Once Upon a time, there was a time when Rumplestiltskin was not The Dark One, just simple a man, who became one desperate soul to save his children from fighting within The Ogre Wars. Rumplestiltskin, Baelfire, and Blossom lived in a small hovel, where Rumple would spin straw, and Baelfire would play with the other children with his twin sister Blossom, sometimes Blossom would cook dinner or sit with her father as he sat at the wheel.

Like now, Blossom stood behind her father as he spun at the spinning wheel. She was humming softly, the tune was light and airy and sounded as though it should becoming from a princess. "I heard there was a tale of someone who could spin straw into gold." Blossom said softly with a chuckle, her head tilting as she watched her father release a chuckle and look up at her.

"Wouldn't that be-" He stopped mid-sentence when Baelfire came running inside with a scared look his eyes wet and weepy. "Bae?"

"They're taking Lorain!" Baelfire said, and Blossom felt her heart fall. She shook her head and she picked up the skirt of her rag like dress. Rumplestiltskin and Baelfire were hot on her heels, following quickly, Rumplestiltskin holding his walking stick closely as it was a crutch for his crippled foot.

Lorain was being dragged off towards the Duke and his guards, the parents of the girl sobbing and begging for her release. Blossom let out a sob stopping by the scene, she looked back at her papa, looking as he stopped by her and wrapped an arm over her shoulders. Lorain had only just turned thirteen. Which meant they lowered the age for battle.

"They lowered the age," Baelfire said to Rumplestiltskin and his response was to pull both of his children into him. Their fourteenth birthday was in three days time. They would be taken too.

"No! You can't take her!" Lorain's mother yelled pulling a knife out, but before she could make an attack, an invisible like aura surrounded the mother and father of the girl being sent to war. Blossom gasped looked over and the field away from the small village, a man sat on a horse a hood over his head and his hand out. Blossom looked back to see the parents choking on nothing and falling to their knees. Blossom felt her eyes water and she looked back at Rumplestiltskin fear clawing at her very soul.

"The Dark One seems to think I can." The Duke said as he started riding off with Lorain.

"Papa, they'll come for Blossom and I in these days, our birthday is in three days…" Baelfire said and Blossom released a sob looking at Rumpelstiltskin in a fearful manner.

"Papa, I am scared." Blossom said and Rumpelstiltskin pulled her close to him and he too held a fearful look in his eyes he shook his head.

"We'll find a way." Rumplestiltskin whispered and nodded, "We'll find a way," He repeated.

Autumn walked into Gold's shop alongside Emma, Autumn looked around in a curious manner. From her talks with Archie, she decided it was her best bet to try and act civil with her father. Even if at the very moment she felt like throwing a hot tea kettle at him. Archie said that was just her pent up rage from years of harboring so much anger, and that it was best to talk her rage out and not act on it.

"Mr. Gold?" Autumn called out softly, and Emma looked at her before she started walking towards the back where she heard muttering. Autumn released a sigh, she walked along side her and when they reached the back Her and Emma were met with a heavy aroma of lanolin. Autumn took a deep breath as she was hit with some memories of growing up in a small hovel. She shook her head. Autumn looked at Gold with a curious look looking over the small project he was working on.

Autumn pursed her lips, she didn't know what he was up to, and she wasn't sure she wanted to find out.

"Woah woah woah," Emma said covering her nose, "What is that?" She asked

"Lanolin." Autumn and Mr. Gold said at the same time, and they looked at each other. Gold offered a small smile and Autumn nodded her head back sticking her hands in the pockets of her paint splattered overalls. Emma offered a weirded out look.

"Well, it smells like livestock." Emma commented and Autumn smirked some and looked to mr. Gold.

"Well, We use to live on a farm, lanolin is the reason sheep's wool repels water." Autumn commented and Gold smiled standing up and setting the paintbrush down that was covered in lanolin.

"You remembered." He commented, and then grinned, "You seem more civil today," He said beginning to walk out of the back of his shop to the entrance, using his cane as a crutch as he walked to the front.

"Well," Autumn started and looked at Emma who gestured for her to go ahead with another weirded out look. "I'm seeing someone about my unresolved 'daddy issues'," Autumn said and stepped into the front of the shop and Gold now stood behind his desk, standing in front of a box and he looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"You're seeing a therapist? Because of me?" Gold asked with a bewildered look, and Autumn widened her eyes taking her hands out of her pockets and holding her hands up.

"I wouldn't call Archie that," Autumn said in a panic and looked to Emma who hopped in suddenly.

"You called us in?" Emma asked, "Is it important?" Emma asked, and Autumn released a sigh of relief crossing her arms. Mr. Gold looked down and released a soft sigh.

"I really just wanted to express my condolences." Mr. Gold said to them, and Autumn frowned, "The Sheriff was a good man." Mr. Gold said and Autumn gave a slow nod. Then she looked up as Gold said something, and she swore it had ulterior motives written all over it. "I see you're both still wearing deputy badges." He said.

Emma's eyebrows knitted together, the hurt was evident in her eyes and Autumn looked at her, laying a hand on her forearm. She took a deep breath to keep herself from snapping at Gold. She could practically hear Archie in her head saying, 'Hear him out first, don't jump to conclusions. Maybe, he actually wants to help you.' Autumn smiled some at the voice and looked to Gold her own hurt in her eyes.

"I don't think either of us are ready," Autumn said softly, and Gold offered a smile.

"Well, it's been two weeks, and I've seen you both taking up the part as Sheriff," Mr. Gold stated. Autumn paused her eyebrows knitting together. Had it really already been two weeks? Henry hadn't talked to Emma or her in that time, and Autumn and Archie had only spoken of it a handful of times. She crossed her arms and tilted her head. "After two weeks the promotion is automatic." He continued and look down at her and Emma's badge. Autumn tilted her head.

"I don't want it." Autumn said suddenly and looked to Emma. Autumn was scared of power, maybe that was another thing she needed to talk to Archie about. Mr. Gold looked at Emma with a smile. Emma looked at Autumn with pursed lips and then back at Gold.

"Well, I'm not in a hurry." Emma said and started walking to the door of the shop, Autumn following behind her. "Thank you for the kind words." Emma called out.

"I have his things." Mr. Gold suddenly said, stopping Emma from leaving, She turned around and Autumn turned as well crossing her arms.

'Accusations will not help the situation with your father,' Archie's voice rang through Autumn's head and she scolded it mentally. Instead of going with her gut intuition and instinct and asking what he wanted in return, she crossed her arms. "You're just giving it to us?" She asked, and Gold smiled and nodded.

"He rented an apartment from me. I thought you may want keepsakes." Gold said and looked at Emma. Autumn looked back at Emma and gave a thoughtful look. Maybe, just maybe her father had changed. Maybe she had been hostile for no reason before?

"I don't want anything," Emma said, and Autumn nodded, she didn't want anything either. The girls turned again in hopes of actually heading out.

"I guess I'll just give it to the Mayor." Mr. Gold said, Emma and Autumn spun around and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Can I take the whole box?" Autumn said, and Gold smirked faintly looking up, and gesturing to the box. Autumn was spiteful, she knew that. She did things to the people she hated to make them pay for her hating them. She believed Regina killed Graham and she wanted Regina to pay for it. Autumn started walking over and she looked at Gold.

"Before my daughter does take the belongings to spite Regina, you should take these for your boy." Mr. Gold said taking the walkie talkies out, he looked at Emma with a small pleasant smile. Emma shook her head.

"I can't.." Emma said and Mr. Gold looked at her pleadingly, his eyes cast to Autumn before looking at Emma again.

"Please, they grow up so fast." he said and Emma gave a thoughtful look before walking over and taking the walkies with a small smile.

"Thanks." She said as she began leaving Autumn hoisted the box into her arms looking at the small trinkets.

"Enjoy your time with your child," Gold called out, Autumn turned and tilted her head, a small sad smile on her face. "Your time together is precious." Gold said, and Emma looked back at Gold, her eyes cast towards Autumn a moment, before back to Gold. "That's the thing about children, before you know it," He stopped and looked off then looked at Autumn's back. "You lose them," He said.

Autumn started walking towards the door and then looked back at Gold, and then Emma. "It's a shame how you can have it all, and then give it up," Autumn said with a shrug. She was shaking slightly. She didn't know if it was anger, or if it was because she was trying not to cry. Emma looked at Autumn and sighed holding the walkie talkies to her chest and nodding in thanks to Gold before walking out holding the door for Autumn who stepped out quickly.

Autumn had said her goodbyes to Emma, looking inside the box as she started walking across the street towards Archie Hopper's office. As She reached the door, she gasped as Marco opened the door and released a chuckle.

"Sorry, allow me!" Marco said with a bright smile and took the box from Autumn who grinned in a pleasant way and wiggled her fingers to release the built up tension from carrying the heavy box. "This is all Graham's stuff." Marco said suddenly as he looked inside the box noticing some belongings he saw Graham with once or twice in his life.

Autumn chuckled stepping into the waiting room of Archie's office. "Well, I didn't steal it, Mr. Gold had it, and he was gonna-"

"Give it to Regina?" Marco asked and laughed, "I would have taken it all too." He said walking back inside the office and setting it at the desk. "You and my friend Archie, you're getting close, no?" Marco asked and Autumn choked on air as she sat in the waiting room slumping down in the chair she crossed her arms over her chest, slowly pulling out a bag of gummy worms from her bib of her overalls pocket taking one out and then putting the bag back.

"I guess, I mean; he's my therapist," Autumn said and blinked at how bad that sounded, "Though, I think he's more of a friend then a therapist." Autumn laughed to herself, looking up at Marco and moving her bangs from her face. The look on Marco's face looked as though he believed otherwise.

"Autumn?" Archie's voice called out, and Autumn looked over at the door which his top half peeked out from. She offered a smile, and looked to Marco. Marco smiled some offering a wink before heading out the door, Autumn blushed some and shook her head, standing up and looking down at her pink converses, and pulling on the sleeves of her striped sweater. She only realized now how childishly she was dressed.

"Hey, Archie," Autumn started looking up and tilting her head, Archie jumped slightly as his dog Pongo raced past him and then he gasped as Pongo jumped on Autumn and she released a yelp before falling back. Autumn released giggles as she started petting the dog on her. "Hello, Pongo." Autumn said in a voice one would use when talking to babies.

"He must really like you," Archie said walking over and pulling Pongo off her, "He's never done that to anyone before." he said and offered a hand with a small bashful smile, his cheeks dusted over with a little shade of pink.

Autumn laughed gently and took his hand using it to help pull her up before she took her hand back and then stuffed them in her pockets. "I wanted to know, if you wanted to stop at the police station to drop off this box, and then go to Grannie's for lunch?" She asked with a smile. Archie gave her a pleasant smile, before it turned into a small frown.

"I have a meeting within the hour, which I wanted to talk to you or Emma about," Archie said, and Autumn gave a confused face before nodding. "Henry wants to quit Operation Cobra, because he believes Regina killed Graham." He said, and Autumn nodded making an 'ooooh', sound.

"Well, I guess it's our job to make sure he doesn't quit Operation Cobra," Autumn mumbled, Archie furrowed his brow and Autumn laughed some, "I know that's not what you meant, but the kid needs hope and this is his hope," She said and then Archie smiled. He smiled because it wasn't often the people of StoryBrooke listened to what he said and went along with it. Autumn, Emma, and Henry listened to him.

"We're on the same page there." He said with a grin, and then he smiled more, "Since we can't go to lunch, how about dinner? Tonight, at my place?" Archie asked and Autumn smiled brightly and nodded. Archie's cheeks were a light shade of pink and he pushed his glasses up his nose.

"I would love that," Autumn said and looked over at her box and picked it up, "I'll see you, nine o'clock?" She asked and Archie nodded, Pongo gave a bark and Autumn looked at the dog. "It's settled then, I'll see you then." She gave a smile, and started heading to the door pushing it open with the box and walking out smiling to herself as she began walking to the Sheriff station.

Autumn was walking into the police station when she saw Regina pull up in her mercedes. Autumn looked at the box of Graham's stuff and began to smirk as she waited for Regina to get out of the car. "If you're here to kidnap me, remember-" Autumn started and looked at her bib pocket where her deputy badge hung off the pocket. "I'm still law enforcement." She said as Regina chuckled bitterly stepping out of her car and shutting the door.

"And Gold's daughter," Regina said in a matter of fact way, "I wonder how long you planned on keeping that secret?" Regina said with sickly sweet smile. Autumn shrugged and looked at Regina bitterly. "It appears being his daughter does come with consequences."

Autumn tilted her head and knitted her brows together in confusion as as Regina stopped in front of her. "And what would that be, Madam Mayor?" Autumn asked narrowing her eyes.

"You think anyone in this town will like you?" Regina asked, "And you think Doctor Hopper will continue to like you once Mr. Gold finds out about you two?" Regina chuckled bitterly. "The consequence is you're untouchable Miss Cassidy, so dreadfully untouchable by those who could care about you, and for those who wouldn't mind strangling you." Regina said and Autumn pursed her lips and rolled her eyes.

"Okay." Autumn said and looked down at the box of Graham's stuff. "At least being his daughter I get dibs on dead tenant's belongings." She said in a spiteful way and Regina looked at her with a glare looking inside the box and giving a scoff.

"Well, you and Emma both got sloppy seconds, after all." Regina gave a thin lipped smile, and Autumn looked down. She didn't know Regina knew that. "Or did you get Emma's sloppy seconds?" Regina asked with a sickly sweet laugh and beginning to head inside the Sheriff Station.

Autumn rolled her eyes, she was going to refrain from any comebacks about Emma having her sloppy seconds, because it was true but also very wrong for her to point out. She wanted to snoop down to Regina's level, but she knew Archie would disapprove, and she knew in doing so, she would be just like her father. That was the one thing she would never stand for. Releasing a sigh she hoisted the box up slowly and began heading inside the station watching Regina carefully as she walked to a desk and set the box down on her desk. Emma was holding the Sheriff badge to her chest, looking as though she was seconds from putting it on before Regina walked in telling her no.

"Promotion is automatic." Emma said and glanced at Autumn with a look that said 'a warning would have been nice', Autumn gave a frown and shook her head. It was nice to see that Emma was taking the initiative and making herself Sheriff. Autumn knitted her eyebrows together and looked at Regina.

"Unless the Mayor appoints someone else." Regina said in a cruel way, as she started walking forward, "Within the time period of course, which I'm doing today." Regina said with a sickly sweet smile beginning to walk closer to Emma. Autumn sighed in a dramatic fashion.

"And who the hell did you choose?" Autumn asked folding her arms over her chest and Regina looked over with a raised eyebrow looking the girl up and down and scoffing.

"Definitely not the thirty-year-old that dresses like a child." Regina said pointedly, and Autumn nodded with a bitter smile on her face and released a sarcastic laugh, pulling her gummy worms out of her overall pockets and sitting on a desk. "After due reflection I've appointed Sidney Glass." Regina said looking back at Emma.

"Mirror mirror on the wall right, queeny?" Autumn smirked and Regina looked over at her with wide eyes, before settling on a glare. "He tells you everything about anyone, and I've seen him around you, he probably also tells you, you're the fairest of them all?" Autumn said sarcastically. It was a guess, but with a last name like 'Glass', it was practically the irony of his name that gave away his character. Regina tilted her head suddenly and released an un amused hum.

"I have no idea as to what you are referring to, unless it's you making fun of Henry's stories." Regina said with a glare, and Emma cleared her throat, and gave Autumn a look.

"That's besides the point." Emma said with a glare and looked at Regina, "The point is, it doesn't make sense for Glass to be Sheriff, besides it working in your favor for the one reason Autumn said," She said, "He'll do whatever you say, and tell you what you need to know." Emma said and Regina gave a sickly sweet smile walking closer to Emma.

"He's covered the Sheriff's office for as long as I can remember," Regina said and tilted her head, and Emma crossed her arms shaking her head.

Autumn looked down and rolled her eyes, stuck some gummy worms in her mouth before feeling her phone buzz and she pulled it out seeing a text from Mary Margaret.

'Snow: I think your new glasses just got here!'

'Snow Yes, I opened them I couldn't help myself!'

Autumn couldn't help the smile that formed on her face, which disappeared as she looked back up to see Regina snatching the Sheriff's badge away from Emma and start walking away.

"-And Miss Swan?" Regina called out heading for the door and looking over her shoulder with an icy look. "You're fired." She said and walked out and Autumn looked up from her phone. She felt like she just missed something big. She looked at Emma's angry face and hopped off the desk. She only knew one person in this town that could help her fix this problem. It was Mr. Gold.

Emma looked over as Autumn too then walked out, and she sighed looking at the box of Graham's things with a sad look walking over to it, and noticed there was something missing. Graham's jacket. She wouldn't be surprised if it had been left at Regina's house. She picked up one of Graham's little wolf tickets and looked it over with a sad frown.

Autumn was jogging towards Gold's shop, she stopped as she reached Mr. Gold who was locking up. "Blossom?" Gold asked with his eyebrows knitted together, a confused look on his face. Autumn cringed at the name and shook her head.

"It's Autumn now, it has been for years." She said and shook her head, "That's besides the point," She said and shook her head. Mr. Gold looked her over, he looked as though he was ready to do anything for her. His eyes looked at her with a pleading look, though no words left his mouth.

"You need my help?" Mr. Gold asked with an assuming tone, and Autumn crinkled her nose bringing her hand up to the back of her neck trying to defeat the awkwardness of the situation. Autumn gave a slow nod, finding it hard to even ask. It was the pride in her trying to bubble at the surface and proclaim she didn't need his help even though in reality she really did.

"Emma wants to be Sheriff, but Regina tore it away from her," Autumn started, "And if anyone knows loopholes, it's you." Autumn said softly. She looked at him in a pleading way, and Mr. Gold sighed softly and nodded. He locked up his shop fully.

"Follow me," He said and Autumn smiled walking next to him as they began walking towards the library under the clock tower. "Regina locked this place up years ago." He said adjusting his weight to his other leg as he pulled a key from his pocket.

"Because knowledge is a power she doesn't want the people to have?" Autumn asked in a mock surprised voice, Gold gave a smirk in response as he unlocked the door and stepped in using his cane as a crutch that tapped against the wooden floor of the library as he walked to a section of the library marked, 'politics'. Autumn smiled in appreciation at all the books, she stated looking around.

"So we're fighting politics with books?" Autumn nodded with a smirk, "We're throwing the book at her?" Autumn asked with a smile and a laugh. Mr. Gold looked at her with a bland look and a shake of his head a shadow of a smile gracing his features. Autumn for a moment frowned and looked away.

"The town charter," Mr. Gold said as he looked through a shelf and pulled out a rather large binder like book. "What's in it is what I'm going to show Miss Swan." He said and tilted his head as he started walking out, and Autumn followed him and knitted her eyebrows together.

"What's in it for you?" Autumn asked suddenly, and Gold furrowed his brow before an idea hit him, he gave a smile.

"How about you tell me where Bae is?" He asked and stopped his walking looking at her in an almost pleading way, "So when Miss Swan ends the curse I can go find him." He said in a desperate way.

Autumn paused and she opened her mouth to fight with him, to tell him she would never tell him, but then she stopped. She closed her mouth a worried look on her face. She licked her lips and worried filled her heart. She didn't remember where Neal's house was. Was it a house? Or was it an apartment? Why couldn't she remember. "I don't know.." She whispered and Mr. Gold looked at her, "We.." She remembered something about separation. "We were separated..I don't know where he is." She said in a sad voice. She felt tears prick her eyes. She felt as though her and her brother were separated. How though?

Gold frowned watching her, his heart was racing and now it was dropping in his chest. It was fine, he'd find him. He didn't want to see his daughter cry that was for certain. He nodded at her, and held the book starting to walk towards the door again. "Let's get this to Miss Swan." He said and Autumn nodded slowly with a thin lipped smile and a nod.

Autumn and Gold were at the door, Autumn was looking at her watch. Her date was in less than an hour. "Have a place to be?" Gold asked, and Autumn looked at him. She furrowed her brow, trying to debate of it was a good idea to tell him. Thoughts of what Regina said to her began clouding her mind.

She cleared her throat as Emma opened the door, and she offered a smile, her courage leaping as she saw Emma, "I have a date actually." She said and looked at Gold, who looked at her bewildered before looking at Emma who wide eyes, and Mary Margaret in the background who grabbed her coffee shaking her head as she began walking out of the room.

"I'll be in my room!" Mary stammered as she started jogging up the steps. Autumn walked past Emma.

"Listen to what he has to say!" Autumn said to Emma as she grabbed the small package off the kitchen counter and walked to the room she was given. "He's gonna help you become Sheriff." She mumbled shutting the door to her room behind her and she looked around her room. Which she was still unpacking even though her things came over a month ago.

'This having 'roots' thing is harder than it looks.' Autumn thought to herself as she looked at her opened package and pulled out the glasses case dropping the box on the ground and then she pulled the glasses out of the case and placed them on her face. 'No more headaches, no more having squint when reading. Perfect.' She thought to herself as she then set the case down on the dresser and walked to the closet of half assed hung up dresses and grabbed her blue and white long sleeve dress.

"Wake up children," Rumplestiltskin said as he began shaking his children away. The two small cots on the floor were beside one another. The two children looked up in a scared way. Autumn moved strands of curly black hair from her face. "We have to go now!" He said urgently.

Baelfire and Blossom pulled themselves up and looked at each other in a confused manner.

It didn't take long for the poor family to gather their belongings that fit into one small sack that hung off Baelfire's shoulder as the family walked down a dirt road. Blossom's hair was in one long braid that fell down her back, her rag dress covered in dirt, Balefire used a rope to keep his pants up, and Rumplestiltskin used a wooden walking stick to keep himself from falling down.

The worried expression on Rumplestiltskin's face never left, he looked as though he was ready for the monsters that hid in the dark to finally take them, that he wasn't ready for. He would never be ready, or at least that is what he allowed himself to believe. He was marked the villiage coward.

"It feels wrong to run away." Baelfire said as he walked alongside his father, his blue cloak hung off his shoulders. Rumplestiltskin offered a wary glance.

"It's worse to die, son." Rumpelstiltskin murmured, and Blossom offered a whimper. She looked down.

"Lorain is going to die?" Blossom whimpered and released a small sob, her tears pricking at her eyes. Rumpelstiltskin looked at her, a sad look going to his features.

"Of course not." Rumplestiltskin said. It was a lie, he knew that the people that went into war died. He just wanted to make sure his daughter was alright. He knew she was fragile, so weak and frail. "Nonetheless my children, I will not have you taken to fight in The Ogres War." He said and Baelfire looked at him with a determined look.

"Alms for the poor?" And old man with a cloak covering his face asked. He was hunched over and begging. He was dirty and it was no trick to anyone that this man was homeless. Blossom offered a sympathetic smile, and looked to papa. She pulled out her allowance -which she only received when they had the money- and she poured the pouch of two gold into the man's hands.

Rumplestiltskin offered a warm smile at his daughter's kindness, his own heart warming he two pulled a few gold and handed it to the man.

"Thank you, thank you!" The man said and Rumplestiltskin and Blossom ad Baelfire nodded softly offering smiles before continuing on their way. Blossom smiled to herself and looked at the lamp she carried watching the small fire flicker within it.

"Is there really no other way?" Baelfire asked, and Rumplestiltskin released a sigh and shook his head. Blossom looked up at him a small frown on his face.

"I can't lose you two." Rumplestiltskin said adjusting the sack of belongings on his shoulder. "You two are all I have left, my sweet children." Rumplestiltskin said looking at them with a smile. "You two do not know what war is like." Rumplestiltskin said with a frown and shook his head, "What they do to you." Rumplestiltskin said with a small shutter.

Suddenly, the sounds of horses galloping was heard from behind the small family of three. They all turned to look behind them, before Rumplestiltskin released a gasp.

"Hide in the ditch! Go! Hide!" Rumplestiltskin begged his children, beginning to push them into the ditch. Of course, they were not fast enough to hide.

"Stop there!" The Duke from the early morning said. Blossom tried to hide the hate in her eyes. He was the man that took Lorain. Rumplestiltskin pulled his daughter close to his side and then Baelfire to keep them close. The sounds of horses whinnying came closer as the horse's halted around the three. "What are you doing on the kings road?" The Duke asked.

Rumplestiltskin had to lie quickly, he couldn't say he was running away with his children. He would be killed, and they would take his children now. "We have wool to sell at the fair in Lounge Borne, sir." He stammered and looked up at the Duke on his horse. The Duke tilted his head, and jumped off his horse. The sound of his armour clammering together filled the silence.

"I know you, don't I?" The Duke asked as he walked closer. Rumpelstiltskin took a few steps back using his children as support and un doing so they took steps back as well. Blossom looked down nervously as the duke looked her up and down, and Baelfire glared in a dark way. The Duke looked back at Rumplestiltskin. "What was it we use to call you?" The Duke asked mockingly. Rumplestiltskin shook his head. "Spindleshanks?" The Duke said causing his men to laugh. "Thread Whistle? Hobblefoot?" The Duke continued and Blossom looked up with teary eyes.

"Don't call him that!" Blossom shouted gripping tightly to the lamp

"Yeah, his name is Rumpelstiltskin!" Baelfire added, an angry look on his face. Rumplestiltskin hushed them quickly, and in a scared way. The Duke looked at the children in an amused way.

"Rumple- ah," The Duke said and gave a chuckle, "The man who ran." He said and looked over at Baelfire and Blossom who looked at The Duke in hatred, while Rumpelstiltskin looked away in shame. "Are these your children?" He asked, and smiled in a cruel way. "How old are they?" He asked and Rumpelstiltskin looked up fearfully.

"I'm Baelfire, and I'm 12," Baelfire said in a determined way, Blossom looked fearful but she looked up and her face became determined.

"I'm Blossom and-"

"She's 10." Rumplestiltskin lied quickly and pulled Blossom behind him, if he could try to save one child that was good. Blossom looked up at Rumplestiltskin with an unreadable look. She could pass for younger, giving she was so much smaller than Baelfire. Blossom knew better than correct her father, it would be disrespectful. The Duke smiled and looked at Baelfire.

"When is your birthday boy?" He asked, and Baelfire looked at Rumplestiltskin with a look of disgust as he lied, and then to Blossom. His look softened at her scared expression but then he looked at the The Duke.

"In two days time." Baelfire said, and Rumplestiltskin hissed in a way that meant for Baelfire to be silent.

"Did you teach your boy how to run as well, Rumplestiltskin?" The Duke asked with a smirk, Blossom pressed her face into Rumple's back. She was terrified, and could feel her heart beating wildly out of her chest. The Duke looked at Baelfire. "Did he tell you?" The Duke asked, "How he ran when the ogres turned the tide of the battle, and all the others were killed?" The Duke asked in a rasp. Blossom felt her tears escape her eyes and she looked at The Duke. Baelfire looked up at him with a confused expression as he listened to the tale. "And he returned home home to a wife who could not bear the sight of him." He said and Blossom reached up and wiped her eyes looking up at Rumple.

"Please.." Rumplestiltskin begged, and the The Duke chuckled.

"You see? Woman do not like to be married to cowards." The Duke said and looked to Blossom tilting his head. "Would you marry a coward?" He asked and Blossom once again pressed her head into Rumplestiltskin's back.

"Please don't speak to my children like that." Rumplestiltskin whimpered looking at The Duke with a scared pleading look. The Duke shook his head and puffed out his chest in a way of dominance.

"It's treason to avoid service." The Duke said, and chuckled, "And to lie of age." He glanced at Blossom and smirked. " Take the children now." He said and looked to his men.

Blossom gasped and held onto Rumplestiltskin tighter, her fear taking over her heart as she looked at Rumple shaking her head in a scared way. Baelfire didn't make a move only starred in a terrified way

"No no no no no! What do you want?" Rumple begged grasping onto his walking stick tightly his other arms grabbing Baelfire's shoulder. The Duke laughed and turned to look at him.

"You're poor, you have no influence, no land, no title, no power," The Duke said and then he paused smirking, "The truth is, all you really have is fealty." The Duke said, and brought his leg out looking down at his leather boot. "Kiss my boot."

Rumple looked around in a confused way his eyebrows knitting together. "I don't understand what you mean?"

"You asked my price." The Duke said with a cruel smile, and looked at his boot. "Kiss my boot." He said, and Blossom pulled away from her father, and looked at Baelfire as Baelfire took her hand and pulled her behind him. Rumplestiltskin held his walking stick tightly his lip wobbling.

"P-please, not in front of my children." Rumple begged, The Duke went to grab at his sword.

"Kiss my boot!" He yelled, Blossom gasped and held tightly onto Baelfire's hand, both children watched in dismay as their father fell to his knees and began crawling over to the man, and kissing his boot. The Duke laughed and so did his men. Blossom watched and she let her tears falls.

The Duke kicked Rumple back roughly. Turning back to his men and getting on his horse.

"Papa!" Baelfire and Blossom yelled in unison. Blossom ran to him, and grabbed his hand falling to her knees and holding his hand close to her chest. Baelfire stood by her and looked at The Duke and his men ride off.

The old man from before with the cloak came to them as The Duke and his men disappeared and Blossom and Rumple gasped moving back as the man approached, but Baelfire looked strong and determined to help them if need be.

"No! No let me help you!" The man said and began helping Rumple up, Blossom stared at the man in genuine thanks, a smile appearing on her face as the old man helped her father up and then her. Blossom grabbed her father's walking stick, holding the lamp in her other hand.

"I have nothing to pay you with," Rumplestiltskin said in a whimper and the old man shook his head, holding Rumples arms to stabilize him as he began walking back towards the village.

"I can think of another way," the old man crooned, "You just feed me with whatever you can spare, and I'll find a way to be your benefactor." He said looking back at Baelfire and Blossom who followed closely behind. Baelfire held the sack of their belongings over his shoulder. The twins looked at eachother before nodded.

"The Cricket?" Mr. Gold asked as he drove Autumn to Archie's. Autumn's hair fell loose down her right shoulder, and she put on makeup for a change. Autumn looked at him with a glare.

"I asked for a ride, not judgement!" She hissed and crossed her arms. "Why do you care?" She asked and Gold looked at her bewildered.

"Because I'm your father, and I think you can do better than a cowardly insect." Mr. Gold said and Autumn laughed and looked at him. She bit back her words. She thought about what Archie would say if she brought up how her father was coward that ran from war. Probably wouldn't know what she was talking about, but she knew it would be mean.

"He is not a cowardly insect." Autumn mumbled releasing a sigh. "I like him, and you should too," She muttered and Mr. Gold scoffed.

"I should like him? For what? What has he done for me?" Mr. Gold said and Autumn turned her body to look at him pushing her glasses up his nose.

"Well, he's the reason I'm talking to you," She said, and Gold sighed some and parked the car in front of Archie's house. Autumn looked at the house with a smile. Of course, Gold was reluctant to even let her get out of the car, but, he knew he had to let her go...Though, keeping her prisoner in his house seemed like a grand idea.. Autumn frowned and then offered him a smile. "I like him, papa." She said and Gold looked at her quickly his sour look disappearing as she called him papa. She then got out of the car. She closed the door.

Gold then furrowed his eyebrows and rolled down his window and looked at her walking up the stone path, "What time should I pick you up?" He asked, and Autumn looked back at him with a smirk and looked at her watch.

"I'll get myself home." She said and Gold immediately let his frown deepen. That better not mean what he thinks he means. He will squash that insect.

Autumn laid her napkin down on the now empty plate of food. She offered a smile to Archie, who also laid the napkin down. Autumn liked that Archie was the good old hopeless romantic. The two sat at a small circular table, where a candle was lit.

"You are quite the cook, Arch," Autumn said with a small shy smile. Archie smiled brightly and tilted his head. He had worked hard, making a beef wellington served with vegetables fresh from his garden.

"I'm glad you liked it," He said with a grin. He was enjoying that their conversation wasn't formed around Henry or Operation Cobra, or the drama that was around town. They talked about old movies they liked and growing up. Archie thought it was wonderful to have someone to talk to and not just in a therapy like way. It was like having a friend that wasn't Marco.

"So you cook, you liked Disney movies, you enjoy a good old detective show, and you like music." Autumn hummed in a delightful way as she stood up from the table, and took his plate and then hers and started taking it to the sink. Archie got up to follow.

"What music do you like Autumn?" Archie asked as Autumn placed the dishes in the sink she hummed in response.

"Well, I'm not exactly into the hard stuff Emma is in to, but I do enjoy classical music, Disney songs, and love songs." Autumn said with a small roll of her eyes, "I'm a cliche, huh?" She asked looking at him

Archie shook his head, "No not at all." He said and took her hand beginning to lead her to his living room. He let go of her hand and placed a record on the record player. Autumn raised an eyebrow. She then smiled, not just at the irony of the song that began playing, but the way Archie's eyes lit up.

'When You wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are

Anything your heart desires will come to you..'

The record began playing and Archie held his hands out in a way that meant he wanted to dance. Autumn blushed some and gently took his hands, before deciding to place one hand on his shoulder and Archie's hand fell onto her waist and they both looked up at each other with a smile.

Slowly, the two swayed to the music. Archie had put a lot of effort into tonight. He would never admit how he had been planning on asking her out for weeks, and how Marco had been talking him into asking her for quite some time. Archie had put on his best suit, his red tie nicely ironed and under his black sweater vest.

Autumn would never admit how scared she was at this moment, at how she was determined to not mess this up like she did with several of her past relationships. As she swayed to the music with Archie, she looked into his blue eyes, and she felt her fears melt away.

'If your heart is in your dreams, nothing else is too extreme

When you wish upon a star as dreamers do'

Autumn and Archie's eyes looked as though they were swimming with admiration and adoration for each other. Autumn licked her bottom lip and Archie pulled her closer slightly.

'Fate is kind, she brings to those who love

The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing'

Archie leaned in and closed the space between them, his lips connecting to Autumn's. Autumn felt her heart flutter as she kissed back, her eyes fluttering shut. Archie closed his eyes, the faintest of smiles reaching his lips as he kissed Autumn. Autumn too smiled.

'Like a boat out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you through

When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true'

Autumn sat in the car next to Emma who had picked her up from Archie's house. Autumn was looking into the visor as she was putting her hair up in a pony tail. Emma kept looking at her awkwardly before looking at the road. Autumn had stayed the night, and decided it would be best to leave early in the morning. Of course not after kissing Archie good bye. She was going to the mayor's office with Emma.

"So, I guess the date went good then?" Emma asked, and Autumn couldn't help the slow smile that grew on her face at the memories of the night after the kiss and the music. Well, if Archie was good at one thing it was making her feel light as air. Especially when he picked her up…

Autumn shook her head of her thought closing the visor, and looking at Emma. "It was great, he's so sweet." Autumn hummed and chuckled looking down. Emma hummed in an understanding yet confused way. "What?" Autumn asked pushing her glasses up her nose.

"You and the shrink? Really?" Emma asked and Autumn couldn't help her eye roll. She shrugged and looked at Emma with narrowed eyes.

"Who poured judgement in your porridge this morning, Goldilocks?" Autumn asked and Emma shot her eyebrows up and shook her head.

"Not judging, he just, doesn't seem like your type." Emma said and parked outside the Mayor's office and hopped out of the car. Autumn got out of the car and shut the door slowly a confused look on her face.

"And what exactly is my type, Miss Swan?" Autumn asked and then paused. She didn't know where that last part came from. She blinked a few times before shaking her head. "Sorry," She muttered as they began walking inside.

Emma raised an eyebrow before shrugging it off. That was oddly out of character for Autumn to be calling her 'Miss Swan', after years of friendship. She shook it off as being grumpy for not having coffee. "I just mean…" Emma hummed in thought, trying to gather what she meant by what she said. She sighed, "You're more of the dark and brooding type," Emma mumbled. Autumn shrugged, she didn't know why she had been drawn to men like that, or why she was so drawn to Archie.

"He's a nice change," Autumn whispered as they walked inside the Mayor's office walking past groups of people.

Autumn and Emma's conversation ended there as they stood in the doorway of the Mayor's office. Kind of in poses, arms crossed, and they just alluded an air of confidence.

"Everyone deserves to feel safe in their own home, that's way I choose Sidney Glass for post of Sheriff." Regina said in a voice that granted she had authority. Which she did. She held the Sheriff badge in her hand and began walking to Sidney. "This man has put the needs of StoryBrooke above his own, for as long as any of us can remember-" Regina continued and stopped right in front of Sidney. "As chief editor of the StoryBrooke 'Daily Mirror'," Regina finished and held the Sheriff badge out for people to see and take pictures.

"Please welcome," Regina started turning around and beginning to place the badge on Sidney. "Your new Sheriff."

"Yeah, I don't think so." Autumn called out and Emma smirked and looked at the people that began to turn to them.

"Hang on a second." Emma said looking as the people made a path of view for Regina and Emma and Autumn so the three woman could look at each other. An icy look from regina was immediately given.

"Oh, Miss Swan and Miss Cassidy." Regina started and turned away from Sidney the Sheriff Badge in her hand. "This is not appropriate." Regina said sternly and Autumn crossed her arms watching Emma begin to walk forward, Autumn following beside her.

"The only thing not appropriate is this ceremony." Emma said and Autumn nodded some. Autumn cleared her throat cutting off Regina before she could open her mouth.

"Yes, we know what the Town Charter stated." Autumn began and pushed her glasses up her nose. "It states that The Mayor can appoint someone as Sheriff given it is within the appropriate timeline, but you're not really appointing a Sheriff-"

"You're appointing a candidate." Emma finished for her and chuckled folding her arms over her chest. "You can appoint a candidate. It calls for an election." Emma said and smiled and Autumn smirked smugly beside her.

"The term candidate is applied loosely." Regina said with a smirk. Autumn barked out laughter.

"Actually Madam Mayor, it requires a vote." Autumn said and crossed her arms, "You do know what that is right?" Autumn asked, "When did the vote take for you to be mayor?" Autumn asked, there was an undertone of a threat laced in her words and Regina glared at her, before her lips upturned into a smirk.

"Fine," Regina said and looked to Emma, "Since it appears you shall be the one running." Regina said, "So is Sidney."

"I am?" Sidney asked and Autumn looked at him with an amused look, at the look Regina shot him he then said, "Yes I am."

"And with my full support." Regina said with a sickly sweet smile. There was a moment of silence with just Emma and Regina staring at eachother. Autumn raised eyebrows in a worried manner. "I guess we'll learn something about the will of the people."

"I guess we will." Emma said back with a determined face.

Rumplestiltskin sat in front of the older homeless man, gently placing stew inside of a bowl for him. "Another day gone." Rumplestiltskin said in a sigh, "They'll be no fleeing now." He said looking over to the separate cots his children slept peacefully in. His daughter curled up in a ball on her side facing away, and Baelfire laying on his stomach his face pressed into the soft blanket of fur.

"No." The older man confirmed glancing over his shoulder at the children while he picked up the stew starting to eat it. "You need to find another way." The man said leaning forward, Rumpelstiltskin looked at the man with his eyebrows furrowed in a desperate way. If someone could just tell him 'how' he would be happy. He would do anything. "You need to choose a different path."

"Choose?" Rumplestiltskin asked and released a sigh, "What choice do I have?" Rumplestiltskin asked sadly, his bottom lip beginning to wobble.

"Everyone has a choice." The old man said with a confused and amused look.

Rumplestiltskin laid a hand on his chest, he looked pained as he spoke his next words. "I'm the town coward," He said and his eyes got watery, "The only 'choice' I have, is which corner to hide in." Rumpelstiltskin looked down as he said it was body shaking with a sob he wouldn't release, "I'm lame, " He started, "Friendless," He said and sniffled some pointing to the cots which lay his resting children, "The only thing I have are my children," He started pointing further, "And t-they're gonna take them away from me," He said his voice breaking through his sentence. "And If they take them away…" Rumplestiltskin brought his hand to his chest a sob leaving his mouth, "I will truly become dust," He said and looked to the old man his eyes leaking tears.

"Not if you have power." The old man said and leaned forward tilting his head, icy blue eyes gazing into Rumplestiltskin's brown eyes.

"You may as well say diamonds," Rumplestiltskin said in disbelief shaking his head at the thought of power.

"Get a hold of yourself!" The old man said and pointed a finger at him harshly. His eyes were brimming with madness. "Think!" He said, "Think. Why do you think someone as powerful as The Dark One would work for a useless fool like The Duke Of The Frontlands?" The man asked with a small bitter chuckle at the end of the question.

"Tell me?" Rumplestiltskin asked desperately.

"The Duke has The Dark One in thrall."The old man started and looked at Rumplestiltskin in an intrigued way. "He's enslaved him with the power of a mystical dagger, and on the name is written the name," The old man paused, "The true name of The Dark One. If you were to steal the dagger-" The man started with a smirk, "Then you would control The Dark One Yourself." The man smiled and pointed at Rumplestiltskin, "Then no one would be able to take your children away from you." The man finished dropped in his hand with a sick smile.

"To keep a man like The Dark One a slave?" Rumple started fear taking over his features, and the very fear clutched at his heart, "N-no I can't I'd be terrified."

"Then instead of controlling the power…" The old man started, he tilted his head and smirked, "You need to take it."

It was later in the day in StoryBrooke. Autumn had visited Archie at work, and since Archie was backed up with work, and talking to patients, She offered to take Pongo out for a walk. As they were walking she noticed Mr. Gold's shop and how no one was there except him. Normally, she would think nothing of it, but lately she felt drawn to the place.

Autumn in her head decided that maybe it was because she had missed her father, she would never admit that out loud though, after all, he did abandon her and her brother. Autumn paused her walking. 'Where is my brother?' She thought to herself before shaking her head. It didn't matter, they couldn't contact one another anyways right? Right.

Autumn walked to Gold's shop and opened the door allowing Pongo to walk inside first. She smiled upon seeing her father at the front desk. Mr. Gold looked up a smile graced his features.

"Autumn." He greeted. Autumn smiled as he used her name she gave herself and she nodded in greeting. Mr. Gold looked down at Pongo. "Taking Doctor Hopper's dogs on walks I see?" He asked in a curious way looking at Autumn with his brow knitted together. He wouldn't say he didn't approve of this, but he didn't disapprove of it either?

Autumn looked down at the dog and gave a small grin, her other hand ghosting over Pongo's head. "He reminds me of Wolfie." She gave a grin and Mr. Gold chuckled.

"You remember that?" Mr. Gold asked walking around the corner and walking over to her and Autumn nodded. Their sheep dog, 'Wolfie', they had it when she was four, but sadly sold him for money for the farm when she was six. It was a sad day.

"He was only the best sheep dog." Autumn smirked, And Gold nodded slowly and looked at Autumn with a smile. Autumn smiled back and then Gold frowned, walking to a box of things, some of the items in the box were wooden toy figures and small doll made of sheeps wool. "What's that?" Autumn asked walking over and pulling Pongo along with her. Mr. Gold smiled faintly and lifted up the doll, and Autumn smiled brightly.

"Frannie." Autumn said and Mr. Gold looked the doll over and Autumn gave a small frown. "You kept her, after all these years?" Autumn asked and Gold gave a slow nodd.

"It reminded me that at any cost, I had to get to you and Bae." Mr. Gold said and looked at Autumn in a pleading way. "Please, is there any way you can forgive me?" He begged and Autumn paused what she was doing, she felt her heart race in her chest. This was the moment she had been waiting years for and here he was now, apologizing?

Autumn had imagined this moment being the moment he apologizes to get out of Baelfire and her destroying magic in front of him, but this was a completely different scenario. This was her father, in a land without magic, holding her childhood doll with the buttons for eyes, and begging her forgiveness. Autumn's eyes softened, and her eyes were teary.

After all these years, after all the heartbreak she didn't hate him. She didn't hate her father, she thought she did. No, she had missed him so much and it hurt now. "Oh, papa…" Autumn whispered and dropped Pongo's leash, walking forward and wrapping her arms around him. Mr. Gold held a surprised look on his face, slowly his arms wrapped around her tightly. He was scared to let go, scared that if he let go she may vanish and he'd lose her again. "I forgive you."

"Oh, oh how I've waited to hear those words," Mr. Gold said a smile coming on his face, suddenly the bell was heard alarming them that someone was entering the shop. Mr. Gold wiped the look off his face as he noticed it was Regina. Autumn pulled away from the dog bending down and picking up Pongo's leash.

"I'm meeting Emma and-" She paused and turned and just started heading for the door with an awkward cough. Regina offered a thin lipped smile.

"I didn't mean to intrude on such a sentimental moment." Regina said sarcastically, "And I know exactly where you're headed Miss Cassidy-" She then paused, "Or is it Gold now?" Regina chuckled in a cruel way, "After all, he is your father." Regina said and the furrowed her brow in a confused way, "Which is funny because I don't remember Gold ever discussing he had children?" Regina looked to Mr. Gold who looked at her with a scowl, before an amused smirk settled on his face

"Autumn Gold?" Autumn started, that's all she got out of that entire thing, she furrowed her eyebrows. "That doesn't have a ring to it like 'Autumn Cassidy'," Autumn said and hummed turning on her heels and pulling Pongo out the door with a hum.

Autumn shook her head before looking over her shoulder at Regina, who was placing the 'closed' sign on on the door. Autumn grimaced slightly before turning. She hopped that her father and Regina weren't doing anything...weird in there. Regina after all was Rumplestiltskin's student.

Autumn continued her way across the street before heading inside Granny's diner with a grin, looking at Emma and Henry with an excited smile.

Though the intense look on both Henry and Emma's faces made Autumn's smile disappear fast. She went over and sat down. "What's wrong?" She asked and looked at the newspaper. Emma took it quickly and placed it behind her. Emma looked at Autumn with a wary look.

"It's better if you don't know," Emma said, "You'll go ballistic or something," Emma lied. She was just hiding the paper because it was an article Sidney Glass wrote on how she birthed Henry in jail. Emma knew that when she read the article it would cause a freak out she wasn't ready for.

Autumn frowned and nodded slightly, she looked at Henry and noticed a sad look on his face. "You all look like you've been dragged to the deepest pits of hell and were left there," Autumn muttered watching Pongo jump on the seat beside her and look down at Henry's plate of food. Henry pushed the plate in front of Pongo and let him eat it.

"It's my mom, she dragged Emma through the mud, and now she's working with Gold." Henry said looking at Autumn in a knowing way. Autumn offered a smile and reached across the table taking Henry's hand.

"My dad.." autumn paused and looked at Emma who looked at her with a raised eyebrow intrigued on what she'd say, "I think he's a changed person." Autumn said back to Henry in that same knowing way.

"I hope so," Henry said in a sad voice. Autumn leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest in a worried fashion. Pongo looked up and sniffed the side of her face before licking Autumn's face the unwelcome aroma of hamburger and frie taking over Autumn's senses and she grimaced.

Autumn had gone with Emma after dropping Pongo off with Archie. Emma wanted to talk to Regina about the campaign method that Emma still wouldn't tell Autumn about. Autumn stood at the bottom of the stairs tapping her foot. Autumn didn't understand why Emma wanted her to go, if all she was going to do was stand at the bottom of the stairs waiting for their chat to be over.

At the sound of Regina and Emma heading down, Autumn sighed prepared herself for the worst. She was use to the aftermath of Regina's rage with Emma. It left Emma breaking the things that didn't belong to her. Just like Mary Margaret's toaster.

"Like your new association with Mr. Gold." Regina said as she made it to the bottom of the stairs, "He's a snake Miss Swan, you should be careful with whom you get into bed with." Regina said and Autumn immediately grimaced

"I don't think she'd sleep with my father! You're so gross!" Autumn said in a disgusted way, Emma looked at her and raised an eyebrow, her own disgust was present on her face. Regina on the other hand chuckled and shook her head in a bitter fashion.

The conversation was cut short as an explosion was heard, the door behind Autumn shooting open and all three girls were blown back by the impact of the explosion. Autumn groaned in pain and looked down as she was on top of Regina, Emma was blown back up a few steps and laid on the ground.

"Get off me!" Regina shouted and Autumn got up slowly maneuvering around Regina. The smell of smoke filled the area, and Emma looked to be in a panic.

"I'm going to call for help! Emma help Regina!" Autumn said in a worried fashion, quickly heading to the door pausing at the fire, and grimacing. She had an overwhelming fear of fire for reasons she would never explain to anyone.

Blossom sat on the steps of their hovel, she was rolling wool around stick for what she believed would be torches. For what she knew not. They had no time to escape The Duke, for he would come in the morning to take them from their home.

"Papa? Are we running again?" Blossom asked as she stopped her work on the stick she tilted her head in a curious manner. Baelfire frowned and looked at the wool on his stick.

"No,' Rumplestiltskin said and smiled in an excited way, "This is our ticket into the castle." He said in an excited way, he looked over the stick in his hands. His plan was to burn the castle down. He looked down at the lanolin burning in the pot. "So make sure you get the wool good and soaked." he said, "Once I'm inside there's something I need to take." Rumplestiltskin said softly. He found no harm in telling his children his plans. Blossom and Baelfire looked at each other worriedly before Baelfire looked to Rumple.

"But what are you taking, papa?" Baelfire asked, and Rumple looked excited for a moment.

"That old beggar-he told me a fine tale." Rumplestiltskin said and Blossom bit her lip and listened curiously as she got up and walked over dipping her stick of wool into the lanolin. "About the duke and his magical dagger." Rumple said with a smile looking at his children in an excited way.

"But papa, what does it do?" Blossom asked with a tilt of her head, Baelfire looked at his sister with a small frown. He supposed if this dagger helped get his sister out of fighting, then he would help as well. Baelfire wasn't afraid though. He would fight.

"If I own that dagger, I control the dark one." Rumple said and Blossom looked over at Rumple with a scared expression. "If I kill The Dark One with that dagger, I take his powers." Rumple said and smiled some tapping Baelfire's arm happily.

"Papa!" Blossom started and looked at Rumple terrified. "You're talking about murder!" She whispered and tilted her head, "That's terrible."

"Imagine me with those powers!" Rumplestiltskin said and smiled some looking at his daughter and limping to her, he grabbed her shoulders gently. "I could redeem myself, I could use the powers for good." Rumple said and laid his hands on her cheeks and cupped them gently. Blossom still held a terrified expression.

"I can save all the children of the Frontlands, not just you my children." Rumple said and smiled happily looking away from Blossom and looking at Baelfire.

"I would love to see that," Baelfire started, "But if the law says I'm to fight, I can fight!" Baelfire said, and Rumple looked at his son in disbelief. He let go of his daughter and turned to Baelfire. Blossom looked to her doll that sat on the ground by the door, and she walked over to it picking it up and pulling it to her chest.

"The law doesn't want you to fight, son." Rumplestiltskin said in a worried way, "The law wants you to die!" Rumpel said and Baelfire looked down in a scared way.

"The people in the village say that red in the sky-" Blossom started and looked up, tears falling from her eyes. She was scared, just as scared as Rumplestiltskin was. "They say it's the blood of our people," Blossom said and looked at the red skies and dark clouds that hung over the Frontlands. Rumple looked over at his daughter and limped over quickly wiping her eyes with his thumbs and shushing her.

"It's true," Rumple said and looked over at Baelfire, "It's the blood of children, the blood of children like you." He said. He knew scare tactic had to work. It scared him to even say it out loud. Blossom allowed a sob to leave her mouth. "No sane person would want to get involved in that," Rumple said and looked down.

"So, it's true?" Baelfire asked, and Rumple looked at him with a confused look. "It's true you ran" Baelfire stated. He had took what The Duke of The Frontlands said to heart, only because Baelfire hoped it wasn't true.

"I'm glad he did!" Blossom said suddenly and Rumple looked at her with a smile. "If we didn't we wouldn't have a father," Blossom whispered. Baelfire looked down.

"And mother? Did she leave you like The Duke said?" Baelfire asked, Blossom looked up At Rumple with a frown. "You told us she was dead." Baelfire whispered and Blossom nodded wanting an answer to that as well. Rumple turned away.

For a long moment, Rumple was sad. The silence of his sadness filled the air as he returned back to his work. Blossom looked down and hugged her doll tighter. "She is dead." Rumple whispered.

Again there was another silence. Rumple working with a small frown on his face seemingly lost in his own thoughts. Blossom set her doll down and grabbed her stick from the pot she left, letting the lanolin seep off the wool a moment. Baelfire sat down on a stump, and looked up at Rumple.

"So what do we need to do?" Baelfire asked. Rumple kneeled down in front of his children and smiled faintly.

"The Dukes castle is made of stone, but the floors and rafters?" Rumple said with a smirk, he knocked on his walking stick. "Is made of wood."

"Why does that matter?" Baelfire asked, and Blossom tilted her head. Rumple smiled some. A mischievous smile.

"Because wood burns." Rumple said with raised eyebrows

Autumn stared at the fire for a moment longer before she jumped through it, the sounds of sirens were already heard in the distance. She looked behind her and paused, seeing Emma grab the fire extinguisher. Autumn released a cough looking around before noticing a rag of sheep's wool on the ground and the smell of lanolin.

Autumn shook her head with a growl and ran to the double doors and pushed through them holding the door open to air out the smoke. Autumn glared at the photographers taking pictures of her and of Emma and Regina as Emma was helping lead Regina out. Autumn furrowed her brow with a small angry look on her face.

Of course her father knew Emma would be there. Because of the article, that Emma wouldn't let her read. This was a show set up by her father. She pursed her lips together and looked at Emma. She stepped away from her arms. She looked at another piece of lanolin covered sheep's wool on the ground. She was ignoring everything behind her even Regina was saying that Emma saved her the wrong way.

Autumn was standing next to Emma when Archie came by. Autumn allowed a smile on her face, and then a blush. Dammit she hated she could go from 'Girl of Ice', to a blushy maniac just by seeing Archie.

Archie looked at her worriedly, His umbrella swung loosely in his left hand. "Are you alright?" He asked and Autumn nodded some and looked to Emma who smirked faintly. Mary and Ruby and Granny came by and suddenly the two girls were being bombarded with questions.

"Did you really save Regina?" Mary asked Emma.

"She did! The fireman said he saw her!" Henry said running up to Emma and taking her hand. Autumn smirked some, "They said Autumn helped too." Henry said and Autumn smirked some and looked to Archie who grinned and looked at her in admiration.

"That's wonderful." Archie said looking down at Autumn and then to Emma. "You both are courageous individuals."

Emma and Autumn were once again cut off, "You two are heros!" Ruby said with a smile, and Autumn widened her eyes. She shook her head some.

"You should see if they have a picture of the rescue?" Mary piped in and Granny gasped.

"We could make campaign posters!" Granny said and Autumn nodded some. She decided just nod at everything everyone is saying. Archie looked down at her and chuckled some.

"People would love that!" Archie said, "It would be a great idea." Archie said and looked to Autumn. "Want to come with me to get the photo?" Archie asked Autumn and Autumn looked to Emma who raised an eyebrow that said to go. Autumn looked at Archie and she took his hand.

Archie looked down at her hand as if it was the most unexpected thing he had ever imagined could happen. Autumn knew should have said something about Gold, but she figured that Emma would find out. If Gold thought he would get away from her wrath. He was so wrong.

Archie smiled faintly and started walking, Autumn held his hand loosely and went with him to collect the pictures. Mary who was ahead of them with Granny and Ruby looked back and looked at Autumn and Archie's hands and smiled in an excited way looking at Autumn with wide eyes. Ruby looked back at that second and she was gaping in either horror or disbelief.

"Wait? Gold's daughter and the nicest guy in town are a thing?" Ruby said and laughed brightly, "They should make that a novel!" She said and Autumn shook her head with a blush. Archie squeezed her hand a blush appearing on his own face but a lovely large smile filled his face as well.

"How long did you plan on hiding it?" Mary asked with furrowed eyebrows. She didn't know how long this had been going on and this girl lived in her home? Autumn shrugged and looked to Archie.

"I guess since yesterday night?" Autumn said and shrugged suddenly pulling Archie the other direction to go get the picture from the photographer. Archie laughed some and looked down a Autumn with a small smile.

"I guess the town has decided, we're…" Archie started but didn't know how to finish. Autumn chuckled and shrugged.

"That we're together? I want it? Is that what you want?" Autumn asked quietly and looked up at Archie worried that's not what he would want. Archie widened his eyes and smiled.

"You may not be sure about a lot of things.." Archie said. The two stopped walking towards the photographers and looked at each other. "But I am sure, that I know you are a lovely girl, with a brilliant smile,-" He let go of her hand and placed it on her cheek, "And a quirky yet, brilliant personality, and you are so strong." Archie said and leaned down some catching her lips in a light peck. A small blush fell over her features and she closed her eyes and Archie did as well a moment before pulling away. "And I want to be with you, and watch you grow and overcome your obstacles." Archie said and Autumn blushed and looked up at him with a fond look in her eyes.

"I want to be with you too," Autumn said, "I'm not good with my words, but I know that-" Autumn paused and laughed at herself. "I really am bad at this." She mumbled. "I just know that I want to be with you." Autumn said and nodded looking up at him.

Autumn looked over and watched Emma stomping over to Gold's shop, sheep wool in her hands. Autumn frowned and looked at Archie. "I have to go.." She whispered and reached up and pecked his lips. She then started running after Emma, Archie watching her with a faint frown. He didn't understand what was happening.

Autumn entered the shop with a frown, looking up at the bell that made Emma and Gold look at Autumn as she entered.

"Did you know about this?" Emma accused holding the sheep wool in her hands in a tight fist. Autumn had her mouth open a gape.

"Excuse me?" Autumn said and shook her head, "No I didn't know!" She said and looked to Gold. She was seething with anger. Now she was going to be wrapped up in the terrible things her father did for power? Oh, fuck that.

"I assure you, Miss Swan, that if was apart of this, my daughter would have stopped me." Mr. Gold said with a smirk as he looked at Emma. Autumn looked at Gold with a scowl. "You needed a booster Miss. Swan, and what a booster like being the hero in a fire?" He said and shrugged.

"You want her to play dirty?" Autumn asked and looked at Emma shaking her head, "Emma, I'm sorry I didn't know." Autumn said and Emma looked at her with a look that read she wanted to believe her. She looked away and looked back at Gold.

"How could you even know that I'd be there at the right time?" Emma asked and looked back at Autumn, "Unless she told you!" Emma still accused. Autumn stared in genuine disbelief and looked at Gold. She then looked to Emma.

"Emma I swear I didn't know!" Autumn pleaded and shook her head.

"Maybe Regina isn't the only one with eyes and ears in this town?" Gold smirked and inclined his head to the right, "Or maybe I'm just intuitive. Were i involved." Gold said and added the last part with a smug smile. Autumn stared at Gold in genuine disbelief.

"I can't go along with this.." Emma whispered

"You just did." Mr. Gold said with a shrug, "This is just the price of election, Miss Swan." Gold said with a bitter chuckle his head tilting to the right.

"A price I'm not willing to pay." Emma said and Autumn nodded.

"Me neither." Autumn said quietly.

"Find another sucker." Emma muttered and dropped the sheep's wool on the desk in front of Mr. Gold.

"Okay go ahead and expose me, but if you do, just think about what you'll be exposing," Mr. Gold said pointedly and looked Emma with a knowing look. "And what you'd be walking away from."

Emma turned and shook her head, looking at Autumn with a sad look, Autumn frowned and looked at Gold.

"Oh yes!" Gold said and shook his head in a sarcastic way, "And who you'll be disappointing." He said. He was speaking of Henry. Emma looked at him with a glare before opening the door and walking out and slamming it behind her.

Autumn looked at him, she looked at him as if he were a monster. "I thought you had changed." Autumn muttered and shook her head. Mr. Gold gave a scoff.

"In the five minutes we've been in each other's presence?" Gold asked sarcastically. Autumn felt that hit her in the heart. She looked down and Gold looked at her with an apologetic look his eyes closing a moment before he started limping his way over. "I'm sorry.."

"Fuck. you." Autumn said and turned around heading to the door and beginning to head out.

"Autumn! I'm sorry! I really am!" Gold called out desperately, but she walked out and slammed the door roughly behind her.

Mr. Gold stared at the door a moment longer, a frown finding it's way on his face. He mentally cursed himself turning and looking at his shop, he brought his cane up and kit a display case roughly. Glass breaking everywhere. And he just had that damned thing fixed.

Rumplestiltskin, Baelfire and Blossom stood outside The Duke's castle that night. The lanolin drenched sheep wool torches ablaze. Blossom felt immensely guilty as she allowed her father to take the torches from her and her brother and set the haystacks surrounding the castle on fire. Rumple pushed his children off to quickly head home back through the trail.

Rumplestiltskin quickly went to the castle front, and snuck in. Already the insides of the castle were on fire and burning. Smoke engulfing the estate, Rumplestiltskin searched for the Dagger quickly.

Finally behind a flag he found the dagger hanging from the wall, slowly and tentatively he grabbed the dagger. He looked at it as thought it was a scary thing, and then he opened the sheath it was in and looked at the name that was engraved within the dagger.

The name was...Zoso

*break here*

It was the day of the debate and the citizens of StoryBrooke gathered in city hall for it. Whispers of Emma Swan winning were swimming through the crowd. They would all remain rumors until the election that would take place later on in the evening. It had been a week since Emma had saved Regina from the fire; that had been caused by Mr. Gold. Autumn had refused to see him, and answer any of his messages. To say she was mad was an understatement. Archie had used his 'doctor language' to say she was slightly piqued by the actions of her father that she refused to say what he did.

Autumn hadn't told anyone what her father had done. She didn't know why. Part of it was because she knew Emma would do the right thing, and she knew that because Autumn knew she herself wouldn't admit to it. Emma wasn't Autumn, that's why Autumn had every faith in Emma to tell the truth. The other reason she believed she didn't tell on her father was because she knew deep down, she didn't want him to be put away. If Emma did it, at least she wouldn't have to feel as guilty right?

Autumn was watching Emma as she half listened to Archie practice the opening speech to the debate. Emma was talking to Mary Margaret while looking off into the crowd from a crack in the curtain. Autumn looked over as Archie was stumbling on his words. She held an amused smile on her face.

"Uh- uh Welcome people of StoryBrooke-" Archie stuttered as he practiced for the debate. He looked at Autumn who was looking at him with an amused smile. "W-we welcome you citizens of StoryBrooke-"

"You can do this, Archie." Autumn laughed softly and tilted her head. Today was the debate, and Autumn was nervous for Emma, but she was just as nervous for Archie. Autumn sometimes fed on the emotions of others, though she would never admit that outloud. Archie looked at her with a smile.

"You really do?" He asked and Autumn nodded. Archie smiled faintly.

"You've only been practicing three days, two of which I helped by spending the night," Autumn smirked in a playful way and Archie couldn't help but offer a blush looking around in a flustered way. "Simply, just coaching you, right?" Autumn bit her bottom lip sme and Archie looked around again.

"Well,-" Archie was about to begin but someone had called out it was almost time. Autumn nodded at him.

"You got this Archie!" Autumn said cheerfully, Autumn looked over her shoulder hands going into the pockets of her denim jeans as she looked at Emma. "You got this, Emma." Autumn said gently and tilted her head. Emma looked over and gave a wary look before taking her seat in a chair, and Archie walked to the podium and stood there nervously.

Autumn looked forward and she noticed only one open seat, which was of course beside her father. Autumn looked at him, and saw his offered smile. Autumn set her annoyance aside and slowly walked over taking the only empty seat. "Mr. Gold." Autumn said curtly. Mr. Gold gave a smirk.

"I thought this was what you wanted, dearie?" Mr. Gold asked and Autumn crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him as she leaned back in the seat.

"Yes, I wanted her to win, but I wanted her to win the fair way." She whispered and looked at him, "Not the Rumpelstiltskin way." She hissed quietly, she narrowed her eyes. She looked forward.

"One day, dearie-" Mr. Gold started offering a smile. "You'll understand that - that is the only way." Mr. Gold said with a chuckle. Autumn shook her head and turned her head to look at him meeting his eyes.

"You're wrong, papa." Autumn whispered, "There is always another way, a plan 'C', that only heroes see." She said and Mr. Gold's face softened, "She'll do the right thing." Autumn looked forward.

'Oh I've planned on it.' Mr. Gold thought to himself. He watched his daughter a moment longer. It had not been his intentions to harm her feelings a week ago, but what he did would all come to light eventually, and she'll see his way was the way, right? She had to. Mr. Hold looked forward soon enough.

Baelfire and Blossom sat together against a tree waiting in worry for their father to return with this magical dagger. Blossom held Baelfire's hand, looking around in a worried fashion every now and then hoping that every noise was their father rushing to them. Baelfire looked up as he saw a torch and he hopped up as the hobbling figure rushing towards them was their father.

The two scared children reached him quickly, Blossom taking his arm gently and Baelfire looked him over. "Oh, Papa, we were so worried!" Blossom whimpered tears falling from her eyes. "I was scared you were found by The Duke's guards." Blossom said looking at him with wide caramel colored eyes.

"Or were burned in the castle!" Baelfire said quickly. Rumplestiltskin smiled faintly as his children expressed their worry, but quickly he regained himself and began to push his children down the path.

"You must go," Rumplestiltskin said quickly, "I need you to go home and wait for me there." Rumplestiltskin continued, he seemed stressed and worried. Blossom and Baelfire looked at eachother, they both carried a bad feeling as to what was happening.

"Papa, come with us, I have a bad feeling." Balefire begged as he looked over Rumplestiltskin with concern.

"Please, Papa," Blossom whispered in a begging tone. Rumpelstiltskin looked his children over and sighed in a wary way.

"Children go home, this is something I have to do on my own." Rumplestiltskin said softly, when his children didn't move he sighed, "Go home, children!" He said in a stern but still caring voice. "Go home and wait for me!" He said and Blossom and Baelfire looked at each other before taking each other by the hand and beginning to walk back to their village.

Rumplestiltskin watched his children disappear into the night and he sighed, looking down at the dagger attached to his belt and pulled it out. He held his torch tightly and held the dagger in the air, he watched the fire illuminate the name, 'Zoso'. There was an eeriness to the air, and a small fog that was in the distance.

Rumplestiltskin opened his mouth to speak, a small shudder escaping before he whispered "Zoso," Rumpelstiltskin looked around and he said the name again this time firmer, "Zoso," He started a firm and forced angry look on his face, "I summon thee!" He called out.

Nothing happened, and Rumpelstiltskin looked at the dagger in doubt. His stern face broke into one of confusion as he looked at the dagger as he dropped his hands. This had been his only hope and now burning down The Duke's Castle had been for nothing? The poor man felt like weeping.

Rumplestiltskin turned around and was met with the figure wearing the black cloak. The Dark one. Letting a scared shout leave his mouth as he dropped his torch and stumbled back.

"You were asking for me?" The cloaked figure asked. His voice was menacing and like a growl of a demon. Rumpelstiltskin looked at the diety with fear. The Dark One stood there, looking at Rumple, his face covered with the cloak.

"Submit!" Rumplestiltskin shouted, "Submit, O Dark One!" He said, holding the dagger in a threatening way, pointing it at him. "I control you!" He said, his voice had a sense of purpose that was layered in fear.

"Yes, you do." Zoso said, his demonic voice held an undertone of humor to it. "Wield the power wisely." Zoso said his humor gone, he tilted his head. "You can wield at any time now, it's almost dawn." The Dark One started, his lips curved into a sadistic smirk. "That means it's almost your children's birthday." He stepped closer, yet Rumple stood his ground unmoving yet unable to wipe the fear off his face, "I bet the duke and his men are already on their way to your house." The Dark One said continuing to move until he was in the man's face.

"No, they can't take them!" Rumple said in a worried way, unable to once again hide the fire on his face and the desperate tone in his voice.

"You don't control them," Zoso said, "You control me." He reminded. Zoso tilted his head, "Have you ever wondered, were they ever really your children at all?" Zoso asked with a smirk. He was provoking Rumplestiltskin for reasons unknown to Rumplestiltskin.

Rumpelstiltskin looked at The Dark One in fear, his eyebrows knitting together. He said nothing but watched still in fear

"Unlike you, they're not cowards, and yearns to fight and die in glory," Zoso mocked and watched Rumplestiltskin shake his head.

"No," Rumplestiltskin shook his head.

"What a poor bargain that would be, to lay down your soul to save your bastard children." Zoso said his growly voice making Rumple whimper, "So I ask you," He started, "What would you have me do?" Zoso asked in Rumple's face.

Rumpelstiltskin's face grew ever more fearful but his eyes hardened, "Die." he answered and brought his arm holding the dagger back and he then plunged it into the chest of The Dark One. The Dark One fell to the ground blood seeping from his new wound. Rumple fell to the ground with him, holding the dagger that was inside Zoso's chest.

The magic covering The Dark One's scaly appearance suddenly faded away as Rumple brought his eyes to look at the man. As the scales and monstrous looking eyes disappeared, Rumple Stared in shock as this was the man that told him how to get the dagger. This was the old man from before. Rumplestiltskin stared in horror his caramel eyes looking down at Zoso in shock, his hands still on the dagger.

Zoso suddenly smiled and broke into a laugh, a wheezing pained laugh.

"It's you?" Rumplestiltskin stuttered, "You're the beggar." Rumplestiltskin whispered.

Zoso shook his head and continued to laugh, "Looks like you made a deal you didn't understand." he said in an amused voice, "And I don't think you're going to do that again."

"You told me to kill you?" Rumplestiltskin said in disbelief. Zoso nodded slowly and swallowed thickly.

"My life was such a burden." Zoso whispered tears in his eyes that refused to fall, "You'll see." Zoso said and then he leaned forward and whispered in Rumple's face, "Magic Always comes with a price, and now it's yours to pay." Zoso let out a cough and laid back against the dirt path.

"Why me?" Rumple whispered, "Why me?" He asked this time his voice cracking, fear laced it.

"I know how to recognize a desperate soul," Zoso whispered, and began anting in pain looking up at the stars. Rumplestiltskin shook his head.

"No…" Rumplestiltskin whispered, "No! Stay!" Rumpelstiltskin looked the man's body over "You have to tell me what to do!" Rumple shouted and began shaking the man, his hand still holding the dagger in the man's chest roughly, "Tell me what t do!" He said. Rumplestiltskin begged and then looked down at the dagger he held tightly.

The dagger was crackling, the skin of his hand was turning a light shade of green. Rumplestiltskin pulled the dagger out slowly and when he looked at the blood covered dagger in his hands he gasped as it held the name 'Rumplestiltskin' engraved on it.

"-Tragedy has brought us here, but we are faced with this decision, now we ask only that you listen with an open mind, and to please vote your conscience." Archie started said with a smile at the podium as he looked out at the crowd of people who had gathered in the town hall for the debate. He looked out at Autumn.

Autumn held her thumbs up and a grin on her face at how well he sounded on the stage. Mr. Gold looked at her and he rolled his eyes.

"So without further ado, I'd like to introduce you to the candidates - Sidney Glass, and Emma Swan." Archie said using each of his hands to gesture to the two people behind him sitting in chairs and waiting to take their stand at the podium. Emma held an annoyed look on her face, but Autumn knew that face was only there because she was nervous. "Glass. Swan." Archie said gesturing to them again, "Sounds like something a decorator would make you buy." Archie said and gave a chuckle. Autumn looked down and then she laughed. Only for him, so that somebody laughed at his joke. Gold looked at Autumn with a blank stare which caused her to go silent as she saw it. "Wow. crickets.- Okay, uh," Archie cleared his throat "Uh, Mr. Glass, your opening statement." Archie said and stepped away from the podium walking around and standing behind Emma's seat.

Autumn tilted her head, as Sidney Glass rose and walked to the podium. Her eyes narrowed and for a moment she wished she had magic to make him fall over. "I just want to say that if elected, I want to serve as a reflection of the best qualities of StoryBrooke- Honesty, Neighborliness, and strength." Sidney said as he looked to Regina as she was mouthing words to his speech. "Thank you." Sidney nodded his head and smiled brightly before heading to his seat.

The crowd of people on Sidney Glass's side applauded while the others just nodded their heads, and a few clapped quietly out of respect. Gold, and Autumn starred with pursed lips and for a moment Autumn wished she didn't look like her father.

Archie returned to the podium with a smile, "And Emma Swan." He said returning to where he once stood. The applauding calmed down.

Emma stood up and and walked to the podium with her eyebrows raised and an unnerved gaze in her eyes as she looked out at the crowd of people. Once reaching the podium she leaned against it and looked at everyone with her eyebrows knitted together. It was at that moment Autumn knew her friend did not prepare a speech. Autumn smiled faintly at Emma who looked at her before looking back at the crowd.

"You guys all know I have.." Emma paused, "What they call, a, uh, troubled past.." She stumbled with her words and her gaze fell to Henry for a moment her eyes turning to look guilty before looking at the crowd. "But you've all been able to overlook it, because of the um.." Emma looked down at the ground, "Because of the 'hero' thing." Emma said, she was referring to saving Regina from the fire. Autumn leaned forward slightly a small smile on her face. "But here's the thing.." Emma started, and Autumn's grin grew big and she looked at Mr. Gold with a cocky smile. "The fire was a setup." Emma said and was looking at Henry as she said it. There was a round of gasps from the crowd. Mr. Gold found himself looking around with a look of displeasure. "Mr. Gold agreed to support me in this race, but I didn't know that-that meant he was going to set fire." Emma looked around her eyes flickering around the room until she found Mr. Gold's. "I don't have any definitive evidence, but I'm sure." Emma said and looked to Henry, "And the worst part about all of this is, I let you all think it was rea;." Emma sighed and shook her head, "And I can't win that way." She said and looked to Henry, "I'm sorry." She said, it was directed towards everyone, but she meant it more towards Henry.

Mr. Gold stood up, and Autumn looked up at him as he began walking out of the room. Autumn smiled and shook her head looking at Emma and offering a thumbs up in her direction. The sound of Mr. Gold was the only sound heard in that debate room. The cold cruel sound of what everyone believed to be Emma's death sentence was the sound of Mr. Gold's cane hitting the wooden floor. Autumn though, she gave a clap as Emma began leaving the stage, and as Emma was gone everyone began to clap.

Autumn walked alongside Archie, and Mary Margaret as they began walking towards Granny's diner.

"So, you knew the whole time and you didn't say anything?" Archie asked, and Mary nodded some wanting to know the answer too. Autumn looked at them with raised eyebrows and sighed.

"I found out when Emma found out it was Mr. Gold, and since it was her campaign I didn't say anything," Autumn said slowly and looked at the scolding face Archie made at her before she smiled, "Because I knew she'd do the right thing." Autumn said with a laugh and Took Archie's hand lightly. Archie paused before smiling down at her.

"I guess you could say you knew Emma had a good conscience." Archie said and Autumn smiled gave a nod.

"I think it's the people she surrounds herself with," Mary said in a sweet voice and smiled faintly. "And I think she was doing it for Henry. " Mary said.

Autumn nodded, "She was, Henry needed this. For a hero to win." Autumn said looking back at the people behind them that were heading to Granny's for Emma's victory party. "Too bad I don't get to see the look on Regina's face as she hands her that badge." Autumn said and smiled up at Archie who gave a laugh and squeezed her hand lightly.

The three were the first to head into Granny's shop and look at Regina and Sidney Glass, and Henry. When Autumn saw the walkie talkies were out on the counter she gave a big grin. That meant Henry was back in Operation Cobra. This was what Henry needed.

Autumn let her smile fade at Regina's words to Emma as she heard them.

"You didn't pick a good friend in Mr. Gold, Miss Swan." Regina started and leaned forward looking Emma over, "But he does make a superlative enemy." She said and smield wide in Emma's face. "Enjoy that." She said and Emma looked over Regina carefully, before looking at Autumn who shook her head and squeezed Archie's hand.

Blossom looked up as The Duke pulled open their door to their home, and she gasped grabbing Baelfire by the arm as the Duke started dragging them out of their home. The children didn't fight, the simply walked with grim scared looks on their faces as The Duke and his men took them out.

"Everyone's watching from behind their curtains today." The Duke chuckled, and Autumn released a small whimper. The man The Duke spoke to gave a smirk before he yelped in pain and the sound of a knife leaving the man's body was heard and the man fell to his knees before falling into the mud.

Blossom and Baelfire grabbed onto each other tightly and watched as a hooded figure that looked familiar to their father stepped over the now dead man. They took a few steps back shaking their heads in fear.

The Duke however looked at the hooded figure he knew as The Dark One and thought was Zoso in shock and went ot his knee bowing his head. "Dark One." He said and looked up as the figure came closer, and he tilted his head a confused look washing over his face. "No.." He whispered "Who are you?" The Duke asked.

"Have you forgotten me already?" Rumplestiltskin asked with a smirk, amusement laced his voice, and he gave off a dark aura. "What was it you use to call me again?" Rumple asked and smiled, "Spindleshanks?" He questioned and then gasped holding a finger up and looking at The Duke, he snapped his finger pointing it at him. "Hobblefoot." He said with a sinister grin.

"Papa?" Balefire and Blossom questioned. This man looked like their father, but this must be some trick. His once brown eyes were green and mixed with other colors, his skin looked different. Their father didn't answer them as he held his dagger in front of him, and The Duke looked at the Dagger.

"Rumplestiltskin." The Duke whispered in fear.

"Wonderful." Rumplestiltskin said and smiled in a mocking way. "And now you shall know me as the new Dark One." Rumple said with a smile and held his hands out in a way as he began to mock. "How about a little fealty?" He asked holding one foot out and posing it. "Kiss...My...boot." Rumplestiltskin growled.

The Duke was gasping in fear, with a trembling body he leaned forward but before he could kiss the offered boot, Rumple grabbed his head with one hand and twisted, breaking his neck and killing him. Blossom and Baelfire let out frightened yelps. Two of The Dukes men that came-came at Rumple with their swords drawn, but they were no match as Rumple stabbed them with his dagger, and with inhuman speed killed teh rest of the men. The men's horses fleeing in fear.

Baelfire and Blossom held each other and looked at Rumplestiltskin in fear. "Papa?" Blossom whispered tears falling down her face from fear. "What has happened to you?" Baelfire and Blossom both whispered at the same time.

Rumplestiltskin was panting when he looked over and took a step forward. "You're safe, children," He whispered walking towards them with his dagger in his hands. "Do you feel safe, children?" He asked

"No," Baelfire said and Blossom frowned and pulled away from Baelfire.

"I do." Blossom whispered and looked back at Baelfire.

"Well I'm frightened." Baelfire said looking down and Blossom frowned more and nodded some and looked to Rumplestiltskin.

"I'm not." Rumple said and smiled, "I protected what belongs to me." Rumple said looking at his children and Baelfire and Blossom looked at each other none of this sounded right. "And I'm not scared of anything." Rumple growled. Baelfire took a few steps back and Blossom stared at their father with a small scared look. Rumple let out a little laugh.

Autumn and Emma walked into the Sheriff's station together. Autumn held a small smile on her face. It was the day after the election. Both girls held a cup of coffee in their hands as they new this was a new day for StoryBrooke, a day in which Regina didn't have her filthy hands deep within the police station and now real justice could commence.

"What's on the agenda today, boss?" Autumn laughed some and looked at Emma who cringed at the title bestowed on her. Emma sat her mug down on the desk and looked up to see the Sheriff's jacket hanging on the coat rack. Autumn looked over and frowned. That was the item that was missing from the box. How did it get here?

"Ah, yes-" Mr. Gold came into view and Autumn gave a shrill scream and dropped her coffee mug on the ground. Thankful it was empty she looked down and then at Mr. Gold. Mr. Gold looked as though he was trying not to laugh. Emma looked at her friend and deputy and pursed her lips.

Autumn sighed, "I'll get it.." SHe said and walked over to the janitorial closet and got the broom.

"I though you may want the Sheriff's jacket Miss Swan." Gold continued watching as his daughter went to sweeping up glass, and grumbling slightly as she did so.

"You do know I'm armed right?" Emma said gesturing to the gun on her side, and Autumn pointed to her gun as well as she kneeled down and began sweeping the broken mug into the dustpan.

"I am too, but I think I can get creative with this broken glass." Autumn said and shook her head. She was only kidding and she looked at her father before getting up and dumping the remains of her cup into the trash.

Mr. Gold released a chuckle, amused and with that came a smile. A knowing smile that when Autumn saw she set the broom aside and looked at her father with a frown. "It's all part of the act, my dears." Mr. Gold said, "Political theater, in an actual theater," Mr. Gold said moving and leaning against one of the six desks in the office. The town hall held theaters sometimes so of course Autumn knew her father would pull the irony card. Emma crossed her arms. "I knew no one was going to vote for you." Gold said and Autumn blinked her yes.

"Uh, Ouch?" Autumn said and Mr. Gold looked at Autumn with raised eyebrows before looking back at Emma who crossed her arms.

"Unless, we gave you some kind of extraordinary quality." Mr. Gold said, "And I'm afraid saving Regina's arse from the fire, just wasn't going to do that." Mr. Gold nodded and smiled looking at Emma who blinked in confused, "We had to give you a higher form of bravery. They had to see you defy me. And they did."

"No way.." Emma whispered, "There is no way you planned that."

"Everyone is afraid of Regina, but they're more afraid of me." Mr. Gold said with a smile. "By standing up to me, you won them over, It was the only way."

Autumn held a blank face on her features and she blinked in confusion. She crossed her arms. The Rumpelstiltskin way, had formed its way into their lives. For a moment she was angry. "Let me guess?" Autumn started and then she sighed shaking her head.

"I know how to recognise a desperate soul." Mr. Gold said with a rasp and a chuckle. Autumn frowned deeply and sat on the desk beside Mr. Gold. She looked at him and tilted her head.

"I don't think this station is as free as we hoped it was, Emma," Autumn said quietly in a hopeless voice, that made Mr. Gold look at his daughter with a frown and he looked at Emma.

"We made a deal sometime back, Miss Swan." Mr. Gold said standing from leaning against the desk to turning to walk out. "We established that you owed me a favor." Mr. Gold said walking towards the door and stopped looking back at her. "I know that can be a bad feeling-" He paused, "Owing someone. Now that you're Sheriff, I'm sure that we'll find some way for you to pay back what you owe me." Mr. Gold said to Emma and Autumn sighed.

Autumn closed her eyes and shook her head. He helped like she asked. So she owed him as well in a way. She needed to think with a good conscience. She need not hold grudge even if she wanted to punch his face in.

"I owe you too, papa." Autumn said and Gold paused his walking out of the office and looked at her with a raised eyebrow, almost as if to say, 'You know you never owe me,'. Autumn cleared her throat. "How about lunch on me? Say noonish?" Autumn asked softly and Mr. Gold's usual stoic face turned into a soft smile. "Granny's?" She asked

"I will see you then, Autumn." Mr. Gold said softly, and he left the station and Emma and Autumn looked at eachother and Autumn released a sigh.

"I can probably keep him away from the Sheriff's office," Autumn said with a grin and Emma smirked.

"Look at you, playing Mr. Gold's game." Emma said and turned to her office with a frown.

'No. I'm just playing it the Rumpelstiltskin way.' Autumn thought to herself.