AUTHORS ANNOUNCEMENT (This will be deleted when I've heard from you guys which you'd prefer)

. . . Hey, you guys, long time no see . . . so yea I'm still alive and deeply sorry that I've been M.I.A. you guys deserve way better. To any readers I may have left, thank you for sticking around I do not in any way shape or form deserve you!

I'm writing this AN because I wanted to involve you in the next stage of this story, I want you to have a say in my decision of how I'm going to continue because, as I've been trying to get back in the grove of this story and how to proceed, I see two avenues. I'd already started down one of those avenues thinking it would be the best decision, but have decided my readers definitely deserve a say because even though it's what I'd like to do, doesn't mean it's what I should do.

So as I've said in past ANs and in the summary, I wanted this story to be a deep dive into the characters' minds and then once we reached the point of season 8 I was going to continue on with what I want(ed) to happen / what I predict(ed) will happen. I'd hoped to have the story done by S8, had plenty of time to do so and I failed to do so, and for that once again, I sincerely apologize. I make no excuses because I hate when stories I love are suddenly abandoned, I know how that feels, so yea, I just want to do better, for you guys and myself.

But anyway, that's what I'd planned, plan failed and now we're here, almost to ep.4. Luckily what I have planned for my version of S8 is so far WAY different, so that's good at least. I think it might end how I predict but we'll just have to see.

Side Note: I got A LOT of feelings about this season . . . how about you guys, leave a comment and if you want, we can discuss, just let me know that it's okay for me to PM you. Or you can PM me, cause as I said . . . I GOT A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT THIS SEASON LET ME TELL YOU.

ANYWAYS the point of this AN is to go forward with this story after so long I've been toying around with the idea to jump forward a bit and cover as much as I can, and that makes sense to, in one chapter as a flashback. This would mean that a lot of conversations and thoughts that happened North of the Wall won't make an appearance as well as some original thoughts and conversations that I was going to write. This would move us forward quite a bit, not all the way to S8 material, but then what will be its own chapters will only take two-four instead of five-eight-ish.


If you prefer I can continue on as I was and you guys can have most of the content from NOTW as well as some original ideas, that I had for those scenes.

If I were to go with plan A, I promise I'll do my best to cover everything I can, as in-depth as I can, in the flashback. I don't expect everyone to love every idea that runs through my head, and I'm going to write the story, as in the plot, how I want to write it, but if we go that direction, or the other, either way, I want to make sure that I'm writing well, you deserve to have a pleasant reading experience. If I go the flashback route but it doesn't seem well-written PLEASE let me know, and I'll do my best to fix it, I don't want to write it poorly and it feels too jarring. That is the biggest reason I'm asking you guys first instead of just pulling the trigger on it, I really don't want to possibly mess with the flow of the story without consulting you and everyone ends up hating it.

I don't know how long I'm going to keep this up, it will depend on how many responses I get, if a ton of people responds quickly saying the same thing, then I'll know to just proceed in that direction (majority will rule).

So yeah that's pretty much it, let me know what you think, how'd you like me to proceed by leaving a comment or PMing me, we can talk about the future of this story or about the show or whatever you'd like!

Once again thanks for sticking around, I hope you guys have a great day, and can't wait to hear your thoughts!