I want to apologize in advance for spelling and grammar errors. This story kept me up until after three in the morning. So again, I'm going to apologize in advance since I've only gotten three hours of sleep beforehand. And no, incest is also in the old testaments of the biblical stories as well, so I don't want to hear anything along the lines of incest being wrong. This story is rated for alcohol use, drug use, lemons, self-harm, attempted suicide and a few other odds and ends that I might be forgetting. Enjoy the first chapter.

Lincoln Loud smiled as he walked through the entrance of the arcade. He looked around and smirked when he spotted Ronnie Anne sitting at an empty booth. He walked up to her and sat across from her. Ronnie Anne looked up in surprise and Lincoln smirked, "Well don't look so surprise Ronnie Anne. I thought you were…" Ronne Anne stood up and Lincoln arched a brow, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah…I just need to use the restroom," she moved away from the booth and rushed towards the bathroom and Lincoln looked on in confusion.

Lincoln looked around before feeling someone tap him on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Ronnie Anne standing behind him with a frown on her face, "Uh…is everything okay Ronnie Anne?"

"No…I'm not feeling well," she sighed and shook, "I'm uh…I'm going to go home and…"

"Well I'll walk you," Ronnie Anne sighed and Lincoln stood up, "It wouldn't be right if I allowed you to walk home on your own while you're sick."

"Right…we better go," they turned and walked out of the arcade in silence.

The two soon stood outside of the Santiago house and Ronnie Anne gave a slight smile, "Well I'll see you around lame-o," without waiting for a reply, she turned and ran into the house, closing the door behind her. Lincoln sighed and shook his head before walking down the street.

Turning the corner, he stood in front of his five older sisters. The six siblings stood in silence and Lincoln arched a brow, "What?"

"What are you doing?" Lori asked and Lincoln looked at her in confusion, "Why aren't you angry?"

"Um…because people get sick all the time and Ronnie Anne isn't…"

"Isn't sick, we know," Luan crossed her arms and Lincoln looked at her and frowned. Luan sighed and shook her head, "Linc…don't you find it a little suspicious that Ronnie Anne got sick right as you walked into the arcade?" Lincoln shrugged his shoulders and Luan shook her head, "Look around the corner," confused, Lincoln did as he was told.

His eyes widened when he spotted Ronnie Anne and their fellow student Chandler sitting on the front step of the Santiago house, Ronnie Anne in Chandler's arms. The five sisters walked up to their brother and Lynn rubbed his back, "We're sorry you had to find out this way, but…"

"It's cool," they stared at their only brother in shock and confusion and Lincoln sighed as he shook his head, "It's cool. I'm not going to hold a grudge. I'm just going to go home, read some comics in my undies and who knows…maybe I'll go for a walk…get my homework started…whatever, right?" the five sisters frowned and Lincoln chuckled, "I mean so what? I'm not going to die because of this and…"

"Lincoln…we like…we're all worried," Leni frowned and Lincoln arched, "Ronnie Anne like, cheated on you and…"

"And I'll live," Lincoln assured and his sisters looked at him with concern looks crossing their faces, "I mean…yeah, I'm a little pissed that this happened and she couldn't be truthful…I mean I could've handled it just fine, but I'll live," he walked past his sisters and they looked down the street.

Luna sighed and shook her head, "I guess I'll be the first one to watch him." The four looked at her and Luna frowned, "We have to put the dude on suicide watch. He's obviously in denial and he might do something rash,"

"Alright," Lori took a deep breath and shook her head, "We'll take turns watching him. And no matter what, this stays between us unless Lincoln what's the others to know," the others nodded before walking down the street.

Okay, I want to apologize for the short first chapter, but like I this kept me up most of the night and I only got like three hours of sleep. This is going to be focused on Lincoln and his five older sisters and like I said in the beginning, this is rated for multiple reasons. Please enjoy the first chapter everyone and please let me know what everyone thinks.