Thana and Newt supported the sickly Muggle down the street, he swayed on his weak legs against them and he was in danger of collapsing against them. Tina hurried ahead of them, trotting on low heels down the unfamiliar street. Thana hissed at the strain of supporting Mr Kowalski,

"How much further?" she snarled softly, struggling with his weight against her petite frame. Tina turned to look over her shoulder at them,

"Just here," she said and stopped before a building, "Okay but before we go in...I am not supposed to have men on the premises," she said, glancing between Mr Kowalski and Newt

"In that case, Mr Kowalski, Thana and I can seek alternative accommodation..." she cut him off, shaking her head grabbing the sleeve of his blue coat. She pulled him up into the small building and up a wooden staircase. They walked carefully and Thana's steps became completely silent, as a Siren she was a perfect killer, every inch of her designed to be brutal and that included the ability to lose all scent and become completely silent.

"That you Tina?" a woman asked, thickly accented.. Newt stiffened and motioned for Jacob to be silent.

"Yes Mrs Esposito," Tina replied,

"Are you alone?" Thana's heart raced in her chest, she held in a deep breathe

"Always alone Mrs Esposito," she added darkly, she sounded almost sad as they continued to walk up the stairs. Thana felt a rush of sadness for her. The door swung open and they all crowded in to the apartment. Around the room various objects where carrying out chores by themselves, Thana smiled at the magic and her eyes briefly met Newts across the room. He gave her a soft lopsided grin; she was always so surprised by magic.

She had grown up in a glass cage; even now magic was a mystery to her

"Teenie? You brought friends home," a woman they hadn't noticed was watching from a door way, she wore nothing but a pink slip of silk and Newt blushed instantly. Jacob gaped at the beautiful girl and her softly curled golden locks.

"We aren't friends," Thana muttered darkly and Newt nudged her, a soft chastisement and a reminder to be play nicely.

"Gentlemen...and Lady- this is my sister. Want to put something on Queenie?" what was with these people's names? Although she did travel with a wizard called 'Newt' so who was she to really judge?

Tina moved around, tidying up the small apartment as Queenie slipped on a dark blue dress made of the softest velvet. It was Queenie who spoke first

"So who are they?" she asks, taking in the scruffy hair and tattered clothes of Newt, the sweating countenance of Mr Kowalski and finally the ethereal beauty of Thana.

"Mr Scamander and his travelling companion Thana, they have committed a serious infraction of the statute of secrecy-," Queenie lot up brightly,

"They're criminals?" she grinned at the thought of harbouring a potentially dangerous couple,

"Uh huh," Tina began to untie her shoes, "And that's Mr Kowalski, he's a No-Maj," He raised a hand to wave, still star struck by Queenie, It was an odd thing. He fawned over her, drawling at her feet and yet he had barley admired the beauty of Thana.

"A no-Maj?" she squealed, delighted "Teenie? What are you up to?"

"He's sick, it's a long story. Mr Scamander and Thana have lost something that I am going to help them find," She was cut off by Mr Kowalski stumbling and swaying on the spot, almost collapsing to the floor. Queenie leapt into action, fingering her wand and watching the muggle with wide blue eyes.

He collapsed onto the sofa behind him

"Oh you need to sit down honey," she rushes forwards, "Hey- He hasn't eaten anything all day." She trotted forwards, concerned and easily falling into the role of nurse with an ease that Thana couldn't help but admire

"And...that's rough, he didn't get the money that he wanted for his bakery," she lit up against instantly "You bake Honey?" He grumbled his ascent, raising a hand weakly

"I love to cook!" she grinned,

"You're a Legillimens," Newt exclaimed, Thana perked up instantly. He had explained to her once, the ability to hear someone's thoughts, she had loved the idea but it had also scared her

"Um Yeah, but I always have trouble with you're kind, Brits, It's the accent" she then looked to Thana, "And I can't hear your thoughts at all,"

"Because I'm not human," she said flatly, her fangs glittered slightly

"You know how to read minds?" he pointed weakly at his own temple, she nodded

"Aw don't worry honey, most guys think what you was thinking, first time they see me," She shrugged innocently, she tapped his leg with the tip of her wand, still smiling

"Now, you need food," she scurried off to the kitchen, dancing slightly. Thana turned to see Newt peaking between the soft lace of the curtain and Thana reached out a hand to brush his shoulder

"We'll find them Newt, I promise," she whispered, giving his shoulder a delicate squeeze. He smiled at her but worry still clouded his eyes. He nudged her and nodded towards the kitchen so she could watch bowls and plated drift down from the cupboards as food began to cook in the open air. She gaped slightly and he grinned at her.

"Hey Mr Scamander?" Queenie asked, "You prefer Pie or strudel?" Tina eyed them from the kitchen

"You prefer strudel don't you honey?" Mr Kowalski nodded as he tucked a napkin into his collar and grinned around at the magic.

"Strudel it is," food began to set itself at the table and the candles ignited,

"Well come on Mr Scamander, We aren't going to poison you," Tina smiled at them and newt edged forwards to take a seat and Thana took the chair beside him.

"Do you eat honey?" Queenie questioned, eyeing the fangs again and taking her own seat across from the muggle. Thana smiled a rarely innocent smile void of malice. A smile usually reserved for Newt and his antics.

"Yes, I eat." She grinned and began to pick at the potatoes

Queenie kept the conversation going most of the time, just talking and listening to Mr Kowalski's responses before he could say him.

"The Job ain't that glamourous, I spend most the time making coffee, unjinxing the John...Tina's the career girl," she smiled fondly at her sister before continuing

"Nah, we're orphans. Ma and Pa died of Dragon pox whilst we where kids, oh...You're sweet but we got each other," they continued to talk and flirt much to Thana's amusement. She watched Newt and heard the click of the case again and motioned for him to close it.

"You need to get that fixed," she murmured softly, smiling at him. He nodded in agreement,

"First job when we get back to England," he reassured gently

"Oh you slay me," Queenie declared smiling at the muggle, they continued to talk only stopping when Queenie scowled at her sister

"I am not flirting," Thana smiled down at her plate

"Whatever you say..." she grinned down at her plate and Newt nudged her with his knee under the table, smiling slightly

"He's going to have to be Obliviated," Jacob paled, dabbing his sweaty face with his green napkin.

"Oh hey, you ok honey?" Newt stood up quickly, tucking in his chair

"Miss Goldstein, I think Mr Kowalski could do with an early night and we will have to be up early to find my Niffler and Thana isn't great when she doesn't sleep," Thana hissed at him but it was playful

"What's a niffler?" Queenie frowned, turning to look at her sister who just murmured quietly,

"Don't ask," Tina showed her to the sofa where a bed had been made up of pillows and mismatched blankets as Newt and Mr Kowalski where shown to their own room. Queenie placed a hot mug of cocoa beside her with a smile and she grinned over her shoulder into the room where the men where.

Thana settled into the nest of pillows and listened into the room across from her where Newt was. She knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't be going to bed without venturing into the case. She waited for the tell-tale clicks and flourish of the blue coat.

She heard Mr Kowalski bark in shock and grinned against the pillow before venturing into the room with feline quiet. She had to fight back her giggle at the sight of Mr Kowalski stuck in the case, his plump stomach restricting him from slipping in, She shoved his shoulders roughly and he fell into the case with a cry.

Thana followed him in to the small shack; Newt was picking at various plants and extracting the glowing blue venom from swooping evil. Thana grabbed a pail and moved away to feed the sea creatures that floated in their own bubbles of water. She threw chunks of raw meat to them, vaguely aware of Mr Kowalski and Newt walking through the enclosures.

Thana was quick to notice that her two favourites where gone; Dougal the demiguise and the Niffler. She adored the fluffy little creatures; the niffler would often leave her little gifts of diamond rings and silver tiaras and necklaces.

Her own enclosure rested not too far away, a lake that stretched quite far and was sunk deep into the land. Beside it was a shed filled with her little possessions that she had gathered over the years. The water sang in her blood again,

She walked over to join Newt who was fawning over the thunderbird christened 'Frank', only Newt, she thought with a smile, would name a dangerous creature with the ability to wreak havoc across the skies something like Frank.

Mr Kowalski noticed her smiling countenance as she watched Newt cuddle the beast, she turned to see his knowing look and blushed.

Newt showed him the beautiful world he had created in his case, the Graphorns, the Fwoopers and the Mooncalves, all of them. He watched them with wide eyes, taking in every extraordinary detail

"What do you think Mr Kowalski?" he was gaping around at the magic,

"I think it's amazing, call me Jacob Thana. So what...Um, What are..." he began to hum and question, obviously trying not to insult her. She let him dance around the subject for a bit before she put him out of his misery. It was enjoyable but Newt probably wouldn't be pleased

"What am I? I'm a siren," He stared at her blankly for a second,

"I am a cross between a mermaid and a Veela, we tend to live underwater but I was captured as a child by hunters, Newt freed me and we have travelled together ever since," she thought for a second before pulling him into one of Newt's sheds. She flicked through the papers on his desk before handing him a piece of paper.

"Here, this is Newts explanation on a Siren, it's easier to understand that way," she smiled and showed it to him

A siren is a semi-human magical being that takes the form of a beautiful woman but have a long tale similar to that of a fish that starts from the waist. They can live for an eternity in the ocean however if they decide to live on land and take their human forms they are bound to live a human lifespan.

Their arsenal includes a beautiful singing voice that they use to lure their pray, once they are close enough they can grow claws and they have elongated canines and tend to rip apart the unfortunate target.

Their voices also include a cry that is capable of knocking unconscious or killing their victim.

They are a cross between the Veela and the mermaid, similar in many ways except the pronounced blood-lust

The Kiss of a Siren, however rare, will keep you alive underwater and grant you the ability to breathe for a short while.

Beneath it was a drawing that Thana herself had drawn, what she hadn't told Newt was that it was a sketch of her mother. The beautiful youthful face, the long hair and elegant tail, everything so familiar

"So you could be immortal?" Thana nodded

"If I returned to live in the sea but I could never leave Newt. I would rather have a short life by his side rather than an eternity without him; it is not a choice," Jacob opened his mouth to speak but before he could Newt appeared and Thana went to help him, avoiding whatever Jacob was about to tell her.

"We could keep him in the case, transfer him back to London and let him live in the magical community?" Newt watched her, not speaking "There must be a way to stop him from being obliviated Newt," Thana had noticed how Newt cared for the baker, a friend. A real friend and she wasn't about to let him leave, not if it would hurt Newt.

"I-," he glanced over her shoulder to see Jacob vanish into the snow territory, to where the obscurus was.

"Merlin's beard," he ran into the enclosure, she followed behind quickly in time to see Jacob approaching it

"Step back," Newt snapped,


"Step away Jacob," Thana warned, swallowing and guiding him out of the enclosure. Newt walked over to the Erumpent enclosure to see her gone.

"We need to get going Newt," she said, staring into the empty land

"Find everyone before they get hurt," he agreed, and Jacob stared between them

"Before they get hurt?" he stuttered, obviously confused. Maybe he hadn't experienced the brutality of human nature, but he had been to war, he had seen what they could do when scared.

"Yes Mr Kowalski, see they're currently in alien terrain surrounded by millions of the most vicious creatures on the planet," Thana remembered what they had done to her, the white scars around her wrists where she had been shackled and the thin scars that traced her beautiful flesh.

"Humans," She supplied, her voice shook slightly. She remembered what it was to be muzzled, to be scared and alone. She reached up to brush the tiny scars across her high cheekbones where the muzzle had sliced.

Newt reached out and took her shaking hand in his own, she swallowed deeply but started to calm at the gentle touch. She took a few steps towards him, seeking comfort in the warmth of his body. He pulled her against him and folded her against his chest and she could hear his heart beat against her cheek.

His hand reached up to knot in the beautiful locks of golden hair

"So where would you say that a medium sized creature that likes broad open plains, trees, waterholes- that sort of thing- where might she go?" Jacob stared at him,

"In New York city?" he rubbed his cheek, thinking hard


"Plains?" he shook his head, "Ugh, central park,"

And where is that exactly?" Newt inquired, still holding Thana close to him

"Where is central park?" he said shocked, Thana growled at his tone and twisted in Newts arms to glare at him. Newt just looked at him and Jacob smiled

"Look- I would go and show you but don't you think it's kind of a double cross? The girls take us in, they make us cocoa," he said,

"You do realize that when they see you have stopped sweating they will obliviate you in a heartbeat?" She said, looking at him with steady blue eyes. Jacob noticed how they where the exact colour of the sea.

"What does obliviate mean?" he asks, looking between them, Thana couldn't reign in her temper any longer

"It'll be like you wake up and all memory of magic gone," She hissed at him, fangs bared and face no longer human. Newt trailed a hand around her waist, calming her

"I...I won't remember any of this?"

"No," Newt said gently and Thana felt a spike of sympathy at Jacob's mournful expression

"Alright...yeah, ok...I'll help you," Newt picked up a bucket

"Come on then,"