I sleep restlessly, plagued by disturbing dreams and I'm almost relieved when the morning finally comes. Groggily, I make my way to the bathroom and get ready to start the day. Smoothing out the lapels of my jacket, I head to the dining room, though all I really want is a cup of coffee. Pidge falls into step with me before I've gone more than a few feet. He fidgets as he walks, a sure indication that there's something on his mind. "Spill it, Pidge."

"Everything's a mess, Lance. We don't have Keith. Princess is upset about something. We have a whole castle full of diplomats for the summit meetings. Lotor might still be on Arus somewhere…"

"Yeah, I know, Pidge, I know. But I'm working on it. All of it. Keith took care of setting up the security for the summit meetings before he got hurt and Coran and Allura can continue to run them even without him there to represent Vol...tron… Oh no," I stop and rub my face with one hand. "You don't think they're going to want me to sit through those in his place, do you?"

"Well, somebody's gotta represent Voltron. You're our acting captain so that means you get to do everything he would normally do, right?"

I groan. He's right and I don't think I'm going to be able to talk my way out of this one. Suddenly I doubt that one cup of coffee is going to be enough. Maybe I can convince Nanny to just let me take the whole pot…

I hear quiet voices as I approach Keith's room a little while later. Not wanting to interrupt anything, I peek into the door and am pleasantly surprised to see that Keith is awake. The head of the bed has been raised slightly and he's leaning back against a stack of pillows. He's still pale and he looks exhausted, but he's awake. Doctor Gorma is standing near his bed speaking to him earnestly. With his full attention is on the doctor, Keith nods from time to time.

Deciding to give them some privacy, I turn and start making my way back to the waiting area, but I've only taken a step or two when the doctor joins me in the hallway. "He's awake now, Lance. You can go visit him, but don't get him excited and try to keep him from moving around too much. He needs to take it easy for a little longer so that he doesn't reopen that wound."

"I'll do my best," I promise, nodding.

When I enter the room, Keith's head is leaning against the pillows and his eyes are closed.

"Keith?" I call out quietly, wondering if he's fallen asleep. His eyes open slowly and he turns his head slightly to face me.

"Hi, Lance," he rasps out, a small smile curving his lips.

"How're you feeling?" I ask, taking a seat in the chair that has appeared at his bedside overnight.

"Like I went one on one with a robeast and lost."

I chuckle, glad to see that he still has his sense of humor. "Funny, that's exactly what you look like, too," I retort with a smirk.

His laughter quickly turns into groans and I leap from the chair to his bedside looking for some way to help him. He waves me off, so I stand there helplessly watching as he closes his eyes and clenches his teeth against the pain. After a minute or two, his breathing slows again and his eyes flutter open. "Well, looks like no laughing for me for a while," he offers apologetically with a small smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

I sink back into the chair, the reality of his weakened state penetrating my panic induced fog. Maybe this isn't the best time to try to convince him that he can handle all the paperwork from his hospital bed or to see if he can shed some light on what he said to Allura in the forest.

"Lance? Are you OK? I thought I was the one in need of medical care, but you don't look so good yourself right now."

"Yeah, things just keep hitting me at awkward moments." I study my hands for a moment, twisting my fingers as I search for the words to explain. "Keith?" I begin, wondering if I should ask the questions that are warring in my head. He looks at me, his eyebrows raised questioningly. I meet his gaze momentarily before pushing on, "How do you do it?"

"Do what, Lance?" he asks, his brows furrowed.


"I'm not sure what you're asking me. You're going to have to spell it out a bit more."

"How'd you get us through Sven's injury? How'd you hold it together when it seemed like everything was spinning out of control?"

He doesn't say anything right away, just shrugs and shakes his head slowly. "I'm not really sure, Lance." His eyes go unfocused as he searches his memories. "I guess I just took it one thing at a time and refused to give up. I always believed. Believed in the team. Believed in Voltron. Believed in the cause. I just knew that things would work out somehow."

I nod, letting his words sink in and trying to take strength from them.

"What's going on, Lance? I may be stuck in bed, but maybe I can help."

"It just feels like everything's falling apart and it's all landing on me. We're down a pilot again, there's so much paperwork to be done, the summit meetings are still going on, Allura's having a meltdo-"

"What? What's wrong with Allura?" he interrupts me, suddenly wide eyed and alert.

I exhale heavily and bite my lower lip. "She thinks that you don't love her" I answer reluctantly.

"That's ridiculous. What would give her that idea?"

"Apparently… you."

He just blinks at me, his brows furrowed so deeply that they are practically touching.


I nod and meet his gaze steadily. "She said that right after you collapsed, you told her that you never loved her."

He shakes his head, frowning. "I'd never say that, Lance. You know how I feel about her. Why would I say something like that?"

"I don't know, but she was pretty insistent that you did."

He looks crestfallen, confused, and above all, hurt.

"What did you say or mean to say to her?"

"I don't remember exactly, my memories are still a little fuzzy, but I do remember being afraid that I was dying," he says slowly and I bite back the urge to let him know how close he came to doing just that. "Oh, no," he mutters.

"What, Keith? What did you remember?"

"I thought I was dying and I didn't want to die without letting her how I feel about her. I tried to tell her that I was sorry that I never got the chance to tell her that I love her. Sorry that I never got the chance to show her how much she means to me. She must have misheard me. I need to fix this, Lance. Help me get out of this bed. I need to find her."

"Oh, no you don't! You aren't getting out of that bed until Doctor Gorma gives you the all clear. I'm not helping you pop those stitches so you can bleed out and die after all the work the medical team did yesterday to keep you alive." When he tries to throw the blankets off anyway, I jump up and do my best to restrain him gently.

"Lance, I can't let her keep thinking that I don't love her. I need to find her. I need to tell her how I really feel. I need to tell her that I love her." He's growing frantic and just as I'm about to call for the medical staff to come sedate him, he suddenly sags beneath my hands and goes silent.

Worried that he's hurt himself, or worse, that I've hurt him, I lean back and realize that he's staring at the doorway. Turning, I see Allura standing there, her eyes fixed on him. Neither one of them seems to notice that I'm still here, so I take a step back from the bed and move out of their way.

"Is that true, Keith?"

He nods and swallows. "Of course it is, Allura."

She slowly crosses the room and I make my exit before she reaches his bedside. They seem to have the situation under control, so I cross that problem off my to do list. Before I leave the infirmary, I poke my head into the doctor's office and suggest that he let them have their privacy for a while.

A few hours later, I'm fighting to keep my eyes open as the various planetary officials drone on about peace treaties, trading alliances, and a unified defense against the forces of Doom. I can practically feel Allura buzzing with excitement from her seat beside me. I'm glad that she and Keith have had a chance to clear up the misunderstanding between them. Hopefully they'll be able to find a way to make things work despite all the obstacles that are sure to lie ahead of them.

I sit up with a start when Allura kicks my ankle and I turn to see her smirking at me. "You almost nodded off," she whispers, her mouth partially hidden behind her hand. "We're almost ready to break for lunch, just hold on a little longer, OK, Lance?"

"Sure, but how am I going to get through the rest of the afternoon? Man, I really wish Keith were here instead of me."

She looks at me sympathetically, a small smile pulling up one corner of her mouth. "I know."

And then I realize that she has it worse than I do. Not only does she have to sit through these meetings and try to help broker peace in this galaxy, but that she also has lessons with Coran, training with the team, and probably just as much administrative red tape as Keith does. Suddenly my temporary burden seems a little less burdensome. At least I get to give most of these mind-numbing tasks back to Keith once he recovers, she has no one to hand hers off to and she never gets a break from them.

I'm so busy musing on the unfairness of her situation that I almost miss the call to stop for lunch. We eat as a group, filling the dining room easily. Conversations turn to small talk, the business of alliances and treaties left behind in the conference room. Instead there are discussions of families, children, weather, and more than a few earnest inquiries about Keith's condition. Allura and I promise to pass along well wishes from one delegate after another even as we politely turn down their requests to visit him. It's still early in his recovery and Doctor Gorma has limited his visitors to family, namely the Voltron Force, Nanny, and Coran.

Eventually lunch ends and we begin the afternoon session. It drags on just as badly as the morning meetings, but Allura and I manage to amuse ourselves with side conversations when possible. I'm proud of the fact that she hasn't had to kick me even once before we adjourn for the day. I want to go visit Keith and let him know just how much I'm enjoying acting as his stand in, but I still have reports to finish, so I get Allura's attention as she's about to leave the room. She hangs back and waits for me to reach her, a questioning look on her face.

"What is it, Lance? I was just about to head to the infirmary for a while."

"I know and I hate to keep you from Keith, but I need your help with some paperwork for Galaxy Garrison. I promise it won't take any longer than it absolutely has to."

She laughs softly and nods understandingly. "Alright, let's go," she agrees, grasping my arm and pulling me to the door.

Two hours later, the paperwork is done, including the updates on the summit meetings, and we take them to Coran to be sent off to Earth. I'm finally free for the rest of the evening, but as much as I'd like to go visit my friend and gauge his recovery for myself, I don't want to intrude on his time with the princess. So instead I watch as she practically skips from Castle Control on her way to the infirmary.

Coran stands beside me following her exit with a strange expression on his face. I wait a few minutes so that I am sure she is far enough away not to overhear, then I turn to face the royal advisor.

"Coran, everything OK?"

He nods, but doesn't speak right away and I wonder what's going through his head right now. Just when I'm about to give up and leave, he turns to face me. "It won't be easy, you know."

"What won't?" I ask, wondering if I'd missed part of the conversation somehow.

"Her choice of the Captain as a potential suitor. It's not impossible, similar matches have taken place before, but it's not without challenges."

"Aw, they'll be up for it. Or at least they will be once Keith has a little more time to recover. You know that neither of them ever back down from a challenge."

"I do believe you're right, Lance. I've never seen her exhibit quite this behavior before. She reminds me of her mother when young Alfor courted her." He frowns for a moment, then chuckles softly. "And come to think of it, Keith reminds me of King Alfor from time to time himself."

"Really? How so?"

"He has the same valiant spirit, the same drive, the same code of honor. Like Allura's father, he unhesitatingly puts the welfare of the Arusian people before his own. Of course, all of you do, and have every time you've defended our world."

I nod and stuff my hands into my pockets, not quite sure how to react to this heartfelt admission.

"Anyway, I'm sure you have something else you'd rather be doing than listening to an old man drone on about the royal court of his youth." He turns away from me, resumes his seat, and begins scanning the countryside for anything that might need further investigation.

Knowing I've been dismissed, I leave the room and find myself alone in the long hallway outside Castle Control. I start walking aimlessly, not really having a destination in mind. I can't go to the infirmary without interrupting the lovebirds. It's too early for bed. Thanks to Allura's help, I'm caught up on reports, so there is nothing that urgently needs my attention. After nearly two full days filled with one emergency after another and hardly any time for myself, I'm suddenly at a loss now that I finally do have free time.

Without realizing it, I've wandered out to the gardens. I'm not sure how I got here, or why, but it's quiet and peaceful. Dusk has only recently given way to night and the first stars are just beginning to sparkle in the clear sky. Making my way to a stone bench, I sit and stare up at the heavens. The slab beneath me is still warm from the day's sunshine and I find it soothing. I let my mind drift, the events of the last few days playing out in random order.

I jump when someone calls my name and smile sheepishly when I catch sight of Allura heading towards me. The hem of her dress brushes the path and I can almost hear Nanny chastising her for getting it dirty. She stops long enough to pluck a large pink bloom from a nearby bush before joining me on the bench, the flower held before her nose. "These are my favorite flowers, Lance. Did you know that?"

I shake my head and wonder what's really on her mind.

"Do you know why I like them so much?"

"No, Princess, why?"

"Because they're stronger than they seem. They look so delicate, soft pink petals, light fragrance… But even though they look like the merest breeze will tear them apart, they can withstand even the worst storms that ravage the garden. The stems are strong and sturdy, with thorns to protect them from predators."

"Sounds a lot like a certain princess, soft and pretty to look at, but one of the fiercest fighters I know."

She blushes slightly in the pale moonlight and continues to study the bloom she holds. "But that's not all I love about them. I love them because my father planted these bushes for my mother. He used to say that if he brought her flowers, they would wither and die, a short lived token of his affection, but if he gave her a flowering plant, she would always have flowers, that as each bud bloomed and then died, it would be replaced in a never-ending cycle."

"That's pretty deep, Princess, like the love of a family, always constant, yet always changing."

She nods once, inhales deeply of the flower's scent. "Exactly. But there's still more. Do you know where he got these plants for her?"

I have my suspicions, but I shake my head, allowing her to talk about whatever's on her mind.

"He had them imported from Earth." She twirls the stem between her fingers, the petals a pale pink blur in the air. "And I love them because of all those things. Just like I love all of you for those same reasons."

I raise an eyebrow and smirk. "You love us because we're pink and from Earth?"

"No, silly. I love you because you all have a strength of spirit, an ability to handle more than you think you can, yet a gentleness that shows in the love that you have for each other. You four are a family and since you've been imported to Arus, you've all become my family and I love you all." She smiles softly at me, then raises her eyes to search the stars. "I know the last couple of days have been hard on you, Lance. I know you're struggling with the added duties, and I just wanted to remind you that you're stronger than you think, more diplomatic than you think, well at least when you want to be, and above all, more capable of handling everything than you think. And we're all here to help you bear the burden of Keith's responsibilities until he's healed enough to take them back."

I can feel the heat of a blush warming my cheeks now and I look away for a moment to regain my composure. "Thank you, Princess. That means a lot to hear."

"Well, I meant every word of it, and I know Keith's proud of the job you've done so far too. He was dozing when I left, but I know he'll sleep better if you go see him and give him a quick update."

I nod, "I will, I was planning to, but I figured he'd be asleep by now."

"I think he's trying to wait up for you. Don't make him wait too long though, he needs to rest."

"I won't," I promise quietly.

She smiles then leans over and kisses me on the cheek, her lips setting my skin on fire. And then she's gone, a pink blur disappearing into the night. I pick up the flower she left on the bench beside me and inhale its aroma deeply. I can't help but laugh, it smells like her. Or does she smell like it? Does it even matter? And then, flower in hand, I follow the path back to the castle. For the first time since her distress call came in to Castle Control, I finally feel like things will be alright again and I look forward to a good night's sleep after I check in on Keith.