drip drip
drip drip

the water leaking through the ceiling as the devil beats his wife
they say that's what happens when the rain pours and the sun shines

a recollection of a field far away
the frolicking in slow motion
like a movie or a dream or maybe just a fantasy

the rain pelts hard against the barred open space
splashing against the cobblestone into a puddle that i graciously lap up off the stone

thoughts of the goddesses of fertility
i am going to die here after my first date and what a terrible date it has been a lost cause and a life ending experience
blood pouring down your face blood staining my eyes obscuring my vision

the wind harsh and sharp as a meat cleaver
mist spraying my face and dampening my fur to my shivering skin
drip drip
drip drip

try not to watch her decay
to ruin
try not to watch a flower wilt

try not to watch the unnatural elements take the only thing keeping me sane away from me

sunlight casting through the window paints the shadows of the bars across the walkway and into the other cells
reach out through the bars desperate to be a shadow but this is a dream that cannot be reached now
voice hurts to use to call out to the robots that aren't listening that forget i need food and water
only the wind and the rain and my voice echo through this shallow tomb as shallow as it gets being above ground and all
and when the rain is gone it's just drip drip drip drip

when the image of this dimension quakes itself into obscurity an angel comes unto me and sings with a familiar voice
a dance with my spirit and a question to my soul
a miracle, a miracle, i sing without singing
my head against breast and my body wrapped in a warm and loving embrace

yes i tell her mother mobius
i would like to return to the womb