
Feel free to treat this as a reader fic! OC is pretty much a blank slate so I really won't mind if you change her name.

Lemon hunters: story is mostly plot but I will update here with chapters that have anything sexual. I got'chu fam.

Chapter 15 - lime

Playlist: look up 'misshealthpotion' on YouTube, playlist is called '98 percent'. If you want to, of course. My music taste is weird and all over the place, so please don't feel obliged. The first three songs are what inspired this mess, the rest are random in no particular order. I'll keep adding to it as I go, it's just some stuff I like to listen to while writing this!

Key - it's the usual fanfic stuff:


98 percent

Chapter 1

Ikeda Haruko was standing in front of the gym's door. She could hear volleyballs inside hitting the ground.

Everyone's already here. Okay. You got this.

She wrapped her arms around her tablet computer and clutched it to her chest, then took a few steps into the gym.

The boys who were practicing inside were too busy to notice her come in, which she was relieved by.

There he is. Shit, don't stare.

She closed her eyes for a bit, took a deep breath and started looking for the coach of the volleyball team inside. He was a few meters away focusing on their training. As she walked up to him, he noticed and greeted her.

"Ikeda-san! Glad to see you. I'm guessing all the paperwork is finished?" he asked.

"Yes, it's all done Mukai-sensei! I'm ready to roll." she said with a smile.

"Good to hear you so excited – the boys have been dying to meet you!"

She gave him a slight nod and chuckled. Mukai Hisao was the Shokey Gakuin University's boys' volleyball club coach. Soon after their short exchange, he called the team over.

Haruko felt a little tense as they were approaching. For one thing, even though she was not very short herself, they were still super tall. For another, she knew she had to put her game-face on.

As they stopped and gathered around eyeing her, the coach gave Haruko a "go on" look.

"Ah!" she said, turning to them, "Right, let me introduce myself. I'm Ikeda Haruko, I'll be your manager starting today."

After hearing a few "nice to meet you"s and "oooh!"s from around the group, the coach spoke up again.

"I expect you all to welcome Ikeda-san just like you welcomed your teammates, as she will be part of the team from now on. We'll take a short break now so feel free to chat and get to know each other."

The coach left the team and Haruko alone and for a moment she felt like she was surrounded by giants.

"Don't you worry Ikeda-san!" one of the guys said, breaking the silence and throwing his arm around her shoulder, "You'll fit right in, coach almost made it sound like we're some assholes with that serious tone!"

"Maki-san you are literally the biggest asshole here." one of the other guys said to him, making others snicker and making Maki let go of Haruko to go smack him.

"Not true. We all know Shittykawa's the biggest asshole here." another said.

"Iwa-chan! Honestly this is why I never make a good impression with you around. It's Oikawa, actually." Oikawa himself spoke up soon after, turning to Haruko, "Please ignore my friend. He's not good with the ladies-oomph!"

Oikawa winced mid-sentence after his friend hit him. "Anyway," he started, "name's Iwaizumi Hajime. The idiot here is Trashykawa Tooru."

Oikawa gave him a glare as the rest of the team members introduced themselves as well.

You're looking his way too much. Okay, to be fair they were being dramatic so it's fine. I think. Don't be weird.

"So," Iwaizumi spoke up again, turning to Haruko, "what brings you to us?"

"Ah, well," she began, "to be perfectly fair I don't know much about volleyball, but what I'm good at is organization. So I suppose…"

She kept on going for a while, trying to calm down her thoughts.

It's fine. Look at each and every one of them for a few seconds while you're talking, don't you dare stop on Oikawa. Just turn to him for a while to include him-GOD it should be illegal to look this good..aaand look away to the next person. It's fine. All good.

"…and while helping you guys out I can learn a bit more about time management, and, well, management in general." she finished, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Ah so it's a win for us and a win for Ike-chan!" Oikawa spoke up again.

I—Ike-chan? I mean I've heard him do the nickname thing to everyone but still that is just-

"Say, Ike-chan," he said, grabbing her attention once again, "aren't you from one of my classes?"

"Hmm, probably?" I am, I very much am, several actually. "I think I have classes with most people here though. But since we're just a few weeks into the school year I guess I haven't had the chance to get to know everyone yet."

Before anyone could say anything else, a whistle blew and coach Mukai advised everyone to get back to practice. As the team left, Haruko went over to the coach who was waving to her.

"While they're busy, let me tell you more about your duties as a manager."

Dear Diary,

I did it. I joined the volleyball club as a manager. I'm kind of ahamed? I guess? But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. To be perfectly fair, Oikawa isn't 100% the reason for joining. I really meant what I said to them, this will help me skill-wise. But he's still like 99% of it. I wanted to call my sister to tell her about this but I can already hear her calling me thirsty so I think I'll keep this to myself.

It's selfish, what I'm doing, I know. But even if I don't manage to get his attention I'll be satisfied with watching him play. Even watching him walk up the stairs in our lecture theatres, my god. The man belongs in a museum. Still can't get him out of my head when I saw him on the first day, though he definitely looks better with glasses. No glasses Oikawa – 10/10. Glasses Oikawa – 15/10. Plain hoodie, messy hair, just a regular ol' university student, except with a face taken straight out of a playgirl magazine.

God, I sound like one of his fangirls. Truth be told, though, I kind of wanted to join them at times. He seemed to be genuinely nice to them and the attention would have been flattering, but I figured I wouldn't get far with just following him around like that.

Being part of their team... that's a different story. Definitely beats looking at him through my tablet screen's reflection during lectures.

Do I want a relationship with the guy? No, probably not. Doesn't look like the type who would do well in a relationship anyway. Not like I know him, but rumours spread fast, and as much as I try not to judge he does give off a playboy vibe. Do I want to get with him? Yeah, probably. That would be fun.

Though… watching Oikawa play today, he seemed to have already gotten close to a completely new team. I think Iwaizumi was with him in high school from what I've heard, but the rest of them seem to have met him just this year. I imagine he would be pretty pissed if he were to find out why I joined. He seems to really care about volleyball so that could cause like, a massive problem.

Ah crap okay I just started realizing how much I could mess things up. If he does find out I'll probably get a hitman sent on me. Okay, maybe not something that bad, but surely I'd have to quit and rumors would ruin the rest of my time at university, cause who wants to be friends with the bitchy, manipulative manager, right? Eugh.

Ok ok ok, this is really not the time to be realizing how horrible I am. I've already put myself in this mess without thinking it through, so I might as well roll with it. Hopefully this will turn out to be fun.

Haruko xx

Day two of Haruko's new club activities wasn't all too stressful. She was getting used to her duties and getting to know her new teammates better. She would be stuck with all of them for quite some time, so it wouldn't hurt to make friends. She still had trouble remembering all of their names apart from Oikawa and Iwaizumi and.. Mika? Mako?.. Maki! Those three seemed to be first years, though most of the team consisted of second and third years.

After practice, right before reaching the spot where she left her bike, a few girls approached her. They seemed to be students in her university as well.

"Ah excuse me!" one of them called out to Haruko, "are you the volleyball club's new manager? The one Oikawa-kun is in?"

She nodded, slowly.

Ah crap... they are probably a few of his fans... I completely forgot about them and didn't even realize this could be troubleso-

"Ahhh that is so cool!" one of them exclaimed, making Haruko jump slightly and widen her eyes, "You gotta tell us everything!"

Haruko was dumbfounded. "..Eh?"

"You know! What he's like in practice! We've seen a few of his games but-"

"-but it's not the same as seeing him up-close while he's playing!" the other girl finished, rising her index finger up.

"Yeah yeah!"

"Um.." Haruko was a little shocked to see them be so.. nice? And cheerful? And not jealous? "Well, I haven't spent much time around Oi-er, the team. So I can't really say much, I've been a bit distracted by all the work."

"Aww! Well, if there's anything we can help with to make Oikawa-kun's games or practices any better, please let us know!" one of them said, excited.

"Yeah!" the other one said, a little too cheerfully, staring at Haruko all starry-eyed.

"Oh! Um, okay, I'll let you know if we need any help at all. But… why haven't either of you applied to the manager position? When I was submitting my application, they said I was the only one..." Haruko wondered, scratching the back of her head.

The two girls looked at each other, and one of them spoke. "To be honest I'm really not that into volleyball? Or being a manager?" The other girl was nodding as she spoke. "I mean, yeah it would mean getting to be next to Oikawa-kun more, but we know how seriously he takes volleyball so… wouldn't it be kind of selfish to join just to be around him?"

Ouch. Right on target.

"Haha yeah. You're… completely right." Haruko said, trying her best to keep a smile on her face.

How are his fangirls so respectful oh my god, I am literally worse than a fangirl. Officially.

"Plus, we're happy he has someone to look after him and his team! I'm sure he appreciates it too."

Please stop talking, you're both way too nice and I really want someone to knock me out right now.

"Th-thank you both. I'll do my best to-"

"Now, now – who's bothering our precious manager-chan?"

Haruko felt a pair of hands on her shoulders and and jumped slighly - before she could even recognize the voice behind her, she saw the girls giggle and wave goodbye to her and the man behind her.

Oikawa let go and went a little bit ahead of Haruko, waving the girls goodbye as they were running off.

"Sorry if I startled you, Ike-chan, and for the girls bothering you." he sighed, then looked back to where they ran off, "They're all really lovely people, but they can be a bit much sometimes." He lifted his hand behind his head.

"Oh!" it took a while for Haruko to come back to her senses, "That's okay! They were actually super nice and respectful and all. It's no big deal." she said, shaking her head. He couldn't have just come here to spook them off, right?

"I'm glad! So!" he clapped his hands together, "Would you like to come play laser tag?"

"…..Eh?" she stood there a little confused.

Laser tag? With Oikawa? Why is he asking me to go with him to-

"Oh, well, me and the guys-"

The guys. Of course. All of us together. I'm an idiot.

"-usually do something for the newbies. Me and Iwa-chan at least, we would always go do something fun with the new people on the team when I was in high school, and since we haven't had the chance to do anything yet this year, we figured we would wait a little until more people joined so we could all go together, manager-chan included!"

Oikawa pointed both of his index fingers at her. He looked so excited, there was probably no one on the planet able to say no to him when he was like that.

"Sure!" she said, smiling, "Laser tag is an interesting choice though, why?"

"It's finally my pick this year. Used to be paint ball most of the time but…" he looked to the side and squinted, "Every time we would go, instead of playing like normal human beings most people would just chase me down. Especially Iwa-chan. I still remember the bruises I had after he pinned me down and shot about a dozen of close-up paintballs at me."

He seemed to be really concerned by that memory but Haruko couldn't do much except try and hold her laughter. It didn't work. In the end Oikawa couldn't help but join her as well, realizing that does make for an amusing memory.

"Glad you're enjoying my traumatic past," he continued between laughs, "but I have to be off. I need to put my things away and change, we'll all meet up at the gates at around seven, I'll see you then?"

"Mhm! I'll do the same." Haruko nodded, heading towards her bike once again, "See you Oikawa-san!"

With that Oikawa waved and was on his way, and she was about to be as well. She got on her bike and was about to start pedaling home, but her legs didn't seem to move at first.

I want to ask myself why I'm feeling like this but god damnit I perfectly know why. They're all being super nice to me and I am an absolute selfish bitch.

She looked down on her bike.

Maybe this was all a horrible idea after all… But what am I supposed to do now, tell them oh hey guys, sorry but I'm gonna quit on day two because I only joined to get with your captain and now I feel bad, bye?

She sighed.

What have I gotten myself into…

Haruko took a deep breath and started riding home, memories of today's unexpected friends she made still with her.

A/N: Don't worry! They'll be at each other's throats soon enough and it's gonna be super fun! :D

There's absolutely no way I'm going to bombard you with random names for every single team member, I'm here for the Oikawa trash and so are you, Maki or whatever his name was is literally just a filler character that has to be here to make them team look more full, so is the coach haha. Actually, yknow what, every single team member is gonna be named Maki now. They're all brothers. The entire team except Oikawa and Iwaizumi. All of them are Maki.

Also: respectful fangirls give me life. Protect them.

Also x2: Oikawa-is-a-really-nice-guy-until-you-give-him-a-reason-not-to-be also gives me life.

Also x3: what if: double tsundere and Oikawa-isn't-the-one-breaking-hearts-this-time.

Also x4: Oiks and Iwa go to the same uni and noone can tell me otherwise. No. Just no. I refuse.

Reviews would be super helpful because I haven't written anything in 9-10 years and I am rusty af! Thank you!