." He sighs.

"Are you looking for a Dratini by any chance?" I smile thinly.

The boy became shocked at my question and nod furiously while he smiles at my discovery. I found my target as I became angry at people abusing power like they own it.

"Did you know where it is?" He smirks.

"Of course, but first..." I coldly spoke while I glare. "Let's battle, advance Charmander," I command.


Charmander jump into action as he was very prepared to fight this battle since we feel like we have a common enemy in our hand. The trainer became puzzled by force battle but he shrugs and shakes his head.

"Why bother? Just tell me, alright? I really need to find my poor Pokémon." He sadly explains.

"Scratch, now," I order.

Charmander extend his right arm while his finger glows white and sprint toward the unprepared Drowzee. He scratches at the unexpected Pokémon as he pushes him away in pain and the trainer showing his true color at last.

"You little!- That wasn't fair at all!" He yells.

"Life is unfair, besides for someone who enjoys abusing his power to hurt others. I beg the differ." I explain.

The trainer grunt since I figure out his true purpose of finding his Pokémon and taking his side of the field to continue the battle. Drowzee glare at Charmander as he taunts his opponent with his right hand to bring it and having confidence in his ability.

"Drowzee show this loser how we do thing around here, use Pound!" He commands.

The Pokémon rush toward my Pokémon while he prepares for my next order.

"Counter with Dragon Rush," I spoke.

Charmander roar as the aura appears around his body and dash along with his opponent to clash with their power. They hold on tight as they both glare and push with their might.

"Use Growl now!" I order.


Charmander growl at his opponent's face as his lose his will and power which was enough for Charmander to overtake him. He grabs his head and slams it down with his power before leaping back for some distance.

"Come get up you useless thing! Get up! Get up!" The trainer shouts angrily.

The Pokémon began to lift himself up with some struggles and I know this battle was over. I sigh at the quick battle and I can finally wrap this fool's plan once and for all.

"Screw this!"

I lift my head to see him throwing another Poke ball into the field and a Zubat appears next to the Drowzee.

"Are you breaking the rule now? Are you that desperate to win this battle?" I ask.

"Damn you, I don't care for any rules but to win with force! So what if you know I abusive that Dratini, I just beat you here and now!" He laughs.

I became a bit nervous at the disadvantage with fighting two Pokémon at once since I lack another Pokémon with me right now. I took the chance despite the low chance of winning since I won't back down with his rules.

"Zubat, use supersonic! Drowzee use Pound!" He orders, smirking.

I grunt at those commands while Charmander remains calm in this situation and watch his opponent movement. The Drowzee leap with his attack but Charmander dodge due to his opponent losing stamina. Although, the supersonic was a dire hit as Charmander grunt at the sound wave entering his ear and looking around confused.

Confuse, this will make this battle impossible to win now...

I bite my nail at the overwhelming advantage he has now and with this nuisance of status effect taking over my Pokémon, I will bound to lose at some point now.

The man laughed hysterically, "What now, huh! Now so big and strong now!" He smirks.

"Tsk!" I grunt.

I watch as Charmander look around in the area confuse with the effect of supersonic and Drowzee going for the attack.

"I can't accept this."

Suddenly, an Eevee tackles the Drowzee and easily push him away from the confused Charmander. We gasp at that Pokémon attacking my opponent and the familiar voice interrupting the battle. I turn to my side to see the girl carrying Dratini and glaring at the guy. The trainer grits his teeth and glare at my helper.

"Why are you interrupting a battle you useless woman, why don't you go back to the kitchen where you belong." He smirks.

"How about a line I haven't heard? Then I'll be impressed." She scuffs.

I remain silent as I watch Charmander attacking randomly and she turns to me as I was waiting for an insult to my predicament.

"What's your name?" She asks.

I became baffled by her question since I felt very confident to hear some harsh remark or insult from her.

"Vergil," I answer.

She nods, "Okay Vergil the name is Shiori, so don't forget it." Shiori wink as she smiles.

I sigh while I ignore her flirtatious as we face our opponent and making this battle even. Shiori spot Charmander acting confused and her Eevee approach him.

"Why is that Eevee up to?" I ask.

"Just watch." Shiori smile.

Charmander began attacking the Eevee with his confused state but she strangely tackles him down and began to rub her head on his chest. I became puzzled by her behavior to do that and then I heard laughter coming from Charmander. I became surprised to find an alternative to fix that pesky confusion effect and I took my stance.

"You're welcome." Shiori smile.

"I guess I can't deny it, you prove your worth," I said.

"And I don't care! Zubat uses Supersonic on Charmander and Drowzee use Hypnosis on Eevee." He interrupts.

Both of his Pokémon began making their moves and causing some major problem if those status effects make a direct hit to our Pokémon. Suddenly, Charmander push Eevee away as he roar as his open began to glow and we notice his new move.

"About time, Charmander use Ember now!" I command.

"Eevee help him out by using Helping Hand." Shiori order.

Eevee happily obliges to Shiori command as she hops to his side and gently put her front paw behind him. Charmander felt more power from Helping Hand adding more fuel to the fire and he began bombarding them with fire bullets. The attack was immensely powerful with his type and Eevee's helping hand which changes the bullets to become thicker. The attack was enough to make the already wounded Drowzee and Zubat fainted and closing down this battle. The trainer grunts at his defeat and yells at his Pokémon for losing.

"Look at you; you are just a pathetic nobody without your Pokémon." Shiori snarl.

I approach the trainer as he felt the fear of not having anything to protect him and I notice two small Poke ball dropping from his pocket. I smirk as I grab them both and click them to make enlarge with an idea to punish his abusive of power. I call his Pokémon back and I release them from their imprisonment as the blue beam show. They grunt in pain and confusion by their sudden release as I look at them.

"You are free now, now get lost," I state.

They look at their trainer and they didn't hesitate to leave him behind due to his abusive nature. I throw the Poke balls back to him while I walk away since I done what I needed to do.

"Why! That wasn't fair!" He screams, angrily.

"Not everything is star shine and rainbow." Shiori reply, glaring.

The trainer became speechless at his weak state and not having no Pokémon with him was also a major factor in his downfall. I sigh at his bickering as I left the area while Shiori began to follow me. I kept quiet about it until she was definitely following me to my camp and I need her to leave before encountering them.

"What do you want?" I ask, stopping.

"Hm? Just walking back out of the forest?" Shiori answer, smiling.

I growl, "No, you are most certainly following me and I don't need another weakling slowing me down." I explain.

Shiori approaches me as she smiles and walking in a circle as she began to explain a reason to become useful.

"You know I am not weak, you saw me helping you out and how I fix your Charmander." Shiori proudly explains.

I click my tongue since I have no objection to that statement and making her confidence in her approach.

"On the plus side, you have a gorgeous girl following you. Score!" Shiori smirk.

"I am going to regret saying this..." I mutter as I rub my eyes.

"There you go, that wasn't so hard, was it? Now keep moving, this forest is messing with my image and beauty." Shiori smile.

I sigh as I ignore her nature and began to walk with Shiori following behind me.

[Raven POV]

I became uncomfortable to have the attention of Lillie and Emma as I nervously chuckle while I show them my journal.

I didn't expect that Vergil fellow to leave...

"A-A-Anyways! You want to see my journal, right!?" I nervously spoke.

"Yeah, I am curious as to what you write." Lillie smile.

I notice my hand shaking and sweating as I pull out my journal and the pressure of their gaze made me feel a bit dizzy. I took some deep breath as I quickly open my journal to a random page and show them as I smile nervously.

"H-Here!" I spoke, nervous.

I felt embarrassed as my voice sound pitiful and I felt sort of ashamed of me being very nervous around girls. Emma took a glance at my journal and took it from me while Lillie looks at it as well.

"Wow, there so much stuff in here. Battling tips, Pokémon, strategies, and training routine." Emma mutters, curious.

"Oh look! There's a drawing of a cute Zorua here. It looks really good, did you draw this yourself?" Lillie smile.

"Y-Yeah! I was bored and I sort of..draw that to pass the time. This information is stuff I write down for ideas." I smile, blushing.

Emma began searching curiously on the journal which made me feel happy to see someone interesting with my Intel. Suddenly, Emma stops in one of the pages and narrow her eyes.

"What is this?" Emma asks.

Emma shows me the page she was asking and I notice she found my special page about my father's combination technique. I gasp softly before turning into a smile as I remember my old man old storytelling and seeing him in action during his prime.

"That's my father secret technique see, he was a Pokémon coordinator back in his day and he was notorious for being unique compared to the others." I happily explain.

"Really, that's sound amazing." Lillie gasps, thinking.

I felt more compose when I talk about my father and about his secret technique.

"Combination?" Emma read, "Was your father combining moves to makes something new? That's quite fascinating to see, and an idea I would never imagine coming true if you think logically." Emma explains.

"I know right!" I smile, agreeing, "My dad was awesome! That's why I am trying to come up with my own combination and use his technique during battling to change the world with his gift which is passed down to me." I happily spoke.

I felt excited to tell my dream to others and a bit confident in coming true with their smile confirms so.

[Vergil POV]

I hear familiar feminine voices with a masculine voice added to the mix and I immediately knew I found the campsite. I came out from the bushes to see the Raven guy standing up and smiling proudly at something on his mind while the others girl smile at him.

"Did I come in a bad time?" I ask, puzzled.

The other turn their attentions to me as Shiori join me and they became confused by her appearance since she just recently joins.

"Vergil, who is that girl behind you?" Lillie asks.

"Just someone not worth mention about it," I answered, coldly.

"Awww, love you too babe," Shiori speak.

Shiori approaches the group as I remain quiet with her introduction since she won't last long within the group with her attitude.

"The name is Shiori, a single girl looking for some fun in this Alola region." Shiori greets, smiling.

Raven became fluster by her appearance which she notices his reaction to her and while the other gave her curios looks.

"Hello Shiori, my name is Lillie." Lillie smile.

"Emma, it is nice to meet you." Emma answers.

"R-Raven.." Raven mutter, fluster.

"Now that we introduced our selves, let's get moving along and reach professor Kukui's lab," I recommend.

Lillie felt a bit tense as she clearly doesn't know her way around this forest but luckily, I found the way out as Shiori and I made our way back here.

"You are going to meet the professor?" Raven asks, curious.

"Yes, it is very vital to meet him first before attempting to go along with our journey. We do lack knowledge about this place and without a Pokédex in hand; we can do little to nothing at all without it." I explain.

Raven look down as he thinks of something very hard before nodding and turning to me.

"Okay! Then I decide to join this group." Raven smile, as he scratches his head, "If you allow me of course." Raven chuckles happily.

"What..." I mutter, not liking that idea.

I glance at Lillie who was thinking but she notices my glance and she began speaking her mind about this little problem.

"Please, Raven will definitely help us out and I believe you will see that too." Lillie pleads, as she smiles innocently.

I grunt quietly at her quick decision without a proper discussion on this but I have no other alternative since I need Lillie above everyone else. I swallow my opinion on this matter and I turn to Raven as he was a bit tense from my gaze.

"Fine then, I have no objection here," I answer.

Raven smile brightly as he was probably excited to hang out with the others and like them, enjoying this bonding thing like some kind of virus. Shiori approaches our new recruit as she teases him since she knows Raven felt nervous around here from his previous behavior.

"I also have no objection to this cute boy here. Although, I hope you become useful or else I have to kick you out myself." Shiori said.

"R-Right.." Raven answer, afraid.

"Keep walking, we are moving now," I instruct.

Lillie, Emma, and Raven began gathering their stuff before departing from this forest and finally reaching somewhere. We reach the end of the forest as we meet up with our Pokémon, Charmander, and Eevee guarding the wounded Dratini. Shiori quickly hugs the weak Pokémon on his arm and shocking the others with the Pokémon.

"Vergil, is that Pokémon.." Emma trails off worrying.

"Wounded, quite heavily it seems," I respond.

"Who could do such thing to that poor Pokémon.." Lillie sadly asks.

"A trainer who abusive her.." Shiori spoke, slightly angry.

The other remains speechless at the truth reveal and Raven became angry at the sight of this Pokémon while hearing the truth.

"I can't believe this! How could someone do this like that and not feel anything.." Raven spoke angrily but slowly turn into depression.

Raven grip his right hand at the thought of that scenario and Charmander approach me as he tugs my pant.


"What's wrong?" I ask.

Charmander point behind me and toward the exit to the forest, I look at his hand to find another boy standing in the way and smiling.

[Chapter 4 End]