We open to a class like setting as walking into the room was a chibi version of Twilight a professor get up going on as Starlight sat in the front row with a floating pokedex by her side.

"Hello. This is my first time doing this, but I saw Sunset doing something similar so I thought...may as well, right?" Twilight said. "I'm Twilight Sparkle. That student is Starlight Glimmer and beside me is the Rotomdex.

"That's right. Here with all the info you need for class." Rotomdex said.

"Now, i was inspired by Sunset's Yokai Classes to do this. She even let me borrow the Classroom Pocket. Its a time share thing." Twilight said.

"This is exiting. Ive never really got into studying pokemon that well." Starlight said.

"Well, youre about to get one major crash course. Like Sunset, i'll be laying out the details of one random pokemon a day. And here is today's." Twilight said as walking in was a small dinosaur with a steel plate like shield face.

"Allow me to describe this one!" Rotomdex said. "Bzzt! Shieldon, the Shield Pokemon. A Rock and Steel type. Many fossils of this Pokémon have been found, but almost none have shown signs of damage to the face."

"Shieldon is one of the two ancient pokemon you can find in the Sinnoh Region, the other being Cranidos. Like all ancient pokemon, you need a specific fossil to revive it and add it to your team." Twilight said. "In the case of Shieldon, you need a Shield Fossil. Take it to the Rustboro City museum to revive it to a healthy Shieldon." Twilight said.

"Shieldon has an ability called Sturdy, which prevents 1 hit KO's." Rotomdex said. "In Habitat, it lives in the Jurassic Jungle, a place where creatures of the past can call home."

"So basically, this little guy is all about defense." Starlight said.

"Well it is a Steel and Rock type. It kind of has to be." Twilight said.

"It evolves into Bastiodon at Level 30. Lower than normal prehistoric Pokemon." Rotomdex said.

"So I guess the true measures of Sheldon's power lies in its defense and how to take a hit." Starlight said.

"Exactly. Well that's all the time for today. Be sure to look for both Sunset's and my lessons daily." Twilight said. "See ya next time!"