Hello every body and I excuse myself that after all these months I update this story just for a question. I cannot say sorry enough times but as you all now study medicine its not a joke. I had not even time to sleep some of the days let alone to write my story. But I passed everything and I came back. These summer I will write as much I can I PROMISE.

Important…. I want to introduce a new character that will not only be for fights but to be introduce permanently but I don't want you to hate it so tell me what you think about. I want to introduce for the next episode Msyu. Its not an imaginary character but a female protagonist from the anime THE POWER AND THE MONEY OF THE POSSIBILITY CONTROL, which by the way I love, I recommend you to see. She is second favorite character after Momo on the anime world and I would like her to introduce her. I hope you don't hate it but before I begin write the next episode I would like your opinion.

Could I introduce her or not… Sorry again to be just this but I will try much more these summer now that I will be free.