I'm not doing questions since itb has been a long time.
However, there was one question or rather statement that I have to reply "what the hell are you thinking about?"
Question from a guest I think: They are not Spartans, they are not serious enough. (I don't know if I got it right)
Answer: these are Spartan 4's they are not Spartan 2's or 3's, they are just normal soldiers that was drafted into the program.
The beginning is just for a little fun. Also excuse the profanities.
I'm truly ain't a GATE nor Halo fan if you hadn't known already. I'm more on the Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, and other anime side.
I wonder if my Imouto-chan is reading this.
Merry Christmas. May God bless you.
Chapter 4
A lone marine took cover as hot bolts of plasma hit his previous position. Switching from his battle rifle to his magnum he fired a precise head shot on his attacker, a single grunt. However, he had to quickly switch cover as a squad of grunts and a single elite focused fire on him.
The marine was silent and didn't say a word as a warthog passed by and killed the squad. Actually he didn't move for a while.
"Move it soldier!" Yelled a sargent in the frontline. "Move it! Move it!"
The lone marine started to move weirdly, going back and forth or shooting randomly.
"Damn it! It isn't your turn god damn it!" Yelled a man.
"It's been 20 minutes! It's my fucking turn!" Retorted a man across the other man.
They were in a tent, in front of a console playing a new game called, 'The Great War.'
Another man walked in and barked, "Stop fucking with each other like children and get your gear fucking ready!" Both men froze and turned to the man.
"Sorry sarg!" They both saluted in unison.
"I said get your fucking gear ready, privates!" The sargent barked once more. Both privates didn't flinch this time and jogged out of the tent and headed for the armory.
As the 'newbies' went out of hearing range the sargent took a look at the expensive console and cheap TV. "This must be the new game..." He trailed off before spitting on it. "God damned newbies slacking off on a shitty rip-off."
The sargent swiveled around and stepped out of the tent and headed to the temporary command base.
A Sangheili pilot passed by the sargent and headed for the hanger, stopping in front of his banshee. His banshee had a silvery scheme with a skull on it's hud.
"I're! Are you ready to reap the skulls of those defiled human heretics?" A member of his squad asked.
"Yes my brother! We shall reap those heretics to join the prophets in the afterlife!" The Sangheili roared in approval.
"Move your beautiful tall asses in your banshee and head to the rendezvous point!" Yelled their human commander. "The support have picked up package one, yet you guys are still here! Get your asses moving!"
Italica's Southern Gate
GATE System
achlan watched as Rory Mercury, the Apostle of Emroy, started moan and groan like something was up her ass. "You okay?" He asked with a hesitant tone.
"I'm f-fine!" She stuttered before moaning, "an... Ahhh!"
Norvyn looked very unimpressed while Cyneley looked very weirded out and decided to turn around and head to the east gate. Norvyn decided to join Cyneley and together they ran to the east gate. Lelei decided to insert herself in between Rory's moans, "she's reacting from all the souls going through her to Emroy."
"What ya mean?" Asked Itami.
"She's an apostle so she is a... conductor for souls so they may transfer to Emroy," Lelei blandly stated as Rory swiped the sandbags with her ax. "She's not in the battlefield so it's not too severe, but if she was in the battlefield she would kill everyone or everything that considers her an 'enemy.'"
Rory continued to moan and Lachlan really wondered why was his team assigned to this mission. "Tanvir where are you?" He asked.
He overheard a JSDF soldier whispering to another, "Shit I'm getting hard."
The guy replied, "Yeah me too."
Lachlan shook his head and his comm buzzed into life, "I'm in the forest about 100 meters from the nearest bandit on the east gate."
"I thought you caught a ride with the air forces?" Lachlan asked.
"Negative, you need support until air support is available and ready," Tanvir shot back.
"Good. Anyways I need you to take out the most troublesome bandit you can find, like a commander."
"Want me to take out their leader or mage?" Tanvir asked.
"Mage? Description."
Tanvir was quiet for a moment before responding, "A long green haired female, you want bust size, sir?"
"No," Lachlan said flatly. "Keep the mage alive no matter what, I don't care if you have to kill friendlies, ONI wants a sample of this 'magic' for study. Though do take out the commander when the attack starts."
"Roger that."
"Cyneley and Norvyn you heard that?" He asked.
"Got it."
Lachlan took a quick look at Rory before running towards the East gate at top speed of 43 MPH.
As Lachlan took off Kurata noticed how fast the heavily armored man was running. "Sir... how fast is he going?" The Japanese Otaku asked the other Otaku.
"45 or 46 MPH... how is he going that fast?" Itami questioned as well. He sighed, "Kurbyashi."
"Take care of Rory. You two," Itami said pointing at Rory and Kurbyashi, "and 2nd lieutenant will come with me. We'll go to the east gate."
Kurbyashi shook Rory and said, "Let's go Rory!"
"Hold on just a bit more..." Rory moaned, getting nosebleed from one of the few guards below. She suddenly gripped Kurbyashi's uniform before jumping down and headed to the east gate.
Cyneley couldn't help but marvel at Norvyn's amazing swordsmanship and hand-to-hand prowess. Norvyn could've been a hero straight from a fairy tale.
However he, Cyneley, wasn't very versed in swordsmanship, sure he seen some epic kung fu movies where they brandished those Chinese swords like a god, but he never tried to use swords before. Knives he can use but that was a requirement to even join the UNSC.
He saw Norvyn spin a 180 to dodge a spear and stab the attacker with a precision strike from the long sword. He was quickly distracted when a spear came flying out of nowhere, which he caught and threw back at the thrower. He huffed a bit.
Then his motion detector detected a enemy right behind him, he couldn't make it in time. As he thought this however the bandit head was sliced clean off by a longsword. He knew who it was, Lachlan, so he blocked a strike that was aimed for his savior's back and stood back to back with him.
"What's the plan?" He asked.
"Go straight for the female magician and capture her alive," Lachlan replied over the comms, while repelling a strike and slashing the bandit.
With that Cyneley and Lachlan ran towards the gate, while slashing and killing all the bandits around them. "Tanvir location!" Lachlan shouted with frustration into the comm.
"600 meters to out of the gate. She seems to be using some kind of magic to repel the arrows from the attackers," Tanvir replied as a crack was has heard on his side, "I have cleared all the bandits surrounding her, so she is clear for capture."
"Roger that, Norvyn. You and Cyneley head to the magician and secure her, I'm going to take care of this mess," Lachlan ordered while stabbing a enemy in the thigh, making him scream in pain. The team leader of the spartan recon team made quick work before continuing his slaughter.
"Makes me feel like I'm in one of those Insurrection stories father used to tell me..." Lachlan mummered. "Though this is rather miniscule compared to their smart and clever moves," he added while cutting down another one.
Norvyn was truly stunning with the sword. Combined with the suit's exoskeleton and his augmented strength you might consider Norvyn a demi god of the sword.
They reached the green haired female magician in no time, all the while Norvyn going bloodthirsty and cutting down any and all bandits that even crossed paths with him. The mage was cowering in fear as they faced her all the while spitting at them, "Go ahead do your worst!"
"Target is secured," Cyneley stated over the comms. Before anyone could reply a overpowering loud music started to play from the east. He was no musical expert but he knew that was the "Ride of the Valkeries," a song that was sometimes played as battle music in the twenty-first century by the American troops and other armies.
Norvyn seemed to notice as well as he said over the comms, "That's fucking Ride of the Valkeries."
"Language," Tanvir scolded over the comms, earning a grunt from Norvyn and chuckles from Cyneley and Lachlan. Another crack was heard as the team sniper shot another bandit in the face, making the brains burst out in a beautiful gory scene.
Then the JSDF helicopters became visible at the horizon. "Damn they're beautiful ain't it," Cyneley commented as the attack helicopters approached and were getting within range.
"Yeah, sad that the UNSC don't use those types of helicopters anymore," Tanvir replied.
"So the JSDF are here?" Lachlan asked over the comms, a bit out of breath.
"Affirmative, they're charging up their weapons, attack helicopters are going in first."
"Cyneley and Norvyn head back to Italica with the magician! Tanvir call off the reinforcements!" Lachlan ordered as he continued to fight the bandits.
"Copy that."
Cyneley hefted their prisoner and dragged her to her feet. "Let's move," he stated as he nodded at Norvyn. Them all hell went loose as the JSDF's guns let loose their ammo. The magician ceased to resist as she saw her comrades getting slaughtered by the 'Iron Pegasus.'
He then threw her over his shoulder, where she snapped back into reality and started to struggle against her kidnappers. The duo then ran at their max speed of about 44 MPH.
The JSDF noticed their unusual presence and decided that they were a threat. Two guns were firing in their direction, however, only a miniscule amount hit them, earning a raised eyebrow from the soldiers. They didn't give up, however, as they continued to pour all their firepower, even rockets, upon them.
As the bandits ran towards the gate, breaking formation, they were slaughtered by the guns of the JSDF. Piles of bodies on the wall started to form as people fell from the siege ladders. The Spartans, however, dodged the gunfire thanks to their advanced motion detectors and reflexes, only some hit their shields. The magician was completely unharmed, as were they, when they reached Italica.
Pina was in utter disbelief in the display in power of the enemy of Alnus or the green men. The Iron Pegasus seemed to carry men inside of them, men for crying out loud! A Iron Pegasus flew over her and she couldn't help but gape in awe at the beast.
In her mind a voice, her voice, said:
"What are those things? Blowing everything away. An overwhelming force that cannot be opposed. An ominous and brutal force. Stripping away your honor and pride. This is..."
Pina felt tears rolling down her cheeks.
"The sneer of the Valkeries."
A picture of Valkeries that she heard from legends popped into her mind and the Iron Pegasus of the JSDF, side by side.
Lachlan took a glance at Rory as she continued to decimate her opponents. He decided to up his game and started to go on the offensive. For every bandit he killed, however, the Apostle of Emroy killed 3 more.
She looked like she was enjoying herself as well.
Then a JSDF soldier - Kurbyashi if he remembered right - came charging in and started to decimate her fair share of bandits. Itami and the other soldier beside him supported them with marine accuracy, though Itami was on the edge of ODST and marine accuracy.
Then George jumped into his comm connection. "This is GRG-54. I need you to confirm the request of air force stand down. Do you confirm?"
"I, Lieutenant Lachlan confirm the order," Lachlan replied with a grunt as he blocked another strike from a bandit, but before he could strike the bandit down a hail of bullets hit the bandit square in the head.
"Very well, sending the order now." With that George signed out from the connection.
Lachlan sent a glance at Itami to see him have a frustrated facial expression as he tapped his comm before stopping, seemingly it fixed itself. The spartan realised that maybe, just maybe that Itami's radio picked up on George's signal. He was cut off from his thoughts as the sound of rotating air reached his ears. It was an attack helicopter.
He took a glance at Rory and Kurbyashi to find them being carried back to the barricade. His eyes widened as he connected the dots but when he took a step to start running the gunfire started.
Rory's eyes widened as he saw from the corner of her eye the man named, Lachlan Spartan, get fired upon by the flying machine. She looked away but when the next wave of souls passed through her, she could not sense Lachlan's soul pass.
When the barrage ceased, she scanned the battlefield to reveal Lachlan coming out of the smoke, unharmed.
"How the hell..." Itami trailed off.
Then his two 'brothers,' Norvyn and Cyneley, appeared with what appeared to be a spriggan on Norvyn's shoulder. The spriggan was struggling against his grip and even tried to cast magic but Cyneley chopped her head that knocked her out cold.
Lachlan nodded to his 'brothers' before putting a finger on the side of his helmet. At this point Itami approached them to question Lachlan and his 'brothers.'
Itami couldn't believe it, a 'native' actually survived a direct barrage of bullets from an Apache's machine gun! A fucking machine gun! The man shrugged it off like nothing, as far as he could see there were no scratches or dents.
Maybe he dodged it? Impossible.
Maybe Kurata was right and they are really spartans from halo, that would mean that they have shielding. That's unlikely but not impossible.
"Uh... hello?" He asked nervously.
Lachlan's faceless helmet faced him. "What you need?" The spartan asked in fluent Japanese, surprising Itami.
"You can speak Japanese?"
Lachlan seemed shocked as he started to bang his helmet but when he spoke it was a language he did not know, German most likely. The spartan seemed frustrated now as he continued to hit his helmet until he started to speak Falmartian, "I'm sorry but could you keep quiet about what just happened?"
"Uuhh.. ok?" Itami finally said in disbelief. This just all but confirm that these brothers are from Halo or a place similar to it. He honestly never developed a love for Halo so he didn't know much but he did play the first two games.
Meanwhile reinforcements arrived via helicopters. They quickly started to spread out and secure the area and prisoners.
Itami sighed before heading back to avoid more confusing dialogue. He never saw them for the rest of the week.
Cairo Station
Near Earth
Sol System
ood grimaced the Banished have gone silent, too silent. It has been 2 days since their last attack and add to his fears slip-space anomalies are being reported all over the galaxy.
"Pyramid. Get me in touch with Captain Lasky," Hood ordered. Thee was a "Yes sir" before Lasky came up, although a bit shaky.
"Lord Hood," Lasky saluted.
"At ease. Let's cut to the chase how far are you from the GATE system?" Hood asked.
Lasky checked his TACPAD and stated, "1 month and 4 days, sir."
"Have there been any slip-space anomalies?"
"Minor. Only some turbulence and a few armor platings getting scratched but nothing major, sir," Lasky replied, the voice becoming a bit static. "Sir you'**** breaki****."
(* = static in speech in my story from now on)
"Pyramid what's happening?" Hood asked.
"Sir it would seem they're out of our communication range," Pyramid replied easily.
"Tsk. I swear I'm going senile again," Hood scoffed. "Get me contact with Admiral Robert."
"Bringing up now." A picture of Roberts appeared cleanly.
"I need you to start creating fighters or anything that can fight in space in the GATE System ASAP," Hood ordered, not even bothering to address him.
"Now sir? We scheduled that until next week, if we do that it would ruin our steady supplies of the aircraft and vehicle parts," Robert stated.
Hood sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before facing Robert again. "Have you been keeping up with the latest news from HIGHCOM?" He asked.
"Yes sir."
"Then you should now about the Banished and it's movements, am I correct?"
"Good. I'm ordering the immediate movement of fighters because the Banished have vanished, however, slip-space anomalies have been reported throughout the galaxy signifying a large single movement of objects in slip-space." Robert's eyes widened in realisation. "However the hotspot for slipslip-space anomalies are on the east edge of the galaxy where it so happens to be the direction of the newly discovered universe."
"Should I send an order for stationary MAC guns as well? Maybe request some grounded plasma beam projectors as well."
Hood nodded. "That is all." With that the connection cuts.
Christmas Omake
(Warning this is not how they really act)
Foward Base
GATE System
A festival was going on as most of the SA troops watched as the UNSC troops gave gifts to each other.
John sat in the spartan barracks in his room staring at the beer in his hand. "Damn it," he growled as he threw the bottle in the trash. He was angry because he went as low as to try to get himself drunk to remember the good times.
The legendary spartan didn't hear the door open until he heard the door closing. He checked to see who it was and was surprised to see Fred, Kelly, and Linda standing there without their helmets and frowning. "We came all the way from Reach to see you trying to make yourself drunk?" Fred asked, "you do know you can't get drunk, right?"
John nodded slowly. Due to their improved body their body could not get drunk with any alcohol.
"Come on. Let's celebrate!" Linda exclaimed, effectively breaking the dark demeanor.
Omake and Chapter 5 End