AN. This is it. The end of Endangered species! The story finally concludes in one last fight! Ozpin takes on Salem, the battle of Beacon in decided and the end is here! This is the end of my fist fic and I'm feeling a certain way about it. It's been a heluva ride so thanks for anyone who is still reading and this is it! The end is here.

"Ozpin, so glad that you look like your old self."
Salem said as her brother's true form appeared in the night.
"My old self-was a bit stuffy. I never did like the faunus form you know?"
"Do I look like I care?"
"It would be nice if you did."
Ozpin said as Salem glared at him.
"Look whos talking you zealous ass."
"Oh really? Right to profanity? I thought you would be better than this?"
Ozpin said smugly as Salem grimaced as-
"Mistress! What are we to-
"You are to do nothing. I am going to kill my brother Cinder. And nothing he can do will stop me from doing that."
"Oh, we will see about that. I am Quite resilient you know." "Ozpin!-
"Not now mister Arc-
"Don't now me! You killed my partner!"
Jaune yelled as-
"I'm your partner!"
Ruby said her burning crimson eyes glaring at Jaune and-
"I did not kill your partner. She chose-
"You liar! You murdered her! Y-
"Ahh, misleading the children? Ozpin its good to see that you never change."
Salem said interrupting Jaune as she stared at her broths glowing form. As the searing eye of the sun glared into her.
"Sister. So good to see that you kept your sense of humor of the millennia."
"Brother. So glad to see that you sill have a control fetish. I wonder if that's why you never found a woman?"
"Ha. You are a doll." Ozpin said glaring at Salem as his wings began to unfold as Salem glared.
She needed to keep him talking. Ozpin was not able to maintain that form for over five minutes. After that, he would be unbaled to maintain his true form, and be forced back into his faunus one. She just needed to-
"So. Shall we end this dear sister? I'm a bit tired of talking and I would like to go back to bed. I have a feeling that my assistant will no longer be able to file my paperwork." Ozpin said with a grimace as Salem held his eye.
"Mistress? What do-
"Stay behind me, Ruby. This is a fight beyond your league."
"I can fight!"
"I know you can. You are strong, but this is something else entirely." Salem said pushing her minions behind her as-
"Le'ts kick her chalky ass!"
Yang growled knocking her fist together making a shower of sparks an-
"Try it wench."
Cinder growled at Yang and-
"Yang. Stay back."
"What?! Why would I-
"It's like she said. This is a fight beyond your level. She won't have her pawns intervene. Neither shall I, stay behind me this is a personal matter, that is a long time coming. And I would rather end this with my own hands."
Ozpin said as his hand began to glow even brighter than before as a searing light came out of his fingers. As the man began to glare at Salem as a high pitched whine of energy filled the air.

"Stay back. Everyone. This is between me and her. No one is to interfere. You would just be getting in the way after all."
Ozpin said as Jaune glowered at him, Pyrrha's dead body still in his sides. The flesh of his dead former partner still warm to his touch as he ground his teeth.
"Damn it! He's not backing down!" Salem thought as Ozpin ever the chess player was well aware of his weakness. And was keen to end this battle before it even began. As he readied for combat his wings flying out, like giant glowing yellow knives. That roared with yellow flames that hurt her too watch directly.
"Everyone. If I am to fail-
"You will not fail mistress. I believe in you."
Cinder said the alpha fox interrupting her mistress as Salem smiled as she let the slight fall.
"Be that as it may I must have a plan for you all. I fall go home. Cinder you will choose a leader from the rest of us."
"Yes, mam."

"Good. Now the rest of you? Listen to Cinder. If I'm not here she's in charge."
Salem said as her new paws faces fell, all fo the Grimm mind the pun faced as she turned around to Ozpin as he cracked his neck.
"Done picking your successor? I imagine that they will have quite the boots to fill after you fall."
He said mockingly as Salem grinned.
"Are you not going to pick a successor brother?"
"No need to. I'm going to win after all."
Ozpin said with absolute belief as Salem suppressed a shudder or doubt that began to creep into he mind. Ozpin was the better fighter. He could easily beat her, this was her fight to win. And she needed to be smart.
"Buy time."
"Really? Are you that sure that you can beat me, little brother?"
Salem asked in a baiting tone as Ozpin bit.
"Little? I am the older one sister dearest."
"By ten millennium!"
"That is irrelevant, I an the older one and I will kill you."
"Well, you could at least try to humor me? If I am to die I would like to know which of your.. tools that you favor the most?"
"I favor them all equally."
"No favorites?"
"I'm not you. I don't get attached to my things." Ozpin said as Jaune glared daggers at him as Yang's growl dropped as she looked worriedly at her god.
'Really? WIll you to do me this one last kindest before I die? For old times sake?"
"Fine. If it will silence you. Jaune. If I die you get Beacon."
"I don't want it!"
"To bad. Now-
Ozpin never finished that word as Salem ducked her hands down as a large black orb appeared shuddering in mid-air before popping! A part in a burst of chaotic energy as a massive tentacle shot out from her palm. Impacting Ozpin with the force of a comet sending him flying into the air. As the god flew back into the air like a burning gold star. As Salem rocketed after her power at full as her eyes glowed hotter than fresh blood as the fight began.

"Need to be fast! I can't let him take the advantage!"
Salem thought to catch her brother mid-flight as her tentacle stuck him dead in the chest knocking him back into the air as-
"A surprise attack? What did I expect?"
Ozpin asked lazily as he corrected his course with practiced ease and shot to his sister.


Salem cried as the man punched her dead in her jaw. Making a loud whap! Sound of flesh on fire filled the air as Ozpin decked his sibling hitting her right in her cheek with a burning haymaker sending her crashing into the ground below.
Salme hit the ground like a comet, crashing clear into the Emerald forest tearing apart several trees. Reducing them into a broken shattered pile of twigs and leaves. As she laned hard into the ground creating a massive gouge appear on the ground as the woman groaned grunting in pain as her cheek burned. Fire spread on her cheek eating into her flesh making the deity howled. Internally as she felt her molecules being dissected.

"Take that!"
Salem hissed as four orbs of energy at her rother. Hurling a trio of bowling ball size sizzle black orbs at him. Makin Opzin duck and dodge around them with contemptuous ease.
"Is that all you can do? I'm disappointed."
The god said tiredly as he rocketed downward to his sisters prone for intent o run her through like a shish kebab, only for Salem to girn as she flipped her hand as a dark bolt of energy popped!
From behind him as her trap was sprung.
Ozpin hit the waiting tentacled lurker full force. Screaming as the chaotic angry energy coursed into him.

The deity hissed as Salem's orbs of chaotic power coursed into him, rearranging his very molecules as Salem lashed out like a cornered animal. The younger sibling knew that she had limited time to kill her brother. And if this did not work she would be killed instead. And as much! As Salem might have flaunted her power she was not omnipotent as she had led her minions and just about anyone else who had the faintest! An inkling of her being to believe. She was fragile, she might be harder to kill than most living beings but she was jsut that, a living being. She was alive and she could be killed like anyone else.

"Just die!"
Salem yelled looking her hands together and delivering a double uppercut to Ozpins jaw. Concentrating all of her energy into her fists. Making Opzin gag! As she smacked him on his chin sending the thing up to the clouds as she flew after him. Ozpin was on the back foot for now. And Salem needed to kill him soon.
As the god's arc reached its crescendo Slamem crashed itno him. Lcokingehr hands around Ozpins neck, making the deity gasp! As Salem gripped his neck choking the life out of her brother. Forcing her own chaotic energy into him making him scream in pain as the man yelled and-
Salem cried as her back burned. Ozpin winds fried itno her, the elder sibling ow's trap spurn as Salem was too caught up in killing her brother as quickly as possible as her back was signed.
By her brother's wings, as the flowing golden knifes fired lines of pure flame into her. Filling Salem's back with the raw energy of creation. As her brothers attack made Salem screamed as he sighed.
"Did you think that I would be killed that easy?"
Ozpin asked as his flaming blades stopped firing only long enough for him to land an uppercut to Salem's gut. Making her eyes bulge out of her skull as he sent her flying back as the deity caught herself in mid-flight. Correcting her course as her spinning vison fixed itself, as she took int he destruction of the fall.
Vale burned.
The vast majority of the city was a flamming smoldering mess, the holocaust unleashed by her son, had killed thousands upon thousand of faunus and hundreds of humans. Salem regretted the loss of human life, she did not like it when her children died for any reason. Unless they had completed the steps, that is.
Salem would have like to pray for her lost children but needs come as needs must, as Salem drew up her arms, purple energy flowing together in a guard as she bothers flew at her, his cane swore to flash out as Salem narrowly by the skin of her teeth.

Avoiding being sliced in two as she twisted out of her brother's attack rolling out of his attack and summing more orbs. Sending another volley of glowing dark orbs in his direction that he batted aside with a lazy ease of a man with only half of his heart in the fight, as the man sent lighting bolts of raw yellow energy at Salem as she returned the fire with her own dark projectiles of chaotic energy as the two deities began to duel and the final battle began.

Salem had a plan, it was not the best plan but it was a plan non the less. As she ducked and twisted out of the volleys of energy fire that her brother sent at her. Each lancing bolt of energy that her brother fired coudl send any known matter in creation into a messy formless sludge. Flew at her, Slame knew she had to fight.
Ozpin might have only been able to maintain his form for five minutes before breaking apart but! For those five minutes, he was near unbeatable, as every second he would grow even more powerful. As his power would only increase until it fizzled out and faded like a candle that was snuffed.
As Salem grimaced narrowly avoiding being bifurcated by a trio of searing energy bolts she grimaced as Opzina attacks where only getting faster and more powerful as she grunted in exertion.

Salem and Ozpin where the literal opposite of one another. While the sun moon analysis was accurate it was woefully under simplified. As the two were literally the opposite. Ozpin using the literal energy of creation why she was the balance.
Ozpin manipulated matter Salem destroyed it. She was the only being capable of putting the thing down for good. She was the insurance plan of their creators...

When the brothers made this plane of life they did not fully trust Ozpin not to become a tyrant of the universe that they had built for him to steward. So to prevent that from happening they left for him some safekeeping as Salem was brought into existence as the balancing act. She was there to keep Ozpin in check. To counter him at every turn, when Ozpin would create she would destroy. Where he built she brought down. She and him where supposed! They were supposed to live in harmony! They were never! Supposed to be enemies. Salem and her brother were supposed to be the twin halves of all reality!
Birth and death. The beginning and end, when they brought themselves together there was harmony, but now?

Now there was chaos. Ozpin's insatiable desire for control pushed him to the edge. He wanted everything, he wanted to grow the world to the brink filling it with his creations and letting them flood the world for all eternity. Unfortunately, Salem could not do that. She was literally created to be his counter. The more Ozpin sought to bring order and control the more she had to breed chaos and anarchy. She spent years! No millennia!

Fighting her brother, creating counter moves and underhanded tactics, to control her brother's quest for power. And for a time, Salem held him in check.
She kept her brothers ambitions in relative check, but over time life was more like his chess games then she cared to admit and in the end, Ozpin won. Time and time again, he learned about his sibling's weaknesses, he countered them adapted to the universe they shared and over time Salem was bound for defeat. Soon her brother would grow too powerful even with! Thier deal in place of noninterference! The deal they made when thier initial conflict almost tore reality asunder. As they both decided that direct confrontation was often too powerful and they decided to act out thier final battle in a controlled environment.

Ozpin even made a planet! For them to duel on, he built them their very own petri dish of creation to settle thier differences where their pawns would fight in thier stead and the true winner would be chosen from this game. And Ozpinw as very good at playing games. A lesson Salem learned the hard way was her brother trounced her

Even when acting through pawns Ozpin was the better strategist. The better, thinker, the better fighter he was jsut her superior as much as he hated to admit it. Ozpin was the stronger sibling and even from the beginning in any conflict with her brother Salem was destined to lose. Or she was until a miracle happened.

Salem remembered that day even now when he came upon the downed human who was in the process of slowly painfully bleeding to death in the ice caps of what was then Mantle. Or would be as the dying human laid on the snow, bleeding out onto the snow as she appeared in a flash of light nearly crying! As her own death was approaching.
At that time Ozpin had just claimed his last win against her. Salem had been outplayed outmaneuvered and outthought. All her pawns laid dead, her castle was a smoking smoldering ruin of broken concrete and twisted metal deep in the Grimm lands and she was at her lowest. She was so low that she had snapped!
She was tired! Tired of spending her life taking lives! She was tired of having to be the bad guy. Tired of her brother lording over her that he was the savior of the universe. And that life was always worth saving and should be allowed to live eternally. She wanted to see what was just so damn precious! About saving lives, what drove her brother to want to grow to cultivate his creations so she did just that.

She saved Ferrius, she kept him from death and unlocked his aura. A thing that until then no human had ever had done to them. As she saved Ferrius she even spun him a tune about her being the moon! How ridiculous! Salem was fighting back tears the entire time as the human bowed to her feet, his freshly healed body covered in the freshly falling snow that fell from the heavens. Crystalized tears of the cosmos as Salem smiled.
She was beaten, she was defeated. She had lost everything and now? Now she knew, she knew how good! It felt to keep things alive to save a life and not destroy it.
As she let Ferrius go she was content to let things play out, she was ready to either die or let Ozpin win. As she left Ferrius walk away she had no idea just what her one act would lead to. She had no idea that when she unlocked Ferrius's aura that a bit! Of her stayed in him, as some part of her very being infected the human. Infecting his soul and making him contagious, as he unlocked the aura of other human's as a miracle occurred as overnight the entry of Ozpin's power base. His precious experiments turned against him as through one sinister act of kindness Salem regained a legion of unstoppable servants as the world changed.

"Just die already!"
Salem yelled as a spear of dark energy shot out of her hands, slicing through the sky as Ozpin ducked out of the way as he sighed.
"Really dear sister? Is your vocabulary so insufficient that you are repeating the same phrases?" Ozpin asked as he dashed forward. As he appeared in her guard his sword crashing down to her arms where a flash! Of purple energy enveloped her arms in a corona of protective light as Salem held him off.
"You are just mad you weren't enough! You are made they had to pick me because they didn't trust you!"
Salem growled as Ozpins face lost its cocky smirk as he frowned.
"Shut up." He said bitterly as Salem grinned.

"Did I hit a nerve dear brother?"
Salem asked forcing Ozpin back as he growled at her.

"Our creators were not as... enlightened as I once gave them credit for."
"Really? That's your excuse? You used to sing their praises through all time! You lived for there approval! You sang their word and treated them like gods-
"I was a fool! I blindly followed their words and look what happened? Our world! Ours dear sister was filled with chaos, pain, suffering, and death, and I sought to fix that."

"Brother. You can't have life without the end. You need to keep balance in all things. Surely you know this?"

Salem asked as her arms fell as she tired much to her chagrin tried negotiation with Ozpin. A useless tactic at most as-
"You are almost there sister. A normal man can not keep life without death but, I am far from ordinary. I am a god! I am the sun! The creator of life! I will make a world for all my creations to live for all time! I will make a heaven. a paradise for life sister. Don't you see where I am coming from?" Ozpin asked as his eyes lost some of their anger as Salem sighed.
"You may make your heaven but, know this it will be filled with horrors," Salem said in a calm voice as Ozpin snarled.
"Shows what you know, you are as closed minded as ever."
"I am not brother, I am the only one thinking. You are not perfect, your energy consumes all it touches. If you do not balance it with my own, your creations will all die."
"Not if the just accept me into their hearts! Something that humanity was supposed! To do! Until you stole them from me!"
"I stole nothing"!
Salem barked before Ozpins sword lashed out slicing open her cheek. Making Salem scream as hot red blood flowed from her cheek as she howled dashing back in mid-air as her cheeks wound refused to close as her eyes glowed.

"Oh are we mad-
Ozpin froze as Salem howled. Her mouth letting go as an ear-splitting screech as her arm shot straight up as a massive, eldritch tentacle shot out of her hand. Launching straight up into the sky breaking clean past the cloud cover and going straight up as Ozpin raised an eyebrow at her.
"What are you doing sister? What are you aiming at?"
Ozpin asked as his sibling's tentacle launched into mid-air, as it shot straight to the moon? Ozpin thought as Salem's tentacle reached into the sky as she hit the moon with her appendage.
"Are you trying to run? I assure you I will chase you to space-
Ozpin froze as Salem's tentacle reached into the sky as it crashed into the very moon, attaching itself to a chunk of the celestial body, wrapping itself around the piece of space rock as she pulled.
Ozpin's jaw dropped as Salem screamed as she pulled with all of her strength. As she gripped a chunk of the moon itself forcing it down past the atmosphere, creating a massive red blur in the sky. As she brought down a massive chunk of it straight down into the night.
"You have got to be joking."

Ozpin deadpanned his body to stunned to move as a literal chunk of the moon was forced itno the atmosphere. As his mouth fell open as a massive red comet appeared in the sky. Falling like a massive jagged tooth! As Ozpin was left momentarily dumbstruck at the sheer absurdity of his sister pulling down a sizeable chunk of the moon, in the sky, as a flaming comic shard of hatred and fear crashed past the cloud barrier and slammed into him.

Making a noise so loud that it was felt rather than heard. As a chunk of the moon half, the size of Vale itself slammed into Ozpin.
The moon shard hitting Ozpin like a meteor. As the moon chunk crashed into her brother an extinction level event was triggered in the forest far away from Vale as the chunk of the moonstruck Ozpin head on.

Hitting him full force and slamming into the ground. Instantly a thunderclap of air came into the sky as every tree within a twenty-mile radius was pancaked. Laid flat into the ground, as the meteor's impact rocked the woods kicking up a mushroom cloud of dust that blocked out the very object that it hailed from. As the shock wave of the extinction event shot out half of Vale was put out. The flames that once consumed the city put down in a moment as the meteors impact wave extinguished as half of Vale went still. Putting down most of the still standing buildings. Knocking them flat to the ground shattering metal and brick as the massive flaming shard of the cosmos crushed her brother, making Salem grunt in exertion as she laid her brother flat. Finally, ending thier struggle of over a thousand years as-
A yellow blur popped out form the meteor as a blur of bright yellow flashed out as-
Ozpin said as he teleported next to Salem completely unfazed by the comet strike looking as cock and as confident as he always did as he flashed out his sword. Taking Salem dead in the chest. Making her cry out in pain, as blood spewed from her chest as Ozpin's sword bit deep into her flesh. Making her cry out as he forced her back. Her eyes flashing in shock as her brother was completely unfazed by the comet strike.

"Did you really think that a little thing such as a hunk of rock? Would stop me? Please, don't insult me." Ozpin said before turning his sword on his sister. One lurching forward string her across her gut, making her scream in pain as he sighed.
"I know you are smarter than that sister. Don't make me look bad will you?"
Ozpin asked as Salem was forced back as he sighed as Salem cried in pain...

Ozpin was not what you would call a vindictive being. He was not overly kind mind you but he was not cruel. Or maybe he was, but he had his reasons. Form the beginning of time Ozpin had one mission. To create. He was given the power to make life! To shepherd and form living things to perfection! The brothers had told him to make a perfect life form and so he tried.
He worked for eons tirelessly crafting and shaping the raw energy of creation into the perfect form! And for a time it was nice. It was just Ozpin and his work. No brothers, no distractions, just Ozpin, his crafting tools, and silence. That was until she came in.
The brothers in thier complete omnisentience had decided that Ozpin needed a leash. They said that he would consume the world as he knew it. They told him that if left alone he would destroy everything he ever created.
It was ridiculous!

Ozpin was a being of creation! He was made of the raw energy that had first shaped the cosmos! How could he destroy? I mean he could! If he wanted to destroy things with his power but that would be against his very existence! Ozpin was made to build, to create! To fasten and weld the raw matter of reality, taking the raw energy of the cosmos and fashion it into pure!

Perfection, and for a while he did, that was until she came in. When the brothers came back after thier leave of absence. Ozpin would admit to feeling a bit of fear run down his spine. After all his creators had left him to make new life, a new universe and they left him alone to Sheppard this one. The only reason that Ozpin thought that they could return was either they had forgotten to tell him something and he highly doubted that, or he had disappointed them in some way. And that was something Ozpin did not want to happen.
Ozpin had grown quite accustomed to the existence and now the fact that his very existence might be coming to a violent end sent shivers down his back. Only to be replaced with curiosity as he saw her, his sister.

The brothers believed Ozpin needed a check, an equalizer in his life so to speak so they left Salem to act as that. Where Ozpin would create she would destroy, where he built she would rip down. Were he brought order she bought chaos. Needless to say, Ozpin was not pleased with that at all. He was none too pleased to be told that he was now forced to share his universe with a being that was near his level of power and whose whole reason for existence was to go directly counter to his own goals as Salem smiled warmly to him and offered Ozpin her hands so that they could work together as equals.
And to Ozpins great surprise for a time things were actually good. No, they were great!

Salem was perfect! For his needs, as good as Ozin thought he was at creating life he was not perfect, far from it really. And more often than not in his pursuit of a perfect life from he failed and made an abomination. A powerful beautiful abomination but an abomination none the less. In the past when mistakes happened Ozpin banished them to the far corners of the universe, where they could live out thier squalid wretched existence in silence away from him and his inevitable perfect creation.
With Salem, she saved him some work. When Ozpin made a life form that was not optimal or failed in a creations Salem would destroy them. She acted like a street sweeper for him. Eliminating all of his failures allowing him to much more easily concentrate on his real project as Salem cleaned up his mistakes.
For a time thier relationship was mutually beneficial if not downright cordial. Ozpin appreciated his sibling ability to create genocide on a universal scale and with recourses after thier process where allocated back to him Ozpin was able to focus on his main task, working again and again until he did it!

It was a miracle when Ozpin first made the perfect lifeform. The answer was so simple! For millennia he was working with the esoteric the ephemeral, trying to make a completely new life form that fit all of his standards while making sure it was perfect! That was a mistake, in reality, if Ozpin wanted perfection he need only look in a mirror. He was the product of the brother's, he was the literal creation of two perfect beings so if he was to make more perfect beings it only made sense to start off with thier frames. As he crafted them in his own image.
He called his creations the faunus. They looked like him bipedal like creations that could walk on two legs and interact with the world capable of reason and logic. And every last one of them was filled with his essence. Ozpin loved them with all of his heart.

The twin legged creatures that he made sure! To promise the universe too, as he set out perfecting the faunus. Taking every step that he could to make them the perfect! Life forms.

"Why don't you quit? Sister you know you can't beat me, right? Surely you know that I am the superior being?" Ozpin asked as his sister attacked him with the fury of a cornered animal. Her eyes glowing redder than blood as she attacked Ozpin. Her hands letting loose a flurry of projectiles of antimatter. The opposite of Ozpin and that if any of her attacks actually landed? Would cause severe damage to the deity alogn with excruciating pain, but none did. As Ozpin dodged out of his sibling attacks with a bored ease.
Really, Ozpin was the elder sibling for a reason. He was stronger, faster and above all and most importantly smarter than his sister. And he would show her that today. As Ozpin attacked his tie was over halfway up and he needed to finish this. Salem was near death and he was ready to put her out of her misery as he began to attack her.
Killing Salem was not hard. And if not for his own words a millennia ago Salem would have long ago shuffle off her mortal coil. As Ozpin's own noninterference doctrine came back to haunt him, as Salem showed her uncanny ability to pull rugs from under feet. Taking what had once! Been a sure fired win and making him suffer for years. Normally people would hold a grudge over millennia of pain but Ozpin was not most people. No grade was petty, Ozpin was not mad at his sister just disappointed.

"You know me and you once worked together?" Ozpin asked as his wings fell on his sister, they six golden appendages of his true form falling and dissecting his sister.
Two wings poured the fire of creation on her while the others tore her apart. Making her choose between stopping the swift! But painful strikes of is wings and his real sword. Or being burned alive by his other wings. Not a good choice really.
Ozpin reasoned as he fought his sibling.
Salem was losing, scratch she that she was more than losing she was dying quickly.

Ozpin was tearing her apart, using his four wings to her into bits. Every time she tried to attack two of the winds poured eh fires of creation on her. Making her block the attacks only to have her body assaulted by his other wings. As they sliced her apart. Currently, she was bleeding from her chest and stomach. Her past wounds barely covered up as she bled onto the Emerald forest. Her life fluids leaking out of her gut as her brother attacked her.

"He's so angry. He's always been like that." Salem thought as Ozpin attacked her. His sword relentlessly hounding her as she attempted to distance herself from her brother. A pointless move as Ozpin gave chase to his sibling hounding her across the forest like a man possessed.
Ozpin was like a flame. Or that was how the brothers described him to her all those years ago before she was introduced to her sibling. The brothers said Ozpin was a fire, bright and powerful. And while it was essential! In the creation of life, it was also the destroyer of all it made. Ozpin like a fire sought to grow. To expand its power and shape and encompass as much of reality as it could. And just like a flame to a dry grass the moment Ozpin did that. The moment his actual form touched something else that was not thier creators, him or herself he destroyed it.

Images of that poor Spartan girl entered her head, the mental screams of anguish from the girl as she was unwound filled her head as Salem frowned. As she saw the poor girl unwound by even a fraction of Ozpin's true power. Her brother believed that if he could find a way to successfully merge himself with the things he created. If he could make a host capable of housing his essence while able to reproduce with itself and not fall apart, he would have made the perfect! Lifeform and he was driven to complete this task. Ironically just like the flame, he was his passion had consumed him, just like a swift blaze consumes a forest.

Ozpin was lost, even now Salem had to bite back tears at the sight of her brother. Ozpin was a shell of his former self. When she first met her bother he pulsed! With energy with life! She saw the literal sun itself in his eyes. He was raw creation, a being dedicated to spreading life throughout the universe and willing to create, and more importantly. Let his creations be destroyed. The universe was not meant to handle either of them directly so they played an observation role. Ozpin made life when he found that the things he made did not meet his standards he destroyed them. Or he let Salem do it and for a time it was perfection between the two before Ozpin did the unthinkable! Making the perfect beings he called the faunus as he did the worst thing possible. He grew attached...

Salem cried out in agony as Ozpins wing pierced her leg, rooting her to the forest floor. Making her howl in agony as her leg burned as-
"Now you see what happens when you resist me? You should have kept out of my affairs sister. You need not die." Ozpin said tiredly as Salem glared at him, her eyes spitting defiance to her brother as she ground her teeth.

"I did nothing! I-
"You stole everything from me!" Ozpin bellowed all traces of clam leaving his voice as he seethed.
"You took everything! You took my children-
"They were never yours! You didn't make humanity! I did! They are my children! Not yours!" Salem screamed at her brother as tears flowed from her face as Ozapin paused.
"You didn't make them brother! You made your precious faunus! And I! For the first time ever! Made something of my own to counter them! And-
"And you made them perfect,"

Ozpin said in a low far off voice that sounded like a far-off thunderstorm as he begna to seethe. As his already burning body began to glow even brighter. "You... who had never even dabbled! In creation, you who only existed to destroy what I! Painstakingly built. To tear down years, upon years of my blood sweat and tears! You built the perfect! Lifeform on your first try!? Do you know how that made me feel!?"
"Terrible. You were so jealous that you stole them from me and claimed them as your own."

Ozpin began as he was for the first time in a long time at a loss for words as Salem even with her body wracked in mind shattering agony frowned. "You loved them so much. They where you! I made them thinking of you...
"And I thank you, sister. I truly do. I love humanity-
"I know this. You threw away your other children in a heartbeat for them."

"They were imperfect. What business would a parent have with a child that is less than perfect?"
"I am glad our creators did not have that attitude. When they were still alive that is."
"Ah yes... You know creating a being with the power to destroy you is never a good idea. Espically when you leave said being alone for long periods of time, giving it free reign to do whatever it pleases. I like to think they thought of that before we killed them."

"We murdered them."
"I know. I was there you know? With the help of me, you, the faunus and humanity. Or the original humans we killed the brothers and-
"Then you wanted me to clean up the trash."
"Of course. The faunus where no good to me. And the humans where as good as mine so why not get rid of them?"
"You said you loved the faunus!"
"And I spoke the truth! When I said those words I did love the faunus. Very dearly but now? I have my real children and-
"They will never accept you Ozpin. Humanity will never bow to the sun."

"I have you thank for that. Do you know how irritating it is to watch your children who you raised! From infancy to adulthood to suddenly reject you of their own free will? I mean really! I was supposed to unlock thier aura in a week! But you... you just had to be like me... you had to foster life at the worst time! And derail all my plans with one sinister act of kindness!"

"Humanity was never yours brother. They are mine, I made them with my own energy so that they could oppose you. They are not meant to be with you. Surely you understand this?"
"I do! But I can change it! I can make them better-
"You told me they were perfection. How do you plan on improving on perfection brother?"

Ozpin said as he was for the second to me that night at a loss for words as Salem sighed.
"You can't control everything brother."
"Yes, I can!"
"No. No, you can't. You can't be like them-
"Don't you say it!"
"Ozpin. You are not our makers."
"No! I am better than them! I made the universe into what it is! And I made this planet as my own personal pet dish! You and me where supposed! To work together to create perfection here-
"Until I did it on my own."
"Unit that." Ozpin spit as Salem sighed.
"And I did in one try, what you could not in thousands, I did in one fell swoop. I was better at creation on my first attempt than you ever could be. And you know why that is my brother? You do not understand life."
"Go on...
"You think of life as a great game of chess."
"It is."
"NO! That's where you are wrong! Life is not chess! It's not orderly or well-formed. It's chaos! It's anarchy! Its a series of random disjointed semi connected messes all forming together at the perfect! Opportunity to allow miracles that create the things we call life! I made humanity to embody that. To embody me. Growth. Change. Chaos. Destruction. Not order. Not control. Not obedience. Not chess pieces. I made them empty! I did not make humans just to serve me. I made sure they could chose thier path and gave them free will-
"And that's why I need to control them. Salem if life is not controlled it will destroy itself! I need my children to be filled with my essence not your own."
"Ozpin. That will kill them."
"Not all of them."
"Most if not all will die if you merge with them.'
"The faunus can handle my essence just fine."
"Becuase they are you! You built them to be able to contain you, and even when they do! They don't do it for long! Their entire culture is you! Just like humanity is mine! They resemble their creators! Ozpin! The faunus live on a brutal! But orderly caste system. Built of rules and regulations."
"That I never set out for them."
"You never stopped it! You hate what they became not because you hate them! But you see yourself in them! You see your self as nothing but a tyrant. A scared child trying to protect himself from a changing world!"

"Shut up!"
"Look at the humans! Sure they fight amongst themselves and they butcher more of thier own kind than Girm or faunus combined! They spread chaos and destruction but they so so freely! They love what they do! Human's are enjoying thier lives and the faunus? look at them. They are not satisfied with controlling themselves they must control the world around them!"
"Humans don't hunt Grimm. They don't seek to expand ther territory. They can just be! They can just exist without disrupting the lives of others! They don't care what the faunus do. So long as they leave them alone they can live in harmony! But when the faunus seek to control the humans like a fire. Burn them back. They cull life so that more life may grow, they keep life in check. They are mine Ozpin and you will never have them. Can you just let that be? "
"No, I can not."

"Is it that hard?"

"You know that it is. You built something by accident! That was greter than anythig I ever tried!"

"You will not find what you are looking for."
"I see."
"Enough talk. This ends, now." Ozpin said with a trace of anger as he readied his sword ripping out his wing form Salem's leg with a wonderful! Shower of blood as he charged her.
Ozpin was done joking around, and he was in no more mood to discuss. As he lunged at his sister his sword held out Salem readied her final act. She knew that she coudl into beath Ozin in a fair fight. Not while he was in full tilt. She needed to bait him and so she did. She got in his head, talking to him about the subject he was weakest to as she prepared her trap.

Right behind her was a pool of antimatter. She had taken all of her remaining power and dropped it there. She planned to let Ozpin stab her, fall back into the pool and activate it. Sending her brother into convulsions holding him, for the remainder of his transformation until he coudl finally be brought down in his faunus form. Where Salem could earn some respite before having to find wherever the hell he reincarnated to this time. As for some reason, the brothers made Ozpin nearly immortal.

And only the relics could actually! Put Ozpin down for good. Not that she knew where they all were. Jus that they needed to be all gathered for her to actually kill her brother. But this would do. Salem thoguht as Ozpin lunged at her as she readied her block. Ready to act! Like she was going to hold her ground take the stab deflecting it to her side. Making Ozpin fall past her and into her trap.

As her brother charged in a blitz of lighting and fire fate had a sense of humor. As Salem stood there her speech on life came back and played in her mind, as her words on how life was nothing but a series of random unrelated events all happened without the knowledge of each other. Interacting merging evolving into what you would call miracles! And sometimes miracles were not on your side.
As Salem braced for the impact that would take a lot to hold she screamed. The stab wound in her leg acted up. The place where Suzy stabbed her was still an open cut. As being cut normally did little to harm her but! When was it by her own power? Even a fraction of it was near fatal. As the wound in her leg flared up it cause Salem's guard to lower by a fraction! Of a percent, as her hand fell at a pivotal moment as Ozpins sword slashed clean past them right to her chest where it pierced her heart.
In a moment it was over. Salem's jaw fell open as her eyes burned bright than ever before becoming dull. As her legs fell to the ground as she gasped as her head turned to Ozpin and-
"Brother?" She asked one last time before the light faded in her coal eyes and she left the world.
Instantly a crimson shockwave broke the tree line. As every Grimm in a twenty-mile radius disintegrated. The monsters turning into puddles of goo as the death of ther mistress rocked them. Making the ones not dead scream a bestial roar of loss and sadness as Salem died.
Ozpin asked the fire burning from his eyes as all traces of hate, anger and grief left his face as he just realized the consequences of his actions. Salem was dead... His only sibling was dead... the balance to him was gone, and the world might suffer for it... Ozpin paused as a torrent of emotions flooded him threatening to overwhelm him before his iron will clamped down in his head, as he bit his teeth picking up his siblings body and with the last ounce of his power returning to the roof of Beacon...

When Ozpin and Salem left to end it the remaining figures on the Beacon rooftop where left in an odd silence. Neither of the two sides moving as they were both ordered to watch as thier masters fighting. Neither side willing to break the order as the Titanic sounds of combat filled thier ears, as a gasp was heard on both sides as a literal chunk of the moon was tossed down at some point by one of them as the two side fought-
"Jaune... come here...
Ruby said in an odd disembodied voice that sounded like ther where three people talking in her mouth as her blood red eyes filled with pinpricks of silver in the middle of her irises said glowering at Jaune. "No.'
Jaune said firmly as Ruby growled her long bony sinewy wings that broke out so grotesquely from her back not so long ago flapping in irritation.
"Jaune! I am your friend! Me and Nora are both! Your friends! Come here, come back to team Juneberry."
"Ruby. Salem is bad news for everyone. She will let us all die!"
"She only wants to help!"
"She will kill us."
"No, she won't! She's super nice! Like super! Duper! Nice! She make's pancakes so she can't be evil!"
"Nora. You know she's bad news. She's-
"She's like the mom I never had, I know that," Nora said bitterly. Her blood red eyes looking down as she gripped her vorpal black Warhammer tightly as-
"Dad? Is... is that really you?"
Yang asked as a tone of disbelief and fear crept into her voice as Tai smiled.
"Sure is Firecracker! How are you doing today?" Tai yang replied smoothly as if nothing was the matter. And he was not standing on top of a collapsin Beacon tower, with the minions of evil at his side, with skin white as chalk and eyes redder than blood as Yang balked.
"Dad?! What the fuck!"
"Whoa! Language little missy! You are going to set a bad example for Ruby!" Tai said waving a finger at his daughter and shaking his head as Ruby blushed.
"Dad! Don't embarrass me in front of my arch enemies!" Ruby whined her still adorable Vulf ears going flat on her head as her wings flapped in irritation.
"Sorry, Rosebud! Didn't mean to bud into your business!"
"Nice one!"
"Oh dear lord. He puns." Cinder said as she rolled her eyes.
"Tyrian will just love you. You know that?" The maiden hopeful said in a disdainful tone not willing to hear Tyrians laugh more than absolutely necessary, as-
"Ruby. You are my best friend. I don't want to fight you."
"Then don't! Come over here Jaune! We are your friends! You can have a home here. A place where you really belong."
Ruby said as for one moment Jaune thought about i-
A dagger was at his throat.
"Take one step to them and you die." Suzy hissed into his ear as he frowned.

"Ruby. You need to come here-
"Ruby! The world is in danger!"
"So what?! So what if this shitty world is in danger?! I don't give a shit!"
"NO! I don't care! This world treats me like crap! It treats me like I'm an animal! Ever day! I deal with looks, mean comments, people who think I'm not good enough to breathe the same air as them and I'm going to defend them!?"
"Jaune in some places I can't even work! I have also no job prospects, I will never be any type of official and if it was not for the hunter academies I would literally have nothing! No hope! Nor future! No anything! I have nothing to fight for here!"
"So come here! Let's change this world together! We can make this a better world for Vulf's!"
"It's not that simple!"
"Yes is it!"
"No, it's not! You know nothing about this Jaune! You are a human! You have the privilege of being strong! You don't get a threat for who you are! You didn't sit in class while the teacher calls on you repeatedly! To read the part of the biology book where it says you are a mistake! That you should not even be allowed to be born!" "Ruby-
'Jaune! Don't defend this shit world! Come with me! Burn this place down and let's build a new world! A better one in the ashes of this one!"
"I can't do that."
"Why not!?"
"Becuase good people are going to die-
"There is no good! The faunus suck! They are just oppressive controlling slave drivers! Jaune there is no saving them! They are not humans! They need to be culled!"
"Maybe. Maybe some are like that. But other's are not. I don't sacrifice other's Ruby. You know this better than anyone else I know."

"But you will sacrifice yourself. To save a few million shitty lives of ass holes you never met?"
"I'd do it to save one. That's what it means to be a human. To live a life that you want to live. No one tells me how to live and no one tells me how to die."
"Enough Ruby. There is no reasoning with a traitor. He will get his due desserts in time." Cinder said growling at Jaune. Her eyes alight with yellow fire and-
FATHHOOMM! A massive red shockwave filled the air as-
Ruby, Nora, Tai, and Suzy all screamed at the top of their lungs. The hybrids all fell to the ground n wit ear piercing wails coming from their faces as-
"Ruby?! Nora?! What's happening?!"
Cinder asked as her allies scored unable to hear her as-
"You! The doctor!"
"Yes, you! What's wrong with them?!"
"I don't' know!"
"Then find out!"
"How?! I don't have the tools-
"You have two minutes."
Cinder said as a fire appeared in her hand and-
A wall of light slammed into the top of the tower as-
Jaune asked incredulously as the faunus god-
No. The man came back tired panting and-
Cinder cried as Ozpin got up to his knees shaking before tossing Salem's corpse to her followers.
"She's dead... Go in peace and leave this place." "Mistress!?"
Tai gasped as Cinder caught Salem's body as-
Ruby screamed at the top of her lungs as her eyes flashed silver as a massive ball of light appeared on the tower as the enemy side was engulfed in a flash of silver and-
"What the hell?"
Suzy asked barley standing wincing in pain as the enemy was gone. No longer was Jaunce faced with old friends turned bitter enemies as the Beacon roof was now empty with nothing but the falling ashes of vale covering the space in front of him.
"They vanished...
Jaune said as Ozpins might cough up a thin line of blood and-
Yang said running to his side as he batted her way.
"Not now miss Xiao-Long. I have had a long day."
"You bastard! You killed my partner! You-
"Mister Arc. I just might have killed the only being in the universe as old as me. The only other being capable of understanding me as a perosn. I.. .for the first time in my life I am alone... truly alone and-
"So what?! You killed-
Jaune gagged as Ozpin threw his cane to his chest as Jaune blinked owlishly.
"What the hell is this for?!"
"The Academy."
"It's for the academy. Keep it."
"I thought you were only giving it to me if you died?"
"I'm close enough, I'm done teaching, I'm going to go and relax under a tree and close my eyes. Maybe a battleship will fall on me?"
" I don't want it!"
"Too bad."
"I won't take it!"
"Yes, you will. It's in your nature to want to help others. Use this, make this academy into an accepting school for all types, classes, and creeds. Or not. I really don't care anymore." Ozpin said as he shuffled out of the school and-
"What about me?!"
"You are fine Suzy. I'll write a report about you to Ironwood. You are safe so long as you stay here. It might be good to have a sympathetic headmaster to help things along though."
Ozpin said as-
"You are free Yang. Do as you see fit." Ozpin said snapping his hand as Yang blinked.
"What? Ozpin? The hell? I thought I was going to be the maiden-

"Take care of her Jaune. She'll need it."
Ozpin said as he began to walk to the ruined elevator shaft where he jumped down as-
"What the hell is wrong with your face?" Suzy shot back to Yang as Jaune sighed, as he held the dead now cold body of his ex-partner as he let his head fall as the sound of the burning city filled the air as he breathed out one word.
"Victory," Jaune said as he held Pyrrha's corps as the tower groaned...

"Troubling. This is most troubling indeed." A low heavy voice said as-
"Troubling!? You think this is just troubling!? Our mistress is dead! DEAD! How do you expect us to deal with this!?"
Tyrian asked his eyes bright and puffy. As he cried tears of rage and regret onto the table as Cinder sighed.
"Tyrian. Calm down-
"I will NOT! Clam down wench! You! You let this happen-
"Hold your tongue or I will burn it out. I am half a maiden but I will still kill you."
"Enough. Both of you. Salem would not want us fighting over who kills who. Now is a time for unity and strength. We have some new faces here so let's get to know our guests." Hazel said the panter faunus gesturing at the new arrivals in the room as two out of three gulped and shook with fear.
"My name is Tai Yang Xia-Long! I'm the proud papa of Ruby! And-
"We know who you are Tai. Let's start with you. The man, you say you are a doctor?"
"Yes! I-
"My name is James, Tiberius Malroque. A pleasure to meet you all!" The man said shaking life a leaf his faunus ears laid flat on his head, as he bowed tot he group of individual waving his hands as-
"Doctor? We already have a doctor. Wat's is this man any good?" Hazel asked as Wat's nodded.
"Oh no! He is not merely good, he is one of the best practitioners of medicine in our time! His skill is only bested by me of course." Wat's said adjusting his monocle as his cat tail swished behind him.
"So you vouch for his skills?"
"You think he will be of use to us?"
"Very much so. With him, on our team, I believe that we will have almost no more casualties of battle so long as we do not die in the battle."
"Very well. Now onto you little lady. You will excuse me if I say you don't look the type of perosn to be here so you will tell me who you are and what the hell you are doing in our castle."
"I am Alice Reinschnee. Heiress-
"To the Reinschnee fortune. Yes, yes I know who you are." Wat's interrupted as Hazel turned to him.
"Is she of any use?" "That is a good question."
"And that means?" "Well, it depends. If she is who she says she is she is a member of a powerful family in Atlas."
"We have Jaquess for that."
"I know but! Salem saw fit to bring her here. Even to give her a power near to Tai's so if she saw fit to bring her here then I think we let her stay."

"Fine. Now you two?"

"My name is Nora! Nora Valkyrie and I am awesome!" Nora said pumping her fist up as Hazel glared.

"I see... Normally just being awesome is not enough for you to join us. But our mistress picked you to inherit her power so you must be worthy."

"You bet you ass I'm worthy! I'm the best!"
"I see, now you?"

"Um! I'm Ruby! Ruby Rose! Nice to meet you?"

"You are doing great sweetie!"

"Hmm... You have silver eyes...

"I do...
"Noted. Now onto bigger and more important events. Cinder."
"Salem ordered you to pick one of us to replace her in the event of her death. Who do you pick?"
"Is that even a question? She will pick herself of course!" Wat's said almost spitting in disgust as Cinder glared at him once before-
"So Ciner, do you pick yourself as our new leader?"
"Even if she does I will never follow her!"

"You will do as Salem ordered Tyrian! Now Cinder who do you want to lead?"
"I think you should lead us." Cinder said as all eyes turned to the latest additions to thier family. As Ruby and Nora stood in the near back of the meeting room. Ruby to shocked by Salem's death and exhausted by instinctually transporting them here. As Nora bored with politics and with no more introductions now played with some kind of floating ball with tentacles as she flicked its limbs playfully.
"Me?! You want me to lead!?"
"She's a child!"
"She has silver eyes! Salem saw greatness in you, Ruby. Whether you knew it or not. Salem believed in you Ruby, she thought you could become something more than what you are, so what is your answer? You once lead team RWBY but now? Will you lead us in Salem's stead?"
Cinder asked as Ruby froze her former Vulf body going stiff as her chalky limbs shook, as her veins pulsed as her robotic hand lifted up to scratcher her head once before she nodded.
"Salem was one of the first people to treat me kindly. She treated me like a daughter. And I don't care if it was a lie or she was just using me. I won't let that kindness go to waste."
Ruby said in a firm voice as Cinder nodded.
"So you are our new leader?"
She asked as Ruby slowly walked up to Salem's old throne taking her time to go asher long boney wings flapped from her back in slow wide bursts as she sat down on the throne.
"I will, now everyone meet up! We took a big loss today but that' not important! Salem had a mission, a goal for us to accomplish and we are goign to do it. Now listen up and come close got work to do."

"Today marks the five-year anniversary of the fall of Beacon. As reconstruction crews have finally finished restoring the school to its former glory, the new headmaster Jaune Arc is still under fire for his controversial views on the faunus caste system. Many ask why a human is meddling in our affairs."
A voice droned on as a small pair of legs walked into the grass. It was a bright and sunny day somewhere far, far in the deepest most isolated mountain ranges of Remnant. As a human boy dressed in a short white shirt walked into a grassy field, tucked away between massive snow-covered peaks overlooking a lake as his scroll rang in his hand.
"A human meddling in faunus affairs?" The boy asked aloud before dropping to his knees to his original task picking flowers. "Mom will like this one."
He said as he gripped the petunias, the boy was shart only three feet tall with pale skin, and a pair of multi-colored eyes, one pink and one brown. And a mop of short red hair on his head as-
The boy froze as the sound of shattering glass filled his ears as he turned around.
"Why hello Politan. How is my favorite son?"
Neo signed popping! Into reality by the lake that sat next to thier cottage as she came to fetch her son.

"Great! I picked you flowers!"
"I love them!"
"Not as much as I love you but they are close," Neo said smiling warmly to the sun in her sky as she bent down to her son's eye level. Making her faunus ears flicker in a way she knew he found amusing.
"Now come on. We need to go home and wash up. Your father is coming home soon and your aunt Penny is making dinner."
"Aunt Penny is making dinner?! Score!"
The boy said as Neo giggled running a hand through his short red hair before picking him up.
"Come on you, time for dinner." Neo signed as both woman and son disappeared into a shower of glass.

"Oh really!? Why!? Why does this always happen to me?" A tired disgruntled voice said as a head slammed onto the desk with a heavy thump! As a mop of short blonde hair slammed forward onto a rich wooden desk. As a pair of gloved hands appeared running through the means head as she sighed.

"Why is the council so stubborn? It's just a pair of books!"
Jaune said aloud as he sighed, the transition from the old textbooks to the new as a bigger headache then he thought possible. The council was fighting! Him tooth and nail every step of the way, but he was determined. No one would be made to feel unwelcome in Beacon for what they are. Human, faunus, Purebreed, alpha, Vulf. In the new school in his Beacon all where welcome and all had a place. As the man sighed looking up Jaune had aged well in the five years since the fall.
Ozpin made the transition into Beacon headmaster rather smooth for him, and so far? Things where good. Despite the minor hiccups here and there along with the occasional fire in the cafeteria and the minor Grimm escape from Ren's labs. The task of running a school for highly armed teenagers was not overly strenuous for the man. And so far it was not a bad idea. Or at least not yet, until he had to do the paperwork that is.

"Something wrong tall blonde and scrumptious?" A sultry voice that burned the air asked as a clawed hand ran over his head as Jaune smiled. "Hey Yang, how's it going?"

Jaune asked as Yang walked up behind him. The dragoness now grown smiled warmly at him. Her eyes a rich lilac as she wore a low cut blouse that did nothing to hide her chest. And a low skirt that was oddly Glynda like as she licked her lips.
"Well! It was going to be a shit day. A mountain of paperwork, a metric fuck ton of discipline reports to file out but...
The new dean of Beacon Yang said as the now matured dragoness ran a hand over Jaunes face. Tracking her long obsidian-like claws over his face as she licked his nose.

"But? You don't end a sentence with but Yang."
"It's better now." She said leaning over and kissing Jaune on the lips making the man go stiff as his wife kissed him full on. Stunning him for a moment before he gripped his hands around her back pulling her to him and returning the kiss lightly.
He and Yang had grown close... if the kiss they shared or the rings on thier fingers did not show clearly enough over the last five years. After the fall they were the only ones besides Suzy to see what happened and as such? A bond formed between the two a survivors bond type of thing and one thing led to the other nad-
"Did you drive Merol to daycare?"
"Sure did! She misses her daddy already!"
Yang said happily as Jaune smiled. His daughter was finally four years old and she was not liking the idea of having to not spend every day with her parents or her aunts but she just had to get used to it! And stop breathing fire all over thier house. Really the insurance premiums were killing him! Being a headmaster didn't pay that much and-
"Speaking of missing daddy... I know a certain dragon who could use a quick Yang. On the headmaster's desk? Will you punish the naughty deen? I think I need a spanking do you, daddy?"
Yang said almost purring as she flopped onto Jaune's desk waving him forward with a talon.
"Yang. It's three pm."
"So? What's wrong with having a little fun in the sun?"
"For one? I'm watching."

An irritated voice said as a pair of shimmering golden eyes melted out of the shadows of his office as Jaune coughed.
"Goddammit, Blake! Why are you such a voyeur?!"
"I'm not. I'm here to deliver my report."
Blake said to her old partner evenly as the new, combat instructor of Beacon walked into the office.
"Blake, you can call me Jaune you know?"
"I know but old habits."

"Old habits my scaly ass!"

"Babe. Your ass is not scaly."

"But it is nice."

"And you are a dean?"

"I'm the wife of the headmaster! I can cuss if I want to, I'll have you know."

"Jeeze! Do you always have to be a killjoy? You are worse than Weiss, you know?"

"Excuse me, I know how to have fun. I'm not her."

"How is Weiss?" Jaune asked Blake as she nodded.

"Fine. She's back in Atlas watching her Nice and Nephew."

"AW! They are so cute! Merol loves her cousins! Tell Winter to bring them over soon ok? I mean after we caught Jaquess working with the enemy, Weiss and Winter must! Have their hands full. I know Ironwood does and Qrow's to busy being a drunk specialist to always look after them."
"I'll see what I can do. But Jaune we need to talk." Blake said as the man nodded.
"Fine. How is the new blood looking? anything good? Please say yes." Jaune said practically begging for new skills in his recruits as Blake frowned.
"Honestly? Not good. I've seen Fang recruits fight better blindfolded and drunk off thier asses."
"Ouch. Fix it."
Jaune said quickly as the faunus nodded.

"Got it."
"Anything else?"
"Not really. Besides minor hiccups, some dust fires and a little cafeteria fire it's been quiet."
"Good. Nice and calm just how it should be. How's Suzy?"
"I'm fine.'

A voice said from his left as a pair of burning red eyes bleed into reality as a woman with chalky skin, red scalding eyes and wearing a black combat suit as Jaune screamed.
"Suzy! Don't hide in here when you are cloaked!" Jaune admonished the head of his security as she blinked owlishly at him.
"I was not hiding."
"Then what were you doing!?"
"Waiting for my turn to talk."
"And they call me a voyeur," Blake said as Jaune rubbed his head.

"A- Fine. What's the report?"
"All clear. I ran several security checks this morning and two since midday."
"No incidents?"
"None. The school is running clean."
"Good! Everyone good work! At this rate, we may even get bonuses!" Jaune said hoping to inspire! His top staff with predictable results.
"I won't hold my breath."
"WHO! Mama needs a new pair of shoes!"
Blake, Suzy, and Yang said respectively as Jaune smiled. Running Beacon was not easy at the best of times and downright nerve-wracking at the best of times but it was worth it always. And even with Ruby leading the Grimm? Jaune knew that deep down it was going to be alright. And if he faced Ruby again?
Well, Jaune would just deal with the bridge when he came to it, until then? He had a school to run.

AN: Well! There it is! The end of Endangered species! It's done! It's finally done! This fic was one helluva thing to write. I did not expect it to do as good as it did and I'm happy that it got so many followers. This fic took a lot to write. It struggled with plot holes inconsistencies and a lot of other things. But! I persisted even when halfway through I knew I needed to do a rewrite I pushed on. I got this story out piece by piece. And it's done! Now that it's over and I am getting over having to cut out all of the stuff from this story that I need for the reboot thanks for reading! And well to salve any plot holes here is how everything worked out.

Ruby becomes the new Salem.

Nora, Tai, Alice, and Malroque join the real villains.

Ozpin kills Salem and goes off to wander. The two of them are just different parts to a whole. Ozpin was there to make life Salem to cull it, to stop it from overreaching and keeping the population under control while paving the way for new life.

Jaune becomes the new headmaster of Beacon and makes the school a more accepting place for all members of faunus and human society.

There was supposed to be an Arc about Arcadia getting controlled by a rogue AI, and that was why Jaune's siblings actually stop coming to kill him but I never had time and I missed the pacing for it so RIP.

Jaune marries Yang and had a dragon faunus daughter called Merol.

Marigold died, no one knows what happened to her but Blake and she never talks about it.

Weiss become head of the SDC after her father is exposed while working with Ruby.

Yang's the new dean after Glynda.

Blake teaches combat.

Ren has Grimm studies and lab in place of Port.

Suzy is in charge of Beacon security thinking her team is dead.

Roman and Neo had a human kid named Soloman. And he her and Penny lived happily together in a secluded mountain villa for the rest of thier lives.

Qrow and Winter had kids one human on faunus and lived in Atlas.

That's it! I wanted to put so much more into it, but I decided to cut off a lot for the future plot in the rewrite for shock value so yeah! It's finally over! Endangered species has come to a close, the next story replacing it will be Branwen! Out sometime in about a week? Giver or take a day or two. About Jaune being raised by Qrow and growing up with him instead of his real family so there's that to look forward to!
The rewrite for this fic will not be called Endangered Species, it will be called Saint Victa and it might! Be out next year. Oh! And to anyone wondering if I will do a full RWBY Wolfenstein crossover? The answer is... Maybe... Just maybe... Until the lookout for the New order and thanks for reading, it means a lot..

"Why are you here? There is nothing left! Go back! Go home! Where are you reading?"


"What? You did what?"

"On one hand that is... New...


"Ok... I can do that, but do know that you need to do something about the whole... group...


"AH! I see! Good work, I'm sure that you will succeed swimmingly!"


"I knew you were the man for the job!"


"He, you are right. Let's get a move on, we got things to do."