Chapter 17

So great to be back writing, and thank you for the well wishes in the reviews from the last chapter.

I hope you enjoy Chapter 17, please remember this is a fanfiction, I try my up most to do as much research as possible about certain subjects.

Mwah x

"Bella do you know why mum and dad have to go to see their solicitor today?" Edwards sudden question made her jump, her mind elsewhere in a far off land of magic, she shrugged, Carlisle hadn't volunteered any more information to her anymore than anyone else.

"I hope its not her." he spat pushing himself back and up on the sofa to face her.



"You mean your mum."

Edward shook his head "No I mean Tanya, she isn't my mum, Esme is my mum." he spoke the name Tanya like it gave him a bitter taste in his mouth.

"I thought you were just fostered?"

"Splitting hairs, it's just a word."

"She may have changed?"

Edward sat forward placing his hands on his knees "She will never change, she will never care about anything other than herself." he snapped wrapping his arms around himself.

"She's still your mother, I still love my dad even after what he did." Bella's eyes widened...shit... she sighed realising what she had said.

She heard Edward take a sharp intake of breath.

"What did your dad to you?"

Could she really tell him?

He would find out soon enough and at least it wasn't as bad as James...that she could not tell him; Ever.

Closing the book Bella turned towards Edward and took a deep breath.

"You have to understand my dad had seen things, experienced things no man should"

Edward nodded.

"When he came back from overseas he was different" she took a deep breath.

"My mum and dad had been married for about ten years, I was seven when they got married, They'd been on and off since I was born but finally decided to settle down before he was deployed for the first time"

"The first few times he came back, he was a little quiet at first but soon became my dad again, we went on camping holidays"

Bella could feel her eyes beginning to sting.

"The final time he went away was harder on all of us, we weren't allowed to know where he was and letters were sparse, mum tried to keep my spirits up but I heard her cry at night"

"When he came home that time he was different, he would hold himself up in his room, he very rarely left the house, so mum contacted his doctor and he was diagnosed with PTSD"

"Oh Bella" Edward whispered, Edward knew that label, doctors had thrown it around after his accident.

"Mum tried for three years, she begged him to go to therapy and that's when the drinking started, and the arguments"

"I hid in my room, I was studying for my exams to get into the college I wanted" she sobbed.

"You don't have to tell me anymore if you don't want to" he leant forward placing his hand on her knee.

"I have to, I have never told anyone, everything"

Edward nodded leaving his hand on her knee.

"The week before I started college she left, a note saying sorry she couldn't take it anymore"

"She just left you?"

Bella shrugged and nodded "I think she just saw the opportunity and took it"

"My dad's sister came to help for a while, but his drinking and mood swings became worse, so one day I found another letter on my bed...Sorry, can't take anymore"

"Why didn't she contact the social services?"

"I don't know, I guess while there was someone with him he wasn't their problem"

"I was the carer, seventeen and at college, I kept my head down the best I could doing my college work in the early hours when I knew he wouldn't wake"

"Did he ever touch you?" Edward whispered.

Bella shook her head "No, never...I guess I thought my self lucky he didn't, his anger was physically taken out on walls and tables" she sniffed wiping her face on the back of her hand.

"I didn't mean that way I..."

"NO!...never" she shouted "Sorry, no he was a drunk and he was angry but he wasn't a monster"

"I'm sorry"

Bella shrugged "It's fine"

"I managed to get through two years of college, Professor Clearwater was wonderful, he knew a little of what was going on but never pried, after all I was now eighteen"

Bella took a deep breath, she explained about finding his fathers job advertisement, and how she had convinced Dr Cullen to employ her as his sons carer.

"I had to get out, there would be days he wouldn't allow me to eat and days he would just cry" she sobbed.

"I'm such a horrible person, but I needed to get out"

Edward slid himself from the sofa and wrapped his arm around Bella as she cried into her legs.

"Oh Bella no, you were let down, everyone left you to cope with this, they should have helped you"

Bella cried, she had never really allowed herself to let everything out, once finished she was exhausted, her eyes puffy and sore.

A soft knock came at the door to the summerhouse, Carlisle was stood waiting outside and the sky was dark, how long had they been in there?

Edward nodded and he entered "Dinner is ready" he said with a sad smile.

"If you don't mind could I have mine in my room this evening Dr Cullen?" Bella sniffed.

"Of course Bella"

Edward clicked his tongue "Pfft okay for some" he smiled attempting to lighten the mood.

"Shut it you" Bella shot, poking her tongue out to him.

Carlisle helped his son into his chair and wheeled him back to the house.


"Yeah Bella?"

"Thank you" she smiled, then made her way up to her room.

Dinner was a quiet affair, Alice was already in bed after having a fun filled day at the sitters, Emmett was out with friends so it was just Edward and his parents.

He watched as his father pushed his food round his plate and his mum give him furtive looks.

Edward placed his knife and fork down and pushed his plate away.

His mouth suddenly dry, Edward turned to face his father.

"What did the solicitors want?"

Carlisle rubbed his hands over his face "Its your mum."

"Mum?" his head whipped around looking at Esme, who smiled sadly shaking her head

"Oh that one, why would the solicitors want to talk to you over her."

Carlisle narrowed his eyes, he knew this wasn't going to go well.

"Tanya." he sighed.

Edward growled under his breath "She isn't my mother."

Carlisle nodded he couldn't argue with him, she had never shown she wanted to have anything to do with them.

"What does she want?"

"She wants to come and visit."

"I hope you told her to fu..." his fathers eyes widened "Sorry I hope you said no."

The answer was in his face, he didn't need to say anything.

Edwards hands balled on the armrests of his chair.

"Apparently she has the right." he sighed.

"Rights!" Edward slammed his hands on the chair arms "What rights, she walked out on us remember?"

"Of course I remember" Carlisle snapped "I will remember the day we met you for the rest of my life." he closed his eyes remembering their first meeting.

Carlsile paced the office as their solicitor shouted down the phone.

"They're here now, just grab them and bring them down., I don't care what the paperwork says just pick them up and bring them to my office." he shouted.

Esme looked at him apprehensively Carlisle sat back down beside her taking her hand in his.

"Everything will be fine." he whispered kissing her knuckles.

"Oh Carlisle, I should have intervened sooner, not waited until she actually up and left the poor babies." she sniffed.

"You know what she was like, she wouldn't have let you interfere."

The door opened a little while later and they both looked towards it there stood in the doorway was the social worker she was holding what looked like a pile of blankets, she sighed looking over her shoulder "Come on Edward."

There was a crash of a chair and she rolled her eyes as a skinny boy stomped into the room.

"Edward this is your aunt and uncle who have very nicely decided to take you off our hands."

She moved to take Edwards hand but tensed as he shrugged away.

Carlisle stood and walked towards his nephew holding out his hand "We have a son around your age." he smiled but Edward said nothing.

There was a whimper from the pile of blankets Esme stood and moved closer. She pulled back a corner, underneath was the most beautiful little girl.

Esme sniffed "Who would leave such precious children."

The social worker shrugged holding out the blankets to her, Esme cradled the little girl in her arms.

"Have you any idea where she is?" Esme whispered.

"No she upped and left, the neighbour heard the little one crying otherwise god knows how long they'd have been there." she said matter of factly.

"I'm sorry." Edward apologised. Carlisle stood and sat beside his son "No apology needed.

"What will this do to Alice, she doesn't even remember her?"

Carlisle shrugged "I know, the solicitor suggested we get her a child psychologist."

Edward laughed "You know what she's like with the last one it took almost a year for her to be in the same room as her you know she still has trouble with strangers."

"I know." he sighed. "Please don't talk to me like I don't know my own daughter Edward, I know you're worried and angry too but we have to stand together on this."

"Why?" protested Edward.

"Why what?"

"Why does she get to come into our lives again?"

"She's in rehab." Carlisle rolled his eyes "Has been for a year, apparently."

"So she can just waltz back in as our mother?"

Carlisle shook his head "We would never let her do that, she won't visit as your mum, at first."

"At first?" Edward scoffed "How many times is she coming?"

His father shrugged "To be decided that's one of the victories we had, we said we'll see how Alice reacts."

"Alice, what about me?"

"This isn't about you." he whispered.

"You have to be kidding me?

"I wish I was but our hands are tied, she wants to be part of Alice's life, you are an adult now she has no power over you, she still has parental control of Alice because she won't sign it over to us"

"Does she know she has a crippled son is that it?"

Carlisle grabbed Edwards hands almost pulling him for the chair "Don't . You . Ever think that you aren't wanted." he growled, Edward nodded tears threatening to fall.

"Please will you go and tell Bella I'm tired and I wish to go to my room." he said his voice void of emotion.

"I'll take you." Edward shook his head "I want Bella...please."

Carlisle smiled "You are becoming quite close to her aren't you?" It was a statement not a question.

Edward shrugged not trusting his words.

Bella lay on her bed, she was tired yet felt lighter.

Carlisle knocked on her door and entered "I'm sorry to disturb you Bella but Edward is asking for you"

"Yes of course , sorry"

"It's fine"

She stood and realised she had put her pyjamas on, pulling a hoodie over her head she made her way down with Carlisle to he kitchen.

Edwards eyes grew as he took her in, shorts and a hoodie, her hair in a messy bun this had been the first time he had seen her look so relaxed.

They said their good nights and Bella wheeled him to his room,

"How are you?" he asked as she applied his cream.

"A little better, thank you" she smiled.


Bella went to his bathroom to wash the excess cream from her hands, she found him at his window, the moon lighting his face.

He was so gorgeous, his features were soft yet masculine and that hair…

"Its beautiful tonight, I love the sky here you can see so many stars, in the city there are too many lights" she sat on the window seat next to his chair.



"My family and I have some...rough times ahead" he swallowed.


Edward smiled he liked how she understood that she wasn't his mother., he nodded.

Bella placed a tentative hand on his knee "I'm not going anywhere"

Edward picked Bella's hand up, turning it in his hand before placing it on his cheek, she was soft and warm and smelled of strawberries.

"I'm very glad about that"