Disclaimer: I do not own Hermione, Rabastan or most of the adult characters in this part. I do own Rigel, Adhara, Nashira, Lily Eileen...
Thank you so much for ANGSWIN, Geekmom13 and Naomi Wagner, for giving me the interesting prompt. For beta-ing. For being my Alpha. Also for the wonderful folk on the facebook page: Beyond the Book Fanfiction Nook for organising the fest on AO3. Thank you gals x
Triggers: Happily Ever After. Big families. The almost opposite of birth control... lol.
Mon Le Chevalier Noir
APRIL 16th 2005
Hermione rolled her eyes sharing a chuckle with Ninny who was now serving her tea. Rigel and Adhara were twins, the result of the Fecundus potion. They fought with each other and for each other, sneaky as they come and both could lie with the best of them. Fred and George encouraged them. The two stumbled into the large living room where their faces were flushed.
"Care to explain what is going on?" Hermione asked her two six-year-old monsters.
"Rigel snatched a letter from Teddy Lupin to me," Hermione rolled her eyes. "Teddy and Rigel are friends too, Adhara."
"But Rigel..."
They could not finish as a three-year-old girl waddled in sucking her thumb and looked at her older siblings: "What's going on, mum?"
"Adhara and Rigel are fighting."
"Is that all?"
Rabastan barked in laughter as he reached across to pick up his curly haired daughter, Nashira June Lestrange, the girl giggled as she squirmed in her father's lap. Hermione patted her belly. This would be her last if she had anything to say about it. Rabastan was not so easily persuaded, besides he had to make sure the name would truly survive and one son would not do. Healer Snape née L'or had pronounced Hermione fertile before they were ready again. In another three years Hermione would brood again. An unfortunate side-effect to using the Fecundus Potion. It literally seeped into the body and did what it said. Produced stronger eggs, increased hormonal responses and would seem to trigger when the last child had been truly weaned. When Hermione had found that out she was horrified to discover that she may be almost continually pregnant in her flush of youth – Rabastan had no complaints.
House-Elves loved to fuss over children – they were also multiplying as Ninny met a nice Elf from Hogwarts called Flib. Ninny and Flib were almost as bad as Guinea Pigs. As soon as they had one litter she seemed to be expecting another. In tune with her Mistress it seemed.
The next was another set of twins. Identical this time and boys, which was why Hermione had hoped that Rabastan would be satisfied but he shook his head. Hermione had said the same after little Nashira was born. The twins were already named when the sex was revealed.
"Celaeno and Asterope are particularly violent today," Hermione sighed as she sat back wiping her brow, "Nashira, perhaps you can come and brush mummy's hair."
"Okay mummy," Nashira wriggled off her father's lap and skipped to her room, bronze curls flying behind her as she did so.
"What are you going to do about Rigel, mum?"
"Oh please children you can both write separate letters to Teddy, now leave mummy to rest, your future siblings are becoming as troublesome as you. These two are sure to be Beaters, Rabastan!"
"My father's genes must have contributed then," Rabastan could not be more delighted. He wanted to set up his own Quidditch pitch in his grounds. To have a team ready made was the stuff of dreams. "We have three chasers, all we need now is a keeper and a seeker!"
"Hmm, we'll see, the Fecundus may have run out of effect."
Rabastan's eyes crinkled around the edges in amusement. "We may as well complete the team, Hermione. You are not without room, help or health."
Hermione rolled her eyes and smiled. "All right, we'll have two more, then we're calling it!"
SEPTEMBER 1st 2010
The Lestrange Litter, as they had come to be known as, for Hermione was still under the effects of the Potion. Her success was such that all infertile witches were now begging to use it. Hogwarts finally had uses for all the spare and disused classrooms. Talks were in session of even making a fifth house to accomadate the oncoming populace of magical britain. The huge family were surrounded by friends and their families on Platform 9 ¾ – Harry and Ginny were there to see their Godson off. The eldest not yet ready to start Hogwarts. Remus and Tonks had five more children. Ginny had three children and one coming. The Snapes joined them too as their daughter – Lily Eileen, was to board upon the Express. Lily blushed as she looked at Rigel. For an 11 year old he was tall, showing signs of a noble bearing, dark green eyes set in an almost translucent complexion, black curly hair flopped over his brow as he smiled at Lily, bowing the way his father taught him and captured her hand in his.
"My Miss Snape you grow more beautiful by the minute!"
"Rigel – stop play-acting father and Uncle Lucius would you!" Adhara snapped.
Lily giggled and hugged her friend as Teddy came up and slapped Rigel on the back. "Ready?" he asked.
Fathers helped levitate their children's trunks onto the train. Headmaster Snape and Madam Snape Apparated back to Hogwarts with their son, Regulus. Hermione gathered her twins in a hug which was awkward as she was, yet again, pregnant.
"Would you still love me if I was in Slytherin, mum?"
Adhara had developed the same habit as her mother when she was distressed. Hermione watched her daughter as she nibbled her lower lip.
"Nonsense, darling," Hermione said warmly squeezing her daughter's bicep. "I love a Slytherin. Most of my friends are Slytherin. Why should my daughter not be one?"
Adhara nodded: "I don't want you to hate me," she muttered.
"It is because of some wonderful Slytherins that I am here now, looking at you, and able to be with you. Please, Adhara, you are a beautiful girl – Slytherin or not – you are first and foremost my baby girl. Mon petit minou," she kissed Adhara's forehead, "now, on the train and go and learn, make friends and start your life my darling."
The next morning Hermione and Rabastan awoke to the news that Rigel and Adhara were, indeed, sorted into Slytherin. They smiled, kissed and settled back down into the covers.
All was well!
AN: Th the the th th that's all folks!
All is not well... I could be persuaded to write a sequel, for reviews - sort of like Scabior returns?
Thank you to everyone who has followed, favourited and reviewed x I may make a poll so look out on my profile. If you have LJ accounts I am there as SilverLioness80. Tumblr: nyssaainley. Author's page: Silver Lioness on FB. Group: Chateaux Lestrange. Just to let y'all know I can be found elsewhere.